Page 30 of Pride to Pack


  I close the cafe door behind me and look around the greasy spoon cafe for Emmanuel. There are fifteen booths on either side of a narrow aisle and it doesn't take me long to notice him sitting at the furthest booth on the right. I recognise the Motown music playing quietly. Uncle Jack is a huge Motown fan. Being lunchtime, there are only a couple of free tables.

  Probably thinking I haven't seen him, Emmanuel waves. It’s pretty hard to miss his big frame, but I guess he might forget that.

  I take a deep breath to ground myself, preparing for what I need to do. As I start to make my way towards him I get a strong whiff of Paddy’s scent. I glance around. One of the customers must have been in contact with Paddy recently. One of them could be the kidnapper. There must be twenty people in here plus staff. There is no way I can pinpoint the culprit without an interrogation.

  Taking another deep breath, I focus on my empathy to I see if I can pick up any suspicious emotions. I don’t hold much hope because unless they are focused on the kidnapping at this very minute they are probably feeling happy about their food, which means I won’t be able pick up on the bad stuff.

  As expected I find nothing.

  Thinking the scent could be cross contamination, I decide to focus on one thing at a time and get this thing between me and Emmanuel finished.

  Ever the gentleman, Emmanuel stands as I reach the table. He leans over and kisses my cheek and we take seats opposite each other.

  “Rosabel, is everything okay? I can’t help but notice you looked a little distracted.”

  “Benji left this morning. There has been an attack on the pride. That’s playing on my mind,” I say plastering a reassuring smile on my face. It’s only partly a lie.

  The waitress comes to a stop at our table, halting our conversation. Her pen poised on her pad ready to take our orders. “Whatchahaving?” she asks, mashing her words together. Next time someone complains about Misty’s accent I’ll remember to send them here to Trudy.

  I quickly look at the menu that Emmanuel pushes across to me.

  “I’ll have a hamburger and tea for one please,” he says.

  I order the first thing I see. “Chicken salad and a coffee for me please.” Coffee is no-brainer since I didn’t get one this morning.

  Once the waitress leaves, Emmanuel reaches over the table and grabs a hold of my hand. “You should’ve told me you were being bothered by your ex. I could have warned him off.”

  I don’t want to make him feel insignificant by reminding him that Jared is a werelion and wouldn’t take a blind bit of notice of a witch. I decide to brush it off. “It’s sorted now. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Yes, he won’t be bothering you anymore,” Emmanuel says grinning up at me. Anyone looking at him would think he chased Jared off, not Theo.

  My mobile starts vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the screen to see a number I don’t recognise. I look at Emmanuel apologetically. His smile and nod didn’t change the fact that I was going to answer it anyway. It could be someone from the pride about Uncle Jack.

  “Hello?” I answer warily

  “Is that Rosabel?” If it wasn’t for the pure fear I could hear in the person’s voice I would suspect it was a stupid telesales call.

  “Yes, who is this?”

  “Wesley. Have you seen her?” He’s so anxious, my empathy doesn't work over the phone but it’s pretty easy to pick up from his tone. I have no idea who he is talking about.

  I put as much authority into my voice as I can muster. “Wesley, you need to calm down and explain what is going on, slowly and clearly.”

  I can hear him take a deep breath and then the line is silent.

  I give him a full minute of silence before speaking again. “Welsey, are you still there?”

  “Yes,” he says sounding unbelievably calm. It’s like he’s a different person to the one who called. “It’s Alyssa, my mate. She’s gone missing. Have you seen her?”

  “I don’t think so, what does she look like? I don’t think I know who she is.”

  “MY MATE!” His yell is loud enough that even Emmanuel hears him. He reaches for my phone but I swat his hand and lean away. I can handle being yelled at by a distraught werewolf.

  “Shouting at me won’t help, Wes.”

  I can hear Theo in the background, “Who are you shouting at now, Wesley? I was sure you had scared everyone in the pack as it is.”

  “Wesley, put Theo on the phone. He’ll be able to explain the situation better.”

