Page 16 of Exiled

  * * * * *

  Dinner seemed to go on forever. Lissa enjoyed the food, which was mostly fresh fruit and a few little creamy pastries, but she wished she and Saber could get back to their room. In fact, now that they had searched the ambassador’s private library and ascertained that the missing scrolls weren’t among her collection, Lissa wished they could leave for good. But Lady Sha’rak was their ticket to the sensation party as well as the other collectors on the list, so they had to stay.

  Lissa just hoped their hostess wouldn’t make her put Saber through any more torturous or humiliating scenarios. Her “slave” was on his very best behavior tonight—he had kissed Lissa’s foot when they came into the grotto and was keeping his eyes modestly downcast as he fed her—so she didn’t see how Lady Sha’rak could justify any more of her “training”. But she was beginning to see that the Yonnite ambassador did pretty much anything she wanted. Also, she seemed to really like the sight of Saber put into an uncomfortable or compromising position.

  Lissa couldn’t understand such an attitude—did Lady Sha’rak really hate males that much? Or was she taking out her frustration at her hidden submissive tendencies on someone else’s slave because she couldn’t take it out on her own? Or—

  Lady Sha’rak sighed contentedly, breaking into Lissa’s thoughts. “Ah, this is lovely, isn’t it?” She stretched luxuriously, allowing her relaxation robes to fall open, showing her breasts and a clean-shaven pussy mound.

  “Yes, lovely.” Lissa looked away and tried, unobtrusively, to be certain the thin panels of her own gown were covering her adequately. It was something she’d been doing all night and not always successfully. The silky peach panels didn’t want to stay in place—in fact, they seemed almost made to slip open at inopportune times and flash anyone who happened to be looking. Meaning Saber, of course. Every time her gown slipped open, she felt his eyes drinking her in and though his face displayed no emotion, she could swear that the bulge in his trousers got bigger at such times.

  Lady Sha’rak waved her body-slave’s hand away. “No more, Llewelyn, I don’t want to be too full to enjoy my massage.”

  “Massage?” Lissa asked, taking the last bit of fruit Saber was offering.

  “Why yes, you didn’t imagine I’d invite you to my relaxation grotto without planning any kind of relaxation, did you?” Lady Sha’rak’s blue eyes twinkled. “That would just be silly, now wouldn’t it?”

  “I suppose so.” Lissa cleared her throat. “But, well, who’s going to be giving the massages?”

  “Llewelyn, of course. He’s trained in all kinds of erotic massage techniques and I don’t mind sharing him, just this once.”

  Lissa put a hand to her throat, feeling suddenly ill. The idea of a strange male touching her, rubbing her all over, made her skin crawl. She couldn’t let Llewelyn touch her like that—she just couldn’t.

  Saber made a soft but menacing sound and Lissa turned to see him glowering at Lady Sha’rak’s body-slave. Clearly the idea of letting another male touch her also bothered him. Or maybe “bothered” wasn’t a strong enough word. His hazel eyes were blazing and a low growl was rising in his muscular chest.

  “I thank you for your kind offer, Lady Sha’rak,” she said quickly. “But it just so happens that my Saber is also well trained in all kinds of massage.”

  Lady Sha’rak shrugged. “Oh, very well. If you’re certain he can do as good a job as Llewelyn.”

  “Quite certain,” Lissa assured her quickly. She was relieved to hear the low growl coming from Saber subsiding but her relief was short lived when she considered what she had just done. She’d just agreed to let Saber touch her all over her body. Well, maybe it won’t be that bad, she told herself uneasily. Maybe he’ll just give me a back massage or—

  “Come on,” Lady Sha’rak said, sounding excited. “We can’t get massaged until you’ve experienced the pools.”

  “The pools?” Lissa looked around. “Um, all right—which one?”

  “All of them, of course! Come on, take off your robes and let’s go.”

  There was almost nothing Lissa wanted to do less than get completely naked in front of Saber—not to mention Lady Sha’rak and Llewelyn. But there didn’t seem to be anything else she could do. Taking a deep breath, she slipped off the loose relaxation robes and followed Lady Sha’rak to the steaming green pool.

