Page 25 of Just One Drop

  From there on out they worked like a well-oiled machine. Jacque ran around grabbing anything that could possibly cover a body part, Sally threw it out the window, and Costin and Cynthia stowed it in the wheelbarrow.

  Five minutes later, they moved onto the next room.

  Sally started pulling the sheets off the beds again as Jacque busted out a whispered version of “Heartless.” Sally joined in as they worked.

  On the third and final room, Sally leaned out the window as she dropped the final article of clothing. "How's the bonfire looking?" she whispered as loud as she could.

  Costin grinned. "It's going to be epic!"

  She giggled as Jacque pulled her back in. "Come on, Sal. We don't have time for flirting."

  Sally's mouth dropped. "I so was not flirting."

  "Just keep telling yourself that, sweetie. Maybe when Jen becomes a nun it will be true." She laughed as she tugged Sally out of the room and down the stairs. They hurried in the direction of the gym.

  "I wonder how far they've gotten in the game?" Sally asked.

  "It shouldn't take long. Jen said they were playing five card draw. That's a pretty quick game of poker." Jacque quickened her pace as she thought about how Jen might be sitting there, trying to keep naked werewolves occupied.

  They made it to the gym and snuck up to the door windows. Jacque peeked up quietly and nearly died laughing.

  "What? What's going on?" Sally yanked on Jacque's sleeve.

  Shaking with silent giggles, she pointed to the window.

  Sally quietly looked through the window's edge and quickly covered her mouth at what she saw. Marianna and Crina sat – looking rather put out – in their bathing suits. Across from them, four disgruntled males sat with nothing but socks on. They had taken the pillows and laid them across their laps. Jen didn't look much happier as she pulled her shirt over her head. Although, she still had her pants on.

  Jacque jerked her phone out and texted Costin to get his butt here and help go door to door to announce the party. Sally and Jacque took off at a run and nearly collided with said wolf.

  "Whoa! So we're good?" He held the fliers in his hands and handed each girl a stack.

  Jacque nodded. "Let's hurry. Have you seen any sign of Decebel?"

  Costin shook his head. "No, so we had better move our butts."

  They all took off at a run, headed for the stairs. They made it to the second floor and immediately started knocking on doors. As they opened they smiled and pushed fliers into the hands of the occupants.

  When they got to the end of the second floor and were on their way to the third, Jacque sent Jen a text, letting her know that the animals were on the move. Male and female wolves were already heading towards the gym. Then she quickly wrote Cynthia a text that said, “baby, light my fire,” and snickered as she hit send.

  Jacque and Sally had gone ahead of Costin, trying to get out as many fliers as possible before the inevitable happened.

  Costin finally caught up with them and took the rest of the fliers. "You two go on and get out of here. I have a bad feeling."

  Jacque looked alarmed. "What's wrong?"

  He pushed them. "Just go. And hurry."

  The girls didn't question him again, but joined the throngs of Canis lupis walking down the stairs.

  Costin handed out the last flier and took off. He'd made it to the final staircase when a hand suddenly grabbed his collar.

  "Why is there a fire on the front lawn?"

  "Oh. Hey, Beta." Costin laughed nervously. "They let you out. Was it for good behavior, or -"

  Decebel took a step towards him and growled, "Answer the question, Costin."

  "The fire – okay, well. You see, what happened – what it is... Shit." He groaned and decided he'd be better off just giving it up. "Jen's burning the clothes, linens, and so on of the unmated Serbia males," Costin finally spit out.

  Decebel stared at him like he had grown a second head.

  "Where is my mate now?" Decebel's voice was calm, too calm.

  "Um, getting the rest of their clothes."

  "From where?"

  "From, uh, the, um, males." Costin was trying to stall as long as he could, hoping Jen would already be out of the room.

  "How is she getting the clothes from them, Costin." Decebel's eyes were glowing and his canines descended.

  "It's kind of a funny story, actually. See, Jen, Sally, Crina, Marianna, and Jacque -"

  "HOW!" Decebel growled.

  "They're playing strip poker." Costin took several steps back as his Beta fought for control of his wolf. "If it makes you feel better, Jen is winning. I think." In hindsight, he decided that maybe that last part wasn't really helpful.

  Decebel reached out and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pushed him forward. "Take me to her."

  Jen heard her phone let out a little beep. She laid her current hand of cards face down on the floor in front of her, and started to stretch, lifting her arms above her head.

  "Boys, I need a break for just a sec. How about another shot?"

  The wolves across from her had their eyes glued to her frame as she arched and stretched. They all nodded in unison but didn't speak. Jen smirked at Crina, who simply chuckled as she poured another round of shots.

  While Jen continued to stretch, she leaned towards Marianna. She got close to her ear and whispered, "The cavalry is on the way."

  Marianna gave a slight nod of her head and smiled at the males as they tipped their shots back.

  Jen glanced down at her half-clad body. Man, that was close, she thought.

  As the gym door clanged open and her ears were met with ominous silence, she knew she had spoken too soon.

