Page 3 of Just One Drop

  He thought back to that gruesome day, how helpless he had felt. Cosmina was being courted by two wolves, one of which was her true mate. After several months of more or less passive pursuit, they challenged one another. Cosmina had to be present at the challenge per pack law. Decebel had begged her not to go but she wasn't a rule breaker. Cosmina always did what was expected of her. The wolves fought and the victor took pity on the other wolf and let him live. The losing wolf had gone feral at the idea of not having Cosmina and attacked her before anyone could stop him.

  A true mate would never be able to lay a hand on his mate – it went against everything inside them. Their wolf would sooner die than lift a hand against his mate. The wolf had decided that if he couldn't have Cosmina then no one could. Decebel had reached the wolf a moment too late – Cosmina's throat had been ripped and the blood poured out of her in a flood.

  The rage that consumed Decebel had given him more than enough strength to kill the guilty wolf and he had torn him limb from limb. As he held his sister and watched the light fade from her eyes, she spoke her final words.

  "When the time comes, brother, don't fight destiny. Let it happen even if it doesn't happen the way you think it should." And then she was gone.

  Cosmina had always had the ability to know things, future things. Nobody understood it and the pack had long ago accepted it.

  Now as Decebel laid on his bed, his emotions a turbulent storm inside him, he had to wonder if she had been talking about Jennifer.

  He grabbed his phone off the nightstand to check the time. One a.m. He groaned. Tomorrow – or today, rather – was going to be miserable if he didn't get any sleep. As pack Beta it was his job to train the younger wolves. Even in the twenty first century it was necessary for the wolves to know how to defend themselves, in human and wolf form.

  After the training he was due to attend a conference call with Vasile. Some of the surrounding packs had called and asked to speak with Vasile, but didn't specify what it was about. When Decebel had asked if he had any inkling of the topic, Vasile nodded solemnly and told him that whatever it was he didn't think it was a good thing. Although packs tried to keep peace between themselves, there were times it was easier said than done. Werewolves were extremely territorial and it didn't take much for them to get in a pissing contest – no pun intended.

  With a frustrated sigh he grabbed the ear buds to his iPhone and put them in, then turned on Jason Walker's "Down." He normally listened to classic rock, but he needed something soothing to calm him tonight, something to help him focus. He closed his eyes and listened as the words of the song poured over him. As he listened, he felt like it was written just for him. With every word Jennifer's face became clearer in his mind. Her infectious smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief, the quick wit that could cut a person in half – or make them feel like the most important person in her world.

  Pictures ran through his mind of his time in the States when she was in the wreck, the fear that had ripped through him when he had seen her still form on the ground. He remembered feeling so out of control as the doctors tried to treat Jen when his wolf didn't want anyone near her. He let out a low growl as his mind wandered to her little stunt with the human male, Matt. Decebel clearly remembered the name Jennifer had whispered in his ear. He still hadn't talked with her about that night, about what had happened with this Matt character. He grinned slowly to himself as he finally began to drift off. He planned on talking with her very soon about Matt, and Decebel had a feeling she wasn't going to be too pleased about it.

  That just made his smile bigger.

  "Jen, wake up." Sally pulled the covers off her sleeping friend, allowing the cold air to flow over her. "If you don't get up, I'm getting some water and we'll relive some of those fond memories from the hospital."

  "I really think you need help, Sally," Jen mumbled. "Throwing water in my face, throwing my suitcase out of the window, and you think I'm disturbed? It's time for the wicked witch to look in the mirror and ask who's the fairest of them all."

  Jen sat up and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?" she groaned.

  "It's nine a.m. and we are supposed to meet with the tutor in thirty minutes. Get moving. We all know how long it takes you to become a person in the morning. I swear you're as bad as Jacque," Sally admonished as she grabbed Jen's hand and pulled her off the bed, pushing her in the direction of the bathroom.

  "Bloody hell, Sally. I'm up," Jen whined. As she closed the bathroom door, Sally heard her mumble, "Note to self, lock bedroom door at night to keep perky morning people out."

