Chapter 18

  Fane held the hands of his mate in his and hated to have to tell her that he couldn’t give her the one thing she wanted, but he just couldn’t give her time. He needed to complete the bond through the blood rites, especially since there was another Canis Lupus claiming that she belonged to him. Once the bond was complete no other male could dispute whose mate she was.

  Fane pulled Jacquelyn up off the floor and returned her to the seat next to him. He continued to hold one of her hands taking comfort from her touch.

  “I’m not trying to rush you Jacquelyn. Under different circumstances I would give you all the time you needed but you are not safe un-bonded,” Fane explained to her.

  “Ok, that was just clear as mud. Would you mind elaborating on why I am not safe?” Jacquelyn asked him.

  “When I came here my father…wait, let me back up for a moment and tell you a little about who I really am so that everything will fit together better okay?” Fane asked.

  “Whatever gets us to the place we need to be; I’ll try not to ask are we there yet,” Jacque answered a little impatiently.

  “I am Canis Lupus like your father. My lineage is in Romania. There are many types of werewolves; I am a Canis Lupus, otherwise known as a Grey wolf, as is your father,” Fane explained.

  “How can you know my father is a Grey?” Jacquelyn asked.

  “My father told me,” he answered.

  “Who is your father?” Jen asked enthralled in the conversation.

  Everyone in the room turned to look at her, she just lifted her shoulders and said, “My bad, that was Jacques line wasn’t it?”

  Sally shook her head and hit Jen in the shoulder. Jen scowled at her.

  “My turn,” Jacque piped in, “so, who is your father?” she repeated Jen’s question.

  “I’m getting to that, you two jumped the bullet,” Fane told them.

  The three girls laughed, Sorin coughed trying to disguise his laughter.

  “Jumped the gun handsome, not bullet,” Jen corrected him with a grin.

  “Oh, well, as you would say, my bad.,” he told Jen.

  “Let me continue. As I said I am a Grey and my pack is in Romania. Every pack has an Alpha, just like our animal cousins. The Alpha is sort of like the king, he rules the pack. He keeps order so that dominant wolves don’t tear each other apart, and so that everyone, especially the non-dominant wolves, also called submissive’s, are protected.” Fane was trying to make sure he made all this as clear as he could so that Jacquelyn would understand where she fell in all this and what her new life would look like.

  “My father is the Alpha of the Romanian Canis Lupus. Decebel is his Beta, if something were to happen to my father now Decebel would take over until I am able. I am next in line to be Alpha when I'm old enough and so our pack calls me the Prince of the Romanian Canis Lupus. I am a dominant, which means it is in my nature to want to protect those weaker than me; it is also in a dominant’s nature to be aggressive and very territorial. An Alpha has to be a dominant or else he cannot maintain order in the pack. Are you with me so far?” Fane asked her.

  “You’re a Romanian werewolf prince, your dad is the werewolf king, you are bossy, possessive, and territorial by nature, which if you were just a wolf would mean, you’d pee on what you want to mark as yours.”

  Jen was nearly rolling in the floor at Jacquelyn’s description.

  “And why exactly did you bring your royal butt to Texas?” Jacquelyn finished with a question.

  Fane was smiling, thankful that her sense of humor was still intact, which he took to mean she was handling this news rather well.

  “Every male Canis Lupus has one mate, only one. Sometimes they are drawn to a certain area where their mate is, I think it’s natures way of helping us wolves out, because you see, it can take years and even centuries to find your mate.” Fane let that sink in a minute knowing the inevitable was coming, but Jen beat Jacquelyn to the punch…again.

  “Hold on, put on the brakes, throw it in park, and set the emergency brake while you’re at it. Did you just say centuries?” Jen asked dubiously.

  This time nobody even paid attention to the fact that it wasn’t Jacquelyn who had asked, they were all too busy looking at Fane, waiting for an answer. Sorin however was just sitting in the ugly, peach chair looking bored. He could just throw his two cents in at any moment, Fane thought to himself, but nope, Sorin just sat there.

  “Yes, I said centuries. Canis Lupus live much, much longer lives than humans,” Fane answered.

  This time is was Jacquelyn who asked, “How much longer, ‘cause you know I’m only good for like 75 years, maybe 80. If I sit longer than that on the shelf I expire,” Jacquelyn said.

