Page 18 of Alpha Bloodlines

  "Jealous?" I asked teasingly.

  She rolled her eyes, "Now why would I be jealous? You're not that hot" she said smiling her sexy little smile. I kissed her again trying not to breathe in her raging hormones, I didn't want to have to drag her off into the trees and, oh shit I don't even want to finish that thought as I'll have to go and do it!

  "I got go shortie" I whispered against her lips, she groaned but let me go pulling the most adorable little pouting face that I had ever seen in my life. I pulled my top down making sure no one could notice how aroused I was and ran off to the top of the field to speak to my father.

  As I approached he stiffened and dropped his eyes to the floor, oh shit I forgot I challenged him, he obviously hasn't! I nodded "Father, I need to speak to you before the meeting starts" I said motioning for him to come away from the group of people he was standing with, they were all this high ranking members of the pack.

  Paul Porter, Scott's dad grinned at me "Hey Jay, congrats on the mating, Brook's a really great girl, your lucky to have her" he said holding out a hand to me.

  I shook it grinning proudly, "I know I am, and thanks" I said nodding. I followed my father a few feet away, "Dominic Logan is here, he wants to come with me when I go after Trey, I said it would be ok for him and his second to come to the meeting" I said nodding in the direction I left them in.

  He nodded "It's probably a good idea, this involves his pack and his daughter" he said frowning, his pack yeah right!

  "Well actually I needed to talk to you about that too, he's handed me his pack" I said trying to go for casual but not quite pulling it off.

  His face turned to utter shock as he stared at me with his mouth hanging open, "How are you going to manage two packs and still go to college?" he asked sounding concerned for the first time in fifteen years. Two packs? What the hell's that about?

  "Two?" I asked confused, he nodded and stepped closer to me looking around to see if people were listening, it was pointless really, people from the other end of the field could listen to this conversation if they wanted to.

  "Jayden, we both know that you're Alpha of Willow Creak now, I was going to announce it at the meeting" he whispered. Fuck no!

  "NO!" I cried loudly then looked round quickly as everyone stopped talking to look at us, shit!

  "What I meant was, that's not very appropriate at the moment, but thank you for the offer, I don't want you to do that, not yet" I said trying to get my point across without actually saying it. People were listening now but pretending not to.

  He looked at me and frowned "You don't want me to do that?" he asked confused.

  "Not yet, maybe in a year or two, it's not really something that's possible at the moment what with what I just told you, two is out of the question, I don't even want one" I said honestly. He squeezed my shoulder, I looked down at his hand not really knowing how to react to it, if it was anyone else I would take it as affection or support but from him I just had no clue.

  "Ok you let me know when, I better call the meeting, you should bring Brook and her parents to the front, people will want to see her" he said nodding his head respectfully asking for my permission to leave. Fuck it old man stop with the being submissive to me! I nodded and turned on my heel running as fast as I could to Brook.

  Mel was there with her and the two of them were talking at once seeming to have no trouble talking and listening at the same time. How the hell do girls do that? "Hey shortie" I said as I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

  She jumped a mile into the air. "Jay, shit you scared me" she said putting my her hands on top of mine on top of her stomach. I bent my head and kissed her neck just once, as I spread my fingers wide so I could feel her whole stomach under my hand. I couldn't help but think about my pup growing inside there one day, her belly all swollen, part of me growing inside her, fuck me that's a turn on.

  "Come on then, let's go up to the front, the meetings about to start" I said guiding her to the top of the field, "Come to the top" I said to Brook's parents and Pete as we walked past.

  As soon as we were at the top of the field my father called the meeting to a start. "Ok thank you for coming to this meeting, I know it was last minute and I apologise, we have a situation that I need to make you all aware of" my father said loudly. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, people had been told this was about my mate and were obviously very interested in it. No one knew she was human apart from Scott's family and a couple of close friends so this was going to be fun, not.