  Jen stood in front of the bathroom mirror, a towel wrapped around her, and combed the tangles from her wet hair. She wasn't going to lie to herself and say she wasn’t nervous about today – she was beyond nervous knowing he was here. Decebel, the werewolf she couldn't seem to let go of, no matter what her mind was telling her. Her heart was giving her mind the finger.

  Jen jumped at the sound of Sally banging on the bathroom door.

  "Okay, sleeping beauty, let's go. You're not going to a beauty contest."

  Jen snatched the door open. "Try a different Disney character Thelma, 'cause in order for me to be Sleeping Beauty I would have to be asleep." Jen's words came out a little louder than she intended, but Sally didn't seem to be phased by it.

  "Okay, Jen. Talk. What's up?" Sally narrowed her eyes. Her best friend was wound tighter than a roll of fishing twine.

  Jen stepped out of the bathroom and headed towards the closet. She grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra from the dresser and began sifting through clothes. Finally settling on a pair of low rise Levi's and a warm fleece pullover, she stepped out of the closet and took a deep breath. "I'm nervous. Decebel's back, as in he's here in the mansion, which means the chances of me seeing him are much greater than when he was gone."

  Sally stepped up to her friend and wrapped her arms around her for a quick hug. "He's really gotten to you." It wasn't a question. Sally had never seen steady, confident Jen in such turmoil.

  "I need to do something, Sally. I don't know what but I can't stand this. I've never wanted a guy I couldn't have. As conceited as that sounds, truth is truth."

  Sally's finger was tapping her lips as she closed her eyes in thought.

  "Um, what's cooking in that sadistic brain of yours?" Jen asked nervously.

  Sally's eyes snapped open. "I was just thinking that maybe if you met someone else then you could get past your furry problem."

  "My furry problem? Really? You make it sound like I have abnormal leg hair growth or something." Jen rolled her eyes.

  "Look." Sally stopped Jen before she could walk out of the room. "Let's just give it a go. You, me, and Jacque – tonight. We'll get Sorin to take us somewhere where there are going to be guys. Then you can do your thing."

  "My thing?" Jen asked, raising her eyebrows.

  "Yeah. You know, your thing. The hottie hunting thing."

  Jen laughed. "Man, it sounded like such a good idea at the time."

  Sally groaned. "Oh, come on, Jen."

  Jen interrupted her before Sally could continue. "Don’t. Don't do that whiny voice."

  "Then say you will go tonight," Sally challenged. "Or are you chicken?"

  "You really like living on the edge, don't you, Thelma?"

  "Hey, I'm just calling it how I see it." Sally shrugged.

  Jen growled as she threw her head back. Sally knew she couldn't stand to be called a chicken. Jennifer Adams was many things, but a chicken was not one of them.

  "Fine, I'll go." She paused, thinking about Sally's idea. "I think a night out is just what the doctor ordered."

  "Excellent." Sally grinned, rubbing her hands together in suppressed glee.

  "Man, you scare me sometimes, Sal. Truly, you do." Jen grabbed Sally's hand and began walking towards the bedroom door. "Let's do this."

  "If that tutor tries to cram anything else into my head, I swear it's going to explode," Jacque whined.
  "I feel ya. This three hours a day is kicking my super fine butt." Jen groaned as she slid into a seat in the dining room. "I mean, I get that she has to get seven hours of school into three, but seriously."

  "I know, right?" Sally agreed as she laid her head on the table after taking a seat across from Jen.

  Jacque sat at the head of the long table and leaned back against the chair.

  "How are you, Luna?" She heard Fane's voice in her mind and felt his fingers run across her cheek. It made her shiver involuntarily.

  "Oh, ya know, aside from my brain feeling like it's going to become mush and ooze out of my ears, I'm great." She heard him chuckle which made her grin like an idiot.

  "I see you've been working on that constipated-looking face when you talk to Cujo," Jen teased.

