Page 71 of Steve Jobs

  liver transplant of, 482–84, 489

  low pass filter of, 120–21

  LSD used by, 10, 41, 384

  management focus mantra of, 359

  marijuana used by, 18–19, 32

  marriage of, 272–74

  in middle school, 13–14

  mood swings of, 157, 195, 223, 548

  music passion of, 19, 25–26

  Narcissistic Personality Disorder ascribed to, 265–66

  offensive behavior of, 5, 32, 43, 56, 64, 91, 101, 118, 119, 121–23, 124, 142, 146, 157, 166, 178, 195–96, 198, 223, 225, 461–62, 489, 565

  Palo Alto home of, 274–77, 278

  patents of, 375

  perfectionism of, 74, 183, 315, 513, 561, 566

  philanthropy and, 105–6, 423–24, 543

  as prankster, 12–13, 16, 26

  in primal scream therapy, 50

  product launches and, 165–67

  reality distortion field of, see reality distortion field

  religion and, 14–15

  resignation letters of, 215–16, 217, 557–59

  Russia visit of, 209–10

  selections on iPod of, 412–14

  sense of abandonment of, 4–5, 12, 50–51

  social awkwardness of, 13–14

  stare of, 38, 106, 172, 191, 193, 201, 203, 206, 303

  stock options matter and, 364–66, 448–50, 477

  30th birthday celebration of, 188–90

  Time profiles of, 106–7, 139–41

  topography obsession of, 130–31

  20th wedding anniversary of, 529–30

  vegetarianism of, 35–36, 82, 96, 155, 185, 260, 312, 454

  in White House visit, 192–93

  whole-widget approach of, 137–38

  worldview of, 119–20, 230, 315–16, 561

  Wozniak’s remote device episode and, 193–94

  yacht planned by, 528–29

  Zen Buddhism interest of, 15, 34–36, 41, 48–50, 128, 262, 564, 570

  Johnson, Ron, xiv 369–73, 377, 536

  Jones, Carr, 275

  Jones, Jeff, 524

  Joplin, Janis, 57, 413

  Joy, Bill, 236

  Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, 228

  Jump Back (Rolling Stones), 412

  Jung, Andrea, 321, 481

  Junod, Tom, 478

  Justice Department, U.S., 323

  Kac, Mark, 566

  Kahney, Leander, 138

  Kahng, Stephen “King,” 336

  kanban (manufacturing principle), 225

  Kapor, Mitch, 159, 188–89, 224

  Kare, Susan, 131–32, 144, 152, 221, 232–33

  Karen O, 500

  Katzenberg, Jeffrey, xiv 248, 284–87, 288, 292, 436

  ants movies rivalry and, 427–30

  Kawasaki, Guy, 298

  Kay, Alan, 95, 238, 474–75

  Kazaa, 394, 402

  Keenan, Joe, 72

  Kehoe, Louise, 304, 309

  Kennedy, Bobby, 331

  Kenyon, Larry, 123

  Kepler, Johannes, 561

  Kerwin, Pam, 241–42, 244–46, 431

  Kesey, Ken, 57, 58

  Keys, Alicia, 413

  KGB, 209

  Kincaid, Bill, 383

  Kindle, 503, 534

  King, B. B., 413, 487

  King, Martin Luther, 330

  King Lear (Shakespeare), 19

  Kissinger, Henry, xx, 28–29, 313

  Kitchen, Steve, 196

  Klein, Joel, 323, 509

  Kodak, 333

  Komoto, Hidetoshi, 147

  Kot, Greg, 423

  Kottke, Daniel, xv, 38–39, 45, 49–50, 51, 56, 67–68, 70, 86, 87, 89, 90, 140, 432, 497

  Apple stock options issue and, 103

  in India, 47

  SJ’s friendship with, 34–36, 103

  Kriegspiel (game), 35

  Kumbh Mela (festival), 46

  Lack, Andy, 400–401, 406, 407, 416–17, 421

  Lady and the Lamp (film), 243

  Land, Edward, xix, 8, 207, 567

  Lang, Don, 43

  Lang, Larry, 10–11, 16–17

  Langer, Andy, 396

  Lappé, Frances Moore, 36

  lasers, 15

  Lashinsky, Adam, 361, 531

  Lasseter, John, xv, 238, 239, 240, 244, 284–87, 289, 290, 291, 304, 438, 446, 452, 458