  "My son Jayden has chosen a mate, her name is Brook Mills" he said nodding in our direction, I heard Brook curse as she stood up straighter as every single shifter at the meeting looked at her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her as close as I could. People started clapping and cheering and I smiled proudly, "Enough!" my father called making everyone silent in an instant. "Brook's not a full shifter, her mother is human, her father is a shifter" he said, people immediately started whispering and staring at her shocked. I groaned, fuck it that wasn't really the best way to put it!

  "Her father is Alpha Logan of Bane's Creak" he said making the whispers grow louder, Dom stepped forward to her side. "Brook is Alpha female by blood, and now she is also Alpha female through mating, Jayden has taken over as Alpha of Bane's Creak" my father said looking at me almost proudly. People immediately started clapping again, Dom smiled at me and bowed slightly, I nodded. Ok enough of the announcements, get to the Trey part I need to get this sorted!

  "Ok, if I could just have your full attention again, there are some important things I need to share with you" my father said. Slowly people stopped watching us and focused on him, "There's a shifter that wishes to do Alpha Philips and his mate harm" he said, people gasped and shouted in outrage.

  "Alpha of the Trident pack wanted to mate with Brook too, he is very unhappy with this pairing and has vowed to kill them both" he said. "Obviously we can't let that happen so Jayden has proposed a pre-emptive strike, Jayden could you come up here and tell us what exactly it is you want?" my father asked.

  I nodded, "Wait here for me" I said kissing Brook's forehead and stepping onto the little wooden step that my father used so the people in the back could see him. "Right, obviously I'm not sitting around here waiting for him to come for my mate, I want to move tomorrow night, I think it would be best to go in the dark give us more cover and hopefully they would be less prepared" I said looking over the sea of faces, most of which just looked plain scared. Most of the shifters were families, couples that just lead their normal lives and just so happened to be shifters, it was only really the higher ranking males that really got involved in anything. Occasionally fights would break out with rival packs over territory but this was rare.

  "Scott Porter, Alpha Logan and Pete Jacobs from my new pack have volunteered to come with me, I plan on killing Alpha Newton and any other shifter that gets in my way" I said sternly. "If there is anyone that would be willing to help me I would be very grateful, I'm sure there will be more of them than three or four" I said almost apologetically, I didn't want to have to ask people to risk their lives for me and Brook. A few hands shot up immediately as I knew they would, most of them were my group of friends, Paul, Seth, Anthony, Rick and three adult shifters that were all higher ranking members of the pack. "Thank you, if you want to help then I'd be grateful, maybe you could see me after, but I'm warning you now this is going to be dangerous, we all know what the Tridents are like" I said frowning.

  "I would like to speak to Christian, so if you wouldn't mind seeing me after the meeting Christian I'd appreciate it" I said looking through the crowd until I found him.

  "Yes Alpha Philips" he shouted nodding.

  I smiled gratefully, "That's all I have to say, if anyone would like to meet Brook I'm sure she'd be more than happy to talk to you after the meeting" I said smiling fondly at her. She nodded and smiled a tight smile, I knew she'd probably kill me for that, but she needed to get it out of the way sooner or later.

  "Are the Tridents coming here?" a female shifter shouted from the crowd sounding scared, I shook my head firmly.

  "No, you don't need to worry, this is why we're moving quickly tomorrow night, I won't let them anywhere near here, you don't need to worry" I said sternly watching her relax as she believed me.

  "Ok so if there are no more questions then this meeting is adjourned" my father said gripping my shoulder again, ok what the hell does that mean? Maybe he was proud of me now I was Alpha, I doubted it, that would mean he actually had some feelings towards me.

  I moved quickly back to Brook as a huge crowed of older female's started to approach her. I stood protectively by her side, but there was no need, they were all speaking to her warmly, welcoming her to the pack and shaking her hand smiling. I relaxed slightly and saw the crowd of about twelve males all standing in a group waiting for me off to one side. "Mel, stay with Brook ok, if she needs me then shout" I said pushing her a little closer to Brook as I jogged over to the rapidly expanding group. By the time I got there, there was seventeen male shifters.

