Honsa Spenitis—the Spenit noble house
Honor Steps—landmark coming down from Nakkiga Gate
Houses of Tears—a place in Nakkiga-That-Was
H’ran Go-jao—the most easterly of the Go-jao’e (Little Boats)
Iceflame—river in Nakkiga-That-Was
Ijsgard—legendary birthplace of Rimmersmen, across the western ocean
Inniscrich—a valley and river in northern Hernystir
Island of the Bones—an island far west of Rimmersgard
Jackdaw, the—a tavern in Erchester
Jao é-Tinukai’i—a hidden Sithi dwelling in Aldheorte, now abandoned
Kaldskryke—fiefdom in Rimmersgard
Kementari—one of the nine Gardenborn cities, now lost
Khandia—a lost and fabled land
Kiga’rasku—waterfall beneath Nakkiga, called “the Tearfall”
Kopstade, the—market district of Elvritshalla
Kwanitupul—city in the Wran
Kynslagh—lake in central Erkynland
Kynswood—small forest adjacent to the Hayholt
Lake Rumiya—lake beside Nakkiga
Littlefeather—river in the Lake Thrithings
Little Gardens of Memory—“Sojeno nigago-zhe”; graveyard for Norns too humble or poor to have family tombs
Little Gratuvask—a river; a tributary of the Gratuvask
Lost Garden (Venyha Do’sae)—the fabled place whose destruction the Keida’ya fled
Lyktenspan—Lantern Bridge crossing the Gratuvask to Elvritshalla
Mahistrevine Hill—one of Nabban’s hills
Mahistrevine Road—road leading to the Sancellan Mahistrevis
Main Row—major thoroughfare in the city of Erchester
Martyrs Temple—shrine located in Nakkiga
Meremund—Erkynlandish town on the rivers Greenwade and Gleniwent, birthplace of Queen Miriamele
Merchants Road—a street in Nabban
Mezutu’a—the Silverhome; abandoned Sithi and Dwarrow city beneath Grianspog Mountains; original Sithi name: Mezutu’a
Mintahoq—a mountain of the Trollfells; Binabik’s home village
Moon’s Reach Valley—valley below Dragon’s Throat Pass
M’yin Azoshai—Sithi name for Hern’s Hill; location of Hernysadharc
Nabban—duchy in the southern part of Osten Ard; former seat of empire
Nad Glehs—home of Countess Rhona in Hernystir
Nad Mullach—Count Eolair’s home in eastern Hernystir
Naglimund—stronghold in northern Erkynland; place of battles during the Storm King’s War
Nakkiga—Gardenborn city beneath Stormspike Mountain, meaning “Mask of Tears”; home of the Hikeda’ya
Nakkiga-That-Was—city outside Nakkiga mountain; one of the Nine Cities of the Gardenborn; now abandoned
Naraxi—island in the Bay of Firannos
Naarved—city in western Rimmersgard
Nascadu—a desert land in the south
Nearulagh Gate—main entrance to the Hayholt
New Frostmarch Road—road linking the Frostmarch towns to Hernysadharc
New Moon Market—marketplace in Nakkiga
Nornfells—the northern mountains; home to the Hikeda’ya
Northithe—county in Erkynland
Old Granary Tower—roundhouse in the Inner Keep once used by Prince John Josua
Omeiyo Hamakh (the Maze Palace)—Queen Utuk’ku’s labyrinthine home
Onestris—a Nabbanai valley
Onestrine Pass—pass between two Nabbanai valleys; site of many battles
Onyx Library—an archive of the Order of Song
Osten Ard—mortal kingdom (Rimmerspakk, “Eastern Land”)
Osterdyr plain—a plain in Rimmersgard
Patorine Hill—one of Nabban’s seven hills, location of the Ingadarine palace
Perdruin—an island in the Bay of Emettin
Purta Falessis—port town in southern Nabban
Quarely Maid, the—a tavern in Erchester; located on Badger Street near Market Square
Queen’s Square—in Nakkiga
Radfisk Foss—a barony in Southern Rimmersgard
Reach, the—part of Sacrifice training grounds
Refarslod—“The Fox’s Road”; a road in Rimmersgard
Rimmersgard—duchy in the north of Osten Ard
Risa—island in the Bay of Firannos
Royal North Road—king’s road leading north from Erchester
