Page 16 of Sudden Response

  "Why did you get held over?" she asked, inwardly wincing when she realized that he must have covered for her. Although it wasn't a rule at their station, if dispatch was looking for them and there was only one of them there putting away the truck they could get pissed.

  "I had to do a favor for Bill."

  "What favor?" she asked, leaning back against the wall to put some space between them. It was a little disconcerting that she couldn't think rationally with him in the room. All she could think about was running her fingers through his hair and over his body.

  What in the hell was wrong with her?

  She should still be focused on kicking his ass, but she couldn't stay mad at him. It was a weakness that she really needed to work on, but later.

  "He asked me to go over all of the equipment with Greg," he said around a yawn.

  "Greg?" she asked, surprised that he was still around. He rode the truck daily for what must have been two weeks and not one of those shifts counted towards his training time.

  He gave her a firm nod that told her he wasn't too happy about the situation. "It seems he has an uncle on the City Council who called in a favor. He's claiming that Greg was just a little nervous and would like Bill to give him another chance so guess who's getting a third rider for the next two weeks," he said dryly.

  "Us," she said, biting back a groan.

  "Mmmhmm," he said absently as he ran his eyes over her. "And the best part of course is that somehow the little bastard is even cockier."

  This time she didn't bother biting back her groan. She knew the man was going to be trying to save face by acting like it was no big deal, but that was going to make their jobs a hell of a lot harder. It also meant that he was probably going to ignore whatever they tried to show him. It should be a fun two weeks, she thought dryly.

  "You were coming to kick my ass?" he asked, drawing her attention back to their problem.

  "Maybe," she said, shrugging it off like it was nothing.

  "In only my old t-shirt and panties?" he asked, running hungry eyes over her.

  She felt a blush burn its way up her neck when she realized that she had been seconds away from storming outside like this to go kick his ass, but not because she was wearing a t-shirt and panties, but because she was only wearing a t-shirt.

  Something in her expression must have given her away because that sexy bad boy grin that she loved so much suddenly graced his face. He crooked a finger in her direction. "Come here."

  She just barely stopped herself from doing just that. With a snort she shook her head. "I'm not your bitch. You come here," she snapped, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest even tighter, mostly to hide her nerves.

  This was such a bad idea. Was she really thinking about tackling him, bringing him down to the ground, ripping his clothes off and licking his body from head to toe before she had her dirty little way with him?

  Yes, yes she was.

  Before she could rethink her plan or add a few things here and there to prolong her enjoyment, he was pushing off the arm of the couch and was standing in front of her. He placed his forearm against the wall by her head as he leaned in.

  "Are you wearing panties, Joe?" he asked in a seductively dark whisper that had her licking her lips.

  "Shouldn't we talk about this?" she asked, avoiding his question.

  "About your panties?" he asked teasingly as he gently laid his other hand on her hip.

  "No," she said, trying not to smile, "about what we're doing here. We need to talk, Eric."

  "Okay," he said, slowly nodding his agreement as he leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. "Well, first I'm going to see if you're wearing any underwear. Then I'd thought we start living out every fantasy I've ever had about you, starting of course with the ones I had in high school. Then I thought we'd make up a few together," he said, pressing a line of kisses to her mouth before he brushed his lips teasingly against hers.

  Her hands tightened around his shoulders in response to the very carnal visuals that were now running through her head. When she put her hands on his shoulders she had no idea, but she wasn't willing to let him go out of fear that her trembling legs would give out.

  "That's not what I meant," she said weakly even as she tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck as he licked and kissed his way down.

  "You don't want to live out a few fantasies?" he asked against her neck as his hand slid from her hip, down her thigh until it went past the edge of her t-shirt and them moved up under the t-shirt. His warm hand moved up her bare skin until it was once again resting on her bare hip.

  Yes, she really did. In fact she had about a hundred fantasies that she would love to live out with him. "We'll talk afterwards?" she asked, gasping when his hand moved to her bottom.

  Chapter 21

  They really should be talking, but he knew that talking could lead to the decision that they should never do this again so he was going to be an asshole and get his fill before that. He didn't know what she wanted or what he could give her and was in no rush to end this. He wanted her too badly to do the right thing right now.

  When she'd left this morning he'd been determined to do the right thing by her. Letting her walk away was one of the hardest things he'd ever done in his life. If Bill hadn't bugged the hell out of him until he gave in and helped him out with the annoying cocky bastard he probably would have done something stupid like go after Joe and promise her things they both knew he couldn't deliver.