  “Once we complete the blood rites your life is tied to mine and you will live as long as I do, just as I will live as long as you do. You see, Jacquelyn, once mates are bonded one cannot live without the other. It is the way of our species that when one mate dies the other follows,” Fane told her.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Sally exclaimed. “That is so freaking romantic! Or depressing it’s all in how you look at it. Do you have any cousins?” she asked him hopefully.

  “I’m sorry Sally, but you have to have Canis Lupus blood somewhere in your lineage to be able to bond with a Canis Lupus.”

  “I can check, you know like do some research, ‘cause there is no telling what’s in my blood, I could go back generations…” Sally began but was interrupted when Jen covered Sally’s mouth with her hand.

  “Don’t mind her; she is missing that part in her brain that tells her to shut up,” Jen said.

  “You’re one to talk,” Jacquelyn said smiling.

  “Okay, keep going, I need to get this all out tonight so I can have tomorrow to freak out,” Jacquelyn told Fane.

  “I came to Texas because my wolf somehow knew you were here and that his mate, our mate is in danger. Before you ask, I will try to explain this quickly. My wolf and I are one, but at the same time we are separate. When I am not in wolf form, he is still there; I can still call on him for his help and use his attributes, just as when I am in wolf form he uses my human attributes; I can still think and reason like a man. That is why we don’t call it changing, because that implies that once we are in our wolf forms we no longer retain any human attributes, and that when we are in our human form there is no wolf there at all, which is not the case. We always coexist together . Does that make sense?” Fane asked.

  “Yeah, I get that, not that it’s easy to believe, but I understand the logistics of it,” Jacquelyn answered.

  Fane let go of her hand and brushed her hair away from her face. She looks so tired, he thought to himself. He was so grateful that she had not thrown him out or told him he was crazy even though what he was telling her sounded that way, but he told himself, there is still more so she might just throw me out yet.

  “I realize what you’re saying is that I’m your mate. You’ve mentioned this bond thing, and blood…what did you say?” Jacquelyn asked.

  “Blood rites. Even though we are mates, we have to perform a ceremony to bond us to each other,” Fane began.

  “Oh, Sally get some popcorn now, it’s fixing to get rich,” Jen interrupted.

  Jacquelyn rolled her eyes and Fane just ignored the comment. He didn’t want to be distracted, his Luna needed to know what was coming and needed to know it had to happen very, very soon.

  “Ok, back up, when you say perform a ceremony, are you talking behind closed doors type stuff?” Jacquelyn asked him through her thoughts, sounding embarrassed and nervous at the same time.

  “If you are asking me if we must consummate our relationship to complete the bond, the answer is no Luna,” Fane answered her.

  He saw her take a deep breath and let it out in obvious relief.

  “Put up the popcorn Sally, things are staying stale,” Jacquelyn announced.

  “Can’t you ever just drizzle on my parade or do you always have to have a full
monsoon?” Jen asked her with obvious irritation.

  “Is the idea really that bad to you Luna?” Fane asked, honestly wondering.

  “We are so,so,so NOT having this conversation right now. I may be your mate or whatever but I have only known you three stinking days, what kind of girl do you think I am?” Jacquelyn thought back to him.

  “Well in truth love, it does please me to know that is something you do not take lightly,” Fane told her. Then sounding a little unsure he asked, “You haven’t taken it lightly so to speak with anyone else have you?”

  Jacquelyn closed her eyes and shook her head. She took a deep breath and Fane could tell she was trying to reign in her fiery little temper.

  “If you absolutely must know, there has not been anyone I have wanted to take lightly…ever. So since you are being so stinking nosy, what about you? Is there a double standard in the Canis Lupus world? Is it okay for a guy to take any and everyone lightly with out repercussions of a bad reputation?” Jacque threw back at him.

  “Thank you. To answer your question, it is very uncommon for a male Canis Lupus to take anyone but his mate lightly,” Fane grinned at the connotations they were using to keep from having to actually say making love. Jacquelyn caught that thought, “Nope, it’s called not taking it lightly, deal with it.”

  Fane laughed out loud at her embarrassment, which caused everyone in the room to look at him. He couldn’t help himself, she was such a joy to his heart, he didn’t care if she never called it what it was, just so long as she would be his.

  “Are you two ready to share the conversation with the rest of us now or would you like to take this in another room?” Jen asked sarcastically.

  “Nope, no need to leave, we are just all one big happy family, sharing, talking, and getting all the gory details of life as a werewolf. Just another typical Wednesday night,” Jacquelyn rambled on nervously.

  “Are you ready for me to continue my Luna?” Fane asked her.

