Page 18 of Tried & True

  the lump in his throat. “I’m glad you’re okay. You need anything?”

  Tony smiled warmly. “Got everything I need right here. You boys go on. Get some rest. The next few days are gonna be kind of intense.”

  Dex stared at Tony and let out a bark of laughter. Only his dad would call a wedding intense after what he’d just been through. Dex headed for the door, waiting for Cael, who’d stopped to give their dad a big hug. After some murmured words between them, Cael joined Dex. The door to the office closed behind them, and Cael frowned at Dex.

  “What happened to telling the truth? Let me guess, it’s not your place to tell.”

  When had his little brother become such a smartass? “There’s a reason she hasn’t told him,” Dex said, making his way to the locker room. He was looking forward to a nice hot shower and then going home and crawling into bed with his man.

  “Yeah, she’s saving her own ass. She knows if she tells him, he’s done.”

  “No, there’s something else. I’m sure of it.” Dex paused outside the locker room. “You think Dad’s really okay after everything that happened?”

  Cael sighed. “You know Dad. He doesn’t sit and think about things. They happen, it’s over, and he moves on. Either way, after he gets debriefed, he has to see Dr. Winters. Hopefully the doctor can get through to him.”

  Dex hoped so. Their dad wasn’t big on sharing his worries or insecurities. He wasn’t a big talker, especially when it came to his own well-being.

  Inside the locker room, Sloane sat on a bench talking to Ash, and Dex took a moment to admire his beautiful mate’s profile. Sloane was down to his black undershirt and charcoal gray boxer briefs. He had one ankle up on his opposite knee, his big hand and long fingers resting on his ankle. The V-neck T-shirt was snug, stretching across his broad shoulders and over his biceps, since he was slightly turned to face Ash. His stubble had grown in thick. Dex stalked over and straddled the bench beside Sloane, who was engrossed in whatever he and Ash were talking about. Dex slid his arm around Sloane’s waist and rested his chin on Sloane’s shoulder. They were pressed together from head to toe.

  “Mm, comfy,” Dex said. He inhaled deep and groaned. “You smell so good.”

  “And on that note,” Ash said, tugging at one of Cael’s belt loops playfully. “Hey, sweetheart. Want me to get you anything from the canteen while you shower?”

  Cael smiled brightly as he leaned in and kissed Ash. “A hot chocolate?”

  “You got it.” Ash stood and kissed Cael in return before Cael headed off to the showers.

  “I guess I should shower,” Dex mumbled, not wanting to move from where he was pressed up against Sloane. Sloane turned his head and patted Dex’s thigh.

  “Make it a quick one. I just want to get you home.”

  Somehow Dex found the energy to spring up and off the bench. He cupped Sloane’s face and kissed him long and deep until he heard Ash grumble beside him.

  “Do you mind? No one needs to see you two sucking face.”

  Sloane laughed against Dex’s lips, and Dex reluctantly pulled back. He smiled knowingly at Ash. “You’re just jealous because that’s what you wish you were doing right now with Cael.”

  Ash’s face flushed, and he muttered something under his breath before walking off. With a laugh, Dex stripped down to his boxers. He grabbed his toiletry bag from his locker as Sloane stepped up behind him, nuzzling his hair, his voice low and husky when he spoke.

  “You really need to hurry up.” Sloane trailed a finger down Dex’s spine, making his body shiver. “I want to get you in bed and see what it takes to make you purr.”

  Dex shut his locker and turned to Sloane, his toiletry bag covering the erection he now sported. Sloane licked his bottom lip, and Dex followed that sinful tongue. He lifted his gaze, a moan escaping him at Sloane’s blown pupils.

  “I, uh, guess I better go shower.”


  “Quick,” Dex agreed before walking around Sloane and jogging toward the showers, a wide grin spreading across his face. So, Sloane wanted to see what it would take to make Dex purr? Challenge accepted.


  “DEX, THIS place is stunning.”

  Dex chuckled at his aunt’s huge eyes as they walked through the estate gardens where the wedding ceremony would take place. Months ago, Lou had presented him with a slideshow of possible venues, but when the photographs of this place came up, Dex knew immediately this was it. The historic French chateau-style castle and estate in Long Island was exactly what he’d wanted. They were surrounded by miles and miles of greenery, or rather a host of fall colors. The lush trees that stretched as far as the eye could see were beginning to burst with yellows, oranges, and reds. It was blissfully peaceful. No traffic, no city noise. They were in their own little bubble of serenity.