  "Ok guys, are we all volunteers?" I asked looking around at my friends and former pack members, I smiled at Scott's father, I knew he would come, he'd want to protect Brook too.

  "What about Bane's Creak? Will you be asking for their help too?" Dom asked, I looked around at everyone, we didn't need anymore help surely eighteen fully grown males would be enough?

  "I don't think that will be necessary, I don't want my first task as Alpha to be asking them to fight for me" I said shaking my head grimacing slightly.

  I turned to Christian, he used to be a member of the Trident pack but he left four years ago when the new Alpha took over as he didn't like that way the pack was run so he joined Willow Creak instead.

  "Christian, what can you tell us about Trey Newton?" I asked looking at him hopefully.

  He shrugged, "He's a bad guy, he has guns, run's drugs, he blackmails people and uses physical violence to get what he wants, he controls his pack by fear, everyone I spoke to when I was there hated him but was too afraid to do anything about it" he said frowning.

  I heard growls coming from the guys around me, "How many high rankers does he have?" I asked.

  He thought about it, "He has about eight that he keeps close to him, but I think he only really trusts two or three of them, they live with him" he said turning his nose up.

  I nodded "Will you come with us?" I asked hopefully.

  He nodded quickly, "Yeah absolutely, I hate that guy, I want to see him get what he deserves" he said his fists clenched, I had a feeling he had seen some of the physical violence he spoke about.

  "Great, so you can show us where he lives, we'll meet as soon as it's dark, so we'll meet here at ten and go to their territory, we can get the lay of the land and then move in around midnight, I want it quick and easy, in and out, and boys, Newton is mine" I growled angrily. They all nodded, "Ok, tomorrow night, here at ten then, and thank you guys, this means a lot to me that you've volunteered for this" I said honestly.

  "Congratulations on the mating" one of the guys said, he was an elder member and didn't usually get involved in the fighting, I was actually surprised he volunteered at all.

  "Thank you David" is said smiling, he nodded looking a little uncomfortable, "David you don't have to do this, just because you volunteered doesn't mean you need to go through with it, I'm sure your wife wouldn't want you involved in the fighting" I said giving him the option to back out.

  He smiled sadly, "Thank you Alpha Philips, but I want to" he said still looking uncomfortable as hell.

  "Ok well thanks again guys, I'll see you tomorrow, any problems you have my number right?" I asked, a couple of the guys said no so I gave them my number just in case.

  I headed back to Brook who was now on her own with Mel and her mother, when I got to her she wrapped her arms around me pressing her face into my chest tightly. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Ok shortie?" I asked leaning back to look at her.

  She nodded "I'm so glad that's over" she said shaking her head.

  I grinned, "It's done now, I'm sorry I left you getting swamped" I said honestly pushing her hair behind her ears gently, she rolled her eyes.

  "The older ladies were ok, I don't think the younger girls liked me much, they all want you" she said pretending to be annoyed but a smile was playing on her lips.

  "Well that's too bad for them, because I'm yours" I whispered as I kissed her softly, she moaned in the back of her throat and I pulled her tighter against me possessively, not wanting any space between us at all.

  Someone cleared their throat behind me, I almost growled at being interrupted. I didn't want to be away from my mate, I'd only been with her once and she was driving me wild. I looked behind me angrily and saw it was her father, shit! I shook my head a little trying to clear it of the thoughts I was having about Brook and stepped back making her whimper and cling to me tighter as she stepped with me refusing to allow any space between us.

  "Alpha Philips, we're now leaving, when do you want me to introduce you to your pack?" Dom asked, shit I was so not used to being called that!

  "Tomorrow day time?" I offered.

  He nodded smiling, "How about lunchtime? I could arrange a barbeque or something, you could get to know them for a few hours" he suggested.

  I nodded "Yeah ok sounds good" I said trying not to grimace at the thought of actually having a pack and meeting them.

  He handed me a card with his address and number on it, "About twelve?" he offered.