  During the time he spent trying to teach Greg how to use the equipment he thought about her. He loved her, they both knew that and he never wanted to hurt her, but he would. He didn't know how to be what she needed because he never cared enough to try that for any other woman. He'd love to be the man that could take care of her and be there for her, but he had some serious doubts about his own abilities.

  After he'd finally had enough of putting up with Greg's bullshit he went home, showered, and tried not to think of her, but it had been a losing battle from the beginning. He gave in not too long ago because he promised himself that they'd have tonight and tomorrow before she had to go to New Hampshire and then they'd see where things took them from there. He knew it would probably lead to nothing, but he couldn't help but give himself a little hope that he could be more to her.

  "Hell," he groaned when his fingers brushed against her slit.

  She was wet, soaking wet and the knowledge that a few simple touches had turned her on almost as much as him nearly sent him to his knees. A second later the thought of her soaking wet did send him to his knees.

  When she spread her legs without a word he had to suppress a groan. He had a feeling that she'd be demanding in bed and he couldn't be happier about that fact. He pushed up her t-shirt and kissed the skin he exposed. He followed the smooth strong thigh that smelled of vanilla up until he came to his new favorite sweet spot and pressed a kiss against the puffy moist lips.

  Joe's moan caught his attention and when he looked up she grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up and off, letting it drop to the ground next to them. He'd seen her naked dozens of times, but seeing her leaning against the wall with her legs spread and ready for him almost had him losing it.

  He frantically grabbed onto his self-control and forced himself to relax. Last night, or rather this morning he'd fucked her hard and fast and didn't get a chance to enjoy the body that had starred in every fantasy he'd ever had. Today he would not make that mistake.

  Keeping his eyes locked on her face he leaned in and ran the tip of his tongue through her wet folds. He did it again when she licked her lips and closed her eyes in pleasure. When her flavor hit his tongue he groaned and licked her again, desperate for another taste.

  She tasted so good, better than he ever imagined she would and he wanted more. He ignored the demand his dick made to be freed and reached up and gently spread her folds open with his fingers.

  Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, he thought as he
leaned in to lick her from core to clit. When she fisted her hands in his hair he did it again this time flicking the tip of his tongue over her clit before pulling it between his lips and suckling gently.

  "Eric," she moaned.

  He gave her clit one last pull before sitting back and slid a finger inside of her, slowly. For a moment he was content to watch his finger slide in and out of her, but the need to taste her again became too strong to ignore. He kept his finger inside of her as he kissed, licked and suckled her clit.

  All too soon he felt her body tighten around his finger. One minute the sounds of his groans and her panting and soft moans could be heard in the room and the next she was screaming his name and holding his mouth tightly to her core. He felt her body slump against the wall and before her legs gave out he had her in his arms and was carrying her to her room.

  "What now?" she asked, panting and desperately trying to catch her breath as he laid her carefully on top of her bed.

  "Now," he said, reaching back and grabbing a fistful of his shirt, "we move onto the next fantasy."


  "Not yet," Eric grumbled against her mouth as his hand caught hers heading south, again.

  His next fantasy as it turned out to be a bit of a surprise. After he stripped his clothes off and climbed under the sheet to join her, he kissed her. That was it. His hands didn't wander and every time one of hers tried to he stopped her and just kept on kissing her.

  They'd been kissing for at least a half an hour and it didn't appear as though he was going to grow bored anytime soon. Actually, he seemed to be really enjoying himself. At least the incredibly hard erection poking her and the way he moaned against her mouth let her know that he liked what they were doing. Truth be told she loved it as well. She loved the way he held her in his arms, ran his hands over her back soothingly while he slowly devoured her mouth.

  Unfortunately it turned her on a little too much and left her aching. If he didn't do something soon she was going to kill him that's all there was to it. When several minutes passed and he still didn't do anything she decided it was time to take the reins. She moved her hands up his chest as she moved to sit up, giving him no choice but to lie on his back or break the kiss.

  When he laid back she didn't hesitate. She threw her leg over his waist and straddled him. He didn't seem to register the move until she ground herself against his hard length. Then he let out a pained groan and tried to roll her back onto her side, but she wasn't having that.

  She rolled her hips forward before pushing back. When she felt the silky head of his erection press at her entrance she didn't hesitate in pushing back until he was sliding inside of her. He felt so damn good. He wasn't her first lover, but he was undoubtedly the best.

  He was also the first man she'd ever had unprotected sex with and god help her but she never wanted anything to come between them. She wasn't worried about catching something from him. They both got tested every six months whether or not they'd been with someone and she knew it had been a long time for him. She also wasn't worried about getting pregnant. She'd been on birth control since she was sixteen out of fear that she'd screw up like her mother.

