Page 4 of Just One Drop

  Stelian tried to counter Decebel's moves, but no matter what he did he couldn't keep the strikes from hitting their target. After only five minutes Decebel took Stelian to the ground.

  Decebel didn't bother holding the pup down. He jumped to his feet and stepped back, indicating the sparring was done.

  Decebel checked his watch and saw that he had only twenty minutes until he had to be in the meeting with Vasile and the other Alphas.

  "That will be all for today," he told the younger wolf. "You did a good job.”

  Decebel grabbed his towel off the floor and headed back to his room to take a quick shower. As he walked, his mind wandered back to where it always seemed to – Jennifer.

  He remembered walking through the wing of the mansion that housed the unmated males and catching her scent. Decebel could admit now that maybe he had slightly overreacted when he tore into the room and found two males rifling through her suit case. So maybe he didn't have to throw Dragos through a wall. And, yeah, he could've kept from tossing Dorian right on top of Dragos. But in that moment his wolf had taken over, and all he could think was that her scent was around unmated males, that they were touching her things – things only he should know about. Decebel had glossed over that little tidbit, about why on earth he thought he had a right to know about her underwear.

  He'd felt that if he didn't get her things and her scent from their room he was going to kill someone, no doubt about it. One of those pups would have died that night. Thankfully, they had been somewhat intelligent and immediately submitted. When Decebel questioned them about how they had gotten Jennifer's things they had told him about how a suitcase had fallen out of a window from the mansion. Being stupid twenty somethings, they saw women's lingerie and just had to check it out…. Stupid young wolves.

  Decebel had somewhat calmed down before he returned the suitcase to Jennifer's room, but he hadn't really been prepared to run into her. He had to say, though, that seeing her alone – or without other males around her, rather – calmed his wolf down immensely. It was something else he didn't want to examine. After all, why should she calm his wolf? There were no mating signs.

  The Beta let out a low growl as he entered his room and headed for the shower. He had to stop thinking about her, it was only ticking him off. He called the twenty somethings stupid, but at the moment he made them look like geniuses.

  Decebel walked into Vasile's office. A large screen had been set up for the video conference with the other pack Alphas. Vasile was sitting at his desk and Fane and Skender were sitting directly in front of the screen.

  "Fane, what time did Sorin say he would be returning with the girls?" Vasile asked his son.

  Decebel watched curiously as Fane's head snapped up. "He didn't," he ground out.

  "Well, what club did they say they were going to?" Vasile continued, very obviously ignoring Fane's irritation.

  "They didn't say."

  Decebel smelled the lie Fane had just spoken and that was enough to tell him something was going on.

  "Excuse me, Alpha, but when you say Sorin and the girls, do you mean -"

  Vasile cut him off before he could finish. "Jen, Jacque, and Sally, of course."

  Decebel felt his wolf perking up and had he been in wolf form his hackles would have risen. "You say they went to a club?"

  "Yes. Sorin said they came to him and begged him to take them out for a girls' night. Something about getting Jen and Sally hooked up with – I think they used the words 'hot Romanian mojo', or some nonsense.” Vasile rolled his eyes. “You know how those three talk. It's like a foreign language all on its own."

  Decebel had stopped listening after the words “hooked up,” and before he realized what he was doing he was headed for the exit.

  "Decebel, stop." Vasile's voice dripped with authority and Decebel had no choice but to freeze. His Alpha had given an order and used his power. Decebel could not disobey.

  "Alpha, you have to know those three are going to get themselves into some sort of trouble. They are like magnets for mayhem," Decebel tried to reason with his Alpha. He felt Vasile's power ease up and he was able to turn and face the other wolves. He made eye contact with Fane and growled. "You knew this was their plan and still you let your mate go?"

  Fane chuckled. "Wait until you have a mate, brother, then tell me how you let her do things or don't let her do things, and while you're sharing I'll laugh as you are pulling her shoe out of your ass."

  Decebel was not amused, and even though he understood that being mates was a partnership there had to be times when, as her protector, you had to put your foot down.

  "Sorin will watch the girls and keep them safe. I have complete confidence in him," Vasile placated. "If after the conference with the Alphas you still feel the need to go corral them then you have my blessing, and my sympathy."

  Decebel relented and took a seat in one of the chairs next to the couch. Just as he sat down the screen lit up and there were four men each in their own little square looking back at them. Decebel was quite surprised to see Dillon Jacobs, Jacque's father, among them.

  "Did you know he would be in on this?" Decebel whispered to Fane.

  Fane shook his head. "I'm as clueless as you."

  Vasile walked from around his desk and stood behind the couch. He was Alpha and he would not sit in the presence of another Alpha, even if over a computer screen.

  "Dillon, how are you doing?" Vasile asked Jacque's father.

  "I'm doing well, Vasile. Thank you for asking." Dillon looked at Fane. "Fane, how are you and your new mate?"

  "We are doing very good," Fane told him. Neither Fane, Vasile, or Dillon mentioned that Fane's new mate was Dillon's daughter. If the other Alphas did not know, it wasn't something they could potentially use against Dillon's or Vasile's pack. Though it was a sad way to live, packs could be very volatile between one another. Wolves were cunning and always looking for a way to have the upper hand.

