Page 23 of Tried & True

  recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.’ In the time that Dexter and Sloane have spent together, they’ve built the sturdy foundation for a lifelong relationship.” Tony continued, speaking of love forever binding them together, how they’ll spend each day nurturing their love.

  “The love you share must be guarded and cherished. It is your most valuable treasure. Dexter and Sloane, I invite you to declare your vows. Dexter, you may begin.”

  Dex took a deep breath and nodded. Sloane had never seen Dex this nervous before. It spoke volumes of what this meant to him. Very little rattled his sweet, fearless man. Dex met Sloane’s gaze, and Sloane winked at him. With a soft laugh, Dex nodded again, as if finding his courage. He lifted his chin and spoke confidently.

  “I, Dexter, take you, Sloane, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life, until death do us part. This is my solemn vow.”

  Tony looked to Sloane. “Sloane, you may now make your promise.”

  Sloane smiled at Dex, and brought Dex’s hands to his lips for a kiss before he started. “I, Sloane, take you, Dexter, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life, until death do us part. This is my solemn vow.”

  “Dexter, do you take Sloane to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise him love, faith, and tenderness? Do you promise to cherish him, put your trust in him, and comfort him in difficulty, so long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  “Sloane, do you take Dexter to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise him love, faith, and tenderness? Do you promise to cherish him, put your trust in him, and comfort him in difficulty, so long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  “You may now exchange rings. Let these rings remind you always of that love, and of the promises you have made here on this day.”

  Dex turned and gently took Sloane’s ring from Cael, and then Sloane turned to take Dex’s ring from Ash, winking at his red-eyed friend. Ash shook his head at him as he stepped back behind Sloane.

  “Will each of you please repeat after me as you place the ring on your loved one’s hand? I, Dexter, give you, Sloane, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Dex lifted Sloane’s left hand, and slid the black band down Sloane’s ring finger. “I, Dexter, give you, Sloane, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.” A tear rolled down Dex’s cheek, but his smile was breathtaking. All Sloane wanted to do was grab him and kiss him senseless.

  “Repeat after me,” Tony instructed, making sure Sloane didn’t get ahead of himself. “I, Sloane, give you, Dexter, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Sloane lifted Dex’s left hand and slipped the black band on his finger. “I, Sloane, give you, Dexter, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you married. You may now kiss.”

  Everyone erupted into cheers as Sloane moved in to kiss Dex, laughing when Dex grabbed him, turned, and dipped him. Dex waggled his eyebrows before kissing Sloane. He brought Sloane back up with him, and Sloane couldn’t help it. Before Dex could turn away, Sloane cupped his face and brought their lips together. Dex melted against him, the crowd cheering and catcalling as Dex grasped the lapels of Sloane’s tuxedo. They wrapped their arms around each other, lost in the kiss, the world disappearing, leaving only the two of them. When they were breathless, they came up for air, and they rested their heads together as Tony declared loudly.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to present to you Dexter and Sloane Daley!”

  They faced the crowd, their fingers laced together as they headed back down the aisle, waving at their friends and family, and everyone threw handfuls of rose petals. As they walked through the shower of colorful petals, Dex beamed up at him, his eyes glowing amber.

  They kissed again, cameras going off, smartphones snapping away, and Dex let out a dreamy sigh that made Sloane chuckle. They posed for more pictures before heading inside with their wedding party and family for photos at the grand staircase. They took countless pictures with just the two of them posing, being sweet, being silly. They took photos with their friends, with family. They kissed, made funny faces, and laughed. Everyone flashed their tangerine and turquoise socks. Soon it was time for them to go to the terrace room for the reception, including Sloane and his husband. Husband. No matter what job they did, what name or title they’d end up going by, husband was the most important one, and it would never change.