  The estate was dazzling with its elegance, and for the next three nights, its thirty-two guestrooms would be occupied by Dex and Sloane’s family, friends, and their friends’ loved ones. Those attending the rehearsal dinner had arrived and were all currently touring the impressive and prestigious estate. Tony and Danelle had been the first ones to arrive, followed by the entire Hobbs clan, along with Darla and her beau, Armel. Julia and Darla wasted no time in bringing Vivian Keeler into their circle of awesome momness. Then Lucia Huerta arrived with her husband, Thiago, and the parental monarchy was complete.

  Having them all under the same roof was terrifying. Dex had never witnessed Ash so well-behaved. It had scared the ever-living crap out of Dex, and Sloane couldn’t stop from snickering every time Vivian was near Ash. If she wasn’t fixing the collar of his shirt, she was brushing something off his shoulder or picking a stray hair off his sleeve. She’d gushed over him, about how proud she was, and what a good boy he was. Dex and Sloane were all but ready to grab some popcorn and just follow the two around, it was so entertaining. Taylor, and especially Angel, thought it was the most hilarious thing ever.

  “I wish you could visit more often,” Dex said, saddened that he didn’t get to see his aunt as often as he used to when he and Cael were kids, but she had moved to Philly several years ago to take care of her and Tony’s mom, who needed looking after. Dex had met his adoptive grandmother once, but it had been brief. Tony had tried to include her in their lives, but the woman could hold a grudge something fierce. She’d never forgiven Tony for joining the THIRDS or for adopting a Therian son. Not after her husband had been killed on the job by a Therian.

  “I know, baby. I miss my boys.” She let her head rest against his arm as they walked in companionable silence. His aunt had been a constant in his life when he’d been little. She would babysit him and Cael, and took care of them when they were sick and Tony had to work. She’d fed them, bathed them, read them stories, and taught them how to be kind and compassionate yet stand their ground. At fifty-two years old, Danelle Maddock was a tall, slender, stunning woman with flawless dark skin and striking hazel eyes. She was the sweetest, gentlest woman Dex had ever known, but if someone made the mistake of messing with her boys, well, hell hath no fury like a pissed-off Danelle.

  After walking through the gardens with his aunt, it was time for dinner inside the beautifully decorated formal dining room with its soft yellow walls and ornate white crown molding. Music played softly in the background while they ate and chatted.

  “Okay, everyone, settle down,” Ash said as he stood, tapping the side of his glass. “When I was asked to make a best man speech, I knew exactly what I was going to say. And then I remembered my mom was going to be in the room.”

  Everyone laughed, and Vivian waved cheerfully.

  “So I had to rethink things, especially when it came to my initial thoughts on Dex after his grand entrance his first day on the job.”

  Dex pointed to himself and blinked innocently. Ash shook his head at him.

  “Yeah, nice try. No one here is fooled by that face.” Ash turned back to address the room. “Let’s just say that when I fi
rst met Dex, I wasn’t a fan. At the time, the team wasn’t in a good place. I was angry and mean.”

  Dex put up a finger and opened his mouth, only to have Sloane clamp a hand over his mouth.

  “Thanks.” Ash smiled brightly and winked at Sloane. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. Sloane has always had my back. He’s like a brother to me. Before I got my mom back, he was the only family I had. No one knew me like Sloane. Back when Dex joined our team, we had this missing piece, one we not only couldn’t find a fit for, but didn’t want to. Dex didn’t leave us a choice. He did what he does best, and he got under everyone’s skin. Whether you liked him, loved him, or wanted to push him off the Brooklyn Bridge, he was there with that dopey smile of his, ready to go to war for you. We might not have always gotten along, but I learned pretty quickly that if you needed someone in your corner, Dex was your guy. He’s fearless, relentless, and I’ve never seen anyone with a greater sense of justice than the guy with the same middle name.”

