Aiden: I wanted to let you know that I won’t be home for dinner tonight. I regret to tell you that I overheard your conversation this morning about replacing me. I know to you this is all about business. I have something you need, a womb. Apparently, that womb is not performing up to par. I’m taking too long to conceive and you’re having to endure my miserable company in the process.

I’m so silly. I somehow convinced myself that you had come to enjoy my company and that perhaps you might come to regret me walking away in the end as much as I have. I’m thinking that perhaps I should do it now instead. You obviously have another fish on your hook and you don’t absolutely need me for anything at this point. I’m going to take a night off and do some thinking. I’ll be back tomorrow to let you know what I decide. Maybe you could fill me in on your plans for letting me go then?