  Jacque just rolled her eyes at her friend.

  "The girls are wanting to go out tonight. That okay with you?" she asked Fane.

  "Sure, what time? My father has a conference call that was supposed to take place this afternoon, but has been pushed back to later this evening."

  "That's fine. We were going to get Sorin to take us. They kind of want it to just be the girls."

  That really made Fane laugh. "I'm sure Sorin will be so happy to know that you all consider him one of the girls."

  Jacque laughed out loud, causing Sally and Jen to roll their eyes at her. "Sorry," she mumbled.

  "So you cool with that, wolf-man?"

  "I guess as long as Sorin is with you then I can deal with it. I love you, Jacquelyn."

  "Funny that. I was just thinking the same thing about you." Jacque felt Fane's lips against hers. She was still getting used to being able to feel him even though he wasn't with her.

  "Houston, we are clear for take off." Jacque grinned.

  Jen looked at Sally, then back at Jacque. "Did you smoke something this morning and not share?"

  Jacque rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I have to smoke something to get happy when I wake up next to Fane every morning?"

  "Okay, point to you," Jen said, waving Jacque off.

  "So I take it what you were saying with the whole Houston reference is that we're a go for tonight? Operation 'forget bossy werewolf guy' has been green-lighted?" Sally asked.

  Jen covered her face and groaned at Sally's words. "Did you seriously just say that? Operation forget bossy werewolf guy? Really, Sally?"

  Sally nodded in all seriousness.

  "Well, if you're going to call our night out an operation – and you know how I love ops – at least get it right. It's operation 'forget freaking fine, brooding, bossy werewolf guy'," Jen supplied.

  "Good call." Sally bumped fists with Jen, glad to see her friend was regaining her snarky sense of humor.

  "Okay, girls. I think we need to head out and begin phase one of operation triple F, double B, WG." Jacque tried to say it with a straight face but as soon as she realized that B and G rhymed in her little abbreviation she lost the battle. Jen and Sally were laughing along with her as they all headed up the stairs.

  "What exactly is phase one?" Jen raised her eyebrows at Jacque.

  "Phase one, my dear, is find your inner hoochie mama."

  "Ahh, I get it." Sally nodded. "It's all about embracing your inner skank."

  Jen shook her head. "I think the air is thinner here because you two are clearly not getting enough oxygen to the brain."

  "Oh, come on. Give us a break. Out of all of us, you've got inner skank-embracing down to an art form," Sally told her.

  "True, very true, Sally. I am expert on all things skank." Jen was laughing as hard as Jacque and Sally when Decebel came around the corner.

  The three girls froze while Decebel continued forward until he stood in front of Jen.

  For a brief moment they simply stared at one another. The intensity that flowed between them was strong and nearly suffocating.

  "I put your clothes and your suitcase in your room," Decebel told her.

  Jen took a step back, surprised at his words. Decebel had seen the clothes in her suitcase, and by clothes she meant her womanly garments. She knew her face must be bright red because Decebel's eyes were glowing as she looked back at him. Before she could respond he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

  "Please don't allow your friends to throw your clothes out the window. I had to make sure the wolves who found your things gave up all of the souvenirs they took – souvenirs that would cause your beautiful face to turn ten shades of red." She felt his breath on her neck, and he inhaled deeply before walking away.

  Jacque had once told her that when a werewolf pulled that little stunt, he was taking in a person's scent. She shivered at the thought and couldn't help turning to watch Decebel walk away.

  Jen finally noticed her two friends, who were staring at her with mouths open wide.

  "Did you two hear that?" she asked.

  Both girls shook their heads, still unable to speak, still stuck in their state of shock at Decebel's behavior.

  "Bloody hell, you two. Don't just stand there. Get in my room so I can give you the 411." Jen pushed her two best friends towards her bedroom door, all the while trying to figure out what had just taken place in the hall.

  Once in the room Jen shut the door and leaned back against it. Head pressed back, she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. Blasted wolf was going to give her a heart attack. Frustration rippled through her. Why him? Why did her heart have to pick the one guy she would never be able to have?