  “Bring it on,” Jacquelyn told him.

  “The blood rites ceremony is performed by the Alpha of the pack you are joining through your mate, so it will be performed by my father. In some ways it is much like a human wedding. There are usually only a few witnesses, family and close friends. We will exchange vows,” Fane took a breath because he knew what he was going to say next she would not like, “and then we do the blood rites,” he finished vaguely. He knew she wouldn’t let him off that easy, but he thought, didn’t hurt to try.

  “Fane, sweetie, what exactly are the blood rites?” Jacquelyn asked him with sweetness in her voice that he knew better than to believe.

  “Understand Jacquelyn, we are not human, there are some things that our wolf nature demands, one of those things is a blood rite. A male Canis Lupus wants the world to know his mate is his. There are several ways this happens. For an Alpha his mate takes on the markings that he has on his body. The markings on Canis Lupus reveal their place in the pack. For instance, I am a dominate so my markings are on the right side of my body, they are also very elaborate, and they go to the front of my chest as well, indicating that I am an Alpha. My father explained to me that when an Alpha finds his mate he will develop new markings that are visible even with clothes on, like on the neck, and this is to tell all Canis Lupus that he is mated. A mated Alpha is a much stronger Alpha.”

  Fane paused to give her a chance to ask any questions, and then just to humor her he turned and looked at Jen, who responded with, “Oh, I’m good, carry on this is great stuff.”

  Fane winked at her and grinned.

  To his and her surprise Jacquelyn reached over and slapped his arm. “Quit winking at my friends, Jen’s gonna hyperventilate, and Sally’s gonna pass out. Get on with this whole blood rites thing,” she growled at him.

  “You’re a violent little thing aren’t you?” Fane teased.

  She gave him a look as if to say “I’m waiting.”

  So he continued, “That is one way the males’ mate is marked.”

  Sally raised her hand like she was in school.

  Jen rolled her eyes and said, “Put your hand down you dork and just ask.”

  “How do the markings identify her to other werewolves if no one can see them unless she wears a low back shirt like Jacque did tonight?” Sally asked.

  Fane growled and that earned him another slap on the arm from Jacquelyn.

  “Don’t growl at my friends either.”

  “I wasn’t growling at them love, I was growling at the idea of another seeing your markings. The markings on the female are meant only for her mate to see, they are precious to him because it is the first thing that indicates she is his. Male Canis Lupus’ do not like other males to see their mate’s markings. It was very difficult for me tonight with yours showing, it helped that your hair covered up most of them,” he told her.

  “So it’s kind of like some guy looking in her lingerie drawer and seeing all her hot little outfits huh?” Jen stated with a grin.

  “Only you would come up with that analogy, you know that right?” Sally asked her.

  “I’m just clarifying things, you know, breaking it down, making it chewable,” Jen responded.

  “Jen, Sally, I love you guys, but zip it okay?” Jacquelyn asked them in exasperation.

  Both girls ran their fingers across their lips as if to close a zipper and gave her thumbs up. Jacquelyn nodded her thanks.

  “Another way a male Canis Lupus can show that he has found his mate is the ability to speak to her through their thoughts. I cannot speak to anyone else, nor hear anyone else’s thoughts but yours. Just as you can only speak to me and hear my thoughts,” Fane continued to explain. He noticed the look Jacquelyn was giving him was less than pleased and asked her “Does that bother you Luna?”

  “Well there are some things I don’t want you to know,” Jacquelyn told him shyly.

  “Oooh, like that time we snuck out and went skin…” Jen started but was quickly interrupted by Sally. “JEN!” Sally hollered, “let's get that popcorn, I think you need something to keep your mouth occupied or we are going to shove your foot in it, okay?” she finished sweetly.

  “Once again my parade is saturated in the down pour of hurricane Sally,” Jen retorted.

  Jacquelyn watched as her two best friends walked to the kitchen, and then she turned and looked at Fane.

  “So what’s the third way a male marks his mate?” she asked him.

  Fane simply sent her the thought, “I think you would be more comfortable if we talk about it privately.”

  Jacquelyn’s eyebrows rose in apprehension, “That bad huh?” she asked him.

  In response Fane simply took her hand and pulled her up from the couch, he turned to Lilly and Sorin and told them, “I think the rest of this conversation needs to be only between me and my mate.”

  “I can understand that,” Lilly responded.

  Sorin simply nodded his understanding.

  Fane looked at Jacquelyn and said, “Lead the way, Luna.”