Page 31 of Smiley

  “For what?”

  Beth bent at the waist and grinned at her. “No depressing shit on the day my best friend hooks up with Mr. Hottie. I did have them make a stop on the way. Remember that outlet mall right next to the freeway? I got you a surprise.”

  Beth straightened, spun away and walked over to the suitcase lying on her bed. She opened it and removed a bag from a name-brand store. “This is for you. It’s that dress we saw a few weeks ago when we went shoe shopping. They still had it.”

  Vanni gaped at her. “The pretty off-white one with the lace?”


  “It was a hundred and fifty bucks, Beth. It was too expensive.”

  “I don’t know what you bought during your shopping spree but you can’t get married in everyday clothes. Come on.” Beth held out the bag. “It’s not too fancy and it’s really pretty. I’d call it the perfect summer wedding dress for an elopement. It’s the first thing I thought of when you gave me the news. I just wish I’d had time to buy you matching shoes but when those NSO guys say five minutes, they mean it. I’ve never hustled through a mall so damn fast.”

  Beth accepted it, fighting tears. “Thank you so much. I’ll pay you back.”

  “Shut up. It’s a gift. Hell, I would have paid three times that much just to see you happy. You just light up when you look at Smiley and I really like him.” She paused. “He is the total opposite of Carl.” She grimaced. “You know what I’m going to say.”

  “You really hated him.”

  “Big time.” Beth smiled again. “I wish I’d gotten here before they sent him away. I would have liked a few minutes alone with him. I would have kneed him in the balls.”

  “You can’t tell anyone about that either. Everyone thinks they fled the country.”

  Beth crossed a finger over her heart. “You know you can trust me.”

  “That’s why I told you everything.”

  Beth glanced at her stomach and laughed. “If it’s a girl, you better name it after me.”

  “I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not. We never got a blood test. You came and Smiley put it off.”

  “You better tell me when you do.” Beth took the bag. “Let’s get you dressed. You totally know I’m going to hit every damn baby store if you’re expecting. How cute are babies and if it comes out looking like Smiley then I’m going to have to give up wearing lipstick. Your child would be covered from me kissing all that cuteness. The kid will run screaming from Auntie Beth once he or she is old enough to walk. I’ll be that kissing lady who drives them nuts.”

  “Top secret, Beth.”

  Beth held her gaze and grew serious. “I read the news. I also listened to some of Gregory Wood’s asinine rants. I’d murder someone for you and go bury the body. No one will ever get any information out of me. They could hang me by my nipples and beat me with sticks.”

  Vanni laughed. “By your nipples?”

  Beth nodded. “Ouch, right? That’s the worst thing I could think of unless it’s by my nether lips. Can you imagine? Oh my god, ouchie. I will never understand how some people get pierced down there. I was going to have sex with a guy once and he had a piercing through his dick. I said no way and got the hell out of there.”

  “I remember that. You said it looked horrible.”

  “Scary is the word I used. It looked like a rounded barbell just hanging off the end of his dick. Who wants to have that inside them and did he honestly think he’d ever get head again? Choking hazard.”

  Vanni laughed. “I’m less worried about my wedding now. Smiley doesn’t have any piercings.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Now get out of those clothes and into this dress. We don’t have too much time. Your groom looked nervous and no damn way do we want to give him time to get cold feet. He looks pretty damn fit. He’d be hell to catch if he makes a run for it. Neither one of us are joggers.”

  “Smiley wouldn’t do that.”

  “Even better. I’d hate to have to steal one of those Jeeps on my first day at Reservation to go after him and get busted by their cops. I wouldn’t mind being strip-searched though by that big hulk of a guy who came with you to pick me up.”


  “Yeah. Did you see his chest and those matching arms? He’s like a mountain of muscle on two legs. I bet he could sweep me off my feet and wouldn’t bitch about me needing to lose a few pounds because I’m hurting his lower back.”

  “He’s kind of scary looking.”

  “Not to me. That’s the right kind of danger and I’d run to it.” Beth winked.

  “Don’t hit on him. He’s going to be at the wedding.”

  “Come on. I’m the maid of honor. It’s tradition to get drunk and nail one of the groomsmen.”


  “Fine.” She sighed. “I won’t drink.”

  “No nailing Smiley’s best friend. He’s going to be like family. I don’t want you to hurt him.”

  “Me hurt him? Are we talking about the same guy?”

  “He’s really a sweet soul when you get to know him.”

  “Enough.” Beth rolled her eyes. “You make me sound like a one-woman destruction crew. I won’t try to nail anyone. I get it. I’m not going to have sex. Big surprise.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Beth opened her mouth but then closed it. She shifted the bag, holding it out again. “My arms are getting tired. Strip. Wedding, remember?”

