Page 19 of Tried & True

  them donuts. “Take some. Mr. Scrooge McDonut over here won’t let me stuff my face.”

  Nina laughed as she plucked a pink frosted donut with shredded coconut from the top tier. “Well, you do have a tux to fit into. Lou will murder you if you need to get it adjusted. Again.”

  “That wasn’t my fault,” Dex complained. “It’s all the training I’ve been doing.”

  “And all the cake you’ve been eating,” Letty teased, taking a blue frosted donut with white swirls.

  “You said cake, but what I think you meant to say was bench pressing.” Dex narrowed his eyes at Hobbs, who took six donuts, three around each index finger. Dex turned to Sloane, his bottom lip jutting out. “How come Hobbs gets to stuff his face?”

  “Because Hobbs isn’t the one getting married on Saturday,” Sloane said, kissing Dex’s temple. “After the ceremony, you can stuff your face with all the wedding cake you want.”

  Dex waved a finger at everyone. “You all heard him. None of you are getting wedding cake. It’s all mine.”

  Everyone laughed and continued to pilfer Dex’s donuts until there was only one left, the one with the gummy bear grooms. Dex peered at Sloane, who had yet to take a donut.

  “Don’t even think about it, Brodie.”

  Sloane leaned in to kiss Dex, and while he had his partner distracted, swiped the donut. Dex’s scandalized expression made Sloane laugh.

  “You’re adorable.” He took Dex’s hand in his and placed the donut on his palm. “And I love you.”

  Everyone awwwed, and Dex plucked the gummy heart from atop the donut. He handed it to Sloane. “I love you too, holder of my precious squishy heart.”

  Sloane opened his mouth, and Dex popped it in.

  “You two are making my teeth hurt,” Ash declared. “I need something to drink. Preferably with vodka or something.” Ash walked off, and Cael cheerfully followed.

  Sloane was touched by the effort everyone made to put together the surprise party. Zach came over with a big smile.

  “Thank you for inviting me and my siblings to the rehearsal dinner and the wedding,” Zach said. “They’re very excited.” He pointed over to his three bear Therian sisters and six giant bear Therian brothers, all chatting and laughing with members of Unit Alpha.

  Dex patted Zach’s bulging bicep. “Of course. How could we not? You’re part of the gang, and you sort of played an important role in mine and Sloane’s relationship.”

  Zach arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh? How so?”

  “You made sure my first impression was a memorable one,” Dex said, winking at him.

  Zach chuckled. “I’m glad I could help.”

  They spent the next couple of hours talking to their colleagues and answering questions about their new promotions and the wedding. Everyone wanted to know when they’d be hearing the pitter-patter of Sloaneses or Dexes. The thought didn’t terrify Sloane like it once had. It was still too soon, but it was no longer out of the question.

  While everyone enjoyed the party, Dex and Sloane stood to one side, leaning against the wall and observing their friends and family. Several members of Unit Alpha hovered around Tony, and Sloane caught more than one of his colleagues scanning the room for Tony, as if making sure he was there and safe. Sloane had a feeling Tony had just earned himself a protective detail whether he liked it or not.

  “Hello, fellas.” Hudson smiled brightly as he approached, Seb at his side. “A donut cake? You’d think you were at the office.”

  Dex let out a snort. “Where else am I going to get my sugar high?” As if realizing what he’d said, Dex blinked up at Sloane and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “What I meant to say was, where else am I going to get all my healthy snacks? Yum, so many delicious veggie sticks, and… nutritious rice cakey things.”

  Sloane shook his head, amused. “I love how you think I don’t know about your afternoon donut run or that every fifth trip to the bathroom is actually a trip to the canteen.”

  Dex gasped, a hand flying dramatically to his chest. “Why, I have no idea what you’re speaking about, sir.”

  “Right,” Sloane said, “just like Hudson has no idea how all those boxes of cookies got into his locker.”

  Seb turned to Hudson and arched an eyebrow at him. “I thought you said you were going to cut down?”

  Hudson shoved his hands into his pockets and suddenly found his shoes of great interest. “And I will.”

  Seb folded his arms over his chest. “You said that three weeks ago, remember?”

  Sloane held back a smile as Hudson lifted his chin high with a sniff.

  “I can quit anytime. I simply don’t want to.”

  Dex and Sloane laughed. Poor Seb, as if he could ever deny his husband anything. He was worse than Sloane. At least Sloane had managed to get Dex to eat vegetables. Hudson never had that problem, but his cookie addiction was as bad as Dex’s sugar one.

