Page 34 of Born of Silence

  Tall, dark, and exceptionally gorgeous, Caillen had his arm around a brunette woman who was holding a little girl. Asleep on the woman's shoulder, the girl looked so much like her that it had to be her daughter.

  And if Zarya didn't miss her guess, the red-haired woman beside Caillen was Shahara Dagan--one of the most lethal tracers in the business. Her name was synonymous with death, and anyone who carried a bounty on their life knew exactly who she was. You'd be a fool not to. No one wanted to tangle with Shahara. Most of all, they didn't want to be pursued by her.

  Shahara held a toddler boy in her arms. He blew Darling a precious kiss before laughing and bouncing in his mother's arms. Then he practically jumped from Shahara to Syn who caught him and held him tight against his chest before he kissed the boy's cheek.

  Zarya's jaw went slack as she realized the boy looked just like Syn.

  "Syn has a son?" she asked Maris.

  "Two, actually. The other was with his first wife."

  She arched a brow at that disclosure.

  "It's a really long story," Maris added.

  The boy launched himself from Syn to Darling who sat up to catch him. Squealing, the boy wrapped his little arms tight around Darling's neck and hugged him close like he was another father.

  "Hey, little guy," Darling said with a laugh. "Look how big you've grown."

  The boy laughed and bounced in Darling's arms.

  Her heart melted at the sight. Especially when Darling tickled him, then kissed his cheek. In that one moment, she could see Darling as a father...

  "Dang, Shay," Darling said to Syn's wife. "What have you been feeding my boy? He weighs a ton."

  "He does not," she said defensively. "He's perfect for his age. Absolutely perfect."

  Darling made a face. "He's also smelly."

  Shahara narrowed her eyes at Darling and then Syn in turn. "If you two weren't heading into surgery, I'd make one of you change him." She clapped her hands at the boy. "Come to Mama, Devy-baby."

  The boy arched his back and fell into her arms.

  "I'll change him for you," the man with her group said. He looked at the shorter of the two women with Shahara. "I need to practice. I'm sure Tess is going to make me change more than my fair share."

  The woman who must be Tess grinned. "Oh baby, you know it. But look on the bright side, Thad. You still have a few more months of freedom before Devyn has a cousin."

  Groaning, Thad carried a laughing Devyn out of the room.

  Tess and the taller woman with brown hair came forward to wish Darling well and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  The last group that stood in front of the operating room doors was all male and all feral testosterone.

  Among them was Ryn who had returned to wearing his black Tavali gear. In fact, all four of them belonged to that renegade pirate group. An Andarion who reminded her of Hauk, a blond human male, and another man with dark hair whose features were similar to the woman with Prince Caillen.

  All four of them touched Darling on the shoulder or bumped knuckles with him, but none of them spoke. It was as if their bond to him was such that no words were needed.

  As Syn started to take him through the doors, Darling made him stop. Still sitting on the stretcher, he crooked his finger at her.

  Heat exploded over her face as everyone turned to stare at her with great curiosity. Trying not to notice, she went to Darling.

  He took her hand into his and offered her a grim smile. "Here's to hoping, right?"

  Her stomach tightened as a wave of fear for him consumed her. "I still wish you wouldn't do this."

  Cupping his hands around the one he held, he led it to his lips so that he could kiss her fingers. He nipped one, sending a chill along her spine that made her wish they were alone. She leaned down to kiss his lips.

  When she pulled back, he winked at her. "I'll be fine," he promised. "After all, someone besides Sorche has to harass you." He held on to her hand until the hospital staff stopped her from entering the operating area. Even then, he gave one last squeeze before he reluctantly released her hand.

  Tears swam in her eyes as he vanished from her sight and the doors closed, separating them. Please don't die on me...

  The mere thought made her light-headed and ill. She couldn't bury another person she loved. She couldn't.

  Maris wrapped his arms around her shoulders and held her tightly. "Have faith. He'll be fine, Z."

  Leaning back against his chest, she brushed her hand over his arms. "He better be, Mari. I'd hate to have to kill Syn."