  "What did he whisper in your ear, Jen?" Jacque questioned.

  Jen shook her head, trying to clear it. "He told me to not let my friends throw my clothes out of the window," she paused and looked pointedly at Sally, who had the good sense to look sheepish, "because he had to get my clothes back – which he called souvenirs – from the wolves who apparently found them." She chuckled to herself, knowing she was once again the color of a beet. "And from the tone in his voice, said souvenirs must've been my womanly garments."

  Jacque laughed. "Did you just call your bras and panties 'womanly garments'?"

  "That is classic." Sally laughed along.

  "Could you two Pollyannas focus, please?" Jen admonished.

  "Sorry," Jacque said, trying to pull herself together. "No, really. I'm good. Please continue."

  Jen rolled her eyes. "Then he did that whole sniffing thing that you said Fane does to you."

  Jacque's head snapped up. "He scented you?" The alarm in her voice caused some unease to rear its ugly head in Jen.

  "Um, yeah. That a problem?"

  "It's just awfully possessive – and very intimate. If Fane saw another wolf scent me he would tear into him."

  Jen pondered on this only briefly before she decided it was time to move on. "Let's forget it all. I don't even want to get into the fact that Decebel has seen -"

  "Your undergarments," Sally snorted as she interrupted Jen.

  "Oh, shut up, Thelma," Jen snapped as she headed towards the closet in search of the night's outfit. Okay, she thought to herself, need to draw on my inner skank. She laughed as she started flipping through her clothes. Sally and Jacque joined her in the large closet and began their own searches.

  "Ooo, how 'bout this?" Sally asked as she held up a short, distressed denim mini skirt and halter top.

  "Um, Sally, we are in Romania in the winter time. Ring any bells?" Jacque asked.

  "Oh, right. Cold. Got it," she said as she hung the outfit back up.

  Jen pulled out a pair of low rise Lucky jeans. She and Jacque shared a love of the brand. Next she grabbed a deep plumb colored sweater with a plunging neckline. It had a fitted cut for a snug fit.

  "I like." Jacque nodded in approval.

  Jacque and Sally each borrowed shirts of Jen's. Sally chose a deep red sweater with wide arms that hung elegantly off her shoulders. Jacque picked her color of choice, a hunter green sweater dress that she planned to wear with dark grey leggings and boots. With their choices made, they headed off to t
heir prospective bathrooms to change.

  "Okay, meet back here in twenty for phase two," Sally advised.

  "Dare I ask what phase two is?" Jen asked apprehensively.

  "It's been too long since we've been out if you have to ask," Sally told her. "Hair and makeup, Jennifer. We have to take all this natural beauty up in here and make it shine."

  "Riiiiight, shine. I'm on it, boss," Jen teased.

  Chapter 6

  "Come on! Really, Skender? That's all you got to give these pups?" Decebel growled as he watched the wolves he was training spar.

  Decebel knew that his frustration wasn't really coming from the wolves' inadequacies but from a certain mouthy blonde who had her claws in him so deep he could feel the blood running down his back. The sad thing about the whole situation – he liked it. Yeah, he thought, there is definitely something wrong with me.

  Skender growled at his Beta.

  "Save it for the fight, Skender. You wouldn't be growling at me if you didn't know I was right." Decebel stepped into the sparring circle that was painted onto the gym floor. "Take a break for a minute," he told him, then turned to the young wolf known as Stelian.

  Decebel grinned wolfishly. "Ready for a real challenge?"

  Before the pup could respond, the Beta attacked.

  Decebel taught mixed martial arts to all of the wolves, even the females. It was imperative they all know how to defend themselves in case another pack ever attacked. Granted, it had been over a century since the last pack battle, but Decebel was a firm believer in “better safe than sorry”.

  He delivered a series of strikes and kicks practiced in Muay Thai. It was a form of kickboxing, and the predominant mixed martial art he taught along with Judo – ground fighting.