  animated film by, 247–48

  background of, 242–43

  Disney-Pixar merger and, 440–43

  Pixar headquarters and, 430–32

  SJ’s admiration of, 426–27

  “Toy Story” idea of, 285–86

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 189

  Lauren, Ralph, 251, 370

  League for Spiritual Discovery (LSD), 33

  Leary, Timothy, 33, 57–58

  Led Zeppelin, 402

  “Lemmings” (advertisement), 187

  Lennon, John, 51, 330, 331, 374, 524

  Lennon, Sean, 180

  Leonardo da Vinci, 80, 568

  Let It Be (Beatles), 412

  Levinson, Art, 321, 371, 447, 453, 454, 465, 481, 501–2, 518, 520–21, 558

  Levitt, Arthur, 321

  Levy, Joe, 412

  Levy, Steven, 166, 355, 393, 412

  Lewin, Dan’l, xv, 125, 214, 223, 231

  NeXT and, 212–13, 224

  Lewinsky, Monica, 278

  Lewis, Jerry Lee, 487

  Libya, 258

  Life, 14–15

  “Like a Rolling Stone” (song), 494, 570

  Lin, Maya, 127

  Lion King, The (film), 434, 439

  Lisa Computer, 110–12, 129, 130, 144, 145, 150–51, 154, 181, 200

  Atkinson and, 99–101

  converted to Mac XLS, 186–87

  failure of, 141, 160, 186

  initial concept of, 93

  launch of, 141

  Macintosh’s rivalry with, 136–37

  mouse of, 100–101

  name of, 93

  screen background of, 99–100

  “Little Green” (song), 414

  Little Mermaid, The (film), 242

  Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, 9

  Loewy, Raymond, 127

  Lohr, Steve, 282

  Los Angeles Times, 429

  Lost (TV show), 438, 497

  Lost Father, The (Simpson), 258

  Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (film), 307

  Lotus (software), 224

  “Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word” (song), 412

  “Love Lounge, The,” 432

  LSD, 19, 41, 57, 107

  Lucas, George, 238–40, 243

  Lucasfilm, 239–41, 243

  Luxo Jr. (film), 243–44, 446

  Lyons, Daniel, 494–95, 496

  Ma, Yo-Yo, 413, 424–25

  MacBook, 347

  MacBook Pro, 468

  McCartney, Paul, 524

  McCollum, John, 19–20, 21

  Mac G4 Cube, 445, 448, 459

  McGuinness, Paul, 421

  Macintosh, xvii, 7, 41, 99, 207, 229, 230, 234, 239, 337, 348, 379, 396, 445, 463, 474, 513, 526, 554, 562, 563, 565, 569

  Baez shown prototype of, 251

  Bicycle proposed as name for, 115

  bundling proposal and, 176

  circuit board of, 133–34

  clones of, 335–36, 447

  design of, 127–28, 133–34

  desktop metaphor and, 127

  disk drive of, 145–47, 186, 200

  engineer team of, 113–15

  factory construction of, 182–84

  fonts of, 130–31

  Hertzfeld and, 113–14, 128–31, 161, 166–67, 190–91

  hidden craftsmanship of, 133–34

  icons of, 131

  Intel chip in, 492

  launch of, 160–61, 167–70, 353–54

  licensing proposals and, 138–39

  Lisa design team and, 181

  Lisa’s rivalry with, 136–37

  media coverage of, 165–66
br />
  Microsoft and, 173–75, 177–79

  name of, 109, 142

  nickname of, 186

  1984 ad campaign for, 159, 160–65, 169, 187, 226, 325, 331, 516

  1985 ad campaign for, 187–88

  OSX system of, 366–67, 380

  packaging of, 134

  price debate and, 157–58, 195

  QuickDraw package of, 169–70

  Raskin’s vision for, 109–10, 128

  research team of, 109–10

  Russia sales of, 209–10

  sales of, 186, 195, 295

  screen of, 129–30

  SJ-Gates relationship and, 173–76

  SJ-Raskin clashes and, 110–14

  SJ’s end-to-end concept and, 137–39

  SJ’s European tour and, 184–85

  team departures and, 190–92

  title bar of, 131–32

  McIntosh Laboratory, 109

  McKenna, Regis, xv, 79, 85, 91, 93, 141, 151, 155, 162, 165, 188, 202, 215, 521–22

  McLean, Don, 413

  McLeod, Gordon, 508

  MacPaint, 180

  Macromedia, 336

  Macworld, 298

  Macworld conferences, 307–8, 322–26, 329, 336, 339, 366–67, 385, 415, 478, 479–80, 560

