Page 24 of Just One Drop

  "Eu sint nimic fara tine (I am nothing without you). Fara tine nimic in viata aceasta ar insemna nimic (Without you, nothing in this life would mean anything)." Vasile pulled her up so that he could place both hands on either side of her face. Gently, he stroked her cheeks and loved the way her skin flushed under his gaze.

  "Without you, Alina, colors would not be as bright, fragrances would not be as sweet, and food would be bitter ash in my mouth. For two centuries you have been by my side. Not behind me, but by my side, as my equal. During these two centuries I don’t know if I have ever truly expressed to you what you are to me, what you mean to me."

  Vasile wiped the tears that had escaped from her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her softly, then pulled back just enough so that when he spoke his lips brushed hers. "If Jacque and Jen are even half the woman you are, Fane and Decebel will be blessed beyond all measure. So never, ever doubt that without you I would wander through this world in darkness and hopelessness. I would be a shell of a man, unable to lead, unable to care for my pack. I love you, Alina mine."

  They sat quietly, forehead to forehead, lips barely touching. Breathing in each other's air, literally being life to the other. When they finally turned out the light, wrapped in each other's arms, Alina whispered into the darkness the words she had spoken during their long ago Bonding ceremony.

  "Sufletul meu pentru dumneavoastra, inima mea pentru dumneavoastra, viata mea pentru dumneavoastra (My soul for yours, my heart for yours, my life for yours)."

  "Always, Mina,” Vasile whispered into her mind.

  Chapter 26

  "Look alive, people." Jen clapped her hands as she walked into the small room she had requested, via text, they all meet her in.

  "What's going on, Queen o' drama?" Sally asked.

  "Decebel texted me last night. I'll spare you the sappy details, but -"

  "That's a first," Jacque muttered.

  Jen made a hand motion like a mouth closing and shushed Jacque.

  "What I will share is that he said he's getting out tonight."

  Mutterings rippled across the room: "Crap." "Great." "Perfect."

  "I knew this would happen," Costin growled. "Do you know what he's going to do to me when he finds out I helped you, Jen?"

  "I have a fairly good idea. But we aren't going to freak out like a bunch of amateurs."

  "But we are amateurs, you -" Before Jacque could finish, Jen interrupted.

  "Uh-uh, no need for name calling."

  "Puulease, I know you've called me much worse." She rolled her eyes.

  "Jacque dear, that's the past. This is the now, and right now we need to figure out how we are going to keep the big bad wolf from finding out about the three little pigs' scheme."

  "Did you just refer to us as the three little pigs?" Sally asked incredulously.

  "Oh, good grief. Fine. Three little, hot as hell, give Ms. Piggy a run for her money, pigs. Better?" Jen batted her eyes.

  "You're in rare form, Jennifer Adams."

  "Okay, so what I'm thinking," Jen continued, "is that Costin or Cynthia will have to be the ones to be on the lookout for Dec because y'all will be able to smell him before you ever see him."

  Costin groaned. "I knew I should have just stayed in my room. Kept to myself. But nope, I just had to hang around the hot unmated females. I just had to be my usual charming self."

  "No self esteem issues on that side of the room, huh?" Sally interrupted.

  He looked up at her and grinned. "I have a weakness for beautiful women and they seem to have a weakness for me."

  "Definitely no self esteem issues."

  Jen continued on, ignoring their play. "I don't think we need to change any of our plans at this point. I think we just need to be extra vigilant."

  "Did you just use the word vigilant?" Jacque laughed.

  "Jacque!" Jen growled.

  "Okay, okay. I'll shut up. I realize your evil plan is stressing you out."

  "Honestly," Jen agreed. "Who knew it would be so exhausting being the villain?"

  "Haven't you ever watched any Disney movies?" Sally asked as they all stood up to go to breakfast.

  Jen looked at her questioningly.

  "Seriously, Jen, do you think all those wicked witches look like they've been ridden hard and hung out to dry because it's easy being evil?"

  Cynthia, Crina, and Marianna, who'd been sitting quietly through the meeting, lost their composure at that.

  Jacque and Jen were grinning from ear to ear.

  "I do believe we have managed to corrupt our sweet little Sally." Jacque high fived Jen.

  "It's about time, too." Jen nudged Sally with her shoulder. "I was beginning to think that she was beyond help."

  "You two are disturbed. Like, seriously in need of major pills and years of counseling disturbed."

  Crina looked over at Cynthia. "Are all Americans like this?"

  Cynthia winked. "No, I think it's a Southern thing."

  Jen cackled. "It's like I always say, us Southern belles give 'em hell!"

  "Yee-haw!" Jacque and Sally hollered as they made their way into the hall.

  "Way to not draw attention to us, ladies," Costin muttered as they passed other pack members.

  "Costin, sweetie, there is no way to not draw attention to all this."

  All the girls laughed as Costin rolled his eyes.

  "Let's go -" Jacque started.

  "Get our grub on. Yeah yeah, we know, wolf princess."

  Vasile waited for everyone to be seated before he addressed them about the day's plans.

