Page 22 of Tried & True

  Dex looked up, surprised to find Sparks standing there. He hadn’t even seen her approach.

  “Give me a good reason I shouldn’t end him right now.”

  Sparks’s blue eyes moved from Dex to Winters, the black spreading until only a sliver of blue remained.

  “Because death is too good for him.”

  Dex considered her words. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning I’m going to put him in the deepest, darkest, filthiest pit of hell, where he’s going to be made to suffer every hour of every day, but first he’s going to give up his operatives inside TIN before any more lives are lost.”

  Winters let out a harsh laugh. “You stupid, deluded little girl. My people will find me.”

  Sparks put her heel to Winters’s temple and leaned in. He hissed at the pain. “Your people are already bailing on you. How long do you think before they all jump ship to save their own hides? Especially since I let my superiors know we’ve detained you? Also, I may have alluded to your cooperation.”

  Winters glared at her as he spat, “No one will believe that.”

  “Thanks to your people, who are now turning traitor on you, TIN is moving in on your organization. Intel says the US branch of the Makhai is done.”

  Winters went still. Guess they had their answer. Dex hauled Winters to his feet, and Sparks clamped black cuffs around his wrists and another around Winters’s neck. A row of red lights turned on, glowing on each device, accompanied by a brief high-pitched beep.

  “I control these cuffs. One command, and enough electricity will go through your system to fry your insides.”

  Dex smirked as he dropped the rope to the ground. “Talk about irony.” He turned to Sparks. “What about Wolf? How are you going to keep him from killing Winters?”

  “I don’t need to.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  The coldness in Sparks’s eyes sent a chill through Dex.

  “I’ve already made a deal with Wolf. I get Winters first. And when I’m done with him, he’s all Wolf’s.”

  Dex patted Winters’s shoulder. “I wish I could say it was nice knowing you, but I hope you rot in hell.”

  TIN operatives flooded the scene, and they escorted Winters toward an unmarked armored car. Dex hoped Winters sucked in as much of the sun as he could, because the asshole wasn’t going to be seeing the light of day any time soon. Whatever Sparks had in store for him, there was Wolf waiting at the other end.

  Sloane hurried toward him, looking a little worse for wear. His arm was bloodied, and he held on to his side, but he gave Dex a reassuring grin. Destructive Delta jogged behind him, helmets on, full tactical gear and rifles in hand, all ready to kick some more ass. Dex stood there a moment, just taking in the sight, unable to keep from puffing up his chest a little bit. This was his team. His family. Even with Dex and Sloane heading for new adventures, their family was always going to be there to back them up.

  When Sloane reached him, he threw his arms around Dex. “Thank God you’re okay.” Sloane held him close, his hand cradling Dex’s head.

  “I’m okay.” He pulled back and looked Sloane over. “What about you? Are you hurt?”

  “You mean besides feeling like I’ve been struck by lightning? I’m good. Just a few grazes.”

  “I’m a little confused,” Ash said, coming to stand beside them. “Winters is alive. How is he alive after all the shit he put us through?”

  Dex nodded. “Winters killed Sparks’s husband, he’s the reason she can’t see her daughter, and he’s responsible for Tucker’s death. If there’s anything left of the guy when Sparks is done with him, she’s promised him to Wolf after.”

  “Fuck.” Ash shook his head. “Yeah, he’s going to wish you’d killed him.”

  “I can’t believe he was lying to us this whole time,” Calvin said, shaking his head, his eyes glassy. “He fucking sat there in front of me, acting like he cared, when really he hated me and what I was.”

  Dex opened his mouth, but then Hobbs pushed past them, heading down the pier. Calvin was going to follow, but Dex stopped him. “Let me have a word with him. Please.”

  Calvin nodded.

  Dex left his team and headed down the pier. Hobbs had stopped to one side, his back turned to Dex as he gazed out at the water.

  “Hey, big guy.”

  The tears that Hobbs wiped from his cheeks broke Dex’s heart. Out of all of them, Dex understood how Winters’s betrayal had crushed Hobbs the most. Although Hobbs never talked to Winters using words, he still communicated with him often because he’d trusted Winters.

  Hobbs shook his head, his fists balled at his sides, and his green eyes filled with anger.

  “Talk to me, Hobbs.”

  Hobbs shook his head fervently, his lips pressed together. He swiped a hand over his mouth, and jerked his hand out, like he was tossing his voice in the ocean. Dex’s heart stopped, and he grabbed Hobbs by the arms.

  “No. Don’t you fucking dare. That asshole does not get to undo all the progress you’ve made. Hobbs, look at me.”

  Hobbs shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. Desperation and panic rose inside Dex.

  “Ethan, look at me,” Dex demanded.

