Page 17 of Exiled

  Lissa’s heart jumped into her mouth. Kindred females had no hymens to form a barrier between themselves and any kind of invader but she still had never had anything inside her before. To her relief, Saber simply said, “She’s ready.”

  “Good. If you’re sure, flip her over. Time for a deeper massage.”

  Deeper? she thought but Saber was already turning her over on her back and smoothing his hands down over her inner thighs.

  “It’s all right,” he murmured, still stroking her gently. “Honestly, it’s going to be all right.”

  Lissa tried to still her pounding heart. “I know,” she whispered back. “I just…it feels so strange.”

  “I did when you touched me too.” Saber looked into her eyes. “But just at first. Then I felt only pleasure. Let me give you pleasure too, Lissa. Let me touch you, please.”

  Lissa took a deep breath. “All right,” she whispered. “Do…whatever you have to.” And closing her eyes, she let her thighs fall open, giving him complete access to her unprotected pussy.

  Llewelyn was already talking again when she finally relaxed. “Stroke the inner thighs first and take your time about getting to her sex,” he instructed.

  “All right,” Lissa heard Saber say. Then his large, warm hands were carefully kneading the tender flesh of her inner thighs almost, but not quite touching her core.

  “When you feel all her tension relax,” Llewelyn continued, “You can turn your attention to the inner, more delicate areas.” He murmured to Lady Sha’rak, “This is the warming oil I told you about, my lady. It comes from the Vendon sector and it’s said to increase sensitivity greatly.”

  “That’s lovely, Llewelyn,” Lady Sha’rak murmured. “Please go on and be sure to give Lady R’awr’s slave some oil to use as well.”

  “Of course, my lady.” Llewelyn turned his attention back to Saber. “Watch how I do it. Just a few drops at the apex of her slit. Then spread her outer lips and let it trickle down, making sure it coats the clit.”

  He must have suited actions to words because Lissa heard another groan from Lady Sha’rak’s direction and deduced that Llewelyn was using the warming oil on her. She was tempted to open her eyes, but there were some things she just didn’t want to see. And she felt less embarrassed if she didn’t have to watch Saber work on her.

  “Get ready,” she heard Saber murmur and then she felt some warm, slippery droplets pattering softly down on her vulnerable mound.

  When he spread her open fully, she almost gasped but somehow she managed to bite her lip and stifle the sound. It wouldn’t do to let Lady Sha’rak know that this was the first time she and Saber had ever done anything like this. But when the warming oil slid slowly into her open pussy and coated the sensitive pearl of her clit, she couldn’t help moaning aloud.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?” Lady Sha’rak said from the other table. “Llewelyn, I don’t know how you managed to get this oil but I promise you’ll be rewarded for your diligence and thoughtfulness later.”

  “That’s very kind of you, my lady,” her body-slave purred. “But the only reward I seek is your pleasure. Are you ready for me to continue the massage?”

  “Yes, please, Llewelyn—don’t stop!”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, my lady.” Llewelyn turned to Saber again. “This next part is the most delicate. You will be massaging the oil into your lady’s inner cunt and the utmost care must be taken. Use the pad of your right thumb and slide it gently—very gently—around her clit in a slow circle. Do you understand?”

  “Of course,” Saber said.

  But though Lissa’s entire body had gone tense as a wire, waiting for his touch, he still didn’t do as Llewelyn had commanded. At last she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “Saber?” she asked uncertainly. “Are you…is everything all right?”

  “Everything’s fine,” he assured her softly. “But I’d like you to look at me while I do this. I need to see your eyes to make sure I’m not hurting you.”

  “Oh…” Lissa whispered. Up until now she’d been able to bear the slow intensity of the massage and manage her embarrassment by closing her eyes, thus isolating herself in her own little world of darkness. Now Saber was asking her to give that up—to look at him as he touched her intimately, perhaps even penetrated her. Could she stand it?

  “Saber…” she began.