  I hear a few noises as if the phone is changing hands, along with Wesley’s muttering to himself. “My fucking mate is missing. That’s the goddamn situation.”

  “Hello.” I would recognise that gravelly voice any day.

  “Hi, Theo. What does Alyssa look like and how did she go missing?” Wes doesn’t seem like the type to let his mate out of his sight if he didn’t think it was safe.

  “Bel.” He sounds surprised to hear my voice. “I told him you wouldn’t know who she was let alone what might have happened to her. She was at Misty’s last night. She’s about your height with long red curly hair. Sometime during your time as being a wolf, she went to the ladies room and never came back.”

  “Sorry. The only time I saw her was when we came back from the office. She was at the bar with Wesley. I didn’t see anything on the way home.”

  “I know, I followed you remember? I didn’t see anything and told him as much. There was no need for him to bother you.” I can hear the anger in his voice.

  “It’s okay, he’s just worried. Do you think it could be the person that took the vamps and Paddy?” I smile apologetically at Emmanuel thinking he must be pissed that I’m on the phone on our date. He doesn’t even acknowledge my smile. He’s too engrossed in my side of the conversation to notice.

  “Unfortunately it’s looking that way. She wouldn’t just leave and not be in touch with anyone by now. Even when they argue and she storms out she always tells him where she is going.” Theo’s his voice is full of concern.

  The waitress arrives with our food and drinks. Emmanuel tucks straight into his burger.

  “God, I hope you find her.” If it is the same person that took the others someone needs to do something about them. They can’t be invisible someone has got to have seen someone. I would hate to be Theo right now. As alpha it all lands on his shoulders.

  “We will find them all. I won’t have it any other way! In the meantime will you make me a promise? Ring me every hour to check in. I need to know you’re safe. I couldn’t bear you being taken,” he says with a voice full of honesty.

  “They won’t be interested in me, I’m not pack.” I stab a piece of lettuce with my fork putting it in my mouth as I listen to his reply.

  “You are my mate and that makes you pack. If anyone is trying to get to me that makes you on the top of their list. The tie to Dominick could make them interested too. They’ve taken two of his vamps so they could be trying to get to him too. I don’t like the thought of that. Maybe I should put a guard on you.” The last sentence was said more to himself.

  I agree quickly. “I promise I will check in every hour.”

  I don’t want a guard on me.

  “WESLEY!” he shouts away from the phone. “Bel, I’ve got to go, Wesley is picking a fight, with Chloe of all people.”

  “Bye,” I say to the dial tone. I place my phone on the table and have a large swig of coffee.

  “I’m guessing another pack member has gone missing,” Emmanuel states.

  I chew a mouthful of chicken before answering. “Yeah, last night. I don’t know what Theo is going to do but it isn’t going to be good for whoever is taking them - not when he finds them.”

  He turns the conversation to mindless banter as I finish the rest of my meal. The waitress collects our empty plates. “Can I get you anything else?”

  I need to end this with Emmanuel, whatever this is.

  “Another coffee
please?” I reply with a nod.

  She looks at Emanuel for his order. “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  I wait until the waitress places my coffee in front of me and leaves again before talking. “Look Emmanuel, I don’t know how to say this, or where to start, so I am just going to be blunt and honest, okay?”

  “O-k-a-y?” He sounds wary.

  “I think we should just be friends. You know about me and Theo being true mates? Well—”

  He cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. “That’s just your wolves. They’re only a part of you. Not all of you.”

  “That’s not how mates work, Emmanuel. We are meant for each other on all levels. We are the missing piece of each other. I didn’t know any of this until yesterday, I just can’t feel anything other than friendship towards you and you deserve more than that from a relationship.”

  He looks at me dumbfounded.

  I don’t know what else to say so I offer him my hand in a handshake over the table. “So… friends?”

  He looks at it. I can feel anger emanating from him but he takes it with a false smile. “Friends.”

  This is, no doubt, going to bite me on the arse later but for now, I’ll take it as a win.



Aimie Jennison's Novels