  "I wasn't done," he complained even as he rolled his hips to fill her.

  "Yes, you were," she said breathlessly as she gave him one last kiss before sitting up.

  Never in her life had she felt fuller. She swore she could feel the tip of his penis inside of her. It felt good, better than good and she wanted more. Slowly, she moved up and dropped back down on him, earning a groan from him. She did it again, this time more slowly. He felt so good sliding inside of her. She met his eyes and nearly moaned when he licked his lips hungrily.

  Sex had never been this good before. Her body never tingled in pleasure like this before and she'd never felt so close to losing control like this. Her body felt so good with him inside of her. She ran her fingers through her hair as she slowly rode him, letting the hair drop all around and noted the way he watched her.

  She loved the way he looked at her, the way he made her feel and wanted more. She wanted him to hold her while they made love, needed it more than anything. He must have felt the same way. Before she could cover him with her body he was sitting up and wrapping his arms around her.

  For a moment she thought he was simply doing it to take over like a few guys had done in the past, but when he made no move to take over she knew he'd done it just to hold her. The realization almost made her cry, but she held it back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as she slowly rode him.

  "I love you, Joe," he said against her lips.

  "I love you too, Eric," she said, seconds before he swallowed her screams.


  "This is a fantasy for you?" she asked, unable to hide her disbelief.

  "Oh yeah," Eric said, pulling her closer.


  "Mmmhmmm," he said, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck.

  "Yes, now be quiet the good part is coming."

  She sighed heavily as she settled back against Eric's chest and settled in to watch the horrible action flick that only a guy could appreciate. She wasn't exactly sure how spooning on her couch and watching a movie that was threatening to put her to sleep counted as a fantasy. They'd done this a thousand times already.

  Okay, granted they'd never done this naked with only a throw blanket covering them from the waist down and Eric's hand cupping her breast, but still. When he told her he wanted to live out his fantasies she was thinking a strip tease, licking whip cream off each other and a hundred other things she'd thought of over the years.

  When his lips touched her neck she tilted her head to the side to give him better access. His hand tightened around her breast as he teasingly traced her hard aching nipple with his thumb. She was just about to roll over onto her back so that she could kiss him when she felt the head of his erection slide against her bottom.

  "You have no idea how many times I've imagined doing this to you while I held you in my arms," he explained as he slowly pushed inside of her.

  "You imagined doing this?" she asked, trying not to moan as he slid all the way home.



  "Oh, god," Eric groaned as his orgasm ripped through him. His hands tightened on her hips, holding her in place as he suffered through her body throbbing around his sensitive shaft.

  When she dropped face first on the mattress he wasn't far behind. He rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms. His eyes shot to the alarm clock and he couldn't help but wince. It was after three in the morning and she had to drive up to New Hampshire for her classes in a few hours.

  He opened his mouth to tell her he'd drive her, but then stopped himself. He couldn't go with her. She would be gone for three days and they needed that time to figure out what the hell they'd done and what they wanted. Even if she was willing to risk what they had he wasn't sure that he was.

  There was no question in his mind that he loved and absolutely adored this woman, but he knew that he was a fuckup when it came to relationships and he couldn't stomach the idea that she would be yet another woman that he'd hurt. He knew ending this after the day and night they spent was risky, but it was still the preferable choice to setting her up for an even bigger disappointment.

  He wanted to try for her, but he was scared shitless. What if he fucked up and she never spoke to him again? Worse, what if they went for the long term and he fucked up only to have her draw away from him. He would never survive losing her. It didn't matter that having her in his arms would put him out of his misery, he just couldn't risk having her leave him.

  Joe groaned as she buried her face in her pillow. "I have to get up in a few hours."

  "Get some sleep," he said, pressing a kiss to the back of her head.

  "Only if you manage to keep that damn thing leashed," she said and he didn't need to ask what she was talking about.

  Even though he'd just made love
to her for the.........Well, he wasn't sure how many times they'd made love. All he knew was that his body wanted more even though the damn thing should have fallen off by now. As discretely as he could he pulled his hips back, wincing when the damn thing just had to go and caress Joe's backside as he moved away.

  Joe let out a long suffering sigh before turning in his arms and hooking her leg over his hip. "Fine. You may have your dirty little way with me," she said, sounding put out.

  "You're very generous," he said, gripping her hip as he slid home.

  She nodded solemnly as she arched her back to take him deeper. "Very generous."

  Chapter 22

  "I'll see you Sunday night, Joe. We'll talk then," Eric said as she did her best to hide her stunned reaction to the news he'd laid at her feet only moments before.