  “Please,” he murmured, a troubled look on his face. “Please, amalla, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “All…all right,” Lissa murmured at last. “I’ll watch.” When he still didn’t move she added, “Touch me, Saber. It’s all right. I…I trust you.”

  A look of relief and tenderness came over his face. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

  Then he spread her open and placed the broad pad of his thumb directly over her throbbing clit.

  Lissa gasped and nearly jumped off the table at the direct contact. She’d never had anyone touch her like this. In fact, she had never even touched herself like this. She’d been too ashamed to when she lived on their home planet and afterward, when she was living on First World in the temple, self-pleasure had been frowned upon and outright forbidden by Minverna.

  “Are you all right?” Saber asked, looking at her anxiously.

  She nodded. “It’s just…intense.”

  “If she can’t bear direct contact, slide gently around her clit in a circular motion,” Llewelyn said from his place by Lady Sha’rak. “Remember, you must treat your lady as gently as though she were a virgin. Pretend this is the first time she’s ever allowed a male to touch her and you are privileged to be that male.”

  “I think I can manage that.” Saber gave her a little half smile, which Lissa tried to return. She couldn’t help feeling nervous, though. She could feel her insides starting to tense up again…

  And then Saber began circling her clit slowly and carefully, almost but never quite touching her very center.

  “Oh,” Lissa whispered in surprise. This slow, indirect contact was better, much better than a direct touch. She could feel warm currents of pleasure pulling at her as Saber continued the slow caress. Her nipples had hardened into tight little buds at the tips of her breasts and her back was arching, seemingly of its own volition. She could feel a warm, sexual flush creeping up between her breasts and her breath was beginning to come in short little pants.

  “Feels good?” Saber murmured, holding her eyes with his own. “Do you like it, my lady?”

  “Yes, oh yes,” Lissa gasped, arching her back some more. She knew she ought to be lying still so he could work on her but somehow her body wouldn’t obey. It seemed like every inch of her was crying out for more, begging Saber to take her to the edge of a precipice she hadn’t even known existed until now and push her off.

  “Very good,” she heard Llewelyn murmur. “You’re getting it—it’s clear from the way she’s responding. Now it’s time for the inner massage.”

  Lissa felt a jolt of uncertainty. Inner massage? But Saber held her gaze meaningfully with his as he continued the slow, sweet torture of her clit.

  “It’s all right, amalla,” he murmured. “You know I’ll be gentle.”

  “I…I know.” Taking a deep breath, Lissa forced herself to relax again. Whatever happened, they were in this together. Saber wouldn’t hurt her or let anyone else hurt her. She was safe with him and knowing that made it easier to open herself to him, to give in and let him do whatever was necessary.

  “If your lady is ready,” Llewelyn was saying, “Using your other hand, slide your first two fingers deep into her pussy while you continue to massage her clit with your thumb.”

  Lissa felt two blunt fingertips pressing gently against her virgin entrance and she couldn’t help closing her eyes, retreating to the safety of the darkness behind her eyelids. But then Saber spoke.

  “Look at me,” he murmured in a soft, commanding voice. “Stay with me, Lissa. I need you to let me know what you’re feeling.”

ntly, she opened her eyes again.

  “Good.” Leaning down, Saber gave the inside of her thigh a warm, gentle kiss. “Slowly, my lady,” he said. “I’ll enter you slowly, I swear.”

  “Yes…please,” Lissa whispered. And then she felt his two long, strong fingers slipping past her entrance and into her tight virgin channel.

  She could barely stifle a gasp at first but when she forced herself to relax she found that it didn’t actually hurt at all. In fact, it felt…good. Good to be so filled, good to be penetrated by the male she cared for so very much. It was deliciously, almost dangerously intimate and intense. Looking into Saber’s eyes as he pushed deeper into her body, until the tips of his long fingers stroked the back wall of her channel, she thought she had never felt closer to him.

  “You’re so beautiful, amalla,” he whispered as he pressed deep inside her. “So beautiful when you let me in.”