  Gates and, 325–26

  SJ’s keynote speech at, 322–23, 325

  Macy’s, 73, 164, 196

  Madonna, 402, 502

  Maffei, Greg, 324–25

  Magical Mystery Tour (Beatles), 412

  Maharaj-ji (Neem Karoli Baba), 37, 45, 46, 91, 543

  Malone, Michael S., 14, 307

  Manifesto (advertising campaign), 498–500

  Manock, Jerry, 73–74, 117, 128–29

  Mansfield, Bob, 460

  marijuana, 18–19

  Markkula, Mike, xv, 63, 82, 84, 101, 102, 105, 109, 113, 116, 131, 134, 147, 148–49, 168, 192, 204, 205, 208, 213, 215, 220, 298, 301, 310, 347, 351, 355

  Apple joined by, 75–76

  Apple left by, 319–20

  Apple II and, 80–81

  iMac preview and, 353

  1984 ad reaction of, 164

  SJ’s relationship with, 78

  Markoff, John, 57, 291, 384

  Marsalis, Wynton, 402

  Marshall, George, 457

  Martin, Steve, 290

  Maslin, Janet, 290

  Mayer, John, 413

  Meet the Beatles! (Beatles), 412

  Mellencamp, John, 413

  “Mellow Yellow” (song), 414

  Merwin, Mike, 209

  Michelangelo, 568

  microprocessor, 10

  Microsoft, 84, 136, 137, 158, 245, 289, 295, 296, 320, 334, 381, 463, 464, 467, 474, 495, 513, 518, 531, 533–34, 561, 562, 568, 569

  federal lawsuit against, 323

  goes public, 227

  iTunes Store reaction of, 403–4

  Macintosh and, 173–75, 177–79, 324–25

  MSN service of, 407

  NeXT and, 229, 231–32, 236–37

  Sand project of, 173

  Microsoft DOS, 177

  Microsoft Excel, 174–76, 230, 323, 324, 326

  Microsoft Media Player, 383

  Microsoft Multiplan, 173

  Microsoft Office, 326

  Microsoft Windows, 177–79, 230, 335, 515, 528, 534, 554

  1.0, 323

  2.0, 323

  3.0, 296

  95, 291

  iPod and, 404–6

  iTunes and, 404–6, 463

  NT, 298

  Microsoft Word, 160, 174, 176, 230, 324, 326

  Microsoft Zune, 406–7, 409

  Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 126

  Milner, Duncan, 332, 391, 498–500

  Minsky, Marvin, 185

  Miss Spider’s Tea Party (Madonna), 502

  “Mr. Tambourine Man” (song), 417

  Mitchell, George, 438, 442

  Mitchell, Joni, 414

  Mitterrand, Danielle, 184

  Mitterrand, François, 184, 185

  Miyake, Issey, 128, 256, 362, 532

  MobileMe, 531–33

  Moby-Dick (Melville), 19

  Modern Times (Dylan), 417

  Mok, Clement, 183

  Monkees, 413

  Monsters, Inc. (film), 432–33

  Moore, Fred, 59–60, 61

  Moore, Gordon, 9–10

  Moore, Henry, 151

  Moore’s Law, 10

  Morgan Stanley, 104

  Morita, Akio, 361

  Moritz, Michael, 90, 106–7, 139, 140

  Morris, Doug, 399–401, 403, 479

  Morrison, Van, 411

  Mossberg, Walt, 379, 463, 491, 503, 531

  MOS Technologies, 60

  “Mother” (song), 51

  Mother of All Demos, 58

  Motorola, 335, 446–47, 465–66

  6800 microprocessor of, 60

  6809 microprocessor of, 109–10

  68000 microprocessor of, 110

  Motorola Starmax, 447

  Motown, 399

  Mozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot (Restak), 424

  MP3 (music format), 383, 385–87

  MTV, 166

  Mucusless Diet Healing System (Ehret), 36

  Müller, Marcel, 38

  Mumford, Lewis, 57

  Murdoch, James, 504, 508

  Murdoch, Rupert, 504, 507–9

  Murray, Joyce, 206

  Murray, Mike, xv, 139, 152, 195–96, 197, 200, 203–4, 206

  Muse (band), 498

  Museum of Modern Art (New York), 445

  music industry, 394–95, 398, 399–400, 503

  MusicMatch, 406

  MusicNet, 395, 403, 404

  Myth of the Machine, The (Mumford), 57

  Napster, 382, 394, 402

  Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 265–66

  NASDAQ, 379

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 8–9

  National Medal of Technology, 192–93

  National Press Club, 228

  National Security Agency, 241

  National Semiconductor, 75, 79, 296, 297

  NBC, 400

  Negroponte, Nicholas, 185

  Nepal, 106

  netbook concept, 494

  Netflix, 545