Page 28 of Pride to Pack

Things sure did get complicated.

  My plans for tonight involved making it up to Bel for not being around since Paddy’s disappearance, and relaxing with my mate.

  As I sit opposite Bel’s ex, I thank my lucky stars he’s deciding to back off. It’s not that I don't think I could handle taking him out in a duel but seeing us fight would be hard for Bel.

  “I won’t pursue Bel, but I’m taking a break from the pride for a while. Both me and my father believe I need to see more of the world before I take over as leader so I’d like to stay in town if you’ll allow it?”

  He’d kept Bel alive for years. I owe him. I give permission with a nod.

  Without a word, he stands and starts to leave. As he moves I catch Paddy’s scent in the air.

  Within seconds I am up and have Jared pinned to the wall with my arm across his chest. Bel is growling beside me but I don’t have time to deal with her. I need to find out why Jared has Paddy’s scent on him.

  “What the fuck?” Jared spits, looking at Bel who is growling and baring her teeth to him. She would have caught Paddy’s scent too.

  I reach into my pocket and pull put one of the missing person flyers Alyssa had been pasting everywhere.

  “Where did you see this guy?” I ask shoving the flyer into his chest. I quickly release him, needing to stay calm. I can feel the pack crowding in around us and I don’t need them ripping into him before we get answers.

  I watch with bated breath as Jared looks at the flyer closely before answering. “I’ve never seen this guy.”

  “You have his scent on you, can you explain that?”

  “I swear I have never seen this guy. Maybe he brushed past me in the street. I’ve been knocked by numerous people today. Maybe it was transferred from someone else.” I can sense the truth in his words.

  I step back allowing him to exit.

  “If you do see him, I’d appreciate it if you could let me or one of my wolves know.”

  “Of course.” Jared exits the bar without glancing back at any of us.

  After watching him leave, I crouch down and take Bel’s head in my hands, making sure to scratch behind her ears. “As much as my wolf wants to come out and play with you, you really need to change back. You’re putting the pack on edge.” Her tongue darts out to lick my cheek. I stand and she stretches out but doesn’t shift.

  “You might want to take her somewhere private. She isn’t keen on a public naked parade,” Dominick announces from behind me. God, this guy is pissing me off; I shouldn’t need a fucking vampire to tell me what my mate needs. If he hadn’t stopped us earlier I would know what she needs and what she is thinking.

  As I look apologetically at Bel, ready to lead her through to the office she silently shifts before my eyes.

  I can’t contain the growl leaving my throat. I didn’t think this through. I don’t want all these people seeing my mate naked, pack members or not. We may be used to nudity and don’t always look at it sexually but I don’t care.

  I don't want them seeing her.

  Billy must have read my mind because before her change is complete he hands me his full length leather trench coat, which I place over her to cover her.

  “Thanks,” Bel says with a grin as she pulls the coat around her.

  I silently fasten the buttons and tie the belt saving her sensitive fingers the job.

  Ed approaches his eyes on the door Jared had just exited. “Should I follow him, Boss?”

  I step back from Bel and turn towards Ed as I answer. “He was telling the truth. There’s no need to follow him.” Seeing the sadness in Eddie’s eyes is tearing me apart. I reach out and pull him into a hug to comfort him. “He’s alive Ed. We can all feel him. I promise you we will get him back.”

  Emmanuel pushes past us and throws his arm over Bel’s shoulder and pulls her in close to his side.

  I release Ed and don’t hide the fact that I’m listening to what Emmanuel has to say.

  “Misty told me to take you home and, before you complain about leaving her in the lurch, Benji is going to work the rest of your shift.”

  Bel steps out from under Emmanuel’s arm and wraps her arms around my waist. “Theo thanks for stopping me from losing it with Jared. He would never have let me live it down if I’d drawn blood.”

  “I’m Alpha; it’s what I’m here for.”

  Standing on her tiptoes she stretches until her mouth is to my ear. “It was something a mate would do too.” Brushing her lips against my earlobe she lets me go, she leaves the bar without another word. Emmanuel follows closely behind her.

  My wolf growls at the sight. She’s my mate. Why am I standing here watching her leave with another guy in tow?