  DEX SAT beside Sloane at the long, elegant table set up for them and their wedding party. Cael sat to Dex’s right, with Ash next to him, then Rosa and Letty. Seb sat to Sloane’s left side with Hudson, then Calvin and Hobbs. They faced the huge terrace room filled with guests, the twinkling lights around the room and the dazzling sparkle from the crystal chandeliers giving everything a magical, fairy-tale glow, and that was almost what it felt like, as if he were in a fairy tale. A round table to their left had the exquisite wedding cake. It wasn’t six tiers; it was better. It was white with tangerine and turquoise accents. It was also nine cakes.

  Six individual cakes made the base, each with a turquoise edible ribbon along the bottom and an edible tangerine rose in the center. They held a large tier stylishly decorated in white and turquoise stripes, the next tier white with a tufted design and tiny turquoise pearls, and the top tier white with swirls, the first letters of their names lovingly scripted on the side. The topper was an arrangement of edible tangerine roses. Each cake was a different flavor, because there was no way Dex could pick just one, so he’d asked each member of Destructive Delta to pick their favorite flavor.

  As the salads and appetizers came, Tony stood and tapped a spoon to his glass to get everyone’s attention. There were whistles and catcalls. He shook his head at them as if they were too much, but his eyes shone with amusement.

  “Yeah, all right. Enough of that now. I want to welcome you all to tonight’s celebration.”

  Everyone clapped and cheered. Tony put his hand up, and the room immediately fell silent, and Dex winked at Sloane, whose brows shot up. No one could command a room like Anthony Maddock.

  “Although they’re not with us today, I know John and Gina Daley are here in spirit.” He lifted a glass toward the small round table near the door that contained beautifully framed photographs of Daley-Maddock family members who couldn’t be with them but who Dex had wanted to honor. There were framed photos of Dex’s parents, of Tony’s father, and two cheetah figurines exquisitely carved from wood painted in gold and black, since no photos of Cael’s parents had ever been found. Sloane had placed a vase of pink peonies, his mother’s favorite, and together they lit several white candles. It had been an emotional moment for the two of them, but it had also been cathartic in a way.

  “John and Gina were my family, and when I lost them, my world shattered. I found myself lost and terrified, not just because I’d lost two of the most important people in my life, but because they’d left me their most precious gift.” Tony turned to smile at Dex, tears in his eyes. “Their little boy.”

  Dex wiped at his cheek and let out a shaky breath. He’d resigned himself to the fact he was going to be bawling his eyes out for most of today. Sloane wrapped his arm around Dex and brought him in close, kissing the side of his head, soothing.

  “I was young, scared, and up to that point had never given much thought to being a father, and suddenly I had this tiny person loo
king up to me, relying on me. My actions from that point forward wouldn’t just reflect the kind of man I was, but the kind of man Dex would become. I prayed every night that I would do right by John and Gina and their little boy. Now when I look at the man Dex has become, I see parts of John and parts of Gina.” Tony held his glass up again. “Most importantly, I see a man they would have been proud of, and as our son heads off on this new adventure with the man he loves, I can be at peace knowing I did all right.”

  Everyone clapped, and Dex stood. He ran around the table to where Tony was and threw his arms around him, hugging him close, both of them sniffing and laughing.

  “I love you so much, Dad.”

  Tony cradled Dex’s head against his shoulder. “I love you too, kiddo.”

  With a wobbly smile, Dex headed back to the table. He resumed his seat next to Sloane and buried his head against Sloane’s neck to a collective aww. Dex waved his hand at them, his voice muffled, but loud as he did his best Linda Richman impression.

  “Talk amongst yourselves.”

  Everyone laughed, and Sloane rubbed his back. “Okay, sweetheart?”

  Dex wiped at his eyes, then blew out a shaky breath. “I’m good.” He turned back, and everyone cheered.

  “Yeah, yeah. Eat your salads.” That got him more laughs, and soon the staff was serving dinner. As they ate and chatted, instrumental music played in the background. Dex couldn’t wait to get his jacket off. The photographer was going around, snapping photos of all the guests at their tables and recording messages from everyone to Dex and Sloane. He couldn’t wait to watch them later. After the reception, a car would be waiting to take them to a snazzy hotel closer to the airport, their packed bags in the trunk and everything ready for their flight out tomorrow afternoon.