  Dr. Winters approached, smiling warmly at them. “I just wanted to thank you both again for inviting me. It means so much. I don’t normally accept invitations for events outside of work, but I feel I had to make an exception for you two.” He extended his hand to Dex, who shook it, smiling wide. Then held his hand out for Sloane. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Sloane said, shaking the doctor’s hand. “Saturday.”

  “I’m so very happy for you both.”

  Dex looked at Winters’s empty hands. “You don’t have a drink. Let me get you one.”

  “Thank you,” Winters replied, and Dex headed to the bar.

  No one liked having to go see Dr. Winters, because usually that meant something was seriously wrong. It wasn’t because he wasn’t a nice enough guy or compassionate or understanding, but he was the guy they saw when they were in pain. Sloane had spent months in Dr. Winters’s office talking to him about Gabe, and it had been agony, having to constantly pick at the scab of his wounds before they were even properly healed. It was the process. Talking to Winters was supposed to help him, but he hadn’t been ready to talk to anyone, much less a THIRDS-appointed doctor. Everyone on his team had spent time with Winters, some more than others, but in the end, the man had helped them in many ways.

  After Ash had infiltrated the Coalition and then been shot, he’d seen Winters. Calvin had seen the doctor on several occasions due to his position as sniper on Destructive Delta. Cael had several sessions after being kidnapped by Hogan, after his encounter with Fuller, when Dex had been taken by Pearce, and then Dex’s “ambush.” Dex had been in to see Winters almost as much as Sloane. The list was long.

  As if sensing his thoughts, Winters placed a hand on Sloane’s shoulder. “You two have been through so much, you deserve to be happy.”

  “Thank you, and thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and for Dex.”

  Winters chuckled. “He’s a strong one, that one.”

  Hudson nodded his agreement. “Resilient little bugger.”

  Sloane stiffened. Those were words he never wanted to hear from Hudson, not after he’d heard them come from Hudson’s brother the day Dex had died.

  “HERE YOU go.” Dex returned with a drink for Winters, who thanked him with a wink and laughed softly at something Hudson said.

  “That he is, Dr. Colbourn. You know, you remind me of an old colleague I worked with a long time ago.”

  “Oh?” Hudson asked.

  “Yes. I should probably get in touch with him soon. It’s been far too long.”

  Dex had no idea who they were talking about, but before he could ask, Tony called Winters over, and the doctor excused himself.

  The lights dimmed before the blue-and-purple club-style lighting turned on as the music kicked into high gear. The tables were moved to one side, exposing the dance floor, and it was open bar. Lou had arranged for cars to pick up their colleagues after the party and take them wherever they needed to go, so Dex had a feeling they were all going to be celebrating late into the night. The parental folk all said their good-nig
hts as it got later in the evening, and everyone kicked up their heels, shots in hand.

  Dex had been in the middle of impressing his husband-to-be with his Running Man skills when Seb rushed over. He stopped in front of Dex. “I think you might want to see this.” The look on his face sent a chill through Dex, and he took off after Seb. Now what? If someone else tried to mess with his wedding, he was gonna cut a bitch.

  Outside in the foyer, Seb came to a halt. “Everyone be quiet for a second.” The foyer fell silent. “You hear that noise?”

  “What?” Sloane asked.


  The rumbling, whirring sound got louder. Ash ran to the window and looked around. “Seb’s right. There’s something in the sky…. What the hell is that?”

  Letty joined him, her eyes going wide. “That’s a helicopter.”

  “Shit, someone order a chopper?”

  “Ash, Seb, come with us,” Dex said. “Everyone else stay here. We’ll be right back.”

  Dex dashed off with Sloane right beside him. They hurried down the grand staircase that led out to the entrance courtyard, where a black helicopter landed, its bright white and red lights a sharp contrast to the warm atmospheric lighting of the courtyard.

  Dex couldn’t believe it. “It can’t be.”

  “Tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing,” Sloane said.

  Dex wished he could, but they were all seeing the same thing.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Ash growled, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

  The chopper’s propellers slowed as the beast of a bird powered down. The door opened and out hopped Wolf in a pristine, expensive, designer three-piece suit. He removed the pilot’s helmet and tossed it onto the pilot’s seat before buttoning his suit jacket and sauntering over to them. He stopped in front of Dex, flashing a wide grin filled with perfect white teeth that Dex wanted to punch him in.

  “Hello, Dexter.”

