Skali—former Thane of Kaldskryke; also known as “Sharp-nose”; deceased
Skalijar—bandits; former followers of Skali of Kaldskryke
Sludig—Jarl of Engby; friend to King Simon, Queen Miriamele, and Binabik
Sorde—Grimbrand’s wife
Svana—young Rimmersgard woman in Erchester
Tonngerd of Skoggey—Ismay’s husband
Valfrid—Signi’s husband
Binabik (Binbiniqegabenik)—Scrollbearer; Singing Man of the Qanuc; dear friend to King Simon
Kikkasut—legendary king of birds
Little Snenneq—Qina’s betrothed; grandson of Snenneq
Qina (Qinananamookta)—daughter of Binabik and Sisqi
Sedda—moon goddess also known as Moon-Mother
Sisqi (Sisqinanamook)—daughter of the Herder and Huntress (rulers of Mintahoq Mountain); Binabik’s wife
Snenneq—herd-chief of Lower Chugik; killed at Battle of Sesuad’ra
Bordelm—a Crane clansman
Burtan—shaman of the Crane Clan
Cudberj—Thane Gurdig’s cousin
Drojan—Thane Odrig’s friend
Edizel Shan—folklore hero
Fikolmij—former March-thane of the Stallion Clan and the High Thrithings; Vorzheva’s father
Fremur—a Crane clansman; brother of Thane Odrig
Gezdahn Baldhead—a Crane Clan rider
Gurdig—Thane of the Stallion Clan; Hyara’s husband
Hurvalt—former Thane of the Crane Clan; Fremur’s father
Hyara—Thane Gurdig’s wife; Vorzheva’s sister
Kulva—sister of Fremur and Thane Odrig
Mother of the Green—Thrithings deity
Odrig Stonefist—Thane of the Crane Clan; brother of Fremur and Kulva
Rudur Redbeard—March-thane of the Meadow Thrithings; most powerful Thrithings chieftain
Stone Holder—a Thrithings deity
Tasdar the Anvil Smasher—one of the powerful spirits worshipped by all the grassland clans
Unver—“Nobody,” a man without clan; also known as Sanver; Unver Long Legs
Utvart—Fikolmij’s choice to marry his daughter Vorzheva
Vorzheva—Prince Josua’s wife; daughter of Fikolmij
Zhakar—Unver’s adoptive father
Zigvart—a Crane clansman; Fremur’s, Kulva’s, and Thane Odric’s cousin
Anitulles the Great—former Imperator
Ardrivis—the last Imperator; defeated at Nearulagh by King John
Astrian, Sir—a member of the Erkynguard and drinking companion of Prince Morgan
Auxis, Escritor—a church envoy from Nabban
Benidrivis—first Duke of Nabban under King John Presbyter; father of Camaris
Blasis—son of Duchess Canthia and Duke Saluceris
Brindalles—Pasevalles’ father, brother of Seriddan; killed during the Storm King’s War
Cais Sterna—a Nabbanai nobleman who visited Asu’a when the Sithi still ruled
Camaris-sá-Vinitta, Sir—King John’s greatest knight, also known as “Camaris Benidrivis”; lost during the Storm King’s War
Canthia, Duchess—noblewoman; wife of Duke Saluceris
Cornellis, St.—a military saint
Crexis the Goat—former Imperator of Nabban
Cuthman, St.—an Aedonite saint
Dallo Ingadaris, Count—Queen Miriamele’s cousin
Dinan, St.—an Aedonite saint
Dinivan, Father—former Scrollbearer and secretary to Lector Ranessin; killed in Sancellan Aedonitis during the Storm King’s War
Drusis, Earl—Earl of Trevinta and Eadne; Duke Saluceris’ brother and rival
Endrian, St.—an Aedonite saint
Envalles—Duke Saluceris’ uncle
Eogenis IV—former Lector of Mother Church
Elysia—mother of Usires Aedon; called “Mother of God”
Gervis, Archbishop—the highest religious authority in Erkynland; Lord Treasurer of the Hayholt
Granis, St.—an Aedonite saint
Hylissa, Princess—Queen Miriamele’s mother
Idexes Claves, Count—Lord Chancellor of Nabban
Larexes—historic Imperator; killed by poison
Lavennin, St.—patron saint of Spenit Island
Lesta Hermis—a nobleman living on the border to Thrithings land
Matreu, Viscount—son of ruler of Spenit Island
