Page 72 of Steve Jobs

  Netscape, 291

  Neville Brothers, 410

  Newman, Randy, 288, 432

  News Corp., 507–8, 523

  Newsweek, 165–66, 218, 236, 290, 323, 355, 393, 445, 494, 495–96

  Newton (Apple), 308–9, 338, 385

  Newton, Isaac, 69

  New York Post, 507

  New York Times, 228, 233, 281, 290, 291, 384, 408, 411, 451, 478, 494, 498, 504–5, 516

  NeXT, xviii, 166, 245, 246, 259, 268, 297, 363, 374, 445, 447, 458

  Apple and, 213–15, 217–18, 221–22, 298–300, 305–6

  Apple’s staff “raid” on, 213–15

  bundled features of, 224–25, 234

  circuit board of, 222, 233–34

  design of, 222–23

  electronic book of, 234–35

  failure of, 293–94

  finances of, 226–28

  Gates and, 229–30, 236–37

  headquarters of, 223–24

  IBM and, 231–32

  idea behind, 211–12, 214

  late release of, 234–36

  launch of, 232–35

  Lewin and, 212–13, 224

  licensing issue and, 231–32

  logo of, 219–21

  matte finish of, 223

  Microsoft and, 236–37

  name of, 219

  NextStep system of, 231–32, 294

  operating system of, 366

  optical disk of, 234–35

  Perot and, 227–28

  price of, 235

  reaction to, 236

  retreats of, 226

  sales of, 237

  unseen craftsmanship in, 223

  Ng, Stan, 387

  Nicks, Stevie, 479

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 119

  Nine Inch Nails, 397

  1984 (Orwell), 162

  Nocera, Joe, 223, 451, 478

  Noer, Michael, 497–98

  No Line on the Horizon (U2) 424

  Norton, Jeffrey, 494

  Novel (parlor game), 548

  Noyce, Robert, 9–10, 121, 537

  Obama, Barack, 495, 497, 555

  SJ’s dinner for, 545–47

  SJ’s meeting with, 544–45

  Obama administration, 258

  Oh Mercy (Dylan), 412

  Omen, The (film), 69

  “One Too Many Mornings” (song), 416

  Ono, Yoko, 180, 331, 374, 418

  OpenMind (mental health network), 265

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 363

  Oppenheimer, Peter, 460, 557

  Oracle, 283, 296, 349, 372, 545

  Oregon Feeling Center, 50

  O’Reilly, Bill, 508

  Ornish, Dean, 454

  Orwell, George, 160, 162, 169

  Osborne, Adam, 123, 135

  Ostrovsky, Alex, 410

  Otellini, Paul, xv, 447–48, 492, 493

  Otogawa, Kobun Chino, see Chino, Kobun

  Outkast, 418

  “Outlaw Blues” (song), 417

  Ovitz, Michael, 436–37

  Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, 225

  Oxford University Press, 224

  Oyama, Terry, 128–29

  Ozzie, Ray, 533–34

  Packard, David, xix, 9, 25, 306, 534–35, 569

  Page, Larry, 275, 511–12, 552

  Page, Rich, 136–37, 212, 214

  Palm, 459

  Palmisano, Sam, 333

  Panasonic, 356–57

  Pantone company, 83

  Paris Review, 255

  Parker, Maynard, 236

  Parrish, Maxfield, 91

  Pascal (computer language), 94

  P.A. Semi, 492–93

  Patton, George S., 2

  Patton (film), 203–4, 206

  Paulsen, David, 225

  PayPal, 410

  PBS, 227

  PC World, 395–96

  Pearlstine, Norman, 330

  Pearson Education, 511

  Peddle, Chuck, 72

  Pei, I. M., 128, 180, 224

  People’s Computer Company, 59

  PepsiCo., 149–52

  corporate headquarters of, 151–52

  Perfect Thing, The (Levy), 412

  Perkins, Tony, 295, 395

  Perot, Ross, 227–28, 231

  Personal Computer Festival, 70, 71

  Pfeifer, Herbert, 194

  Philips Electronics, 385, 388

  Picasso, Pablo, 330, 332

  Pileggi, Nick, 256

  Pininfarina, Sergio, 126

  Pinter, Harold, 204

  Pixar, xviii, 166, 242, 248, 304, 311, 314, 322, 363, 450

  ant movies rivalry and, 427–30

  CAPS system of, 242

  digital animation business of, 242–44

  Disney’s merger with, 432–43

  Disney’s Toy Story deal with, 284–88, 290–91

  financial losses of, 245–48

  headquarters of, 430–32

  IPO of, 291

  mass market debate and, 241–42, 247

  name of, 240

  Reyes program of, 241

  Showplace computer program of, 247

  SJ’s investment in, 248–49

