Page 23 of Just One Drop

  "Aw, that's sweet." Jen glanced back at Crina and Marianna. "Isn't that sweet, girls?"

  "Very sweet." Crina raised an eyebrow at the wolves.

  Marianna silently nodded with a sweet smile.

  "Is there something we can do for you, ladies?" Adrian spoke up, drawing their attention.

  "Actually, we came over to invite you guys to a friendly game of cards tomorrow night. There will be refreshments."

  Damion leaned back in his seat and folded his arms. He unabashedly eyed Jen, starting at her feet, going all the way to the top of her blonde head.

  "Who else will be there, beautiful?"

  "You five studs and us." Jen indicated herself and the two girls with her.

  He raised his eyebrows as a smile slid across his face. "And what kind of cards will be played?"

  Jen leaned forward, resting her hand on the table so she could whisper closely, "The kind that rhymes with lip stroker." She winked and then stood as she watched Damion's brain deduce what she had just told him. "If you wanna play be in the gym tomorrow night at ten o'clock. It's our little secret, if you get my drift."

  Damion watched as she walked away with a very appealing swing in her hips. He heard several of his pack mates give low whistles.

  "So are we in?" Adrian asked his Beta.

  "Like I would ever pass up playing strip poker with some fine women." Damion rolled his eyes. "Yes, we're in," he reiterated when Vilim and Josif looked at him blankly.

  "Strip poker!" Vilim suddenly announced.


  "Shut up, you idiot." Damion and Adrian waved him off.

  "I didn't realize that was what she was talking about," Vilim continued.

  "What else would rhyme with lip stroker?" Damion asked his pack mate, voice filled with exasperation.

  "You four keep your traps shut," Damion warned. "I don't want any other males catching whiff of this. Those she-wolves are ours."

  "That went well," Jen said enthusiastically. She felt her phone vibrate and pulled it from the back pocket of her snug jeans.

  Decebel txt: morning beautiful

  Jen knew the grin that stretched across her face probably looked ridiculous, but she didn't care. Decebel thought she was beautiful, and was thinking about her. The only thing that could make it sweeter was if he were to tell her himself.

  Jen txt: morning yourself

  "You think they'll show up?" Crina's voice brought Jen back to the present.

  "Honey, their eyes were roaming all over us. They'll be there." She looked at her phone as she said, "Let's head to Cynthia's office and see how things are going."

  Decebel had texted her again.

  Decebel txt: what r u do n 2day?

  Jen knew that Decebel didn't want her participating in any more of the activities that were planned, but Vasile couldn't justify her not being there. She had to answer this carefully – if she couldn't be honest she would just redirect his attention.

  Jen txt: basket weaving

  They reached Cynthia's office and opened the door without knocking. Costin, Jacque and Sally were already there, sitting and staring at the doctor.

  "Sooo, how's it going, guys?" Jen asked carefully.

  "We're waiting," Jacque whispered.

  Jen looked at each of them and then at Crina and Marianna.

  "Waiting for what?"

  "To see if she phases," Sally answered her.

  "Why are we whispering?" Crina asked.

  "Don’t know. Just seems like we shouldn't be loud or make any sudden movements," Jacque replied absently.

  Costin rolled his eyes and looked at Jen. "It's been fifteen minutes and so far she can't phase." He spoke in a regular volume.

  "How much did you drink, doc?" Jen asked.

  "I put about one third of a cup in eight ounces of liquid. So far I just feel stuck. Like my skin is just stuck. I don't really know how to describe it."

  The other full blooded wolves in the room all cringed at Cynthia's description.

  "So we just sit and wait?" Crina asked.

  "Pretty much." Costin nodded.

  "What time is the group activity we're supposed to be doing today?"

  "Eleven," Jen answered, looking at her phone. It was nine now, and she had another text.

  Decebel txt: why do I not like the sound of that

  Jen grinned. Smart wolf.

  Jen txt: basket weaving is perfectly safe

  Decebel txt: so it's an all girl class?

  "Sneaky wolf," Jen snickered.

  Jen txt: define all

  Decebel txt: entire, every one, total, whole

  Jen txt: cute

  Decebel txt: answer

  Jen txt: I gotta use the girls room, b back

  Jen txt: fyi, the girls room is all, entirely, totally, wholly girls :)

  Decebel txt: Jennifer!

  Jen ignored the last text. She didn't want to flat out lie to him. He would just worry and probably tear something up. She leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor. Closing her eyes, she prepared to wait with the others to see how long it took until Cynthia could phase. Her phone vibrated several more times. She didn't look at the texts, but she knew would they'd probably be in all caps.

  Bad Jen, she thought to herself.

  Jacque walked into the dining room and straight into Fane's arms.

  "That's better," Fane murmured in her mind.