  "I wanted to give you all an update on the situation with Decebel."

  Jen sat up straighter, waiting to see what Vasile would say.

  "Alina and I will be dining with the other Alphas tonight, and I plan to broach the subject of Decebel and Jen. Hopefully, once I explain things, they will be willing to allow Jen and Decebel to spend some time together without requiring them to participate in any more events."

  Jen let out the breath she'd been holding. "Is Decebel going to be allowed out tonight?"

  Vasile's eyes softened as he looked at Decebel's mate. "I don't know yet, Jen. If the Alphas don't agree, then it will probably be best to keep Decebel separate from everyone until we return home."

  Jen just nodded her head in understanding.

  "As for the rest of the day, our females will be having fencing lessons. Some of the older unmated males come from a time period when guns were not the method of warfare."

  "No offense, Alpha," Jen spoke up, "but telling us that the males we should be looking for as mates are old enough to be considered exhibits in ancient museums doesn't do much for the ol' libido."

  Crina and Marianna snickered while Sally rolled her eyes and covered her face in exasperation.

  Vasile smiled. "So, then you will be happy to know that your mate is at least half a century away from being inducted into said exhibit."

  Jen glared. "Not cool, V. So not cool."

  Vasile chuckled and winked at her.

  "Let's eat and be off. Oh, and one more thing, Jen," Vasile addressed her, face wiped clean of the smile. "Please refrain from stabbing some poor, unsuspecting wolf."

  Jen blinked innocently. "Does that mean I can stab a suspecting fur ball?"

  Vasile growled.

  "I'll take that as a negative. Roger that, Alpha sir."

  Chapter 27

  Thad answered the cell phone that vibrated in his pocket.

  "What?" he snapped at his contact. "So you have found a location to take her? Did you get the urine to pour on her?” He listened. “I understand that you think it's disgusting, but it would be pointless to hide her if they could sniff her out. The urine will mask it. Do as I ask. You know the price you will pay if you do not." He hit the end button and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

  He stepped from the suite into the adjoining area that had been set up as a dining room, and watched as two of his mated females prepared the table for the dinner
that would take place in less than an hour. He had made sure every detail had been taken care of, down to the moment he would hand Vasile, the greatest Alpha in two centuries, the fatal drink.

  Thad smiled to himself as he thought about how the week had played out. Vasile's Beta was locked up, and they were all so distracted by the situation with him and the American they didn't have any idea there was a traitor amongst them.

  He walked over to the mini bar and poured a drink. He lifted it into the air as he whispered under his breath, "Here's to a night to remember." He slung the liquor back, savoring the burn it caused in his throat.

  A knock at the door brought him out of his reverie. He motioned for one of the females to open it. Dragomir and his mate Agnes walked in.

  "Dragmoir," Thad inclined his head to the Hungary pack Alpha, then approached his mate. "Agnes. Looking ravishing, as always." He took her hand and gently laid a kiss on it.

  "Thank you, Thad." Agnes smiled genuinely. "We feel honored to be your guests and honored to be included in this monumental event. It's time we stop fighting amongst the packs and join forces to help our species survive."

  "Spoken like a true Alpha female."

  They continued with small talk as each Alpha and his mate arrived. Vasile and Alina were last, both walking with the confidence that comes with reigning for two centuries. Thad made himself smile and gush over Alina just as he had the other females. He reminded himself that this would be the last time he would have to watch the pair cloaked in their own power. That thought was enough to bring about a sincere smile as he invited them all to sit around the table.

  He planned for them to eat and relax, to give Vasile and his mate one more good meal before they left this life. Then he would personally hand each couple a glass of his oldest and most expensive wine. The poison would begin flooding Vasile's system within half an hour of consumption, and all hell would break loose.

  "I can't believe that wuss bellyached when I nicked him with the tip of my sword," Jen growled as she and the other TFFs climbed the stairs to convene in her room. They'd finished dinner a couple of hours ago and had been sitting around, shooting the breeze when Jacque glanced at her phone and noticed it was only forty five minutes until Jen, Crina, and Marianna were supposed to meet the males in the gym.

  "Jen, you slit his wrist. That's a little more than a nick," Sally pointed out.

  "It healed in under a minute. I could understand his moaning if I had cut his hand off, but seriously."

  Crina and Marianna laughed at Jen as they all piled into her room.

  Jen immediately turned and pointed at Jacque and Sally. "Okay, you two are to meet Costin and Cynthia in," she glanced at her phone, "twenty minutes in Cynthia's office." She turned to Crina and Marianna. "I think we should wear bathing suits under our clothes. That way, if the top layer does come off, we aren't showing off our undies."

  "Okay, we'll go and change and meet you back here in fifteen minutes," Crina told her as she and Marianna left. Jen gave them a nod, heading for her closet.

  "Okay, Jen. We're out," Jacque hollered as she and Sally headed for the door.

  "Wait, hold up." Jen stuck her head out from around the closet door. "What did you tell wolf-man you were doing this evening?"

  "That I was spending quality time with Sally. Which isn't really a lie."

