Page 30 of Smiley

  “That hurts like a son of a bitch. I figured he should experience it firsthand. Don’t you dare feel bad for hitting him. I wish I could have.” She broke eye contact and looked at Torrent, offering the weapon to him. “Do you want this? It’s heavier than I thought it would be.”

  Torrent grinned and accepted it. “Good shot.”

  “Not really. I was aiming for his balls.”

  The male laughed outright. “Do you want another try? We could wait for him to recover and ask to borrow another officer’s weapon. I don’t have one since we’re not allowed to carry while transporting prisoners from room to room. They might attempt to take it.”

  Vanni bit her lip, seeming to consider it.

  “No, she doesn’t.” Smiley was still stunned. “Vanni?”

  She looked at him. He saw uncertainty there.

  “Are you angry at me? I just saw Jericho’s sidearm and realized what it was. Bruce shot me with one so I wanted to return the favor.”

  He never wanted to see that look from her again. “I’m never angry at you.” He lowered his voice. “I’ll teach you how to shoot better. I really want you out of this room though. His blood is everywhere and Torrent is right. He probably is diseased. He’s insane too. I don’t want you in danger.”

  “Okay.” She turned and walked calmly out of the room.

  He watched her go and Jericho shrugged, as if to say he hadn’t expected that. He grabbed the door handle and closed it, staying with Vanni on the other side.

  “I like her,” Torrent admitted.

  Smiley whipped around, glaring at him.

  “Not that way. She’s your mate. I just like what she did. That’s all. Want to help me pick him up and drag him back to his cage? He’s out cold.”

  “I still want to speak to Gregory Woods.”

  “Let’s deal with this one first and do a little cleanup before we bring him in here. That male cries like a little girl. He’ll see the blood on the floor and will probably scream like one too. He’s already pretended to have a heart attack. This might bring on the real thing. He’ll believe we murdered someone.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Vanni sipped the orange juice Jericho handed her. He hadn’t said a word about her grabbing his weapon or using it. They’d watched Smiley and Torrent drag the unconscious Bruce out of the room. Another New Species had entered to clean up all the blood. She finally worked up the nerve to speak to Smiley’s friend.

  “I apologize. I just didn’t want to spend my honeymoon sitting on the other side of the bars with Smiley. I thought he was going to kill Bruce and get arrested.”

  “It would have been justified if he had. The male threatened his mate.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

  “Our laws aren’t the same as yours. Ours always make sense.”

  She wasn’t sure what to make of that but he explained.

  “We do get human news in here. It’s depressing. We don’t believe in murder but some just shouldn’t be allowed to live.” He glanced at the glass. “That male is one of them. You heard what he said. Any male capable of harming a female that way deserves death.”

  “Then why didn’t you stop me from rushing in there if you really believed that? You could have stopped me if you’d tried.”

  “I knew you going in there would stop Smiley. I didn’t want him to suffer for his actions, despite how much that male deserved it.”

  “He said he’s killed before.”

  “He has. A lot of us had to at Mercile and we probably will again to defend each other if we’re attacked. This time though, it would have made him fear losing you and feel insecure.” Jericho leaned against the wall. “It’s a real fear when mating a human that they’ll see violence and believe we’re a danger to them. Smiley already worries that you’ll change your mind and leave here. You have become a huge part of him.”

  “I love Smiley.”

  His features softened. “Good. Keep telling him that often. He needs those assurances.”

  “He does?”

  “Yes.” Jericho glanced at the glass wall, then back at her. “We feel deeply but try to hide it. It’s a flaw.”


  He scowled. “Call it instinct or genetics but we’re more emotionally vulnerable compared to the canines and felines. Don’t ever forget that, Vanni. You could destroy him from the inside out.”

  “I’d never do that.”

  “Even better. Touch him often and tell him how much he means to you if you really love him. He’ll always take everything you say to heart. Don’t forget that if you argue with him. Think before you speak.”

  She appreciated the advice. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “I want both of you to be happy. I can’t stand seeing Smiley depressed. It wasn’t easy watching him endure misery before and I never want to see it again.”

  “You were locked up with him when you were kept at Mercile Industries?”

  “I meant when you escaped from the task force members assigned to bring you to Medical and he feared you were either dead or hurt in the out world. It tore me up seeing him that way. I feared he’d go over our walls and search for you on his own. It could have gotten him killed. We have a lot of enemies. All he could think of was you and making sure you were well. He bonded with you right from the start.”

  Vanni blinked back tears. “Thank you for telling me that. I do love Smiley. I um, bonded with him right from the start too. He’s everything to me.”

  “Good. Keep telling him that. I’m not joking. He’s going to worry for a long time that he’ll do or say something that will make you rethink being his mate.”

  “He’s stuck with me.” She smiled, cheering up. “I’d never leave him.”

  Jericho tensed, his gaze focusing on the glass wall. “Here we go. Remember that. I have no idea how Smiley is going to act with this one.”

  Vanni turned in her seat and watched Torrent bring in Gregory Woods. He looked unkempt and completely different from his television persona. His clothing was wrinkled, he needed a shave and his eyes were red.