  Hobbs looked down at him, his bottom lip trembling and his face crumbling. Dex stepped close and took hold of his face.

  “Ethan, you can’t let what that asshole did stop you from being you. Yes, he betrayed us, and I promise you he is going to hell for that, but all the progress you made over the years was you. What he did doesn’t change the fact that you’re fucking amazing, and brave, and the best at what you do. It doesn’t change how much Calvin adores you, or how proud your family is of you.” Dex smiled through his tears. “It doesn’t change how much I love you. Winters has taken so much from us. Please don’t let him take you too.”

  Hobbs lost the fight against his tears, and the dam broke. He hugged Dex tight to his chest and lowered his head, whispering in his ear, “I love you too. I’m sorry. I was mad.”

  “I know. And there’s nothing to be sorry for, big guy.” Dex closed his eyes, relief running through him as he ran a hand over Hobbs’s back. When he opened his eyes, Calvin was there, heartache and concern all over his boyish face. Dex tapped Hobbs’s shoulder, and Hobbs pulled back. He turned and drew Calvin into his arms, his face buried in Calvin’s hair. Dex wiped at his cheeks as he made his way over to Sloane. This wasn’t something they would be over easily, and the THIRDS would no doubt expect them to see another appointed psychologist. Dex felt for the poor soul who’d be taking Winters’s place.

  “He okay?” Sloane asked, worried.

  “He’s taking it hard, but I think he’ll heal. It’ll take some time.” He cleared his throat before he got emotional again. “So where are we at?”

  “TIN’s rounded up everyone here,” Letty said, motioning behind them. “We’ve hit the Makhai hard, and with Winters off the board, the rest of them don’t stand a chance.”

  Dex let out a shaky breath. He stared up at Sloane. “It’s done.”

  Sloane pulled him close and kissed the top of his head. “Yeah, baby. It’s finally over.”

  As they walked back toward the yard where the container had been, Ash spoke up. “I hate to be the one to bring everyone down, but you all heard Sparks. This is just one branch of an organization whose reach stretches who knows how far.”

  “And we’ll get to them too,” Sloane promised, slipping his hand into Dex’s and lacing their fingers together. “Right now, we have something equally important to get to.”

  Dex beamed up at Sloane, but then he remembered Tony. “Where’s Dad?” he asked his brother.

  “Back at the estate,” Cael replied. “He was determined to come out here, but thankfully Sparks convinced him someone needed to stay and keep everyone safe in case Winters had anything else up his sleeve. With your aunt there, Thomas, and the other parents, he gave in. We had plenty of agents on-site, but I think she was just afraid of something hap
pening to him so soon after we just got him back.”

  Dex was relieved. His father was stubborn, but when it came to the safety of those he cared about, he put his pride aside. “How are things between him and Sparks?”

  Cael’s expression turned sympathetic. “Dad said they’re taking some time apart. I don’t think he’ll ever be able to forgive her for what she allowed to happen to you.”

  “She did it for her daughter,” Dex said gently.

  “Yeah, and I get that. I guess that’s why I’m conflicted. Either way, how can they have trust between them after that?”

  “You’re right,” Dex said with a sigh. Whatever happened, he just hoped his dad would be happy.

  Dex was quiet as he walked, hand in hand with Sloane, surrounded by his team. Men, women, Therians, all of whom he loved and considered his family. It struck him then how none of them were related to him by blood, not even his dad and brother, and yet the bond they all shared could never be broken. They’d been through it all together. Laughed, cried, bled, mourned, and loved. Whatever the future held, they were the one constant in his life. His home.



  Fifteen minutes.

  Fifteen minutes and the wedding processional music would start, and the wedding party would begin their march toward the altar until it was Dex and Sloane’s turn. Dex let out a shaky breath.

  “Okay, it’s happening. This is happening.” He paced in front of the door he’d walk out of before he’d head for the sitting room where Sloane would be waiting to walk him down the aisle, the start of their new journey. Dex swallowed hard when something big blocked his path. He looked up, and Hobbs grabbed his shoulders.

  With a big dopey smile and watery eyes, Hobbs leaned in and whispered in Dex’s ear, “You got this.”

  Dex’s eyes welled up, and he quickly blinked away his tears. He nodded, afraid if he said anything, he’d lose it.

  “You look amazing,” Letty said, kissing his cheek.

  “You look beautiful.” Dex beamed at her, loving how she looked in the strapless black gown, the long tangerine-colored sash tied around her waist giving it a perfect pop of color along with the bouquet of tangerine roses. He turned to the rest of his wedding party. “Look at you guys.”