  Jen smiled, but it was sad. "I'm sorry you've had to keep this from him."

  Jacque shrugged. "I take comfort in knowing Decebel is going to beat your ass when it's all said and done."

  Sally laughed.

  "Thanks for that, Jac," Jen grumbled.

  "Just keeping it real." Jacque waved as she and Sally left.

  Jen stood in her closet, contemplating just how angry the Beta was going to be. "Won't be pretty, that's for sure," she muttered as she continued to search for her clothes.

  Twenty minutes later, Jen, Crina, and Marianna sat in the middle of the gym with a deck of cards, glasses they had stolen at dinnertime, and some vodka Costin had somewhat shadily acquired. They had laid pillows from their beds around in a circle to lounge on, and Jen had set up her iPhone to play club music. Crina managed to figure out how to turn on only half the lights so it wasn't so bright, but a soft glow fell over the floor.

  "Okay, now we just need the -" Before Crina could finish her sentence, the gym door opened and in walked four wolves.

  "Where's the fifth man?" Jen asked with a wink.

  "Alpha had business for him to take care of, so you ladies will have to make do with the four of us," Damion answered.

  "I'm sure we'll manage somehow," Crina flirted.

  Jen indicated where they should sit and Marianna passed out the shots.

  "Okay, let's start this night out right." Jen lifted her glass filled with just enough vodka to throw back. "Here's to a night to remember!"

  Everyone raised their glasses and clinks filled the room as they tapped them together and drank.

  Jen watched the four wolves to see if there was any indication that they'd realized their drinks were laced. She grinned when they held their glasses out for another. Crina poured the shots as Jen began shuffling the deck.

  "Okay, so you boys know how to play poker?"

  "We looked up the specifics on the internet," Adrian informed her.

  Jen looked at Crina and Marianna out of the corner of her eye. "Excellent," is what came from her lips, but she was thinking, Like taking candy from a baby.

  She dealt out the cards. "We're going to keep it simple and play five card draw. Now, just like in a regular game, you can chose to fold, you can bluff, and you can call. Since we aren't playing for money, the easiest way to determine how the clothes come off are based on the bets. For example, if you bet a dollar that would equal a sock. If you were to bet five dollars that would be a shirt, so on and so forth. Make sense?"

  "So the higher the bet the more intimate the apparel that is removed?" Damion asked.

  "Exactly." Jen smiled.

  "You've really put some thought into this, haven't you?" Josif asked.

  "We Westerners take our poker very seriously, regardless of the method of pay." She set down the cards left in the deck and picked up her own. Everyone followed suit and looked at their hands.

  "Okay. So, starting with the player to my left – Crina, place your bets." Jen looked at her expectantly.

  Earlier, Jen had told them to only stay in the game when the bet was under five bucks, and fold any other time. She didn't like to brag, but she knew poker. She'd have these guys in their skivvies in no time. She would make the big bets to bait them, and regardless of the fact that they were wolves, they were men and she was just a little ol' girl. They wouldn't want to fold – it would make them appear unconfident and weak.

  Jen had grinned at Crina and Marianna and made them laugh when she broke Kenny Rogers' “The Gambler.” Marianna had asked, "Do you Americans have a song for everything?"

  Her response had been, "You should see our reality TV."

  Crina placed her bet.

  And so it begins, Jen thought.

  "Okay, let's go." Costin rubbed his hands together nervously.

  "You okay Costin?" Sally asked. "You seem a little jumpy."

  Costin looked at her and grinned. "Ask me after I survive this with my manhood intact."

  Sally blushed and quickly followed Jacque.

  They made it to the bottom of the staircase on the east side of the mansion. The Serbian pack's rooms were nearby.

  "Okay.” Costin pointed. "I'll come up with you and make sure the rooms are empty. Then Cynthia and I will go wait beneath the windows for you to start chucking out the goods."

  Jacque nodded.

  Sally cringed. "I think I'm going to be sick."

  Jacque grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hold it together, Sal. We got this, okay?"

  "We got this," Sally repeated, sounding anything but confident.

  Costin tried the doorknob of the first room that he knew to be Damion and Adrian
's. It opened smoothly into a dark interior. He grinned. "Good to go, ladies." He motioned them inside. "I'll check the other two and be on my way. You two hurry, alright?"

  Sally and Jacque nodded as they began moving into the dark room.

  Jacque made a beeline for the closet while Sally started stripping the beds.

  "I really think we should be wearing gloves for this." Sally cringed as she pulled the sheets off and rolled them into a tight ball.

  "Hey, leave one of those sheets unrolled. We can put all the clothes in a pile on the sheet and throw it out all together," Jacque hollered from the closet.

  "Good call."

  Jacque came out of the closet, arms full of clothes."Let's do this."

  Sally laughed. She went to the window and pushed it open. Then she nudged the screen out and it fell three stories below, where Cynthia and Costin stood.

  Costin waved and motioned for her to start throwing stuff down. Sally grinned and gave a thumbs up. She grabbed the first set of bedding and tossed it out. She looked down and saw Cynthia gather it up and put it in a wheelbarrow.