  Cael stood, facing the crowded room, and Dex braced himself. At least he’d managed to eat something so he wasn’t weeping on an empty stomach. The room went quiet, all eyes on Cael, who looked nervous, but then that was just Cael. Ash placed his hand to Cael’s lower back, and the transformation was instant. Cael relaxed and smiled brightly. He turned his attention to Dex.

  “Dex, I don’t know that I can find the right words to describe you.”

  Ash opened his mouth, and Cael put a finger to his lips without even having to look at him, making everyone laugh.

  “Not those words.”

  Dex laughed along with everyone else and winked at Ash. Did Ash know just how full his hands would be, now that Cael was moving in? Dex couldn’t wait to see what that looked like.

  “But then, that’s always been you. Larger than life, standing out from the crowd. Like a supernova whose star never dies but whose light is explosive, lighting up everyone’s life.”

  Dex sniffed and wiped away his tears as Cael tried to fight his back. His bottom lip shook, and Dex stood to bring his baby brother into his arms.

  “I love you, Dex.”

  “I love you too, Chirpy.”

  Cael pulled back and let out a slow breath. “When I first found out about you and Sloane, I admit, I was worried. The two of you were so different, and both of you were working through some pretty tough changes. It was bumpy at first, but I don’t need to tell you that.”

  Dex sat and Cael looked over at Sloane, his expression softening.

  “Sloane, the more I saw you with Dex, the more I saw that you two were meant to be. No one made my brother light up the way you did. He has this smile that’s just for you, and no one can mistake the look in his eyes. It’s there for everyone to see. He adores you. The reason I knew you were meant for him was because no one, and I mean no one, has ever gotten Dex to just be. My brother never stopped moving. He was always the constant blur of activity, a whirlwind of restless energy that needed to be unleashed. Then he fell in love with you, and with one touch, Dex slowed to a stop. I had never seen anyone have that effect on him. Which is why I believe that long before you were mates, you were already bonded. Welcome to the family, Sloane. I’m proud and honored to be your brother.”

  Sloane stood, and Cael walked over to hug him. Everyone clapped and cheered, and Dex had never felt prouder. He was so blessed to have all these amazing people in his life. It was important he never take that for granted or lose sight of what was really important.

  After Cael’s toast, they went back to eating their dinner, talking, and laughing. Then Sloane turned to Dex and held his hand out. Dex’s heart swelled in his chest as he took Sloane’s hand, and everyone clapped. The lights dimmed, and Sloane led Dex to the dance floor as Journey’s “Faithfully” started playing.

  Sloane drew Dex in close, one hand to Dex’s lower back, the other holding Dex’s hand. With a soft sigh, Dex let his head rest against Sloane’s shoulder as they danced, his arm around Sloane’s waist.

  “I remember the first time you sang this to me,” Sloane said, resting his cheek against Dex’s head. “I tried so hard to tell myself it didn’t mean anything, that the song didn’t strike something deep inside me. And then you looked at me while you sang, looking so damn beautiful up there. I thought you were the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I was mesmerized.”

  Dex pulled back enough to gaze up at him, his heart in his throat. “I picked that song because it’s what I wanted so badly. I wanted to be yours, always.”

  Sloane cupped his cheek and leaned in for a kiss. It was sweet, gentle, and had Dex melting against Sloane. Everyone clapped, and the song ended. Another slow song started, and Dex called out across the room.

  “Okay, I want all the parents up here to join us. Julia, Thomas, move your sweet little keisters. Ash, bring your mom up here. Darla, Armel, Dad, come on.” The parents all made their way to the dance floor, and Dex walked to Sparks and took her hand. She looked striking in the royal blue figure-hugging dress. Like a movie star from the forties.

  “Dex, what are you doing?” Sparks asked through her teeth, her smile never leaving her face.