  “You’ve got some fucking nerve showing up here,” Sloane growled, and Dex readied himself in case he had to keep Sloane and Wolf apart. One of these days Sloane was going to decide enough was enough, and Dex was not looking forward to that day. It didn’t help that Wolf gave no fucks what Sloane thought and continued to pop up in places where Dex was, flirting like he always did.

  “What are you doing here?” Dex asked.

  “I’ve brought you a wedding present.” Wolf leaned in with a wink. “Though it’s not too late to change your mind. You can still ditch that stick-in-the-mud and travel the world with me. Oh, the mischief we could cause together.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Sloane growled, and Wolf held up a hand to stop him.

  “Easy there, mate. You have some uninvited guests heading your way.”

  Dex groaned. “Are you kidding me? What now?”

  “There’s an army heading this way.”

  Dex froze. “What?”

  “The Makhai,” Wolf said, motioning around them. “It would seem the Chairman is making one last go of it rather than retreating. I imagine he’s grown quite tired of losing. His army will be surrounding the estate at any moment. Which is why I brought you a little present.”

  Wolf tipped his head toward the helicopter, and Dex followed him, Sloane not leaving his side. Ash and Seb weren’t far behind, and Dex was grateful for their support. Wolf was still too unpredictable. There was no telling what he had in store for them, or why he was here. Not that Dex didn’t appreciate the warnings. Wolf was far more connected than the rest of them, but that didn’t mean his intel was reliable or that he was even telling the truth.

  Wolf motioned to a huge black crate inside the chopper before looking at Ash and Seb. “Hop to it, fellas. You’re going to need all those muscles to get that out of there.”

  Ash let out a low growl but joined Seb and Sloane in grabbing the crate and pulling it out.

  “I can’t believe we’re taking orders from this asshole,” Ash grumbled.

  “Said arsehole can hear you, Agent Keeler. I’ve killed men for far less.”

  Dex frowned at Wolf. “You killed someone for calling you an asshole?”

  “Sounds awful, doesn’t it?” Wolf shook his head in amusement. “Of course not. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours. Merely entertaining myself with your delightful friends.”

  Dex rolled his eyes, and Wolf chuckled.

  The guys grunted as they lowered the crate, and as soon as it was on the ground, Sloane punched Wolf across the face.

  Holy shit.

  Wolf stumbled back, and Sloane glared at him as he shook his hand out. “You’ve had that coming for months,” Sloane snarled.

  A low growl escaped Wolf, and he narrowed his eyes as he took a step toward Sloane. Dex quickly moved in front of Sloane, putting himself between the two. With his hands up in front of him, Dex met Wolf’s gaze and quirked a smile.

  “You can’t say you didn’t deserve that.”

  Wolf arched an eyebrow at Dex before letting out a chuckle. “Fair enough.” His eyes turned hard as he moved them to Sloane. “You get one shot. Try that again, and not even your sweetheart will be able to save you from me.”

  Ash and Seb moved behind Sloane, and Dex quickly spoke up. “Okay, everyone. Let’s just chill before the testosterone chokes us all to death.” He motioned to the crate. “You want to tell us what’s in that thing?”

  Wolf pressed his hand to the digital display. The locks clicked, and he opened the lid. They all stood around the crate, staring at it.

  “Oh my God.” Dex looked up at Wolf. “You brought an entire arsenal.” He gasped and threw up an arm. “I call dibs on the rocket launcher!”

  Wolf laughed. “A man after my own heart. That should even the odds a bit, don’t you think?”

  “Why are you helping us?” Sloane asked, peering at Wolf.

  “For one, I’m not helping you. I’m helping your delectable fiancé. Two, the Makhai tried to kill me, then tried to kidnap my little brother in order to use me to kill for them. Consider me offended.”

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Dex said.

  “Something like that,” Wolf replied, grinning wide. “Though I have tried to convince you to venture beyond acquaintance, but you’re frustratingly loyal.”

  “So you’re just giving this to us?” Dex eyed him.

  “I will take a thank-you kiss.” Wolf tapped his lips.

  Dex narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

  “It was worth a try.” Wolf winked at him, then gave him a one-fingered salute before turning on his heels and heading for the pilot’s seat.

  Dex turned to Seb. “I need you to round up anyone who isn’t a civilian.” With Seb running off to do as asked, Dex quickly turned back to Wolf. “Wait, you’re just going to leave?”

  Wolf’s smile was sinful. “Why? Do you need me, Dexter?”

  “If we don’t stop these guys, they’re going to keep coming after us.”

  “Yes, they will, but they won’t catch me.” He made to climb in, but Dex’s words stopped him in his tracks.