  In the next instant, she was surrounded by people who were hammering her with questions so fast that she couldn't distinguish any one of them. She was so grateful that Maris held her, otherwise she'd be terrified.

  A loud whistle split the air.

  They all turned to look at Nykyrian. "Yes, everyone. Darling has a girl--as in fully female--friend. Her name is Zarya. Try not to run her off. Darling will be most unhappy with you if you do."

  The muscular brunette who was holding the little girl elbowed Caillen in his stomach. "I told you Darling wasn't gay. Next time, you'll listen to me, won't you?" Smiling sweetly, she stepped forward to offer Zarya her hand. "I'm Desideria Denarii de Orczy."

  Zarya tried not to gape at the impressive pedigree displayed by that single name. "The Qillaq princess?"

  "Was. Now happily Exeterian." She rubbed Caillen's stomach where she'd elbowed him. "And this is my most wonderful husband Caillen and our daughter Lillya who will wake up eventually and say hi."

  Before Zarya could absorb that, Thad returned to hand Devyn back to his mother.

  Taking her son, she stepped forward to introduce herself. "I'm Shahara, Syn's wife and Caillen's oldest sister. And I hate to mention this on our first meeting and all, but if you try to kill Syn, I'll really hurt you."

  Zarya wasn't sure what to make of that, but one thing was certain. Shahara meant it.

  Maris was right, there had to be one heck of a story as to how Syn had ended up married to one of the most lethal tracers in the Nine Systems. And how that tracer was related to an Exeterian prince...

  It was enough to boggle the mind.

  Shahara tickled the chin of her son, making him laugh out loud. "And this exceptionally handsome boy genius is our baby Devyn--the most spoiled child in the entire universe."

  He squealed happily at Zarya as if he agreed completely with his mother's description for him.

  Shahara held her hand up to the women who were with her. "These are my sisters Kasen and Tess. And Tess's husband, Thad."

  Zarya did her best to commit all of them to memory. "Nice meeting you."

  The other red-haired woman stepped forward with a regal grace that was impressive. "I'm Kiara Quiakides and the fiercely stern blond on my right is my husband Nykyrian. And we have other kids, but this," she rubbed her hand over her distended belly, "is the only one with us right now. The others are at home, hopefully not making their nannies too crazy."

  Nykyrian let out an intimidating grunt. "If Adron sets fire to his room one more time, I vote we make him live outside in a tent."

  Everyone laughed. Except Kiara who appeared to actually consider it.

  Ryn led the group of men over. "These are..." He hesitated as if he couldn't think of how to introduce them to her. "Hell, I don't know what to call them that's fit for mixed company. They're family, too." He indicated the dark-haired man next to him. "Chayden Aniwaya is Desideria's older brother."

  Chayden flashed a wicked grin at his sister. "I would stand near her, but she not only elbows, she kicks."

  Desideria made a sound of extreme annoyance, then smiled. "Oh it's true. I do."

  Zarya laughed at them, wondering how a prince could also be a Tavali pirate...

  The insanely handsome blond with them stepped forward without an introduction and offered her his hand. "I'm Nero Scalera."

  A strange rush went up her arm as she made contact with him. It was as if he had some ki
nd of aura so powerful, it sizzled in the air around them.

  "Hi," she said, hoping she didn't betray her unease. There was something about Nero that was truly frightening. Even more so than Nykyrian, and that was saying something.

  Hauk draped his arm over the other Andarion. "This is my socially inept, evil older brother Fain."

  "Who is destined to become an only child in the near future." There was a wicked glint in his eerie eyes as he narrowed his gaze at his younger brother.

  Hauk took his threat in stride. "Nah, you love me and you know it."

  "You go on and believe those lies if you want. I know the truth and it doesn't scare me."

  "All right." Chayden broke them apart. "Hauks behave. I don't want to have to wash blood out of my clothes again today. I'm out of fresh shirts."

  "Don't worry," Desideria said to Zarya in a loud whisper. "You'll eventually learn all of our names and quirks. It took me awhile to keep them straight myself."

  As Zarya glanced around them, trying to remember who everyone was, she noticed one person was missing from the group.