  “Saber…” she couldn’t help shifting her hips and the resulting feeling of his fingers moving inside her made her moan. “Saber, please, I need…I don’t know what I need.”

  “I do,” he murmured and began to pump his fingers gently in and out of her tight channel. At the same time, he continued the relentless massage of her clit until Lissa thought she was going to go crazy.

  She had the feeling of something building in her again. The sensation of climbing higher and higher to reach some elusive peak. The pleasure wound tight inside her, pushing her to the limit but it was a limit she couldn’t…quite…seem to…reach.

  Then Llewelyn spoke again. “Crook your fingers upward and rub hard. Give it everything you’ve got—make your lady come.” As he spoke, Lady Sha’rak gave a gasping cry and moaned his name loudly.

  Lissa wanted to look and see exactly what was happening but just at that moment, Saber followed the directions he’d been given. Crooking his fingers upward, he rubbed against a spot inside her Lissa hadn’t even known was there. A bolt of pleasure shot through her body and she gasped, her hips pumping involuntarily. Then the broad pad of his thumb slid directly over her throbbing clit and a second, even more intense pleasure overtook her.

  “Oh! Oh, Goddess! Oh, Saber, please!” She clenched her hands into fists, back arching, hips thrusting. It was as though she had finally reached the peak and jumped off, only to learn that she could somehow fly. The pleasure he gave her sent her shooting upward like an arrow from a bow, like a bird set free to soar for the first time in its life.

  “It’s all right, Lissa,” she heard Saber murmuring. “It’s all right, amalla. Just let it happen—let yourself come.”

  Coming, I’m coming, she thought deliriously. Oh Goddess, please, I can’t get enough of this pleasure but it’s so intense I don’t think I can stand much more… So good…so good…

  It was the most intense feeling Lissa had ever had in her life and it triggered something inside her she couldn’t understand or deny. As the pleasure finally ebbed, she felt tears stinging her eyes and a sob rising in her throat.

  Emotions she had long held in check bombarded her—her forbidden love for Saber rushed over her like a wave. He had touched her so tenderly, given her such pleasure and yet he was the one man she could never have. She ached inside with needing him but it was an ache that could never be healed, a hunger that could never be satiated.

  I have to stop feeling this way. After this is all over we’ll go our separate ways. Never see each other again. Never…

  But the thought of losing him forever was too much to bear. Lissa threw an arm over her eyes, trying unsuccessfully to keep back her tears, trying to hide her shame.

  “Lissa? Are you all right? Did I hurt you?” Saber sounded almost panicked.

  Somehow she managed to shake her head. “N-no,” she whispered. “Just…it was so…so…I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  “It’s the massage technique—I told you it was special,” she heard Lady Sha’rak say. “Saber, take her to your rooms and hold her. She’ll be all right in a little while.”

  Lissa heard him murmur assent and then he was lifting her and cuddling her close to his broad chest as he carried her away. She buried her face against his chest, breathing in the warm, comforting scent of his skin and tried not to sob.

  She had never felt more desolate in her life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Saber sat on the bed and held Lissa close, his heart aching for what he had just done. I shouldn’t have touched her like that. I should have found another way, made some excuse. Now she’ll hate me forever. She’ll—

  “I’m fine now,” Lissa surprised him by saying.

  “What?” He looked at her uncertainly. “What are you talking about? You can’t be. You were just—”

  “I was just a little upset.” She swiped at her eyes and tried to smile at him. “The pleasure was…very intense. It seemed to…to break something inside me somehow. But I’m all right now, honestly,” she continued.

  “I don’t believe you are.” Saber frowned at her sternly. “You’re still upset and I don’t blame you for it.”

  “Do you mean upset with you?” Lissa struggled to sit up and he helped her, even though letting her out of his arms was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “Yes, of course.” Saber looked at her, trying to catch her eyes with his. “For touching you the way I did. For…for penetrating you. Lissa, I shouldn’t have—”

  “Don’t be silly.” She was blushing and looking away, either unwilling or unable to meet his eyes. “You…you did what you had to do. Just as I did when I had to touch you earlier.”