  “Tony needs a dance partner.” Dex brought her to his dad and smiled brightly.

  Tony narrowed his eyes at Dex.

  “Sorry, Dad. My wedding, my rules.” He patted Tony’s shoulder, then rejoined Sloane on the dance floor.

  “You really think that’s a good idea?” Sloane asked. “They look kind of uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not the only one in my family who’s stubborn,” Dex said. “They need to talk, and can you think of two people less likely to share their feelings than those two?”

  Sloane nodded his agreement. “I think your dad’s even worse than Ash. I didn’t think it was possible, but yeah.”

  As the parents danced, Dex snuck a peek at his dad and cringed. Jesus, it was painful. “Babe, I’ll need you to run interference for me. Wait for my signal.”

  “Um, okay,” Sloane said with a chuckle, his eyes filled with amusement. Dex kissed him, then walked over to Sparks and Tony.

  “May I cut in?”

  “Sure,” Tony said, taking a step back. He turned to go, and Dex took his father’s hand and pulled him into a dance. Tony rolled his eyes at him.

  “Sweet baby Jesus.”

  “What? You’re my parent, so tradition states I get to dance with you. Suck it up, buttercup.”

  Dex pointed behind him, and Sloane headed toward Sparks to dance with her. Tony glared at him, and Dex’s grin widened.

  “You’re not allowed to be mad at me. It’s my wedding.”

  “I have not forgotten,” Tony muttered.

  “Good, so when are you and Sonya going to talk?”

  “What is there to talk about?”

  “Dad, I’m not about to tell you what you should do, but I need you to know that I’m okay with her. Yes, what she did was wrong, but none of us can say we wouldn’t have done the same in her situation. She watched her husband get blown up, and lost her daughter. Should she have told you? Yes.”

  “Dex,” Tony warned.

  “All I’m saying is I’m willing to forgive her. I’m alive, Dad, and I’m going to be okay
.” Dex hugged his father tight before leaving him and finding Sloane, who had taken his seat behind the table as the music picked up and the parents got down and jiggy with it. Dex and Sloane had agreed the parents should have the dance floor before all the crazy started. Dex took a seat next to Sloane as the floor erupted into cheers as everyone on the dance floor formed a circle around Julia and Thomas.

  “Look at them,” Sloane said, lacing his fingers with Dex’s as Julia danced around Thomas, who was pulling some serious moves from his wheelchair, arms in the air like he just didn’t care. “After everything they’ve been through, they look at each other like they’re falling in love for the first time.”

  Dex hummed as he leaned into Sloane. “You think we’ll look at each other like that when we reach their age?”

  Sloane kissed Dex’s temple. “I have absolutely no doubts.”

  Dex looked out across the room at all their guests, so many of whom he’d met when he first joined the THIRDS. How was it possible these people had only come into his life a few short years ago? It felt as if he’d known them his entire life. Had it really only been a few years since he’d been salivating over Darla’s cooking? Or plotting with Thomas on how best to smuggle Hudson’s Cornish pasties out of the kitchen without Julia noticing? Hadn’t he always been conspiring with Hobbs on all the different ways they could annoy Ash? Rosa had taught Dex how to make empanadas so he could bribe Sloane, and Letty texted him pictures of dumb things she knew would make him laugh.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Dex nodded, swallowing past the lump in his throat. “Just thinking about how incredibly blessed we are.”

  “Yeah, we are,” Sloane said quietly, bringing Dex’s hand to his lips for a kiss. The song ended, and everyone cheered. “Ready?”

  “You bet.” Dex jumped to his feet, and they walked out onto the dance floor. They turned to their guests, and Dex undid the first button of his suit. There were catcalls and whoops as Dex started to move his hips as the Bee Gees’s “You Should Be Dancing” started playing. Sloane came to stand next to him, moving along with him, both of them unbuttoning their jackets.

  “Take it off!” someone shouted, and Sloane laughed.