  Decebel and Costin arrived at the gym door and Decebel had a sense of deja vu.

  "If my mate is on the other side of that door..." He muttered the unfinished threat.

  Several wolves had gathered and were looking in through the window. There was a murmur across the crowd of, "Are they naked?" along with giggles and laughter.

  The Beta snarled and the crowd parted like the red sea. Decebel slowly stepped forward, and when he got to the window, he had to dig his claws into the palms of his hands to keep from phasing at what he saw. All the wolves around him fell to their knees as his power poured over them.

  He turned back to the crowd. "Everyone return to their rooms. Now." His calm tone did not hide the rage inside him. Without a word, the wolves rose and left quickly.

  Decebel looked down at Costin, who was still on his knees.

  "Stand," he told him gruffly. "You knew she was going to do this? You knew how I would feel about it and you let her do it anyway?" His eyes were glowing and he was fighting with each breath to keep his wolf from striking out at the pup before him.

  "I take full responsibility," Costin told him firmly.

  "I will deal with you when I'm done with her." Decebel dismissed him.

  He roughly pulled the gym door open and walked in. The scent of fear hit his nose as the four naked males turned and met his glowing eyes.

  "Aww-kward," Jennifer sang as she watched Decebel storm in. She stood up, leaving the circle of naked males and half-naked females.

  Decebel looked at Jennifer long enough to see that she was wearing tiny pieces of fabric that barely covered her essentials. Then he had to look away. He shook and fought for control, but nearly lost it when he noticed that his female pack mates weren't wearing much more. By the time his eyes landed on the males again, he was sure there was a puddle of blood on the floor from his claws digging into his hands.

  Decebel was seeing red at this point.

  "Phase to your wolves!" he snarled at them.

  He waited and when nothing happened, he took large menacing steps forward. "You dare defy me as you sit naked in a room with my mate?"

  Damion growled but lowered his eyes. "We can't phase. We've tried."

  Decebel's eyes shot up to Jennifer's.

  She shrugged innocently, biting her bot
tom lip. "Oops."

  Now standing, Marianna and Crina backed slowly away as Decebel moved toward Jen.

  "What did you do?" he asked her.

  She glanced over at the Serbian males, then back at Decebel. "Do we have to do this here, in front of them?"

  "Costin," Decebel called.

  "Yes, Beta?"

  "Please make sure these males get back to their rooms safely. As soon as Crina and Marianna are clothed, take them to their rooms as well."

  Crina and Marianna had their clothes on before he finished speaking.

  Decebel turned back Damion. "If you lay a hand on my pack mate, I will rip you limb from limb. I hope that this experience has taught you not to mess with our females."

  Jen smirked but quickly wiped it clean when Decebel glared at her.

  "You have my word we won't retaliate," Damion growled out.

  Decebel nodded once and motioned to Costin to take the group out. He let out a slow breath. When Jen started to speak, he held up a hand to stop her.

  "Get dressed, please." His voice was tight, his eyes narrowed.

  Jen grabbed her shirt and slid it over her head, then slipped her shoes on.

  "Let's go," he told her. Gently, but firmly, he took her hand.

  Chapter 28

  Decebel opened the door to Jennifer's room and motioned for her to enter. He hadn't spoken since the gym. He didn't trust himself. Not to mention, his wolf was making him bite his tongue because, although he was angry, he wouldn't allow Decebel to hurt Jennifer with his words.

  Once inside, she walked over to the bed and slumped down. Her shoulders rolled over in defeat. He hated seeing her that way, but couldn't rid himself of the image of her barely dressed in front of those naked males.

  "Why?" he asked her, his voice raspy as he tried to keep his wolf in check.

  Jennifer looked up at him, no tears in her eyes, just simple resolve.

  "They needed to learn not to mess with me and mine."

  Decebel growled. "It's my job to protect you and defend your virtue."

  "The hell it is!" She growled back. "It my virtue, Decebel. The key word is MY! I'm not going to sit back like some little obedient mate when someone takes a shot at me. Or you, for that matter."

  Decebel snarled.

  Jennifer stood up and walked towards him, but he turned away. He was too angry for her touch. His back did not deter her.

  "I'm sorry that I kept this from you," she told him as she wrapped her arms around from behind. "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I worried you. If it's any consolation, this will probably be the last time I take my clothes off in public."

  Decebel's chest rumbled. "Probably?" he growled.

  She smiled as she rubbed her face against his back. "Well, I'm not putting my dream of being a Vegas show girl on the back burner just yet."

  Jen waited while Decebel's wolf slowly calmed down as she held him close. Finally, he turned to face her. He placed his hands on either side of her face, pushing stray strands of blonde hair out of the way. He ran his thumb gently along her bottom lip and Jen felt her breath catch.

  "I've needed you, and missed you," Decebel whispered.

  Jen didn't speak. She couldn't as he held her mesmerized by his glowing amber eyes. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply. Her eyes fell shut as his chest rumbled as he growled.