  “Heat first, then cold, then warmth,” Lady Sha’rak lectured as she slipped carefully into the pale green depths. “Do you know how to swim, my dear?”

  “A little,” Lissa said. Her breath hissed between her teeth as she slid into the overheated water. “My, this is hot.”

  “Don’t worry—we’ll only be in the first pool a moment. The water here is infused with trantha extract—it opens the pores and cleanses the skin of impurities.”

  “It’s very nice.” Lissa found that she was nearly panting with heat as she stood on her tiptoes, swaying in the bubbling green water. She was glad she’d worn her hair up that evening, she didn’t want it drenched in the herbal smelling trantha extract.

  Just when she was feeling like she was getting seriously overheated, Lady Sha’rak cried out, “Switch! Into pool number two, my dear!”

  Lissa followed her out of the first pool and directly into the second, which was filled with some kind of pink foam.

  Extremely cold pink foam.

  “Oh!” Lissa gasped as she floundered through the super-cold fluff. “What…what is this?”

  “Barrian bubble snow, of course. Isn’t it lovely?” Lady Sha’rak ducked her head under the surface for a moment and came up laughing. She blew a large puff of the pink foam at Lissa playfully. “It shocks the system and closes the pores. Do you feel ready to get out yet?”

  “Y-yes, p-p-please.” Lissa’s teeth were chattering.

  “Come on, then.” Lady Sha’rak climbed out of pool number two and headed straight for the third one with its lapping, dark blue waves.

  After being alternately boiled and frozen, Lissa was understandably reluctant to go into the third pool. She wanted to at least ask what kind of substance she was going to be getting into but the ambassador didn’t give her any time. She slid directly into the dark blue liquid leaving Lissa no choice but to follow.

  To her surprise and considerable relief, the substance in the third pool was neither boiling hot nor freezing cold. Instead, it was blessedly and comfortingly warm and soothing. It had a silky, slightly viscous texture that seemed to coat her skin without clinging to it and a light, sweet fragrance that reminded her of exotic blossoms.

  “Ah, truly the best is saved for last,” Lady Sha’rak murmured, floating lazily beside her. “Go ahead and let your hair down, Lady R’awr. This is musqueet oil. It has a lovely conditioning effect without actually getting you wet.”

  “Really?” Lissa looked down at herself doubtfully but what Lady Sha’rak said seemed to be true. Though the viscous liquid surrounded her and held her up like a gentle hand, it did not make her wet. It did, however, leave a light, golden sheen on her skin and, as she rubbed her arm with her fingertips, she realized her skin had never felt so soft. “This is wonderful,” she said, taking down her hair and letting it fan around her shoulders. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “That’s because there aren’t many musqueets left.” Lady Sha’rak did a lazy sidestroke, dived under and came back up with the air of a confident swimmer. “They’re terribly endangered, you know—it cost me a fortune in bribes to get enough of them to fill this pool.”

  “Um…we’re swimming in some kind of animal secretion?” Lissa felt a little ill. “I thought this was another plant extract.”

  “Oh no, my dear—no plant can equal musqueet oil. They make it to keep their coats from getting waterlogged when they swim, you know. They live on a planet that’s entirely ocean so you can see why it keeps you dry while conditioning you at the same time.”

  “Yes, I see.”

  “We had to milk their hides for ages
to get enough oil. I put Llewelyn in charge of the operation—he’s very good at practical things, you know. Much more than merely ornamental as so many body-slaves are.” She shot her slave a lazy smile, which Llewelyn returned, and then looked back at Lissa. “I can’t help noticing that your slave seems to be more than ornamental as well. He appears to serve as your protector and guide as much as your bed toy.”

  Lissa sensed a trap. “Yes, I rely on him a great deal,” she said, trying to sound off-hand. “But in the end, you know, he’s just a slave. As you said when we first met, all males must be kept in check and subjugated.”

  “Did I say that?” Lady Sha’rak sighed. “I suppose I must have, or something of that nature. Well.” She pushed her blue-streaked hair back from her forehead. “Speaking of keeping them in check, let’s go get those massages now.” She snapped her fingers. “Llewelyn. My towel.”