  "I would like to introduce the members of my pack that are present," Vasile told the Alphas.

  Pointing to each wolf as he spoke, he announced, "This is Decebel, my Beta." Decebel gave a single nod in acknowledgment of the other Alphas. Not disrespectful, but neither was he conceding their dominance over him. Truth be known, Decebel could be Alpha of his own pack – he was more than dominant enough. But events in his life and his loyalty to Vasile had shaped his choices, leading him to where he was now.

  "This is Fane, my son and heir," Vasile continued. "And this is Skender. He is among my top four wolves."

  When Vasile finished his introductions then each man on the screen introduced himself. There was Dragomir from Hungary, Thad from Serbia, Victor from Bulgaria, and Dillon from the United States.

  Introductions complete, Vasile and his wolves waited for one of the four Alphas to explain why they had called a conference.

  "I realize it is not common practice for us to meet this way, Vasile, but the other Alphas and I are concerned about the continuation of our species," Dragomir explained. "You see, it has been over a decade since any of my wolves have found a mate. It has been half a decade since any children have been born. We are becoming a dying species."

  For a moment, no one spoke. Then Vasile took a step forward, arms crossed, and looked at each Alpha briefly before he spoke. "You have obviously come up with some sort of plan if you have called this meeting. What is this plan to help our species survive?"

  This time it was Thad who spoke up. "After discussing it with Dragomir I decided to do some digging into our pack archives and see if there was any documentation that might help." Thad's words began to pick up speed as he shared what he had discovered.

  "There were many practices done by older packs that have simply faded from knowledge. One such practice was called The Gathering," Thad picked up what looked like very old parchment and began to read, "I am Damon, Alpha of the Bulgaria pack. This is the account of the four packs, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, and my own, Bulgaria, all of which have agree
d to a truce. The Alphas of these four packs have met this night and decided to implement a new tradition. It shall be written into our pack records as a tradition to be followed every four years. The decree is as follows: All pure blooded, unmated pack members of age must attend The Gathering. The Alpha, four dominant mated pairs, and his mate shall accompany these pack members. The unmated females may bring ladies to help prepare themselves for The Gathering. The Gathering shall take place in the Transylvania Alps on an estate that has been purchased by three pack Alphas as a gift to our species to use for this event. The purpose of The Gathering is to help bring unmated wolves from other packs together and hopefully find true mates among them. It is in our nature to be territorial and uncooperative with other packs, but if we do not set aside these habits and put the greater good of the species first, we will one day cease to exist. This world will go on as if Grey werewolves had never been. If an Alpha and his unmated pack members are invited to join in The Gathering and they refuse, it will be treated as an act against the species and that Alpha shall be subject to a challenge. If he is defeated, his pack members will be split among the other packs. We must be vigilant if we are to survive. We must recognize that the very things that often make us strong and keep us safe have the potential to annihilate our kind."

  When Thad finished reading, each of the wolves could only stare, dumbfounded. Of the many things this meeting could have been about, this had not even registered on their list of possibilities. Vasile himself had never heard of such a decree in his long life. He could appreciate the fact that it was definitely a way for the unmated to find their other half, but it was also a risk to put that many unmated males together. For that reason alone he understood the importance of having dominate mated couples there.

  "Are you telling us that you want to implement this decree now, in this day and age?" Vasile asked incredulously, but continued before another could answer. "Gentlemen, we do not live in a time where females are told what to do. We live in the twenty first century with liberated women."

  "Vasile, we know this concept is foreign and somewhat outdated, but we are not human." It was now Victor, the Alpha of Bulgaria, who spoke up. "We may live in their world but we do not, cannot live like them. We are a species created for pack, for family. Our males, especially the dominants, do not have the luxury like human males to date whomever they want for as long as they want. They need the light and peace a true mate will bring them. They need the darkness that resides inside their wolf to be kept at bay by this true mate. What better way to help our own than to bring them together?"

  "I suppose if we present it in such a way that it is seen as in the best interest of our species, maybe the unmated will accept it and see it in a positive light," Vasile conceded, knowing that if these Alphas had set their minds to do this then there was little he could do to stop it without bringing a war to his door.

  Vasile noticed that Dillon had not spoken up. "Dillon, what have you to say regarding this manner?"

  "I was approached by Thad, and although in the past it was harder to include packs that were so far away, modern travel has obviously fixed that. The Alphas thought it would be good for an American pack to come and bring new blood, so to speak. I think the idea has merit and is worth exploring."

  Before Vasile could respond, Thad spoke again. "We thought, if you would concede, that because your son found his mate in the United States that it would be pertinent of us to include an American pack. Since you knew Dillon Jacobs he was the first we thought of."

  "Are there no secrets in this world anymore? " Decebel muttered. Thus far, however, he didn't have any real objections to the idea. The person that he would not want going wasn't full blood, so he didn't have to worry about that. Thank the moon, he thought.

  "We have also decided, as Fane's mate is not full blooded, that it would perhaps be wise to include half blooded and dormant in The Gathering. Obviously they are potential true mates."