Millatin of Spenit, Count—Matreu’s father
Nuanni (Nuannis)—Father Ocean; an ancient Nabbanai sea god
Nulles, Father—royal chaplain of the Hayholt
Olveris, Sir—knight; drinking companion of Prince Morgan
Oren—Duke Saluceris’ ancient valet
Pasevalles, Lord—Lord Chancellor to the High Throne
Pelippa, St.—Aedonite saint, called “Pelippa of the Island”
Pellaris, Impertor—Nabbanai Imperator (contemporary of King Tethtain)
Porto, Sir—hero of the Battle of Nakkiga Gate; drinking companion of Morgan
Pryrates—priest, alchemist, and wizard; King Elias’ counselor
Ranessin—lector killed by Pryrates during the Storm King’s War
Rhiappa, St.—Aedonite saint; called “Rhiap” in Erkynland
Rillian Albias, Count—the Solicitor General of Nabban; head of Albian noble house
Saqualian—historic figure
Saluceris, Duke—ruling duke of Nabban
Serasina—Duke Saluceris’ infant daughter
Seriddan, Baron—former Lord of Metessa, uncle of Pasevalles; also known as “Seriddan Metessis”; killed during the Storm King’s War
Sulis, Lord—the fourth ruler of the Hayholt; the “Heron King,” also known as “The Apostate”
Tersian Vullis—nobleman whose daughter may wed Blasis
Thelía, Lady—Tiamak’s wife; herbalist, called ‘Tia-Lia” by Princess Lillia
Tiyanis Sulis—nobleman; an ally of the Ingadarines
Tunath, St.—Aedonite saint
Turia Ingadaris, Lady—Count Dallo’s niece
Usires Aedon—Aedonite Son of God; also called “the Ransomer”
Vidian, Lector—Lector of Mother Church
Vultinia, St.—Aedonite saint
Faiera, Lady—Scrollbearer; disappeared
Froye, Count—a correspondent of Pasevalles; currently residing in Nabban
Honora, St.—an Aedonite saint
Porto, Sir—a hero of the Battles of Nakkiga; one of Prince Morgan’s drinking companions
Porto—Porto’s son, also called “Portinio”
Sallimo, St.—a saint particularly worshipped by sailors
Sida—Sir Porto’s wife
Streawé, Count—former ruler of Perdruin
Tallistro, Sir—a famous knight; member of King Prester John’s Great Table
Yistrin, St.—an Aedonite saint
Yissola, Countess—Count Streawé’s daughter, ruler of Perdruin
He Who Always Steps on Sand—god
He Who Bends the Trees—wind god
Jesa—nurse to Duke Saluceris’ infant daughter Serasina; named “Green Honeybird” by her elders
Green Honeybird—mythical Wranna spirit, Jesa’s namesake
She Who Birthed Mankind—goddess
She Who Waits to Take All Back—death goddess
They Who Watch and Shape—gods
Tiamak, Lord—Scrollbearer; scholar and close friend of King Simon and Queen Miriamele; called “Uncle Timo” by Princess Lillia
Tree Python—mythical Wr
anna spirit
Aditu no’e-Sa’onserei—daughter of Likimeya; Jiriki’s sister
Amerasu y-Senditu no’e-Sa’onserei—mother of Ineluki; called “First Grandmother,” also known as “Amerasu Shipborn”
Hakatri—Amerasu’s son who vanished into the West
Himano of the Flowering Hills—Tanahaya’s clan leader
Ineluki—Amerasu’s son; the “Storm King”
Jiriki i-Sa’onserei—son of Likimeya; brother of Aditu
Khendraja’aro—uncle of Jiriki and Aditu
Likimeya y-Briseyu no’e-Sa’onserei—mother of Jiriki and Aditu
Sijandi of Kinao Vale—a relative of Jiriki and Aditu; accompanied Jiriki and Simon during their journey to Urmsheim
Tanahaya of Shisae’ron—messenger to the High Throne; attacked in the Kynswood
Yeja’aro of the Forbidden Hills—Khendraja’aro’s nephew
Akhenabi, Lord—High Magister of the Order of Song, also called “Lord of Song”
Buyo—commander of Viyeki’s Sacrifice guards
Daigo—a house guard of Clan Enduya
Denabi sey-Xoka—a sword master
Drukhi—son of Queen Utuk’ku and Ekimeniso