  “Has he been crying?”

  Jericho snorted. “You heard Torrent. That would be a yes.”

  Gregory took a seat and hugged his chest. “I really need a doctor. I have a specialist that takes care of me. You don’t want me to die. Do you know who I am? You can’t get away with this. I am a celebrity and rich. I—”

  “Stop,” Torrent demanded. “You aren’t being transferred to a human hospital and no one even knows you’re here.”

  The door opened again and Smiley entered. He’d changed into one of the NSO uniforms and his hands were bandaged. He closed the door and stayed by it. Gregory whimpered, staring at him with obvious horror.

  “What’s wrong, human? Never thought you’d have to face the male you drugged and tried to set up?”

  “It wasn’t my idea. It was Bruce. I was afraid of him. You’ve seen him. He has a criminal record. I’m innocent.”

  “Shut up.” Torrent backed up. “We aren’t idiots. There were twenty missing doses of the breeding drug when you were taken into custody. Dean confessed to selling you two hundred doses.” He growled and shot Smiley a disgusted look before continuing. “This one swore he used them on prostitutes he paid to have sex with him. You saw firsthand what that drug did to your female. He felt no sympathy for those females he drugged and kept doing it over and over. He’s a cruel son of a bitch.” Torrent flashed his fangs. “Are you going to blame that on someone else too? Save it, asshole.”

  Smiley made a harsh, rumbling noise. “We should dose you and let you suffer. You deserve it. Bruce works for you and by the way, Dean Polanitis was very informative when we spoke to him.” Smiley crouched, keeping his back to the door. “He confessed to how you contacted him and threatened to expose the connection between Drackwood and Mercile that your investigators found. He called it blackmail and admitted you asked him for something to use against the NSO. You bought drugs from him a
nd paid a bartender to add them to my and Vanni’s drinks at the hotel.”

  “It’s all a lie!” Gregory clutched at his chest. “That was all Bruce.”

  “He used money that you gave him to do your bidding. You’re caught and you will pay for your crimes, Pastor Woods.”

  “I think I’m having a heart attack.”

  “Okay.” Smiley didn’t move. “Have one. I wouldn’t mind watching you take your last breath.”

  “You can’t let me die. I have followers, damn it. They’ll storm your gates and kill everyone.”

  “They believe you fled the country and abandoned them. No one will even know if you die. We’ll just bury you in that graveyard you say we have.” Torrent looked amused. “He could be the first body we put in it.”

  Smiley grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Big tears rolled down Gregory’s cheeks. “You can’t do this to me. I’m important.” He glanced between them. “I’m also rich. I’ll pay you to get me out of here. How much do you want? Name the amount.”

  “We don’t care about money.” Smiley cocked his head. “I just wanted to look you in the eyes before you were sent to Fuller Prison. Vanni is safe and you’ll never have the opportunity to harm her again. You’ll pay for everything you’ve done. I’m not angry with you for what was done to me but you tried to harm the female I love. Big mistake. I just wish I enjoyed this more but you’re too…” He seemed to struggle to find a word.

  Torrent helped. “Pitiful.”

  Smiley flashed him a grin. “Yes.”

  Gregory’s face reddened and he sputtered. “You’re barbaric!”

  “What do you expect? You attacked us.” Smiley straightened. “You should have learned more about your enemy before you struck out at us.” All trace of humor faded from his features. “You’re going to be the one living the remainder of your life in a cage. Isn’t that what you wanted for us? You’ll learn what it’s like not to feel the sun on your face or experience the simple act of kindness from your guards. It’s a fate you wished for us. Fuller Prison will be your zoo. You just shouldn’t expect any visitors.”

  “You creatures aren’t going to get away with this.” Gregory shot out of his chair. “I’m Gregory Woods. Everyone will be looking for me and they won’t ever stop. You’re going to pay for this. People will wise up and realize what you’re really up to.”

  “What is that? Taking over the world? We just want peace. You’d have learned that if you’d really done your research. We just want humans like you to leave us alone. You couldn’t do that.” Smiley moved to the side and opened the door. “I’m done, Torrent. You can have them transferred now.”

  “Thank you.” Torrent grinned. “I can’t wait to put them in the van.”

  Smiley peered at the glass then glanced into the empty hallway. Vanni thought he might be searching for her and stood but had no real desire to speak to Gregory. Torrent was right. He was pathetic but she didn’t pity him. He deserved to be locked up but seeing him in that room had helped her find closure.

  She walked to the door and opened it. “Let’s go,” she said loud enough that Smiley would hear her.

  He turned toward her and met her gaze. “We’re done here?”

  She nodded.

  Smiley closed the door to the interrogation room behind him and came to her. He reached out and she clasped his hand. “Are you okay?”

  “I am now.”

  “Do you want to Taser him?” A gleam of amusement lit up his eyes. “It might be fun.”

  “I don’t think Torrent wants to hear him cry again,” Vanni teased.

  “True.” Smiley looked over her head. “We’re ready to go, Jericho. Will you give us a ride to the hotel?”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  The door to the interrogation room opened and Vanni stepped to the side a little to stare beyond Smiley. Gregory was led out of the room. He turned his head and saw her. Their gazes met and he stopped walking.