  And there's the other shoe, Decebel thought.

  Now he had a problem with it. If this was their decree, then Jennifer would be required to go. Since she was under Vasile's care, and had wolf blood – essentially making her pack – she most definitely had to attend this Gathering.

  This day just keeps getting better and better, Decebel thought as he ran his hands though his hair, clenching his jaw. First he found his mangy pack mates going through Jennifer's things, then he found out Jennifer was at a club doing goodness knows what with some mutt – or worse, a human. A low growl rumbled in his chest at the thought. Now Jennifer would be required to be around other unmated males. Decebel was well aware of the fact that his whole day, good and bad, revolved around a mouthy, perverted, bossy blonde, and someone save him, because at her side was the only place he wanted to be at the moment. Vasile's words finally brought him back to the here and now.

  "Since you have obviously taken it upon yourselves to plan this without consulting me first," Vasile words were laced with power – even the Alphas on the screen could feel it and averted their eyes from the Romanian Alpha, "have you also set a date for The Gathering?"

  "We meant no disrespect, Vasile," Dragomir told him. "You were in the U.S., busy with your own issues and we did not want to burden you with this until you were back with your pack."

  Vasile gave a simple nod in acknowledgment of his words, but continued to stare them down while he waited for an answer.

  "The date is set for one month from today," Thad answered. "It is to be held in the traditional location of the Transylvania Alps and the large estate mentioned in the decree has been updated and enlarged over the years. It is now being prepared for our arrival."

  "I will concede you this," he began and the others let out a breath."But," Vasile continued, his voice calm and controlled, "if ever again you make such decree without my knowledge, without my input and without my okay, I will remind you why I am Alpha to the largest pack in the world. I respect you all as Alphas and I expect the same from each of you."

  "As you have said, so shall it be." Each Alpha spoke in their own language, acknowledging Vasile's dominance.

  "I will be in touch as the time draws near," Vasile told them just before he turned the screen off, effectively ending the conversation. He turned to Decebel. "Get Dillon on the phone."

  Decebel nodded as he pulled out his cell and dialed Dillon Jacobs' number. He handed Vasile the phone as soon as he heard the other wolf's “hello”.

  "Dillon, it's Vasile. When will you be arriving?"

  "I thought I would come about a week before The Gathering. My mate wants to meet Jacque," Dillon explained.

  "You and yours are welcome to stay here until it's time to go to the estate. I'm sure you will elaborate further on how this all came about and why you did not call and give me warning about what the others had been planning." Vasile's words, although firm, were not angry or cruel.

  "We will talk when I arrive." Dillon paused. "When are you planning on telling the girls?"

  "The sooner the better," Vasile responded. "Those three are nearly as hot headed as a full blooded Romanian she-wolf."

  "I will call Jacque tomorrow, then." With that, Dillon disconnected.

  Vasile rubbed his face as he finally relented and sat down in one of the empty chairs.

  "Do they really expect Jennifer to go to this gathering?" Decebel spat the word as if it were some disgusting bug.

  "I don't have a choice, Decebel." Vasile glared at his Beta. "Whether you and your wolf have accepted it or not, she is pack. No matter the amount of blood in her, she has Canis lupis in her veins and that makes her subject to our laws. Deal with it however you need to. Growl, throw a fit, allow your wolf to hunt, accept your attraction to her – do whatever it is you must, but get over it. Are we clear?"

  "Crystal," Decebel growled, but submitted by baring his neck.

  "Skender," Vasile addressed the wolf who had been sitting quietly and observing as was his custom. "I need a list of all the unmated pack member

  "I'll have it for you within the hour," he answered as he stood up and headed out of Vasile's office.

  "Decebel, arrange for a pack meeting tomorrow evening. We will meet in the largest media room at 8 p.m."

  "Done." Decebel nodded.

  Suddenly, Fane stopped pacing. He closed his eyes as if concentrating.

  "What do you see, son?" Vasile asked.

  Fane was catching glimpses from his mate's mind, though she was trying to block him. She still hadn't learned that now that they were mated it would take undivided concentration to block him. The little vixen and her two friends were causing quite a stir in one of the local bars. He saw Jen in her mind. She was on the bar…dancing. Fane grinned.

  "What are you grinning about?" Decebel growled, knowing he wasn't going to like the answer.

  "I think it's time we break up their girls' night out before Jen falls off the bar," Fane told him, and though he tried he couldn't hide the teasing laughter in his eyes as he watched his words penetrate Decebel's mind.

  "She's in a bar?"

  "Oh, she'll do you one better than that, Beta." Fane chuckled. "She's on a bar, as in dancing on a bar. The patrons are quite taken with her."

  Decebel was out of his seat and ripping the door to Vasile's office open before Fane finished his sentence.

  "Did you have to taunt him?" Vasile scolded.

  Fane shrugged. "Seeing the steely, calm Beta all riled is too much to pass up, Alpha."

  Vasile tried to hide his smile as he shook his head at his only son. "Fine. But hurry up and go with him or he'll tear the damn bar apart. I don't have the time or energy to deal with that mess."

  "As you say." Fane winked at his father as he followed after Decebel.