  At the same time, they pulled open their jackets, revealing the tangerine waistcoat Dex had been hiding, and Sloane’s turquoise waistcoat. The crowd went nuts, and the rest of their wedding party joined them, the guys removing their jackets, and the girls unsnapping the bottom half of their long gowns to reveal a flowy knee-length skirt. They lined up in two rows behind Dex and Sloane, and together they all danced in unison, even Ash. They performed John Travolta’s routine from Saturday Night Fever as an ensemble. The first time they’d pulled it off in rehearsal, they’d played back the recording, and Dex had been impressed, especially with Ash. He’d grumbled about it at first, but when it came down to it, the guy had come through. The moves were energetic and intense. By the end, they were all sweating and panting, but everyone jumped to their feet cheering and shouting.

  Dex laughed, breathless as Sloane lifted him off his feet and spun him.

  “Let’s party!” Dex shouted, and the dance floor flooded with their friends and family. The music was a fantastic mix of oldies, eighties, and modern dance tunes, all carefully selected to keep everyone buzzed and out there dancing. Dex and Sloane danced with all their guests, and soon even Dex was ready for a break. The music faded, and he held up a hand.

  “I think it’s time for some cake. What do you guys think?”

  They were met with loud cheers, and so Dex joined Sloane over by the table, and the photographers snapped away as Dex put his hand over Sloane’s and together they cut the first slice of cake. Sloane scooped some frosting off and touched it to Dex’s nose, making him laugh. They fed each other before Dex grabbed a handful. He turned and smooshed it into Ash’s face at the exact moment Ash hit him with a face full of frosting. Apparently, they were both extremely predictable. They laughed along with everyone as the staff began dishing out cake and champagne.

  Sloane pulled Dex close and licked his cheek as Dex laughed, a flash going off to capture the moment.

  “Mm, strawberry.” Sloane waggled his eyebrows. “I always thought you were a little fruity.”

  Dex laughed and shoved a piece of cake at Sloane’s face. He poked his tongue out and licked the corner of his mouth.

  “Ooh, salted caramel. This was my pick,” Sloane announced.

  They cleaned each other off, giggling and laughing like a couple of schoolboys, then Dex stuffed himself full of cake like Sloane had told him he could. He made sure to have a piece of each flavor. By the time dessert was over, Dex was bouncing. He grabbed Sloane’s hand, and they headed back to the dance floor as the music kicked off again. Everyone crowded together, doing everything from the Twist to the Electric Slide. When “Time of My Life” came on, everyone cleared the floor.

  Sloane took Dex’s hand, and he winked at the crowd. “Come on, you all knew this was coming.”

  Dex nodded. “Because he loves me.”

  “Because I’m a sap,” Sloane added before turning to Dex. “Plus, I get to be Swayze.”

  Dex threw his head back and laughed as he played his part, dancing the routine with Sloane, their eyes on each other as they dirty danced. Then Sloane kissed his hand, and Dex backed up, watching Sloane go all sinfully sexy Swayze on him, and the crowd lost their minds. Sloane spun around, and the wedding party danced behind him, following his moves. He stopped and nodded to Dex, who couldn’t believe he was actually going to do this without a mat.

  Dex ran, and when he neared Sloane, he hopped, and Sloane lifted him, his arms spread out for balance just like the choreographer had taught him. Sloane’s strong hands held him at his waist, and when he lowered Dex to his feet, everyone joined them again on the dance floor.

  “Have I told you how amazing you are for agreeing to this?” Dex asked, beaming up at Sloane. Who else would have gone along with his shenanigans? Whenever Dex suggested something crazy, Sloane never thought he was being ridiculous or stupid. He was always receptive, incredibly sweet, and open to being crazy right along with Dex. There was no one who was better suited for Dex than his wonderful husband.

  “Are you kidding? And miss the look you’re giving me right now? Never.”

  “And what look is that?” Dex asked, feeling as though his heart was going to beat out of him with how happy he was.