Royal Way—ancient road running south from Nakkiga
Rumiya—lake beside the mountain of Nakkiga
Sacred Redeemer’s Church—located in Tellis Narassi, Nabban
Saegard—town in Rimmersgard, on the coast
Sailmaker Road—a street in Nabban which runs along the Great Canal in the shadow of the walls
St. Helvard’s Cathedral—a church in the center of Elvritshalla
St. Galdin’s Square—a landmark in the City of Nabban
St. Lavennin’s Square—a place in Nabban
St. Ormod’s—a church in Erchester
St. Rhiappa’s—a cathedral in Kwanitupul
St. Sutrin’s—cathedral in Erchester
St. Wiglaf’s Minster—a shabby old church in Erchester
St. Yistrin’s—a monastery
Shisae’ron—broad meadow valley; once Sithi territory
Shimmerspine—Norn name for northern mountain range mortals call Whitefells
Sistan—village in Erkynland near Aldheorte forest
Skoggey—a town in eastern Rimmersgard
Spenit—island in Bay of Firannos
Spider Groves—place in Nakkiga
Springmarsh—a swamp in the southernmost Frostmarch
Stanshire—town in eastern Erkynland
Stefflod—a river in eastern Erkynland; also site of battleground in second Thrithings War
Stews, the—a poor district in Meremund
Stormspike—the mountain also known as Nakkiga or Sturmrspeik
Street of Martyrs—landmark in Nakkiga-That-Was
Street of Sacred Discipline—a shadowy, narrow road with ancient stone houses in Nakkiga
Sturmstad—place on the border of Erkynland and Rimmersgard
Sudshire—county in the southern part of Erkynland
Sumiyu Shisa—stream through the valley Shisae’ron
Swertclif—hill near Erchester; burial site of the kings of Erkynland
Taig Road—road leading through Hernysadharc; also known as “Tethtain’s Way”
Taig, the—wooden castle; house of Hernystir’s ruling family
Tearfall—huge waterfall at the heart of Nakkiga
Tellis Narassi—a poor neighborhood in the City of Nabban
Thrithings—plain of grassland in the southeast of Osten Ard
Tower of the Holy Tree—new tower in the Hayholt
Trevinta—a county in Nabban
Trollfells—human name for the home of the Qanuc
T’seya Go-jao—one of the Little Boats
Tumet’ai—one of the nine Sithi cities, lost under ice
Tungoldyr—a town in the far north of Rimmersgard
Tzaaita’s Stone—landmark in Nakkiga
Venyha Do’sae—original home of Sithi, Hikeda’ya, and Tinukeda’ya; called “The Garden”
Vestvenn—river in central Rimmersgard
Vestvennby—Rimmersgard town on the Frostmarch
Vennweg—road leading to Vestvennby
Unhav—Thrithing name for Lake Eadne
Urmsbakkir—the hills surrounding Urmsheim
Urmsheim—a fabled mountain in the far northeast
Village Grove—Tiamak’s home village in the
Vinitta—an island in the Bay of Firannos
Warinsten—island off the West Coast; birthplace of King John Presbyter, once called “Gemmia”
Wentmouth—town in southern Erkynland; on the coast at the mouth of the Gleniwent River
Whitefells—northern mountain range
White Snail Castle—a fortress in Nakkiga-That-Was, at the foot of Stormspike
Whitstan—town in southern Erkynland
Willow Hall—Tanahaya’s home
Woodsall—a village and barony in Erkynland
Woodpecker Hills—source of streams that feed the Ymstrecca
Wran, the—marsh land in southern Osten Ard
Yakh Huyeru—“Hall of Trembling”; cavern beneath Stormspike
Yásira—Sithi sacred meeting place
Yiqanuc—home of the Qanuc; also known as the Trollfells
Ymstrecca—a river in eastern Erkynland; also the site of a battlefield
Bukken—Rimmersgard name for diggers; called “Boghanik” by trolls; called “Furi’a” by Norns
Deofol—Unver’s black horse
Diggers—small, manlike subterranean creatures
Drochnathair—Hernystiri name for dragon Hidohebhi; slain by Ineluki and Hakatri
Falku—Little Snenneq’s ram
