Page 29 of Pride to Pack

After waking up and getting dressed I am ready to face the day. I walk through the apartment to the kitchen in hope of finding some coffee. I can’t believe I shifted in a bar full of customers. I’d taken Jared to the booths to save the customers from the dangers of anyone shifting, but I never thought I would be the danger. I’m usually calm and in control. It must be Theo and this mating thing that has my wolf in a tizzy.

  I stop in my tracks when I see Benji on the couch. His bags are packed by his feet; his eyes are red and swollen showing he’s been crying for some time.

  “Benji, what’s wrong?” I dread his answer.

  “Oh, Bel.” He jumps off the couch and dives into my arms. I give him the hug I can see he needs, until he pulls away, all the while wondering what the hell has him in this state. He sits back on the sofa as if he’d never moved.

  I take a seat next to him before he speaks.

  “Mum rang during the night. The Cleaners ambushed the pride during the hunt. Dad was injured. He’s out of danger but Mum needs me. She wants me back in the protection of the pride. I have to go home.”

  I can’t stop the tears running down my cheeks. Uncle Jack has always treated me like his own. If it wasn’t for him teaching me how to fight once he took me in, I would never have survived my first fight. Jared may have helped keep me alive by fighting for me, but Uncle Jack is the original hero.

  “When do we leave?” It’s not a question of whether I go. Aunt Lillian and Uncle Jack need me. I might not be pride, but my family is, and they need all the help they can get.

  “We don’t, I do. You have too much here. You have to stay. You’ve found your home with Theo and his pack. Claim it. If The Cleaners are still hanging round the pride, it’s too dangerous for you to return. You know the pride would trade you in for their safety in a heartbeat.”

  Knowing he’s right, I won’t argue. “I’m going to miss you. Sorry we haven't been able to do much while you’ve been here. I promise, when you come back I’ll show you everything this town has to offer. You are coming back aren’t you?”

  “I’ll come and visit again, but it was never going to be permanent. I love you, but you need to find out who you are - what it means to be a wolf. I don’t belong in that life,” he says sadly.

  “I love you too, Benj.” I can’t say anything else without bursting into tears, but I don’t need to add more. He knows everything I’m unable to say.

  We walk down to the street and find a taxi already waiting for him. I give him one last hug as the driver puts his bags in the boot.

  “Thank Misty for me. I’ll ring you when I arrive,” he says turning his back to me and getting in the car.

  “Of course. Give Aunt Lil and Uncle Jack a hug from me,” I say, closing the door on him.

  I glance at my watch and wave to the car as it drives into the distance, noticing that I only have ten minutes before I’m supposed to be at the cafe Emmanuel text me about last night. I dash upstairs to grab my purse, phone and shoes.

  Finding the apartment quiet and seeing no sign of Misty, I decide to leave her a quick note explaining about Benji, telling her where I am going and that I will see her at work if not sooner. There are people going missing left, right and centre. You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to realise it’s best to have someone know where you are heading and when you should be back.
Aimie Jennison's Novels