  "I missed you, too.” She snuggled into his chest and let out a deep breath. Dealing with all the drama of Jen's scheme and Cynthia's magic potion was wearing her out. Although, they were all a little less stressed on discovering it took Cynthia over three hours to phase after drinking her catnip concoction. At least they knew that part of the plan would work.

  "I hope you don't mind, but your father asked if we would eat with them and I said we would."

  Jacque smiled at the worried look on Fane's handsome face. "That's fine, wolf-man."

  As they walked out, Jen passed by.

  "I'll meet you in your room later, Jen," Jacque said with a calm demeanor.

  "Okay, have fun." Jen winked at them and smiled at Fane. "Hey, hottie. Taking care of my girl?"

  Fane chuckled. "Always."

  "I mean that in many ways," Jen tossed at them as they continued out. "Just in case you didn't catch that."

  "Where are they going?" Sally asked she sat down next to Jen at the table.

  "I'm assuming to eat with Dillon," Jen told her. "But I've been known to be wrong on rare occasions. There's the distinct possibility that this is one of those occasions."

  Sally rolled her eyes. "It must be exhausting being you, Jennifer Adams."

  "It's a big responsibility, no doubt," Jen said seriously. "I mean, the expectations would make a weaker woman falter."

  "Oh, definitely.”

  "I'm just saying, Sal, it ain't easy being green."

  Sally snorted. "You're not green."

  Jen waved her off. "It's all relative, chica."

  Crina and Marianna ambled in, then Costin. Cynthia trailed in last. They were trying to break up their “together time,” so that it didn't look suspicious. It probably wasn't working since they all looked as guilty as Professor Plumb in the conservatory with the candle stick.

  They ate quickly, all of them eager to finalize the plans for the next night. Jen was ready to have some alone time. She used the word alone loosely – she would quasi-be with Decebel. He'd been texting her all day, most of them the equivalent of growling her name. She hated to leave him hanging, but she'd had to do the stupid pool lessons.

  Yes, she thought. You heard right. We had pool lessons, as in billiard tables. The last thing she needed was Decebel imagining her leaning over a pool table with a bunch of unmated males surrounding her…which was exactly what had happened. She would conveniently leave that little bit out tonight when she texted him.

  Before Jen could leave the table, Vasile spoke up. "You all remember that tonight is another pack gathering?"

  "Crap," Jen muttered and was followed by several others in their little posse muttering similar expletives.

  Vasile lifted an eyebrow. "Plans?"

  Jen's eyes widened and she was frozen in the stare of the Alpha. Her brain just stopped, the only thing she could hear was a little voice screaming, Busted.

  "Oh, um," Sally started. "I think Jen was wanting to sit this one out, with all that's happened."

  Jen looked at Sally and willed her to see the gratitude in her eyes.

  "Well, I suppose I could say that you aren't feeling well," Vasile said thoughtfully. He looked back at Sally, "Am I correct in assuming that there are several other females who are wanting to sit this one out with Jen?"

  Sally nodded. "Yes, Alpha. Sir."

  Alina smiled at Sally's nervousness.

  "Fine, then. But you are not to leave Jen's room. For anything." Vasile stared pointedly at each of girls.

  "Yes, Alpha," they all said in unison.

  As Jen stood to leave, she caught Costin's eye and mouthed, "Later."

  He gave a slight nod.

  Cynthia also nodded.

  Disaster averted, Jen thought with a sigh.

  Chapter 25

  "Okay let's go over it one more time," Jen announced as she laid back on her bed. There was a collective groan throughout the room.

  "Jen, it's nearly one in the morning," Costin complained.

  "One more time, then I promise I'll let you go."

  Jacque scoffed. "How kind of you, oh great one."

  Jen turned her head and smiled at her. "I know, right?"

  "Come on, Jen. I'm tired, cranky, and I have a hot werewolf waiting in my bed."

  "Okay, at ten o'clock Crina, Marianna, and I will be..."

  "In the gym," Crina supplied.

  "I will make sure the spiked drinks will be on the side the guys are going to sit," Marianna explained.

  "And Jacque and Sally will be..." Jen looked pointedly at the two girls.

  "Making our way to the suckers' rooms," Jacque said dryly.

  "Such enthusiasm, Jac. Thank you."

  "Cynthia and I will be outside below the windows of the rooms waiting for the bonfire donations," Costin added.

  "Great. Then..."

  "Jacque will go to the gym and watch to see when the guys have thoroughly lost. Then we'll go door to door passing out the fliers," Sally continued.

  "Right." Jen looked at Cynthia. "And you..."

  "Will be waiting to hear from Jacque via text that the party has started, then torch the loot."

  "Superb! I think we've got it, boys and girls."

  "Finally," Jacque groaned as she stood up and stretched. "I'm out." She waved to Jen and headed out the door. Costin, Cynthia, Crina, and Marianna were all right behind her.

  Sally stood at the foot of Jen's bed and looked down at her friend.

  "You doing okay, Jen?"