  Toy Story premiere and, 289–90

  Pixar Image Computer, 240–41, 242, 245

  Plastic Ono Band, 51

  Plato, 19

  Playboy, 189

  Plimpton, George, 255

  Pocahontas (film), 289

  Podolny, Joel, 461

  Polaroid, xix, 8, 207, 567

  Pollack, Andrew, 233

  Polo Shop, 251–52

  Pong (video game), 43, 52–54

  Popular Mechanics, 59

  Popular Science, 170

  PortalPlayer, 387

  Portola Institute, 59

  Powell, Laurene, xv, xviii, 267–83, 267, 302, 365, 402, 452, 467, 476, 482, 497, 541–42, 554, 559

  background of, 269–70

  children of, 282–83

  College Track program and, 543

  marriage of, 272–74

  organic food company of, 274

  Palo Alto home of, 274–77, 278

  pregnancy of, 271–72

  SJ assessed by, 543–44

  SJ’s cancer ordeal and, 453–55, 483–86, 548–50, 555

  SJ’s first meeting with, 268–69

  SJ’s marriage proposal to, 270–72

  20th wedding anniversary of, 529–30

  PowerBook G3, 338, 373, 470

  PowerBook G4, 470

  Power Computing, 335–36

  Power Macintosh G3, 338, 349, 373

  PowerPC (microprocessor), 446–47

  President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 544

  Presley, Elvis, 487

  Press, Tony, 429

  Pressplay, 395, 403, 404

  primal scream therapy, 50, 51, 57

  Prince of Egypt (film), 428–29

  Processor Technology Corporation, 70

  Prodigy, 502

  Product Red campaign, 423–24

  publishing industry, 504–6

  QuickDraw, 169–70, 180

  Quittner, Josh, 506

  Radio Shack, 28, 139

  Radius company, 335

  Raduchel, Bill, 394

  Ram Dass, Baba (Richard Alpert), 34, 37

  Rams, Dieter, 127, 132, 343

  Rand, Paul, 219–21, 222

  Raskin, Jef, 94, 95–96, 108–13, 122, 140, 170

  Macintosh computer and, 109–13, 128

  ouster of, 113

  SJ’s clash with, 110–13

  Ratatouille (film), 441

  RAZR (cell phone), 465–66

  Reagan, Ronald, 192–93, 231, 547

  reality distortion field, 38, 52, 117–20, 140, 145, 161, 175–76, 179, 185, 186, 191, 226, 229, 235, 240, 454, 471–72

  Wozniak on, 118–19

  Real Jukebox, 383

  RealNetworks, 385–86, 395

  Red Herring, 295, 311, 395

  Redse, Tina, 187, 207,
209, 268, 269, 272, 529, 555

  SJ’s relationship with, 263–66

  Reed College, 33–36, 130, 432, 457

  SJ drops out of, 40–41

  Regular Guy, A (Simpson), 255, 272, 281–82

  Remnick, David, 228

  RenderMan (computer language), 241–42

  Revelation, Book of, 69

  Reyes rendering program, 241

  Reznor, Trent, 397

  Rice, Garrett, 298–99

  Richie, Lionel, 479

  Riley, George, 208, 466, 483–84, 485, 487, 557, 559

  Riney, Hal, 547

  Rio (music player), 383, 384, 389, 409

  “Road Not Taken, The” (Frost), 329

  Robbin, Jeff, 383, 387, 405, 409

  Roberts, Brian, 489

  Roche, Gerry, 149

  Rock, Arthur, xv, 78, 84, 90, 145, 182, 195, 198, 208, 215

  Rock, Toni, 208

  Rodin, Auguste, 151

  ROKR, 466

  Rolling Stone, 166, 397

  Rolling Stones, 412, 415

  Rolling Thunder Revue, 251

  Rosen, Ben, 84, 143

  Rosen, Jeff, 416–18

  Rosenbaum, Ron, 27

  Rossmann, Alain, 134, 184

  Rotten Tomatoes, 290

  Royal Society of the Arts, 341

  Rubin, Andy, 512

  Rubinstein, Jonathan “Ruby,” xv, 308–9, 342, 362, 405, 409, 410, 468, 470

  Apple left by, 458–59

  iMac and, 349, 351–52, 356

  iPod and, 384–87

  Samit, Jay, 408

  Samsung, 493

  Sam the Sham, 413

  Sanders, Jessica, 500

  “Sand” project, 173

  San Francisco Chronicle, 218, 333

  San Francisco Zen Center, 49

  San Jose Mercury, 42

  San Jose Mercury News, 311

  San Jose swap meet, 18

  Sapper, Richard, 127, 342

  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band (Beatles), 412

  Satoshi, Mizushima, 81

  Schieble, Arthur, 2–3

  Schieble, Joanne, see Simpson, Joanne Schieble Jandali

  Schiller, Phil, 336–37, 344, 348–49, 352, 362, 384, 387, 388, 405, 458, 460, 468, 491, 494, 501, 533, 558