Ghants—chitinous Wran-dwelling creatures
Giants—large, shaggy, manlike creatures, called “Hunë” in the north
Hidohebhi—a dragon
Hunën—Rimmersgard name for giants
Igjarjuk—ice dragon of Urmsheim; “Likkija” in the Sithi and Norn tongues; the daughter of great worm Hidohebhi
Kilpa—manlike marine creatures
Pengi—Tinukeda’ya slaves; “changelings”
Qallipuk—“River Man”; a water monster
Qantaqa—Binabik’s wolf companion during the Storm King’s War
Raoni—Hikeda’ya name for “giants”
Scand—Tiamak’s donkey at the Hayholt
Shurakai—fire-drake, slain beneath the Hayholt; her bones make up the Dragonbone Chair
Spidersilk—Tanahaya’s horse
Vaqana—Binabik’s current wolf companion; descendant of Qantaqa
Witiko’ya—a ferocious wolflike predator of the far north
Yukinva—a giant rodent of the snowy heights
Age of Gold—ancient Nabbanai era
Aedonites—the followers of Usires Aedon
Aedontide—holy time celebrating birth of Usires Aedon
Albian House—one of Nabban’s fifty noble families
Analita—also “analita-zé”; quicksilver liquor drunk by the Hikeda’ya
Astaline Sisters—a lay group who sponsored settlements for women
Benedrivine House—ruling family in Nabban
Black rye—a grain
Blood lily—a bright red flower like the spray from a wound
Breathing Harp, the—Master Witness in Nakkiga
Ceremony of the Lost Garden—a Hikeda’ya religious observance
Citril—an addictive root for chewing; grown in the south
Clavean House—one of Nabban’s fifty noble families
Cold Root—Makho’s witchwood sword
Cold Leaf—Makho’s witchwood dagger
Comis—a wine from Nabban
Council of Erchester—ruling body in Erchester
Cuthmanite Brothers—a monkish order dedicated to St. Cuthman; known for their apple brandy
Dance of Sacrifice—Hikeda’ya term for combat
Days of Mourning—Hikeda’ya holiday
Death-cote—another Hikeda’ya name for tombs
Dominiate—Nabbanai council consisting primarily of the fifty noble families
Drukhi’s Day—Nakkiga holiday
Enduya—clan of High Magister Viyeki
Erkynguard—sentries of the Hayholt
Escritorial Synod—a board of the Aedonite church
Faceless—the Nakkiga Council’s secret police
Fifty Families—Nabbanai noble houses
Fire Ordeal—test in Sacrifice training
Flann’s Crows—a troop of outlaws (mostly Hernystiri) in the southern Frostmarch
Gardenborn—all Hikeda’ya who came from Venyha Do’sae
Grass Blade—a move in Hikeda’ya combat technique
Hall of Spears—test in sacrifice training
Hamakha—clan of Queen Utuk’ku
Hamakha Dictates—a set of Hikeda’ya laws created by Queen Utuk’ku
Hamakha Wormslayer Guard—the keepers of public peace in Nakkiga
Hao sa-Rashi—“the Way of the Exiles”; Hikeda’ya sign language
Harchan dittany—a herb
Hebi-kei—“the serpent”; a witchwood switch used for punishment (literally: “witchwood snake”)
Hersrede—the Citizens Council in Elvritshalla
Hesitancy—a Hikeda’ya spell
High King’s Ward—protection of the High Throne over the countries of Osten Ard
Hikeda’yasao—the speech of Nakkiga
Homecoming Boats festival—a holiday in the Wran
House of Year-Dancing—Sithi clan
Hovnir—the axe of Udun Rimmer, the highest pagan Rimmersgard god
Hringleit—aka Ringquest; a Black Rimmersmen ship
Ice moly—a healing ointment carried by Saomeji
Ice Ordeal—test in sacrifice training
Jarl—a Rimmersgard title equivalent to Westerling “Earl”
Jarn clan—the Iron clan (Rimmersgard)
Juya’ha—Sithi art; pictures made of woven cords
Kangkang—Qanuq liquor
Keida’ya—the Sithi and Hikeda’ya
Kei-in—the holy witchwood seed
Kei-vishaa—substance used by Gardenborn to make enemies drowsy and weak
Keta yi’indra—Hikeda’ya term, “dangerous sleep”; recuperative sleep of Queen Utuk’ku
Kinjada—Hikeda’ya clan