  Cael, Hobbs, and Hudson were all dashing in their black suits with tangerine ties and little tangerine rosebuds pinned to their lapels, matching the one pinned to Dex’s tuxedo lapel. Sloane’s wedding party would have Ash, Calvin, and Seb in black suits with turquoise ties and a turquoise rosebud pinned to their lapels, which would match the one Sloane would have pinned to his. Rosa, much like Letty, would be in a strapless black gown with a turquoise sash, and holding a bouquet of turquoise roses. Everyone was stunning.

  Hobbs waggled his eyebrows and lifted the legs of his black trousers, revealing tangerine and turquoise socks. Hudson and Cael followed his lead, revealing their matching socks, and Dex laughed. He tugged at his trouser legs, showing off his all tangerine socks. Sloane’s would be all turquoise. It had been Sloane’s idea. The reason behind the suggestion being the need to have “a little bit of that Daley charm.”

  Hudson stepped up to Dex and smiled brightly. Tears welled up in his eyes, and Dex wiped at his own eyes.

  “Stop it. You’re going to fog up your glasses.”

  Hudson laughed and hugged him tight. Bracing himself, Dex wiped his sweaty hands on his pants as Cael stepped up to him. His bottom lip trembled, and Dex shook his head.

  “Come on, Chirpy. Don’t make me smear my makeup.”

  Cael laughed and grabbed him, pulling him into a tight hug. “I love you so much, Dex.”

  Closing his eyes, Dex hugged his little brother fiercely, his voice cracking when he replied, “I love you too, Chirpy.” With a sniff, he pulled away. “You got the ring?”

  Cael nodded and patted his front breast pocket. A knock on the door was followed by Lou poking his head in. He opened his mouth to speak, looked Dex over, and flew into the room to throw his arms around Dex. He pulled back and kissed Dex’s cheeks, his eyes glassy.

  “Sloane’s a very lucky man,” Lou said softly. “Make sure he never forgets that.” Wiping under his eyes, he motioned to the door. “It’s time for me to take Cael and the others to the sitting room. I’ll be back for you. All the guests are in their seats, Tony’s in position, and the photographers are in place.”

  “And Sloane?”

  Lou smiled brightly. “Looking handsome as ever. He’s in the sitting room with Ash and the others.”

  “Is he okay?” Dex asked. It was almost time. In less than an hour, he’d be married. Was Sloane as nervous as he was? Was he freaking out? Now that they were here, was he having second thoughts? Cold feet?

  “Dex.” Lou put a hand to his cheek. “It’s your wedding day. Stop worrying and enjoy this moment.”

  Lou was right. These were memories that would stay with him for the rest of his life.

  “Come on everyone.” Lou opened the door, and Dex waved at his brother and friends as they all walked out. Just before the door closed, his aunt Danelle walked in, the coral dress looking stunning with her dark skin.

  “Hey, you’re not supposed to outshine the groom,” Dex teased.

  She laughed and cupped his face. “Oh, baby, no one can outshine you. Never have, never will. Now, whatever you’re worrying about, don’t. That man of yours adores you. I know he’s going to do right by you.”

  “You do?”

  The twinkle of mischief in her big hazel eyes made Dex chuckle.

  “Honey, if he doesn’t, he’s got me and Tony to answer to. Your man is brave, but he ain’t that brave.”

  Dex let his head fall back with a laugh. He wrapped her in his arms and hugged her tight. “Thank you, Aunt Danelle. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” She pulled away with a dainty sniff, turned him around, and smacked his butt. “Go knock his socks off.”

  Dex winked at her before she headed for the door. “That comes later.”

  “I SHOULD check on him. Someone needs to check on him.”

  Sloane paced from one end of the sitting room to the other. It probably didn’t help that he could see out ahead into the formal garden and the rows of white chairs filled with two hundred wedding guests, and Tony standing at the gorgeous altar at the end of the stunningly decorated aisle. Lou had really outdone himself. The tangerine and turquoise were softened by the white, resulting in pops of color rather than overpowering the décor. The sky was blue, the weather perfect, and at any moment, he’d be faced with his future.

  It was fine. Dex was fine. Why wouldn’t he be? Dex loved him. Loved him more than Sloane could have ever dreamed of. Dex was the most amazing man he’d ever met. Beautiful, funny, brave, kind, generous, with a heart so big there was no question why he was so loved. It was like before Dex, Sloane had been living an incomplete life. He hadn’t known he was capable of the kind of love he felt, that he could be as happy as he was. Before Dex, he was afraid to hope. He’d been broken, the pieces all put back together precariously with glue that never seemed to dry or fill the cracks properly. Then Dex came into his life, and one tiny piece at a time he took Sloane apart and pieced him together, healing the cracks and setting fire to his soul, waking up something inside Sloane.