  “Thank you, Beth.” Vanni kicked off her shoes and started to undress.

  “That’s what best friends slash sisters are for. I’m way better than your blood sister.”

  Vanni laughed.

  “I’m not going to lecture you for having sex before the ceremony. Do you want me to pretend to be Mia?” She took on a snooty tone. “First, you firmly grip the man’s penis and ask him if he has any sexual diseases. That’s so he can be assured that you’ll rip it off if he lies.”

  “Stop.” Vanni giggled. “That’s so wrong but so accurate. I love you, Beth. Thank you for being you.”

  “I bet she’s fun at parties. Now that you’re no longer nervous, let’s get this show on the road. I love you too but we’re talking about permanently hooking you up with a guy who makes you walk bowlegged. Girl talk is over. I bet he’s pacing and anxiously waiting to see his bride.”

  Smiley kept his eyes closed and regulated his breathing. He tried not to sweat.

  “The female loves you. She won’t back out. You’re already mated.”

  He opened his eyes and stared at Jericho. They’d changed clothes and sat in the lobby, a table between them. They both tensed every time the elevator doors opened, waiting for Vanni to come down.

  “Did I forget anything?”

  Jericho shook his head. “It’s handled. Creek and I went over everything. We won’t let you down. We have a minister who is Species friendly and happy to do the ceremony. We’ve used him in the past and he’s good at keeping secrets. The task force team asked Beth what ring size Vanni is and we got matching gold bands for the ceremony. A team went out there on that hilltop overlooking the river and made it look pretty. We have four officers there just out of sight to make certain nothing goes wrong. It will just be words and rings exchanged at a pretty location. I have a camera in my pocket so there will be pictures for you to frame in your home. They said the weather is perfect and the sun will be going down during the ceremony. They even have lighting if we run late but we won’t.”

  “We still haven’t really decided where we’re going to live full-time.”

  “There’s no hurry. Now you’re just grasping at things to worry about. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing again.”

  “Should I have put off the blood test? I was just afraid Vanni might get upset, depending on the outcome.”

  “You said she wasn’t angry when you told her she could be pregnant.”

  “She wasn’t.”

  “Stop worrying. You’re making me edgy.”

p; “Sorry.”

  “It’s just a human wedding. You got her to agree to be your mate. The tough part is over. Relax.”

  “You’re right. She’s here and she’s mine.”


  The doors dinged for the elevator and Smiley held his breath. Beth stepped out first. He stood so fast his knee slammed into the edge of the table. He grimaced but ignored the pain. He rushed forward but came to a halt when Vanni stepped out. He swayed a little on his feet. A firm hand gripped his elbow to steady him.

  Vanni’s hair was down and she wore a lacy dress that he hadn’t seen before. It accentuated her curves and made his dick hard. She was a vision of beauty. Her head turned and she spotted him. Her smile broke him out of his frozen moment.

  “I love you,” he blurted.

  “Fuck,” Jericho muttered. The male released him. He seemed to fix his attention on Beth. “Is she as nervous as he is?”

  “Like a virgin on prom night,” Beth stated. “Yes. I forgot. You probably don’t know what that means, do you? She’s good to go.”

  Smiley closed the distance between him and Vanni. He reached out and hoped she didn’t notice the way his hands trembled. He liked the way her cheeks turned slightly pink and how her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “You take my breath away.”

  “I hope you don’t mind that I put on a little makeup. I wanted to look my best.”

  “I’d have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you to our room to avoid taking you on the floor if you looked any better.”

  “Smooth,” Jericho muttered.

  “Hot.” Beth sighed.

  Smiley cringed a little inside. “I mean, you’re beautiful.”

  Vanni ducked her head shyly before lifting her gaze and giving him a dazzling smile. “I’m ready. Are you?”

  “Since the first moment I held you in my arms.” He offered her his hand. She took it and he transferred it to his forearm, moving to her side. “Let’s go. They brought us an SUV so your hair doesn’t get windblown.”

  “That’s so thoughtful.”

  “I’m trying to be,” he admitted.

  Vanni leaned against him, holding his gaze. “Just be you. That’s who I love.”

  His chest hurt but he knew why. She was his mate, accepted him for who he was and he’d never thought he’d have that. “We’re in this together. Always.”

  “We are.” She gripped him a little tighter. “Let’s do this.”

  He loved his Vanni.


  He tore his shirt over his head and tossed it on the grass. His gaze darted around the woods. “What do you think of the Wild Zone?”

  “It’s beautiful. Are we going to meet any of the New Species who live here?”