  “And what about Hudson?”

  Wolf slowly turned to meet his gaze. “Careful, Dexter.” His voice was clipped and almost as terrifying as the coldness in his eyes.

  “I’m not trying to manipulate you. It’s the truth, and you know it. While the Chairman is out there, knowing who Hudson is to you, he won’t stop.”

  The fear that flashed through Wolf’s gaze was so quick Dex questioned whether it had been there at all. As if on cue, Hudson came running. Seb and the rest of their THIRDS friends and colleagues weren’t far behind. Hudson’s smile broke Dex’s heart.

  “Alfie,” Hudson greeted cheerfully, as if his brother had just dropped by for a chat.

  Wolf pressed his lips together. He faced Sloane and the others. “Arm yourselves, secure your civilians, and do what you do best. There’s no room for hesitation or a conscience. It’s you and everyone yo
u hold dear, or them.” Wolf grabbed an MP5 submachine gun and a tactical vest.

  “Are you ignoring me?” Hudson asked, scowling at his brother.

  Wolf turned to Hudson. “Go inside.”

  “With the civilians,” Hudson said before looking around at everyone putting on tactical vests and arming themselves with all manner of firearms. He moved his gaze back to Wolf, and Dex stifled a groan. He knew that look. “No.”

  Wolf peered at him. “What do you mean no?”

  “I’m not going to hide. I’m going to fight alongside you and Seb.” He took the machine gun from Wolf, who snatched it back with a snarl.

  “Don’t be so bloody pigheaded! Go inside!”

  “No.” Hudson rounded his shoulders. “I’m a THIRDS agent, and… you know.”

  “You’re a medical examiner.”

  Hudson narrowed his eyes. “I have training, Alfie.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Wolf ground out through his teeth. “Go inside, or I swear on our grandmother’s grave, I will pick you up and carry your arse in.”

  Hudson folded his arms over his chest. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Wolf opened his mouth to reply, then seemed to think better of it. “How about this. If you agree to go inside and stay there, I’ll allow you to ask me one question.”

  Hudson worried his bottom lip, and Dex knew his friend was warring with himself. It was clear Hudson wanted to fight alongside them, with his husband, and although Hudson was right that he was a trained THIRDS agent, Wolf was equally right. Hudson’s training wasn’t the same as everyone else’s. As far as TIN training, he’d only just started recently and had even further to go than Dex and Sloane. Were Dex in Wolf’s shoes, he would have done what he could to keep his brother safe. Hudson glanced at Dex, and Dex nodded. Thankfully, Hudson gave in.

  “Very well. How did you become… this?” Hudson asked, motioning to Wolf in general.

  “That’s a very complicated question that would require far longer than the few minutes we have, so I’ll give you the abridged version. I was never dead. Only made to look as if I were dead.” Wolf thrust his machine gun and tactical vest at Dex so he could remove his suit jacket, which he draped over Hudson’s shoulder. Then he took the vest from Dex and strapped himself into it.

  “TIN arranged it. They had been watching the both of us for some time, but decided to approach me first, knowing if I joined, you were sure to follow. My falling to certain doom was the perfect opportunity. Fate decided I wasn’t going to die at the bottom of those cliffs that day. It had a far more sinister design in mind.”

  “TIN forced your hand?” Hudson asked, his eyes filling with anger.

  Wolf frowned at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. They made me an offer. I could return home, back to living under my father’s thumb, fall into line like our siblings and be miserable, watch you be miserable, or I could change our lives, starting with me as a TIN operative. I could be whoever I wanted to be, do what I wanted to do. The sky was the limit. I’d have a freedom I never knew was possible. I wasn’t as brave as you. I never would have left for the States, not if it meant leaving you behind, but you weren’t ready. You needed a push, and my death gave you that push. I accepted the offer on one condition. That Sparks would look after you, get you away from that bastard father of ours. She made sure when you applied to the THIRDS, a position at THIRDS HQ in Manhattan was open for you.”

  Hudson’s brows drew together. “You’re the reason I was hired to the THIRDS?”

  “No. You’re the reason you were hired. I just made sure you were close to where she was.”


  “So she could keep you safe. It was part of the deal.”

  “What deal?” Hudson asked.

  “Why don’t you tell him, Sonya?”

  Everyone turned to stare at Sparks, who stood several feet away, Tony and Cael behind her. Dex was stunned by the tears in her eyes. When she spoke, her voice was almost a whisper.

  “I would keep Hudson safe, away from anyone who might try to use him against Wolf, and Wolf would keep my daughter safe.”