  “Lissa, look at me,” he insisted. When she still wouldn’t, he caught her chin gently with one hand and turned her to face him. “Look at me,” he repeated. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t,” she whispered. Her jade green eyes filled again and she blinked rapidly, trying to force back the tears. “I’ve just never…Saber, I’ve never felt anything so intense. I didn’t even know such a feeling was possible.”

  “So you’ve never had an orgasm before?” He looked at her uncertainly. “Never touched yourself and made yourself come?”

  “How could I?” She looked down and the tears caught in her long lashes sparkled like jewels in the dim light. “I couldn’t when I lived under your roof for fear of being caught and it was forbidden at the temple.”

  “So that was your first orgasm.” Saber began to understand. “No wonder it caught you by surprise.”

  “I’m sorry I got so emotional.” She gave a soft, trembling sigh. “It just…seemed to bring all these things to the surface. Things I’ve been trying not to think about.”

  Saber didn’t need to ask what she meant. “I think about those things too,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “All the time.”

  “You do?” She looked at him uncertainly and he nodded.

  “Yes, of course. I haven’t stopped thinking about them since the day…”

  “The day what?” She frowned at him uncertainly.

  Saber looked away. “The day you Renounced me.”

  It was the first time he’d mentioned the oath she had taken to never have him since she had spoken the words, so long ago on their home planet. Up until then the pain had been too great to even speak of, but after the intense scene between them at the grotto, he couldn’t help himself. He had to know.

  “Lissa,” he said. “Tell me—did you mean it when you Renounced me?”

  “I didn’t want to.” Lissa’s eyes overflowed again and she gave a little sob. “Please believe me, Saber. I never…never wanted to say those words to you. To take that oath.”

  “I know.” He pulled her into his arms again. “I know you didn’t, amalla.”

  It had been the worst day of his life when she had taken the formal oath that she would never be his. It had been heard and witnessed only by Saber and his mother, who had discovered their secret love and taken steps to put an end to it.

  Afterward, he had always secretly fear
ed that Lissa had meant the words she had said, had doubted that she still felt for him as he felt for her. Now, holding her in his arms, he finally knew what his heart had told him all along—that the oath was all his mother’s doing and none of Lissa’s.

  The knowledge changed nothing—they still couldn’t be together. But it lightened his heart and made him feel better. She still feels for me, he thought, stroking his fingers through her long, silky hair. She still wants me as I want her

  Suddenly the emotions he’d kept so rigidly in check came to the surface and he could deny them no longer. Cupping Lissa’s face in his hands, he brought her close and kissed her lush mouth as he had so often longed to do.

  At first Lissa seemed frozen in place but then she kissed him back so hungrily it took Saber’s breath away. Goddess but her lips were sweet! He’d always known it would be wonderful between them but finally kissing her for the first time was everything he’d dreamed of and more. He pressed closer, tangling his fingers in her hair and deepening the kiss. Lissa gave as good as she got, wrapping her arms around his neck and tilting her head to give him better access to her mouth.

  They fell back on the bed and suddenly she was beneath him. And naked—still so naked, which was something he had almost forgotten in his concern for her. She felt so soft in his arms, so giving, so open. Saber longed to fill her and not just with his fingers this time. He wanted to taste her, to put his tongue deep in her sweet, wet pussy and make her come again and again. And after that he wanted to spread her legs and fill her with his cock. Wanted to give her the Deep Touch, to Touch her mind as he was caressing her body, to take her completely and hold her within him as he thrust within her until they were one—mind, body, and soul.

  He spread her legs and pressed the hard bulge of his cock against her wet, open pussy. Lissa moaned and bucked up against him. Even through the tight slave pants he could feel her heat and smell the warm, feminine scent of her desire. Goddess, they both needed this so badly, needed to be together, to be one. He just wanted to touch her everywhere, to caress every part of her body at once…