  Jen smiled up at Sally. "I'm better now that Decebel and I can communicate, even if it is just texts."

  "And you're sure you want to go through with this?"

  "I'm sure," Jen said simply.

  Sally nodded once. "Okay then, Lucy. I'll see you in the morning."

  "Sleep tight, Ethel."

  Jennifer jumped up and went about getting ready for bed. All she wanted in that moment was to crawl under the covers and then spend time with a certain brooding werewolf.

  Throwing on sweats and a long sleeved t-shirt, she hurried into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. As she patted her face dry with a towel, she paused to look in the mirror. Something was different, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. Her hair was as long and blonde as ever, her eyes crystal blue, skin fair and smooth, and yet there was still something. She shrugged her shoulders and tossed the towel on the counter.

  As she climbed into the soft, big bed she snagged her phone from the bedside table. She propped herself up against the headboard with the many fluffy pillows that adorned the bed and hit the text message icon on her phone.

  "Oh boy," she muttered as she saw text after text from Decebel. I knew it was going to be bad, she thought as her fingers began moving deftly across the small onscreen keyboard.

  Jen txt: Hello?

  Jen held her breath as she waited for his response. And waited, and waited. She frowned at her phone. "Okay, maybe he's asleep," she spoke into the darkness. A few more minutes went by with no response.

  Feeling bereft and very empty, she snuggled down into the pillows and laid the phone beside her. She knew she should have answered his texts, but she also knew he was going to be upset and worried if he knew she was out among the other males. Could have handled that better.

  Jen had just begun to drift off into a restless sleep when her phone chirped.

  She looked at the screen through sleep-filled eyes. She nearly cried when she saw it was a text from Decebel. She didn't care if he yelled at her, she just needed to hear from him.

  Decebel txt: Hey baby

  Now she did cry. She was expecting him to rant and rave, but instead he sent her a simple “hey baby.” She could hear him in her mind, and see the half smile that would be on his lips. She sat back up and wiped her tears away before replying.

  Jen txt: No yelling?

  Decebel txt: r u ok?

  Jen txt: physically yes

  Decebel txt: did anyone touch u 2day?

  Jen txt: no

  Decebel txt: no yelling

  Jen txt: I'm sorry 4 not responding

  Decebel txt: I understand why

  Decebel txt: doesn't mean I like it

  Jen txt: I worried u

  Decebel txt: yes

  Jen txt: I shouldn't have

  Decebel txt: I'm not mad Jennifer

  Jen txt: thank you

  Decebel txt: I miss u. I feel empty

  Jen txt: me 2

  Decebel txt: I will see u 2moro nite

  Jen shot straight up at the words on her screen. He was getting out? Tomorrow night? "Not good," she muttered. Okay, she was going to have to get Costin to intercept and stall him somehow. She snorted. "Yeah, that'll go over real well."

  Jen txt: ur get n out ;)

  Decebel txt: Vasile is talking with the other As, explaining our situation

  Jen txt: that's good

  Decebel txt: r u happy?

  Jen txt: of course! I have no 1 to growl at me w/u gone :)

  Decebel txt: It's late

  Jen txt: is that ur way of telln me 2 sleep w/out b n bossy?

  Decebel txt: it's my job to take care of u Jennifer

  Jen txt: hey B, it's late and I'm tired, think I'll call it a nite

  Decebel txt: lol, that's my girl

  Jen txt: miss u, nite xoxo

  Decebel txt: miss u more, nite baby xoxo

  Jen set her phone on the bedside table and snuggled back into the covers. She was exhausted, but rest would elude her because now she had to figure out how she was going to keep Decebel from finding out about her plan. She knew that after it was said and done he would be angry, but her motto had always been “it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.”

  Looked like that motto was finally going to bite her in the butt.

  Decebel lay back on the bed in his temporary prison and thought about Jennifer's response to his release tomorrow. He'd expected a little more than “that's good” and since he didn't doubt her feelings for him, that only left one other explanation. She was up to something. He smiled to himself. His mate was going to keep him on his toes, no boring life for him. Oddly enough he looked forward to the havoc she was sure to wreak.

  Decebel closed his eyes and chuckled to himself. Now, only to get out tomorrow and stop whatever plan she and her cohorts were implementing without killing some innocent – or not so innocent – males.

  "How is Decebel doing?" Alina asked her mate as she curled up next to him in their bed, her head on his chest.

  Vasile stroked her long dark hair gently. Even after centuries
there was still nothing better than his mate in his arms, her scent surrounding him.

  "He seems to be a little better since he can communicate with Jen."

  Alina laughed. "I can't see Decebel texting like some enamored teenager."

  Vasile smiled and chuckled with her. "I've no doubt she is his mate and like all of us males is utterly lost without her."

  "So you admit that you would be lost without me," she teased.

  "Mina, ma vad (see me)," he whispered.

  Alina leaned back so she could look into his eyes, a privilege few had.