  Ash swallowed hard and turned to meet Sloane’s gaze. “Sloane, I didn’t understand what you saw in Dex, but as I watched your relationship with him grow, I started to see it. He was everything you needed and everything you deserved. He didn’t just bring you back to us, he helped you heal and proved to you that you weren’t broken but instead, worthy of every bit of love he offered. Seeing you two gave me hope.” He reached down and Cael took his hand. “Because of you both, I found the courage to give my heart away, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you.”

  Sloane rose and stepped up to Ash. They hugged tight, and Dex blinked back his tears. Everyone stood and clapped. Dex joined them, and when Sloane stepped away from Ash, Dex held his arms out.

  “Bring it here, big guy.”

  Ash shook his head at him, but his amber eyes were filled with amusement. As he hugged Ash, Dex murmured quietly, “Thank you for taking such good care of him. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  Ash squeezed him before releasing him and sitting. As everyone enjoyed their meal, Dex and Sloane visited each table, spending time with their friends and family, knowing the next couple of days would be a whirlwind of activity. With two hundred guests attending the wedding, they wouldn’t be able to spend as much time at each table as they would have liked, which was why this evening was for family and close friends before the other guests arrived.

  After dinner, Lou grabbed Dex, Sloane, Tony, and the rest of their wedding party to begin the rehearsal, showing them what rooms they’d be waiting in. They ran through the music and Dex’s cue for joining Sloane in the sitting room. From there everyone would exit out to the gardens, where the ceremony would take place. Lou lined everyone up in the order they’d be walking down the aisle, made sure everyone remembered how much space to leave, how they should walk at a normal pace.

  Dex stood in the doorway next to Sloane, staring out at the garden, which on Saturday would be decorated, filled with two hundred guests, and at the end have an altar where they’d be married.

  “Oh my God,” Dex said. He turned to Sloane, eyes wide. “We’re getting married the day after tomorrow.”

  Sloane smiled warmly, his eyes filled with love. He cupped Dex’s cheek and brushed his lips over Dex’s. “And I couldn’t be happier.”

  Dex leaned into Sloane and hummed. “I think getting married must be an aphrodisiac, because all I can think about is jumping your bones.”

  Sloane opened his mouth to reply, but whatever he’d wanted to say had to wait because Lou showed up. They ran through the whole thing a couple of times to give Lou peace of mind. By the time they were done, they were all desperate to get to the dining room for a few drinks.

  On the way back, Sloane took Dex’s hand, and when no one was looking, kept walking instead of going into the dining room.

  “Where are we going?” Dex asked, hurrying along as Sloane led him down the hall and through the door that led to the grand staircase. They went down the stairs, and the butterflies in Dex’s stomach went wild. He felt kind of giddy, and he loved Sloane’s sudden bout of spontaneity. It was dark outside, but the estate was glowing with warm lighting. They crossed the courtyard to an alcove at the far end that was shrouded in shadows.

  Sloane pulled Dex inside, and before Dex had a chance to speak, Sloane had him up against the wall, kissing him and stealing the breath from him. Dex moaned against Sloane’s lips, his fingers curling around the sleeves of Sloane’s black dress shirt. Dex had all but melted when Sloane had finished dressing earlier today. He’d decided on a black button-down long-sleeved shirt and black dress pants. He looked sexy as hell, huge, and imposing, the most gorgeous man to walk these halls, and he was Dex’s. His hair was neatly combed to one side in a retro style, and he had a jaw full of rough stubble. Dex could come just from looking at him.

  A shiver ran through Dex, and he groaned when Sloane cupped him through his trousers. “Sloane,” he breathed. They couldn’t be out here for very long before someone would come looking for them. After all, they were sneaking away from their own rehearsal dinner. As if reading Dex’s thoughts, Sloane quickly got to work unbuckling Dex’s belt and shoving Dex’s trousers, along with his boxer briefs, down to his thighs. He turned Dex to face the wall, and Dex spread his legs as far as he could, his hands braced on the smooth stone. He heard the tear of a lube packet and then felt the cold of Sloane’s lubed finger penetrating him.

  Dex groaned, and Sloane pressed his chest to Dex’s back. He nipped at Dex’s jaws while his fingers stretched Dex, first one, then two. Dex writhed beneath Sloane, and he pushed his ass back against Sloane’s fingers, fucking himself on Sloane’s long, slicked-up digits.