  Llewelyn came at once. When she climbed out of the pool, he draped a pale pink towel as large as a sheet around her shoulders. He then proceeded to pat her gently all over, obviously taking care not to remove too much of the musqueet oil. Lady Sha’rak’s bare skin still had a faint golden shimmer when he was done.

  “You look lovely, my lady,” he murmured to her and Lady Sha’rak gave him a lazy smile.

  “Why thank you, Llewelyn. Come, take me to the table and show me your hands haven’t forgotten their skill.”

  “They haven’t, my lady. And I have some special warming oil to use on you tonight. On your more…” He paused meaningfully. “Your more delicate areas.”

  “Oh, you naughty male.” Lady Sha’rak giggled and slapped at him playfully. Then she looked down at Lissa, who was still waist deep in the dark blue pool. “Come on, my dear—hurry up. You have no idea how relaxing a massage can be after one has bathed in musqueet oil—you’re in for a treat.”

  “I’m sure I am.” Biting her lip, Lissa motioned for Saber. “The towel, please.”

  She’d been keeping her back to him as much as possible while she and Lady Sha’rak bathed in the various pools. But now she had no choice but to face him as she stepped naked out of the pool and held out her arms to be dried. Still, she found she couldn’t quite meet his eyes as he knelt at her feet and blotted her gently with the soft, fluffy towel. Instead, she looked away, biting her lip and feeling more exposed than she ever had in her life.

  “You’re beautiful, amalla,” Saber murmured in her ear as he finally stood. “Lift your chin—don’t be ashamed.”

  “I can’t help it,” she whispered in a voice so low she was sure only he could hear it. “I’m not…not used to you seeing me like this. Not used to anyone seeing me like this. And now this massage…”

  “Relax.” He brushed his knuckles gently over her flushed cheek. “I swear I’ll be gentle.”

  “Lady R’awr, do hurry,” Lady Sha’rak called from across the room. “We really can’t get started until you come over.”

  “Oh yes! I’m so sorry.” Lissa hurried over and saw that the padded loungers they had been lying on during dinner had now been converted into massage tables. They were raised to waist height and the Yonnite ambassador was already lying nude on her stomach on one of them.

  “Have your slave assist you up,” she directed Lissa. “And do hurry—we must begin before all the benefits of the musqueet oil are gone.”

  “Of course,” Lissa said as Saber lifted her gently and placed her on her table. “But you don’t have to wait for me to get started.”

  “Of course I do.” Lady Sha’rak sounded slightly cross. “Because I want your slave to watch Llewelyn and copy every move he makes exactly. Now don’t say a word,” she continued when Lissa opened her mouth to protest. “I know you say your male has training in massage but no one is as good at it as my Llewelyn. I actually had him sent away for a month to learn from the bishwa Monks on Clarity. I felt lost without him, of course, but the very first time he touched me after he came back I knew it was worth every lonely night I spent.”

  “That sounds like very specialized training indeed,” Lissa said faintly. “Um, very well. I’ll be sure Saber copies Llewelyn’s every move.”

  “See that he does,” Lady Sha’rak commanded. “And I’ll have Llewelyn keep an eye on him to be certain he’s doing it right.”

  Inwardly, Lissa groaned. Oh Goddess, what were they going to do now? She’d been telling herself that she and Saber could get away with just a back massage. Now, he was going to have to copy Llewelyn’s every move. And something told Lissa that the special training Lady Sha’rak had sent her body-slave to learn consisted of techniques far more advanced than anything she had mentally prepared herself for.

  Still, at least she was lying on her stomach with nothing exposed but the sides of her breasts. She closed her eyes and buried her head in her arms, keeping her legs firmly closed, and tried not to tense up. It’s going to be okay, she told herself over and over. Somehow we’ll get through this. Somehow…

  And then Saber’s strong, warm hands were on her shoulders, forcing every other thought out of her mind.

  At first Lissa was so nervous she could barely breathe, let alone relax. But soon Saber started kneading the tension that seemed to have gathered in her neck and shoulders away. He had a firm, steady stroke that soothed her mind and eased her body. And, most important, he wasn’t touching her anywhere that would make her uncomfortable.

  Before she knew it, her body was turning to butter under his touch. Goddess, she hadn’t been lying when she told Lady Sha’rak he had special training—he really was good at this! So good she could almost forget she was naked and in the position of letting him touch her in a very forbidden way.