  Jayne. That wretched bitch who'd sold her...

  Thank the gods for small favors. She was one person Zarya didn't want to ever see again.

  But that good grace didn't last more than about an hour.

  Sitting between Sorche and Lise, who were studying while they waited for Syn to update them, Zarya had just started to relax when the door opened.

  Jayne came in with a smile on her face.

  A smile that died the instant she met Zarya's gaze. Growling something that had to be a curse in whatever Jayne's native tongue was, she rushed toward Zarya.

  Zarya shot to her feet, ready to battle the woman until one of them was dead.

  But before Jayne could reach her, Nykyrian caught Jayne by the waist and tossed her over his shoulder with so little effort that it was truly frightening.

  And impressive since Jayne was not only tall, but well muscled.

  "Damn you, Andarion!" Jayne said between gritted teeth. "Put me down!"

  Nykyrian tightened his grip on her as she tried to kick him. "Not until you get a hold of yourself."

  Jayne made a sound of supreme agitation before she settled down. Somewhat. "What's she doing here?"

  Drake answered. "Apparently seeing my brother..." He slid an insidious glance toward Zarya. "Among other things from what I've heard."

  Zarya's face flamed.

  Jayne froze as she looked around the gathered men for confirmation. "What?"

  "Yeah." Drake grinned up at Jayne since Nykyrian had yet to put her down. "And if you harm her, Darling will probably hurt you over it."

  Scowling, Jayne looked to Maris. "Mari? Is Drake lying to me?"

  "Not a bit. About any of it. Darling will have your rump for a chew toy if you harm one hair on her head."

  Jayne grumbled in that unknown language, but she was much calmer now.

  Nykyrian finally set her back on her feet, then put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. "You okay?"

  She nodded. "You know, boss, I really hate it when you do things like that to me."

  "I know. But I didn't want our youngest brother-in-arms to send you a special package wrapped in wire."

  "Fine." Jayne moved to stand in front of Zarya while all the men watched on nervously, ready to grab her again if they needed to. "I'm completely baffled by your presence here, and why Darling isn't gay anymore, but for his sake and the fact that I love him like a brother, shall we put the past behind us and try to be friendly enemies?"

  What Zarya would rather do is bury the hatchet between Jayne's eyes. Yet the woman was right. For Darling's sake, they needed to be at least cordial to one another.

  "I'm good with that." Zarya shook Jayne's proffered hand.

  Jayne leaned in to speak to her in a low tone. "If you hurt Darling at all, I will slice open your throat and bathe in your blood."

  Zarya gave her a taunting smile. "Good luck with that. It didn't go so well for the last person who tried it."

  There was a grudging light of respect in Jayne's gaze. With an assassin's salute, Jayne stepped back, then moved to stand with Fain and Nero.

  Lise came to stand behind Zarya and patted her hand affectionately. "If it makes you feel any better, Jayne doesn't like me either."

  How could anyone not like Lise?

  Well, her tantrum with Maris notwithstanding, Lise was usually an angel. "Why?"

  "I threw up on her when I was a kid and she never got over it. That woman can hold a grudge like no one I've ever seen."

  Great. Just what she needed. One more person wanting her dead.

  Not wanting to think about that, Zarya laughed at why Jayne would hate Lise.

  Lise resumed her seat next to Sorche who returned her e-ledger so that she could resume her studies.

  With the drama over and nothing else to do, Zarya sat down and tried to rest as best she could. At least here in Sentella headquarters, which was guarded better than any palace she'd ever heard of, there was no threat of harm to any of them. Not to mention, she was surrounded by some of the best fighters ever born.

  Hours ticked by slowly as everyone waited for any word on Darling.

  Once the babies became bored and fussy, their mothers took them home and left the rest of them to pace, sit, play games on their mobiles, and crack a few random jokes.

  Lise sat quietly, studying while Sorche ended up leaning against Zarya's shoulder so that she could nap on her.