  “This is all your fault, Travanni. I always hated you.”

  Smiley rumbled and spun. Vanni clutched him tighter and grabbed his arm too, hoping he wouldn’t go after Gregory.

  “He’s not worth it,” she insisted.

  Smiley rumbled again but he relaxed in her hold. Gregory turned farther to face her and pointed at her. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  Vanni released Smiley’s arm and flipped Gregory off. “I always wanted to do that. Screw you, Gregory. Smiley and I are getting married. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I wanted you to know it. You did me the biggest favor of my life. Choke on that the next time you open your mouth and spew your hate.”

  Torrent shoved him, forcing him forward. “Move, crybaby. I see you are braver when you’re confronting a small female. Why am I not surprised? You’re truly pathetic.”

  They turned at the end of the hall and walked out of sight. Vanni looked up and waited for Smiley to turn his head. He did and she saw his anger.

  “Let it go. I plan to.” She stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. “Let’s leave it in the past and never think about them again. They really aren’t worth it.”

  “You’re right.”

  She winked. “I like hearing that.”

  Smiley wrapped his arm around her waist. “You’re also very sexy when you’re giving someone the bird.”

  “Am I?”

  Jericho cleared his throat. “I’m here. So are cameras. I wouldn’t suggest getting too friendly with each other in the hallway.”

  They all turned when they heard the sound of booted feet and stared at the tall black-haired male who walked toward them. He was a feline with bright-green eyes, dressed in jeans and a black shirt under a leather biker jacket.

  “Hello, Jaded.” Smiley looked pleased to see the male. “This is Vanni, my mate.”

  The guy nodded at her but didn’t offer his hand. “I was checking in at Security before I left for a charity event and was told to tell you that the helicopter is arriving in ten minutes. It seems neither of you are wearing coms. I also heard about your mating and wanted to congratulate you both.”

  “Thank you.” Smiley drew Vanni’s attention. “That would be the one Beth is on.” He glanced at both men. “We should go meet her at the heliport.”

  “Let’s go.” Jericho paused next to Jaded. “Nice outfit. Did you borrow it from Harley?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Jaded chuckled, “I did call him and ask where he obtains his clothes. A local motorcycle club is hosting a barbeque fundraiser to buy some land for the preservation of a campground they use every summer. A logging company wants to purchase it and cut down all the trees.”

  “I thought you only got involved if animals were in the mix.” Jericho frowned.

  Jaded shrugged. “There’s a lot of wildlife living in those woods. It’s for a good cause and they sent me an invitation. I thought it might be fun.”

  Smiley removed his arm from Vanni but kept hold of her hand. “We have to go.”

  She was really excited about seeing Beth. She just hoped her best friend would behave and not act too outrageous when she met Smiley. It was a real concern.

  * * * * *

  “Relax,” Beth ordered. “I like Smiley.”

  Vanni shifted nervously on her seat. “It’s not that. I knew you would. I’m getting married. My hands are shaking.”

  “Are you having second thoughts or is this just bride jitters?”

  “Jitters. I really want to marry Smiley.”

  “Close your eyes.” Beth applied eye shadow. “He’s a hunk, Vanni. I also notice the way he looks at you. I see love and the guy has the hots for you too. He totally stares at your ass when you walk in front of him. Is he as muscular under those clothes as he looks in them?”


  “Lucky bitch.” Beth stopped. “Open.”

  Vanni peered up at her friend. “Thank you for doing my makeup. How do I look?”

  “Good. I kept
it light. It gives you the natural look with a little extra help.”

  “Thank you. Smiley said he prefers me without makeup but it’s my wedding. I need to look my best. He promised that someone will take pictures.”

  “I’m going to take some with my phone too.”

  “You can’t post them anywhere,” Vanni reminded her. “Nobody can know we got married just yet. He said it could cause problems.”

  “Have you told the family yet?”

  “No. I know they’d want to be here and I just…”

  “Say no more. Your sister is a prude. Your brother is a jackass and pushy. Your parents—I love them but your mom is a control freak and it kind of weirds me out how your dad just does everything she says. My parents are the opposite. My dad is the controller and my mom does everything he says.”

  “I know. I think Dad just doesn’t want to argue. Mom became pretty bossy, having to raise three kids while he was traveling. He’s mellow.”

  “You get that from him. You’re the quiet sibling and you let them boss you around. I’m glad you decided to elope. That fiasco of an engagement to Carl about killed me. I really hated him and then your family was messing up the plans you had left and right. I got upset for you.”

  “That’s why we’re keeping it simple. This is just about Smiley and me.”

  “I’m just glad I got to be here, even if it was kind of a nightmare.”

  “The helicopter ride is horrible.”

  “I meant the big-ass fight I had with Elvis. I kind of liked the ride and the company wasn’t too bad either. Do you think you could introduce me to a hottie?”

  “What about Elvis? I kind of hoped staying with him would make you closer. On the phone it sounded like it was going well.”

  “We were starting to fight. He was pissed that I was leaving and especially when he saw a bunch of guys pick me up. He thought it was payback.”