  “Fuck, you’re so goddamn hot,” Sloane growled. He smacked Dex’s asscheeks, and Dex almost came right then.

  “I need you inside me.”

  Sloane turned Dex’s face so they could kiss—it was sloppy, wet, and filled with painful need. Sloane removed his fingers from inside Dex and replaced them with his cock. Afraid of making too much noise, Dex bit down on his bottom lip, his forehead pressed to the wall as Sloane slowly sank into him, the burn so delicious Dex couldn’t help moving his hips. There was so much emotion swirling inside him that he feared his body wouldn’t be able to contain it. He needed something to distract him, to leave him unable to think.

  “I want it hard, Sloane.”

  Sloane kissed Dex’s cheek. “Are you sure?”

  Dex nodded. He needed to channel all the emotions inside him, threatening to explode, into Sloane taking him, into the carnal desire from his soon-to-be husband. Out here with the sounds of nature, in the middle of a fairy-tale castle, just hours from their wedding, after the hell of the last few days, he wanted to feel Sloane down to his core. Sloane thrust the rest of the way in, and Dex gasped. He arched his back, and Sloane closed his hand around a fistful of Dex’s hair, tugging his head back and claiming his mouth, a feral growl rising from his chest as he pumped himself inside of Dex. They kissed like they’d been starved for each other’s touch, tongues dueling, lips sucking, teeth nipping.

  Dex thrust his hips, impaling himself on Sloane, and Sloane plunged into him over and over. Dex threw a hand back, his fingers digging into Sloane’s thigh, the claws in his right hand growing out and scratching at the wall. Sloane palmed Dex’s erection, his fist pumping in time to his deep thrusts. Sloane changed his angle and hit Dex’s prostate, covering his mouth with his free hand to muffle Dex’s cries.

  “That’s it, baby,” Sloane said, breathless. “You’re so beautiful like this, your face flushed, those gorgeous lips open as you make the sweetest noises. Do you feel that?” Sloane asked, snapping his hips, and Dex thought his eyes were going to roll into the back of his head. “Do you?” Sloane snapped his hips again, and Dex nodded. “When you walk back in there, you’re going to still be feeling my dick inside you.”

  Dex moved Sloane’s hand from his mouth and looked at him over his shoulder. “I love you, Sloane. I love you so fucking much.”
r />   Sloane’s expression softened, and he kissed Dex, his thrusts remaining sharp and deep inside Dex. He stroked Dex, jerking him off as he murmured against Dex’s mouth, “I can’t wait to get you on that beach, to make love to you on the sand, in the ocean, my hands all over you.” Sloane’s free hand roamed Dex’s body, caressing his skin, slipping under Dex’s shirt and tweaking one of his nipples. Dex sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Sloane,” Dex warned. He was so close. Sloane nipped at his jaw, his hand moving quicker, as his hips lost all rhythm.

  “Come for me, baby. Spill yourself all over my hand so I can suck your come off my fingers.”

  “Oh God.” Dex’s orgasm plowed through him, his body trembling with the force of his release as Sloane pumped himself once, twice, then muffled his hoarse cry in Dex’s hair as he came inside Dex. They stood together unmoving, Sloane’s arm around Dex, his cheek against the back of Dex’s head. With a hiss, Sloane carefully pulled out of Dex, and Dex turned, groaning when Sloane met his gaze and did as promised, licking his hand clean before he kissed Dex so Dex could taste himself. They helped each other set their clothes to rights, and then Sloane leaned into Dex and lifted his chin, their eyes meeting.

  “I should be nervous about Saturday, but I’m not.”

  “You’re not?” Dex asked quietly.

  Sloane ran his thumb over Dex’s bottom lip. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I love you, Dex, and nothing would make me happier than being your husband.”

  Dex wrapped his arms around Sloane’s neck, his heart squeezing in his chest. As he kissed Sloane and thought about their upcoming exchange of vows, excitement bubbled up inside him. In just a few days, he would be married to this amazing man. He couldn’t wait.

  SLOANE HAD never been happier. They kissed until they couldn’t stay out here any longer and snuck back inside. As they approached the dining room, it was oddly quiet. They exchanged glances before Sloane opened the door, and they walked into a pitch-dark dining room. The lights suddenly came on, and they were taken aback by the collective shout.