  Then his lips were on hers. Gentle at first, but then he slipped his tongue through her lips and Jen gasped at the contact. Decebel started backing her up until Jen felt the bed against the back of her legs. He laid her back onto the bed, covering her body with his, never breaking the kiss. Jen's hands came up of their own accord and she ran her fingers through his hair, sighing at the softness.

  Decebel pressed her more firmly into the mattress and she felt his hand on her calf. Slowly he ran his hand up to the back of her thigh, pulling her body closer until his hand cupped her bottom.

  Jennifer groaned at the feel of his hand on her, not that she'd never had a guy put their hand on her butt, but this felt different. So much more intimate and possessive. Decebel trailed kisses from her cheeks, down her neck, up to her collarbone as Jen tried to catch her breath.

  When he nipped her she gasped. The sound pushed through the fog of desire that had clouded Decebel's mind. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, gently caressing her face with his fingertips.

  "We should stop," he whispered as he traced her red, moist lips in a trance-like state.

  "Uh-uh," Jen muttered.

  "Jennifer," Decebel growled. "Tell me to stop."

  Jen closed her eyes in order to escape his soul-searing amber gaze. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Clearing her throat, she was finally able to speak. "Decebel, I want you to stop." She opened one eye to peek at him. "How was that?"

  A smile threatened to cross his face. "Almost convincing."

  A thought hit Jen's mind as she considered what he was asking her to stop him from doing.

  "Are you a virgin?"

  Decebel shook his head and chuckled. "You're quite blunt, aren't you?"

  Jen cocked an eyebrow at him.

  "Jennifer, I'm 125 years old," he told her, as if that explained it all.

  "That's not an answer," she growled. Then another thought hit her. "Should I be creeped out that you are so old?"

  "If you want to break it down to a science, Canis lupis actually age one year to a human's six. I'm more like twenty in 'your years,' in a sense. If anyone should be creeped out it should be Jacque. Fane is only three."

  That made Jen laugh. "Oh, that is just too rich. Definitely going to have to hold that one over her head." Then she got serious. "Okay, so twenty I can handle. Now, Captain Evader, answer the first question."


  Jen looked taken aback. "No. You are refusing to answer?"

  Decebel growled. "No, the answer to the question is no."

  Jen just stared at him, not really sure how to respond. She knew she shouldn't be shocked, but she couldn’t keep from feeling the hurt that flashed across her heart at his answer.

  "Are you okay?" Decebel asked gently.

  "When was the last time?" she asked him quietly

  Decebel groaned. "Do you really want to do this?"

  "When, Decebel?"

  He tilted her head back up to look at him when she tried to shy away.

  "It's been five years."

  Jen's mouth fell open. “Oh.” Her eyes moved to the ceiling.

  Decebel caressed her cheek softly. “Are you okay?”

  After a moment, she sucked a breath in through her teeth. “Well, I never thought I'd date such a loser... Five years?” Her eyes met his now, her mouth pulled up into a mocking smile. “I really overestimated your sexiness.”

  He rolled off of her and threw an arm over his face. “You are exasperating, woman.”

  “That's what you like about me.”

  Decebel grumbled noncommittally.

  "So...does that mean you aren't mad at me anymore?" Jen asked hopefully.

  He lifted his lip in a snarl, and she could see his canines were still descended.

  "I'll take that as a 'not a chance in hell.' Good to know."

  Then, randomly: "Did Matty," Decebel snarled the name, "touch you?"

  She laughed. "You're seriously still hung up on that?"

  When he didn't answer, she huffed and rolled her eyes. "We kissed, but that's it. And I only did it to keep him occupied so Sally could make a break for it."

  Decebel took her by surprise when he was over her once more, his mouth covering hers.

  Suddenly, the door to Jen's room flew open, and Decebel rolled off of Jen with a howl of pain and rage.

  Jen sat up and saw a very panicked looking Costin in her doorway. She felt a sharp tug inside her, almost like a pulled ligament, but she wasn't in near the pain that Costin and Decebel obviously were.

  Decebel snarled as he forced himself to his feet.

  "What's happened to
him?" he gritted through his teeth.

  Costin shook his head, visibly fighting through his own pain. "He collapsed at the dinner he's having with the other Alphas. Alina fell next to him." The wolf's eyes were becoming wilder the more he talked.

  Decebel grabbed Jen's hand and headed towards Costin.

  "Where's Fane?"

  "He's on his way with Jacque to the suite..." he gasped “...where the dinner is,” Costin explained as they headed towards the stairs.

  Jen stopped when two doors opened and Crina, Marianna, and Sally came into the hall.

  Crina and Marianna were doubled over in pain.

  Decebel snarled again, catching himself on the stair railing. Jen let go of his hand and ran over to help the girls.

  "What's happened?" Crina cringed.

  "Vasile has fallen," Decebel told them, still struggling in pain. "Jennifer, you and the other females need to get in a room and lock the door."

  Jen looked him in the eye. "No, I'm going with you. We all are going with you." When he started to interrupt, she cut him off. "Sally might be able to help."

  Decebel narrowed his eyes. "How?"

  "She's a gypsy healer. She can heal werewolves."