  I nodded "Great, and thanks for everything" I said holding out a hand to him. I meant it, he didn't need to be helping with Trey, he didn't need to give me his pack, he didn't need to announce to everyone that he had an illegitimate daughter.

  "You're welcome son" he said shaking my hand firmly, I shook hands with Pete and watched as Brook and her mother hugged him and said their goodbyes.

  Scott came over, "Want me to take Beth back to mine so you two can have some private time?" he offered smirking at me, oh shit I would love that! The thought of Brook and me in a house alone was just way too tempting.

  "I'm not sure that either of them would go for that, maybe you should suggest it and see what they say" I said nodding towards them. He smiled and punched my shoulder, Scott knew how hard this was for me, I'd spoken to him a lot this week about how hard it was to be mated and be so far away from your mate.

  I tried not to listen as he spoke to them, Brook glanced over at me almost looking shy as she smiled at me making my whole body tremble slightly. A few minutes later they all walked over to me,

  "Jayden, you don't mind if Beth stay's at ours tonight do you? We thought she'd be more comfortable there, my parents would love to have her" Scott said smirking at me.

  I could feel my wolf rejoicing inside, "No I don't mind, if that's what you want to do Beth" I said playing along that I had no idea.

  She nodded "I'd love to catch up with Rachel and Paul" she said happily.

  "Ok well would you like to come to Alpha Logan's barbeque with us tomorrow lunchtime?" I asked curiously.

  She smiled "Sure, if that won't be a problem for him though" she said frowning.

  "I'll check with him in the morning, but I don't think it will" I said honestly. We walked back to the car, Scott had left his car at mine so we all piled into my car heading for my house. I could barely contain my excitement at the thought of having Brook all to myself.

  Chapter 19


  I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as we drove, he was so damn sexy, he was Alpha now too and it seemed to turn me on all the more. The thought of him being so powerful and strong was actually making my mouth water. "You sure your parents won't mind me staying?" my Mom asked Scott for the hundredth time.

  He smiled affectionately at her, "Of course not Beth, I told you it was my Mom's idea in the first place" he said shaking his head amused.

  "I just don't want to impose" she said wringin
g her hands nervously.

  "You're not imposing" Scott said sternly.

  When we pulled up Jayden looked at me, "Wait there please" he said grinning as he got out and jogged round to my side opening the door for me and taking my hand helping me out of the car.

  "Oh so that's what a lady feels like" I said jokingly.

  He smiled and kissed my hand "Yep" he said tugging me towards the house. He went to the kitchen to make us a drink and I headed to the lounge flicking on his TV for a bit of background noise, I hated it when it was dead quiet.

  My Mom headed upstairs to pack an overnight bag and I started to get nervous, Jayden and I were mated now, but what happens if he doesn't like my body? I know last time we slept together he said I was beautiful but maybe he was drunk or something. I squeezed my eyes shut and plopped onto the couch trying not to imagine him taking my clothes off and turning his nose up like Trey always did. I don't think I could see that look of revulsion on Jayden's face, it would be ten times worse because I wanted to please him. I was going to be the only one he would ever want, what happens if he didn't even want me?

  He sat down next to me and took my hand, I just looked at his perfect angels face, looked into his beautiful green eyes. God I could just look at him forever and never get bored of it. Scott sat down in the armchair, "Can't you two hold off the lovey-dovey stares until we've left?" he whined making me laugh, Jayden rolled his eyes looking slightly frustrated.

  My Mom came down a few minutes later with a little bag, "Ok I'm ready" she said smiling at me.

  I got up and hugged her tight, "I'll see you tomorrow, don't stay up all night gossiping with Rachel"

  I said jokingly as I kissed her cheek.

  She laughed "Yes Mom" she said hugging me tighter. She brushed my hair behind my ear, "You look really happy Brook, it's weird what with everything going on, but I've never seen you look so happy and contented before" she said looking at me happily. I nodded, I'd never felt so happy and contented before, but at the same time I'd never been more afraid of anything in my life. "Be safe" she whispered winking at me.