  Sloane gaped at their colleagues, all coming to stand together in the center of the room, now decorated in tangerine and turquoise balloons, streamers, and paper lanterns. A huge banner read: Congratulations!

  “Oh my God, you guys.” Dex gave a sniff, his eyes glassy. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Believe it,” Taylor said, grinning wide as he approached. He held out his hand to Sloane, who took it, returning Taylor’s smile. “Whatever our differences in the past, Sloane, you are one hell of a Team Leader. I knew my team was in good hands when Destructive Delta was out there with us. Thank you for everything.”

  “Thank you for always backing us up,” Sloane said, his throat thick from Taylor’s words. They didn’t always see eye to eye, and yeah, there had been some rough moments between them, but Taylor was a great Team Leader, who took pride in his job and did his damned best to keep everyone safe. Sloane had never questioned the man’s skill or leadership ability.

  Taylor nodded, his eyes bright with unshed tears. He turned to Dex, his expression softening. “PR, huh?”

  Dex chuckled. “Yeah, somebody’s gotta look pretty for the camera.” He winked at Taylor, making him laugh. Taylor averted his gaze, his voice quiet when he spoke, and Sloane could tell he was trying to keep hold of his emotions.

  “Not gonna lie, Daley. I’m going to miss having you out there.”

  Dex surprised Taylor by bringing him in for a hug. “I’ll be around, anytime you need me.”

  Taylor nodded. “Thanks. We’d arranged to do this in Unit Alpha, but you know….” His expression softened. “With everything going on with the Sarge, we canceled it. When the Sarge found out about it, he talked to Lou, and they arranged for us to surprise you here.”

  Tony came to stand next to Dex, who turned and hugged him tight. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome, kiddo. Your unit wanted to give you a proper send-off, so here they are.”

  Dex wrinkled his nose and gave a sniff before turning to announce boisterously, “Let’s get this party started!”

  Everyone cheered, and Sloane laughed when eighties music started playing. He kissed Dex’s cheek, smiling at the light in Dex’s bright blue eyes. His partner was clearly touched by all the love they were being shown. Their colleagues took turns approaching them and congratulating them on their upcoming wedding and their promotions, teasing Dex about all the different PR stunts he was likely to be involved in. Most everyone seemed to agree that although it would be a shame Sloane would no longer be out in the field, the knowledge and experience he’d accumulated over the years would be of great value to Team Leaders in training. Better trained Team Leaders would mean stronger teams, all of whom would help move THIRDS HQ toward a better future. With the resources they had, they could make a big difference, not only in the lives of agents from all over the world, but also in the lives of the people they helped.

  Their team came over once everyone had finished, and Ash gave Sloane’s shoulder a squeeze. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. He knew Ash was touched, same as Sloane was. They really had one hell of a unit here. Sloane grinned at Ash. “So which one of you made sure no one came looking for us?”

  Ash coughed into his hand, and Dex laughed.

  “Aw, Ash. You big softie.”

  Ash rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He so wasn’t fooling anyone.

  As Sloane and Dex chatted with their friends and colleagues, they heard cheering. They looked up, and Sloane laughed at the giant, six-tiered donut wedding cake several fellow agents wheeled in to them. Dex gasped, and Herrera winked at him.

  “We know you guys have your own fancy cake, but seeing as how Dex has been going on about a donut wedding cake for months, we figured this would be the perfect time to get him one.”

  Dex wiped a tear from his eye. “It’s so beautiful and looks so delicious.” He pointed to the top of it. “I especially like the cake topper.” It was two gummy bears, an orange one and a blue one, and between them they held a red gummy heart. Dex clasped his hands together. “Okay, everyone, dig in!”

  Plates were handed out, and everyone laughed when Dex didn’t bother with a plate. He just took the top two tiers filled with donuts off the cake. He blinked up at Sloane, innocently.

  “What? It’s technically two pieces.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” There were enough donuts on those two tiers to feed their team. Or at least Hobbs. The last thing they needed was Dex on a sugar high, bouncing off the walls while Lou was trying to maintain some semblance of order. The poor guy had enough on his plate with the wedding and reception. Sloane had no idea how Lou managed it all.

  Hudson and Seb joined them, with Nina and Rafe not far behind. Dex offered