Ekimeniso Blackstaff—husband of Queen Utuk’ku; father of Drukhi
Enah-gé—Singer; member of the Red Hand
Ibi-Khai—Echo, member of Makho’s Talon
Inyakki—Lady Khimabu’s uncle; one of the chief aides to Lord Akhenabi
Jijibo—a close descendant of Queen Utuk’ku, called “the Dreamer”
Kanikusi Tuya—a poet
Karkkaraji—Singer; member of the Red Hand
Kemme—Sacrifice in Makho’s Talon
Khimabu, Lady—Lord Viyeki’s wife
Kikiti—General of the Order of Sacrifice
Luk’kaya—High Gatherer of the Harvesters
Makho—Hand Chieftain of a Queen’s Talon
Muyare, Marshal—High Magister of the Order of Sacrifice
Nayago—chief of Viyeki’s household guard
Nezeru Seyt-Enduya—Daughter of Lord Viyeki and his mistress Tzoja; member of Makho’s Queen’s Talons
Nijika—a Host Singer
Nonao—member of Lord Viyeki’s household
Ommu the Whisperer—Singer, member of the Red Hand
Riugo—chief of Lord Viyeki’s household guards
Saomeji—member of the Order of Song; Sacrifice in Makho’s Talon
Shun’y’asu of Blue Spirit Peak—a poet
Sogeyu—Host Singer of the Order of Song
Suno’ku—a famous general
Sutekhi—Singer; member of the Red Hand
S’yessu—a Hamakha First Armiger
Uloruzu—a Singer; member of the Red Hand
Urayeki—a court artist; Lord Vijeki’s father
Utuk’ku Seyt-Hamakha—Norn Queen; Mistress of Nakkiga
Viyeki sey-Enduya, Lord—High Magister of the Order of Builders; father of Nezeru
Yaarike sey-Kijana, Lord—former High Magister of the Order of Builders
Ya-Jalamu—a granddaughter of Marshal Muyare
Yemon—Lord Viyeki’s secretary
Zuniyabe—High Magister of the Order of Celebrants
Adversary, the—Aedonite devil
Braxas—a pirate
Bur Yok Kar—a Hunë
Deornoth—lost son of Prince Josua and Lady Vorzheva
Derra—lost daughter of Prince Josua and Lady Vorzheva
Fortis the Recluse—a 6th century bishop on Warinsten Island; writer of an infamous book
Gan Itai—a Niskie who died saving Queen Miriamele during the Storm King’s War
Geloë—a wise woman, called “Valada Geloë”; killed at Sesuad’ra
Goh Gam Gar—a Hunë
Hyrkas—a migrant people from east of Aldheorte
Lightless Ones—dwellers in the depths of Nakkiga; of unknown origin
Madi—a Hyrka guide
Parlippa—Madi’s daughter, also known as Parlip
Plekto—Madi’s son, also known as Plek
Qosei—a people of the western islands
Ruyan Ve—fabled patriarch of the Tinukeda’ya; called “The Navigator”
Tertissis of Gemmia—scholar from Warinsten Island (“Gemmia” was its Nabbanai name)
Tinukeda’ya, the—third kind of Gardenborn; eg. Niskies, Dwarrows, Pengi, also called “Changelings”
Tzoja—Lord Viyeki’s human mistress; mother of Nezeru
Vaxo of Harcha—a scholar
Abaingeat—important trading town in Hernystir, on Barraillean River at coast
Abbey of St. Cuthman’s—a monastery in Meremund
Aldhame—a small Erkynlandish town near the forest
Aldheorte—aka Oldheart; a large forest to the north and east of Erkynland
Animal Market—market in Nakkiga held and visited by mortals
Antigine—one of Nabban’s hills; location of the Domos Benidriyan
Asu’a—name of the Hayholt under Sithi rule
Avenue of the Martyred Drukhi—a road in Nakkiga
Avenue of the Fallen—a street in Nakkiga which runs behind many of the great houses whose estates front on Great Garden Passage
Avenue of the Saints—a wide, winding road that leads up from the quarter, curving around Estrenine Hill, one of Nabban’s Hills
Aynsberry—a barony in Erkynland
Ballydun—a city in the Frostmarch in Hernystir; home to many Rimmersmen
Birch Meadow—part of the Crane Clan’s camp
Bitter Moon Castle—Norn fortress on top of Dragon’s Reach Pass
Black Mirror Shrine—in Nakkiga-That-Was