  Schlein, Philip, 164, 196, 198

  Schlender, Brent, 311, 479, 495

  Schmidt, Eric, 321, 450, 511, 512–14, 545, 552

  Schneider, Peter, 287

  Schuler, Barry, 398

  Scott, Mike, xv, 82–84, 101, 113, 354

  badge number controversy and, 83

  ouster of, 115–16, 148

  Scott, Ridley, 163, 165, 187

  Scott, Tony, 187

  Scrabble, 497

  Sculley, John, xv, 148, 167, 170, 180, 187, 213, 214, 222, 227, 228, 238, 263, 299, 301, 302, 309, 319, 320, 323, 338, 353, 355, 569

  and decline of Apple company, 295–96

  1984 ad and, 163–64

  pricing debate and, 157–58

  reorganization plan of, 205–7

  SJ and ouster of, 200–204, 207

  SJ’s clashes with, 194–99, 216–17

  SJ’s courtship of, 150–54

  at SJ’s 30th birthday party, 189

  SJ’s working relationship with, 155–57, 168, 181–82, 195, 199, 215

  Sculley, Leezy, 155, 187, 203

  Seal, 329

  SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 313, 321, 481

  backdated stock options issue and, 450–51

  Secret Service, 278

  “Secrets of the Little Blue Box” (Rosenbaum), 27

  Segal, George, 140

  Segall, Ken, 329, 351

  semiconductors, 9–10

  Senate, U.S., 432–33

  Sequoia Capital, 75, 139

  Serwer, Andy, 478, 506

  Seva Foundation, 106

  Sex (Madonna), 502

  Shakespeare, William, xxi, 19, 224, 234

  “She Drives Me Crazy” (song), 271

  Sheff, David, 189

  “Shelter from the Storm” (song), 397

  Shockley, William, 9

  Showplace computer program, 247

  Shrek (film), 430

  Shriver, Eunice, 330–31

  SIGGRAPH, 243–44

  “Silicon Valley USA,” 10

  Simon and Garfunkel, 413

  Simpson, George, 253

  Simpson, Joanne Schieble Jandali, xv, 2–4, 89

  SJ’s finding of, 253–55, 258

  Simpson, Mona, xv, xix, 4, 250, 254–58, 272, 273–74, 281, 455, 485, 494, 547–48

  Jandali and, 256–58

  Lisa Brennan and, 282

  SJ’s reconnection with, 255–56

  Simpsons (TV show), 274

  Skoll Foundation, 47

  Slade, Mike, 458, 553

  Smalltalk (computer language), 95, 96–97

  Smith, Alvy Ray, xv, 239–41, 243, 285

  SJ’s clash with, 244–45

  Smith, Burrell, xv, 109–10, 113–15, 117, 134, 136–37, 141–42, 165, 189, 191, 277

  Smith, Gina, 310

  Smith, Kathryn (Kat), 268–71, 476, 486

  Smith, Wes, 233

  Snow White (film), 187, 290

  Snow White project, 132–33

  Solaris operating system, 298, 308

  SOL-20 (computer), 70

  “Someday Baby” (song), 417–18

  Some Girls (Rolling Stones), 412

  Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 313

  Sonsini, Larry, 303

  Sony, 125–26, 146–47, 361–62, 381, 385, 394–95, 404, 406, 408, 565

  music industry and, 394–95, 400–401

  Trinitron products of, 132, 155

  Sony Connect, 408

  Sony Walkman, 407

  Sorkin, Aaron, 456

  SoundJam, 383

  Soviet Union, 8, 209

  Spectra-Physics company, 15

  Spielberg, Steven, 291, 427, 442

  Spindler, Michael, 296, 335

  “Spiritus Domini” (Gregorian chant), 413

  Stalin, Joseph, 209

  Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 28, 61

  Stanford University, 9, 33, 57

  SJ’s 2005 commencement address at, 456–57