  Every so often, Lise would have to get up and move around to alleviate the back pain left over from her attack. An attack Zarya tried not to think about. Especially as she watched the young woman suffering so miserably from it. Worse, was the knowledge that Lise would have to cope with it for the rest of her life. But to her credit, she didn't complain at all. She'd walk a bit, stretch and then discreetly take medicine when it must have become truly unbearable for her.

  Maris had left a few minutes ago to get more drinks for Zarya and Lise.

  Zarya wished she could make time go faster. She couldn't stand not knowing what was happening to Darling on the other side of those doors.

  Kiara sucked her breath in sharply, then put her hand over her stomach.

  Nykyrian, who'd been standing with the men, shot over to her with a most inhuman speed. Something made twice as impressive given the fact that his back had been to his wife. That man had some scary observation abilities. "Are you all right?"

  Kiara grimaced. "Technically yes. But..." She glanced to Lise and blushed. "These seats are making my back hurt and the baby's doing somersaults."

  Nykyrian held her hand in his. "You want me to take you home?"

  Kiara bit her lip as she scanned the room. "Let me walk around a little while. I think that would help."

  "Okay." He helped her up, then the two of them left.

  Lise sighed as she watched them go. "Do you ever think about having children?" she asked Zarya.

  "Sometimes. What about you?"

  "I really hope I'm sterile."

  The sincerity and alacrity of Lise's tone shocked her. "Why?"

  Lise gave her an arch stare. "You've met my family. Why would I want to pass on our damaged chromosomes to some poor innocent child? That desire alone would mark me as a bad mother."

  Feeling terrible for the girl, she squeezed Lise's hand. "Sweetie, there's nothing wrong with any of you. It's amazing how well adjusted the three of you are given everything you've gone through."

  "Still, I don't think I'd ever want that kind of responsibility. No one can control when they die, and the last thing I want is to leave an unprotected child to someone who might hurt it. Most of all, I live in fear of looking at my child one day and hating its guts."

  Zarya was astonished by Lise's words. "You would never do that, honey. Parents love their children."

  Lise scoffed at her. "You haven't met my mother. She hates us--Drake and Darling more than me, but still... In her mind, we trapped her and sh
e resents it. Had she not had us, she'd have been allowed to return home to her people after my father died and remarry. Instead, she was stuck in perpetual mourning until Darling took over and pardoned her from her vows."

  Only the reigning governor could allow the former governor's consort the privilege of leaving mourning behind and having a normal life, free of her royal obligations to her dead spouse. Even then, he couldn't do it until the second anniversary of the former governor's passing.

  In the past, the governors had always pardoned their mothers as soon as they could. Only Arturo had been cruel enough to make sure that Natale was tied to them without hope of a pardon.

  Lise took a deep breath. "Darling keeps telling me that before our father's death, Momair was extremely loving and kind. But I have no memory of her being anything other than a bitter, resentful bitch."

  Frowning, Lise glanced toward the operating room doors. "Sometimes I think it's harder on Darling since he has memories of having a real mother, than for me and Drake. We don't remember her being nice or giving. But when Darling talks about the past... you can see in his eyes how much he misses the parents he had. Sometimes it makes me wish that I remembered them, too. Instead, all I know about my father is what my brothers, mostly Darling, tell me. And I have no concept of being mothered by anyone except Darling and Maris."

  Zarya had to smile at that. "They are good at that, aren't they?"

  Lise nodded. "The saddest truth? I wouldn't know anything about makeup or clothes at all, but for Maris. He was even the one who went with me to buy my first bra."

  Zarya laughed. "Seriously?"

  "Oh, yeah. I'd asked Darling to go with me, but he'd been so offended that Maris had volunteered. At the time, I thought it was solely because he didn't want me growing up. Now..."

  "It would have been extremely awkward for him," Zarya finished, trying to imagine Darling in a women's lingerie boutique. Although, he did have a deep appreciation for it...

  Teasingly, she rubbed her arm against Lise's. "If it makes you feel any better, Maris is the one who taught me, too."

  Lise laughed. "If you ever get a chance, you really should go shopping with him. I've never seen anyone get so excited about shoes." The humor faded as she turned serious again. "I know Sorche doesn't remember her mother, but do you?"