  But it’s not like he’s touching anything but my shoulders and back and neck, she told herself with a sigh of relaxation. It’s not like he’s touching my—

  “Lower now,” she heard Llewelyn say. “Watch what I do and follow along.”

  Lissa’s heart jumped into her mouth as she felt Saber’s large hands slowly move down over her lower back and bare buttocks. He continued on, however, passing over her ass to caress her thighs and calves with long, slow, strokes.

  It’s all right, she told herself when he began to press his thumbs firmly into the arch of her right foot. It’s just a foot massage, that’s all.

  She relaxed again as Saber continued on her other foot and didn’t even flinch when he began kneading her calves. When he got back to her thighs, however, she had to admit that things were getting intimate again. And then Llewelyn said something that made her heart begin to pound.

  “This technique is called ‘sliding from behind into the gates of pleasure.’ It’s very advanced.”

  “I see.” Saber’s large hands were resting lightly on Lissa’s bare buttocks, as though waiting for instruction. “How is it done?”

  “First, have your lady spread her legs,” Llewelyn instructed.

  Lissa heard a soft moan from Lady Sha’rak’s direction and deduced that the Yonnite ambassador had already spread her own legs. But when Saber slid his hands up her thighs and applied gentle pressure, she tensed up and squeezed herself shut.

  If she opened her legs for him, if she spread her thighs, he would have a clear view of her swollen pussy. Lissa was almost used to showing him her breasts—although she never would have believed it possible. But the idea of him looking directly at her inner core and knowing exactly how excited she was becoming by this slow, tender massage was too much to bear.

  “Come on—what’s taking so long?” Llewelyn sounded impatient. “My lady’s waiting.”

  “Just trying to get the technique exactly right,” Saber said. Then he murmured, in a voice so low it was clearly for her ears alone, “Lissa.”

  “I…I can’t,” she whispered back, tilting her head back toward him and away from Lady Sha’rak and Llewelyn. “I just can’t, Saber.”

  “You have to,” he returned softly. “Please, amalla, you know I would never hurt you…”

  Lissa did know
that. It’s true, she thought. No matter what happens, I’m completely and utterly safe in Saber’s hands. It might be embarrassing to let him see her so vulnerable and open, but it wasn’t dangerous. He would kill or die to protect her and he would never, never take advantage if he could help it.

  Knowing that, she finally understood that she had to let him in.

  With a low sigh of surrender, Lissa relaxed, allowing Saber to part her legs and open her thighs wide. A cool breeze brushed over her exposed pussy and Saber offered a soft murmur of wonder when she finally gave in.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured reverently. “So damn beautiful.”

  “Finally,” Llewelyn said, sounding sarcastic. “Anyone would think you’d never serviced your lady’s pussy before. Now watch me and do as I do—place your thumbs just so.”

  Lissa bit back a gasp when she felt Saber’s thumbs land firmly on her swollen outer pussy lips.

  “Now rub,” Llewelyn continued, ignoring the low groan coming from Lady Sha’rak. “A long, slow, circular motion. The idea is to stimulate the clitoris without actually touching it. Bring it to full engorgement—give her pleasure without completion.”

  Lissa couldn’t stifle a moan when Saber’s thumbs began a slow, deep massage of her outer pussy lips. She could feel them pushing inward, nudging hard against the small, sensitive bundle of nerves at her center. And though part of her wanted to close her legs and hide her head in shame, another, deeper part reveled in the delicious pleasure she felt just by letting him touch her.

  “So good,” she heard Lady Sha’rak murmur and she couldn’t have agreed more. The intimate touch in such a sensitive, forbidden area was making her more excited than she could ever remember being in her life. She kept having a feeling like something was building within her—some peak of pleasure that wanted badly to happen. A peak she was sure she could reach if only Saber would keep touching her, if only he would never stop…

  “She should be getting wet now, if you’re doing it right,” she heard Llewelyn tell Saber. “Her pussy doesn’t need to be completely soaked—you’re not fucking her, after all. Not now anyway. But it should be slippery enough to take two of your fingers. Test her out if you’re not sure.”