Black Water Field—ceremonial gathering place in Nakkiga
Blarbrekk Castle—Home of Jarl Halli in Rimmersgard
Blood Yards—the training grounds for Sacrifices in Nakkiga
Blue Cavern—home of pale spiders and place of Norn rope production
Blue Spirit Peak—mountain near Nakkiga
Bridvattin—a lake in Rimmersgard
Carn Inbarh—castle in Hernystir; home of Earl Murdo, Eolair’s ally
Cellodshire—town in Erkynland
Chamber of the Well—the heart of Nakkiga; location of The Well and The Breathing Harp
Chasu Orientis—castle belonging to Earl Drusis
Chidsik Ub Lingit—Qanuc’s “House of the Ancestor,” on Mintahoq in Yiqanuc
Circoille—forest north and west of Hernystir
Circus of Larexes—amphitheater in Nabban
Cold, Slow Halls—place of torture in Nakkiga
Dalchester—Erkynlandish city on the Royal Northern Road
Dark Garden Lake—an underground lake in Nakkiga discovered by Lord Viyeki, later renamed “Lake Suno’ku”
Da’ai Chikiza—abandoned Sithi city in Aldheorte; called “Tree of the Singing Wind”
Dillathi, the—hill region of western Hernystir
Dimmerskog—forest north of Rimmergard
Domos Bendriyan—the Benidrivine family palace in Nabban; built by the first Benidrivis some two hundred years ago
Dragon’s Throat Pass—route in and out of Bitter Moon Castle
Draycot—small town in Erkynland
Drinas Novis—a Nabbanai settlement on the Thrithings
Drorshullven Lake—lake in the north
Dunath Tower—fortress protecting the Inniscrich Valley
Engby—Jarl Sludig’s county in Rimmersgard
Eadne—large lake in Nabban
Eight Cities Bridge—landmark in Nakkiga-That-Was
r /> Elvritshalla—ducal seat in Rimmersgard
Emettin Bay—bay located between Nabban and Perdruin
Erchester—capital of Erkynland and seat of the High Throne
Ereb Irigú—“Western Gate”; Sithi name for The Knock, a site of a famous battle in Erkynland
Erkynland—kingdom in central Osten Ard
Estrenine Hill—one of Nabban’s hills, location of Matreu’s house
Falshire—wool-harvesting city in Erkynland
Field of Banners—open area just outside gates of Nakkiga, anciently a place of triumphant celebration; currently the home of the so-called Animal Market
Fields of the Nameless—graveyard for the disgraced of Nakkiga
Firannos Bay—bay south of Nabban; location of many islands
Fish Way—street in Erchester
Frostmarch, the—a region in northern Hernystir/Southern Rimmersgard
Garwynswold—town in eastern Erkynland
Gemmia—ancient name of Warinsten Island
Gleniwent—a river running from Kynslagh to the ocean
Glenwick—town in Erkynland
Glen Orrga—place in Hernystir
Glittering Passage—place in Nakkiga
Goaddi—mountain on the Island of Bones
Go-jao’e—Little Boats; name for small Sithi settlements
Gratuvask—Rimmersgard river which runs past Elvritshalla
Great Garden Passage—a main street in Nakkiga
Grenburn Town—Erkynlandish town, near a river
Grianspog—mountain range in the west of Hernystir
Haestall—barony in Erkynland
Harbor Road—road from the harbor beside the Hayholt up to Erchester
Harbor Way—wide street in Nabban
Harcha—island in Bay of Firannos
Hasu Vale—valley and town in central Erkynland
Hayclif—cliffs overlooking the Kynslagh
Hayholt, the—seat of the High Throne, located above Erchester
Hawk’s Path—an open circular gallery in Nakkiga where several stairwells come together on the way down to the Well
Heartwall—landmark in Nakkiga
Heartwall Stair—a stairway in Nakkiga
Hernysadharc—capital of Hernystir
Hernystir—kingdom in the west of Osten Ard
Himilfells—a mountain range east of Nakkiga
Himnhalla—heavenly home of the Rimmersgarder gods
Hjeldin’s Tower—a sealed tower in the Hayholt