  Fuck it, I’m not.

  I leave Misty’s in a rush, not caring what anyone thinks about my rude departure. Once outside, I follow Bel’s scent, sticking to the cover of the shadows from the buildings I pass. I feel like a stalker following them home but it’s all I can do to keep my wolf calm. I’m not far behind them when I pick up their conversation.

  “What is it like to shift?” Emmanuel asks.

  “It varies, depending on the situation. If you choose to do it, it can be great, therapeutic even. It’s always painful to a degree, but again it varies depending on how much you need to change. Tonight for instance, I didn’t feel a thing. My wolf was riding me too hard. Changing back can be embarrassing if you are in front of a crowd. It’s not so bad if they are all weres. We see naked people all the time. We hardly ever notice it. But tonight I was in a bar full of witches and vampires too.”

  “How did Dominick know what you wanted?”

  His mother fucking tie, that’s how. Thankfully, I didn’t say that out loud. My stalker status would be revealed if I had. I really don’t need that getting out.

  “When he drank from me, we formed a tie that gave him certain abilities. Materialising wherever I am is one, feeling my emotions is another. I am pretty sure that isn’t all he has up his sleeve.”

  It’s a quiet night out tonight and we seem to have the street to ourselves. I watch in the darkened doorway of the building next to Misty’s apartment as Emmanuel kisses Bel. It isn’t a lingering kiss but, never the less, my wolf doesn’t like it.

  Emmanuel waits, looking at the door expectantly.

  Bel, you better not invite him up.

  My wolf will not allow him to cross that threshold. My stalker status would well and truly be blown. Bel will already know I’m here. She’ll be able to feel my energy. If the wind is blowing in the right direction she could probably catch my scent too, but Emmanuel will have no clue he’s being watched.

  “It’s really not safe for you to come up tonight. My wolf is still on the edge, she could easily take over at the slightest thing.”

  More like I would kill the bastard.

  “It’s okay, I can control you.”

  I'm not at a good enough angle to see his face so I don't know what context he's saying it in, but regardless, I don't like the thought of him controlling my mate in any way, shape or form. I force myself to stay still and calm.

  "What do you mean? How can you control me?" Bel sounds wary.

  Emmanuel looks around taking in his surroundings. He looks edgy. I don't know what he senses. I'm not picking anything out of the ordinary up. He's not happy about it - whatever it may be. "Forget I said anything," he glances at his watch before adding, "I've got to go now but can we meet for lunch tomorrow?" He’s already retreating.

  "Sure, text me the details,” Bel shouts after him.

  I watch Bel walk into the building before pulling my new phone out and hitting the buttons to dial her number.

  "Hello," she answers breathlessly. She must’ve run up the stairs.

  "I thought he'd never leave.”

  "Same here, until something spooked him, that is."

  "You caught that too?" I ask intrigued.

  "I couldn't sense anything. Could you?”

  I reach out once again, feeling for
anything unusual that could have spooked him. Once again, I feel nothing.

  “Not a damn thing,” I reply as I start to pace on the pavement, no longer having the need to hide. My wolf is torn between needing to claim his mate and protecting her against whatever dangers lurk in the dark of the night.

  “He’s lucky you didn’t invite him up. He wouldn’t be breathing right now if you did. In fact, if I go solve that breathing problem, you could go out to lunch with me instead of him.” If I am being honest that isn’t a joke. I’d willingly kill him just so I could be with my mate.

  “Be good. I need to go out with him to let him down gently. But if you come into Misty’s tomorrow night you might get a repeat of our earlier kiss. A treat for being so good.” The giggle I hear through the phone makes blood flow to what’s beneath my zipper.

  “Oh well, that’s me sold. I’ll behave. That means I have to get off the phone though because, if I don’t, I can’t guarantee I’ll deserve that kiss tomorrow.” I know full well she can hear the arousal in my voice.

  “Night then,” her voice sounds all breathy before she cuts the connection.

  I place my phone back in my pocket and force my feet to walk away from her building and back towards the bar.

  I have a pack member to find.



Aimie Jennison's Novels