  Sloane closed his eyes, thinking of everything they’d been through together. They’d faced and survived bullets, explosions, kidnapping, torture, ghosts from their pasts. They might have stumbled along the way, but they always picked each other up and their relationship was all the stronger for it—and that was before they were bonded.


  Sloane blinked up at Seb. “Hey.”

  Seb put a hand on his shoulder. “Stop worrying. Dex is crazy about you. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do, or hasn’t done, for you.”

  Sloane smiled and nodded. Seb was right. He hugged Seb. “Thank you.” He pulled back and found Rosa smiling, tears in her eyes. She smooth
ed down his tuxedo jacket, fixed the turquoise rosebud in his lapel. “Rosita Bonita, you look beautiful.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she replied with a sniff.

  Sloane chuckled. “Thanks.” He winked at Calvin, who stepped up to him, all glassy eyes and bashful. “Come ’ere.” Sloane pulled him into a hug. “Thank you for being such a good friend.”

  Calvin pulled back and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

  “All right, enough crying.” Ash stepped in front of Sloane, frowning at him. “This is Daley we’re talking about. The guy’s not just nuts, but he’s nuts about you. Has been since the beginning. There’s no one out there more committed to you and your happiness than he is.”

  Sloane swallowed past the lump in his throat. He pressed his lips together, and Ash gave him a pointed look.

  “No. Nope. You suck that tear back in.”

  Sloane laughed, his eyes welling. Ash’s bottom lip trembled, and he shook his head, refusing to give in. At least until Sloane found his voice.

  “My mom might not be here, but having you with me makes it okay.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Ash crumbled and brought Sloane in for a fierce bear hug. “I fucking love you. Don’t ever, ever forget that. I might not have Arlo, but I have you. You’re my brother.”

  Sloane closed his eyes against the falling tears and squeezed Ash tight. “Brothers,” Sloane agreed. No matter what, Ash would always be his family, and having him here meant the world to Sloane.

  The music started, and Sloane pulled away, thanking Rosa for the tissues. Ash took a couple with a grumble. Since Ash was his best man, he had Dex’s wedding ring in his pocket. Sloane and Dex had picked out their rings together. A matching set that represented him and Dex. Two black ceramic Tiffany bands, each with a yellow gold inlay set with twenty-one black diamonds. The gleaming black band was Sloane, and the sparkling gold center inlay was his heart, Dex. But the part he loved most was the engraving inside each band.

  Forever yours. Faithfully.

  “It’s time,” Ash announced, stepping up to the doorway, with Calvin standing behind him, then Seb, and Rosa. The door to the sitting room opened, and in walked Cael, Hobbs, Hudson, and Letty. They took turns hugging Sloane, telling him how good he looked, and how happy they were for him. Ash kissed Cael’s cheek, his smile wide.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  Cael’s smile was dazzling as he took the arm Ash held out to him. “Thank you. You look amazing.”

  Ash winked at him, and they faced forward. Everyone paired up, and got in line. Sloane rounded his shoulders, and stood behind Rosa. He tugged on his shirt cuffs and blew out a breath to steady himself. It was finally happening. Fuck. He’d never been more terrified. Not because he was getting married, but because soon he would be a husband. He was committing himself to being everything Dex deserved.

  The door to the sitting room opened, and he turned, his breath catching at the sight of Dex in his double-breasted tuxedo, looking more beautiful than ever. There was a sparkle in his stunning blue eyes, an adoration reserved only for him. Sloane swallowed past the lump in his throat as Dex stepped up to him.

  “Hi,” Dex said quietly.

  “Hi,” Sloane replied, his voice rough with emotion. “How is it you always manage to steal my breath away?”

  “It’s only fair since you stole my heart.” A tear rolled down Dex’s cheek, and Sloane wiped it away with his thumb. He held his hand out to Dex, and Dex placed his hand in Sloane’s. They laced their fingers together, and the double doors were opened for them. The music changed, and they walked out into the garden, down the white carpet that stretched to the altar, where their family and friends stood to each side of Tony.

  As they walked hand in hand past their friends, everyone snapping pictures, in tears, or smiling brightly, Sloane tightened his grip on Dex’s hand. Their friends and family were here for them, to see them off on this new adventure. They reached the altar, where Tony stood dressed sharply in a black suit and black tie, a microphone pinned to his lapel. He smiled wide at them, his eyes watery. Clearing his throat, he rounded his shoulders.

  As Tony began the ceremony, Sloane and Dex faced each other, Dex’s hands in his, his flushed cheeks and beautiful smile had Sloane grinning like an idiot. God, he was so in love with this man. Tony thanked their guests for being here with them to witness their union on this beautiful day. He talked of celebration and love, and how everyone here played an integral part in their lives.

  “Love is, truly, a gift. As the inspirational Maya Angelou once said, ‘Love