Kuwa—Hikeda’ya name for a slave collar
Landborn—those Hikeda’ya and Sithi born in the first generations after the arrival in Osten Ard
League of the Scroll—an exclusive and secret society of scholars, seeking and preserving knowledge
Metessan House—one of Nabban’s fifty noble families; Lord Pasevalles is a member; blue crane emblem
Naidel—a slender sword, once belonging to Prince Josua, also known as “Needle”
Nonamansa—a middday Aedonite religious ceremony
Northern Alliance—a trade organization, in competition with the ancient Sindigato Perdruine
Ocean Indefinite and Eternal—the ocean crossed by the Gardenborn
Oil Fountains—a landmark in Queen’s Square, in Nakkiga
On the Movement of Blood And Pneuma—a book on medicine by Rachoun
Order of the Red Drake—a royal award to knights for bravery
Otter’s Moon—Hikeda’ya month in Spring
Pellarine Table—table of the Small Council of the High Throne; a gift from the Nabbanai imperator Pellaris to King Tethtain
Plesinnen—Plesinnen of Myrme, writer of a book of natural philosophy
Prayer of Loyal Servants—Hikeda’ya childhood prayer
Princess Hylissa—a ship, named after Miriamele’s late mother
Puju—bread made from the white barley grown in the cold valleys below Stormspike
Queen’s Stricture—Hikeda’ya prayer, almost a catechism
Queen’s Teeth—Utuk’ku’s personal guard
Quinis-piece—a Nabbanai coin
Rachoun—an ancient philosopher and healer
k Serpent retreat—a move in Hikeda’ya combat technique
Rite of Quickening—Qanuc Spring ceremony
Sacred College—Aedonite church’s inquisition
Scale—Sithi device for talking over distance
Shaynat—a Hikeda’ya game, called “Shent” by the Sithi
St. Agar’s Order—an Aedonite monk order
Sacrifice—a trained assassin/soldier
Sandarian—a sweet, amber-colored wine from Spenit
Scrollbearers—members of the League of the Scroll; a secret society seeking and preserving knowledge
Sea Rover’s Crown—ruling insignia of Rimmersgard
Sedda’s Token—the Spring full moon
Serpent’s Moon—Hikeda’ya month
Shan—Thrithings word meaning “lord of lords”; ruler of all the Thrithings
Shent—a Sithi game of socializing and strategy
Silent Court of the Council—part of the Hikeda’ya elite
Silver Stags—a Hernystiri elite troop; hand-picked by King Hugh
Sindigato Perdruine—a trade organisation
Skalijar—an organized troop of brigands in northern Rimmersgard
Soldier’s Cantis—an Aedonite prayer
Sotfengsel—King Elvrit’s ship, buried at Skipphaven
Sovran Remedies of the Wranna Healers—a book written by Tiamak
Spinsilk—a delicate Norn fabric
Stag—emblem of Hern’s House, the ruling house of Hernystir
Stormbirds—supporters of Dallo Ingadaris; the Albatross is their sign
Summer Ice—one of the Houses of Sacrifice
Tale of the Idle Shepherd—old story, similar in moral to “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”
Talon—a hand-troop of five specially trained Sacrifices
Thane—a Rimmersgard title equivalent to Westerling “Baron”
The Color of Water—a forbidden collection of poems by Shun’y’asu
The Five Fingers of the Queen’s Hand—a beloved Hikeda’ya book of wisdom
Thieves’ Poetry—a game
Third Green Moon—Thrithings month-name, roughly
Thrones—Erkynlandish gold coins; one issue has portraits of King Simon and Queen Miriamele
Ti-tuno—Camaris’ horn; made from dragon Hidohebhi’s tooth; also known as “Cellian”
Towers—Erkynlandish silver coins
Tractit Eteris Vocinnen—“A Treatise On The Aetheric Whispers”; a banned book
Tree—“Holy Tree”, or “Execution Tree”; symbol of Usires Aedon’s execution and the Aedonite faith
U’ituko—a predatory beast, who can cross snow without breaking even the crust