  “Not today. I asked them to stay out of sight but they are close. I didn’t want you to be frightened.”

  “You explained that they look a little more animalistic than normal but they are New Species. I know I’m safe.”

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to this?” Smiley studied her eyes, a frown marring his handsome face.

  “Yes. I’m sure.”

  “Just stay close to me. I’d never allow anything to happen to you.” He glanced down at her belly. “To either of you.”

  “I know. Stop worrying. It’s kind of hot but so am I. Are we going swimming or not?”

  He nodded. “Okay. Just remember that and try not to show fear. They can sense it. I talked to Leo this morning and he said they were hanging out in this spot. The fishing is great. Some of the residents are on standby in case they are needed. You’re totally safe.”

  “I really want to meet them.” Vanni felt excited. “This is so cool.”

  He grinned. “It is.” He clasped her hand and led her toward the edge of the river.

  Vanni peered around but didn’t spot them at first. The wide expanse of river distracted her though. Heavy trees lined the other side and the sight of unspoiled natural beauty never ceased to amaze her. It’s why she’d chosen to live at Reservation. She loved their cabin in the woods. She’d even put out bird feeders and dozens of them visited their porch every day.

  Smiley paused and drew her to a halt. “There they are.” He raised his free hand and pointed.

  She followed the line of his finger and caught a glimpse of something light brown moving in the tall grass. It emerged at the edge of the river and she smiled. “He’s so big.”

  “That’s Gus.”

  “I thought they’d be dark brown.”

  “Only when their coats are wet.”

  A second one, slightly larger than the first, came out of the grass. Smiley released her hand and hugged her around her waist. He absently rubbed her slightly extended belly. It was something he did often since they’d learned she was pregnant. It hadn’t happened right away but six months of trying had accomplished it. They’d just found out four weeks before.

  “That’s Pete. He’s a lazy thing. He’s also a good hundred pounds larger. He loves to sleep.”

  “They hibernate in the winter, right?”

  “Yes. They just came out of it not too long ago. They are actually much bigger at the end of summer. I’m going to go say hello and let you see how friendly they are. Stay here.”

  She clutched at him. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  “They are my friends.” He gave her a reassuring look. “You trust me.”

  “You know it.”

  She hated to let him go but he never left her for long. He’d even cut his work hours to spend more time with her. He’d become more than her lover and her mate. He was her best friend. She hugged her middle and watched him slowly approach the pair of grizzlies. They either smelled or saw him, both turning their heads.

  “Your daddy is really brave,” she whispered.

  “I heard that,” Smiley called out but he didn’t glance over his shoulder to look her way. “Your mother is incredibly beautiful. I’d tell him you’re sexy but he won’t understand that term until he’s old enough to notice females.”

  Vanni smiled. “Just be careful.”


  She was nervous when he walked right up to the pair. One of them opened his mouth and she tensed, expecting the bear to bite him. He didn’t. He actually turned his head and she watched in amazement as Smiley reached out, roughly rubbing the top of his head. The other one swaggered closer and bumped into his side. Smiley laughed and rubbed his head too.

  “Good boys,” she heard him say. “How have you been?”

  Pride and a little awe swept through Vanni. Her mate was amazing. He turned his head and grinned at her. “See? They’ve really adjusted to life at Reservation and accept us. They are downright friendly.”

  She was glad they didn’t attack him.

  He left the bears and returned to her side. “They are fine with you this close to them.” He locked gazes with her. “You know I’d never allow anything to hurt you. Your scent is all over me. I made sure of it. They like it.”

  “Not in the I-want-to-eat-you-for-dinner way, right?”

  “That’s how I feel.” He winked. “I like to eat you all the time.”

  She didn’t blush anymore when he said things like that. “I like that too.”

  The bears just stared at her from a distance but didn’t seem to mind her presence. Smiley moved to put his body between her and them. He always took a protective stance when he thought she might be in danger and she appreciated it. He’d never let anything bad happen to her. She had faith.

  The bears turned away and moved closer to the river. Smiley shifted his position and stepped behind her, wrapping his arms loosely around her waist.

  She relaxed against him. “Thank you for bringing me here and sharing this.”

  He rested his chin on top of her head. “I want to share everything with you, babe. Life wouldn’t have meaning without you.”

  She blinked back tears. “If you tell me how much you love me, I’m going to sob. Damn hormones.”

/>   He made that soft rumbling sound she found so sexy. “I’ll show you later instead. You never shed tears when I strip you naked.”

  “I’m getting hot.”

  “We’ll go swimming a ways down the river, away from them. There’s this little spot I know where a pool has formed in the rocks and it’s not deep. The water won’t be as cold.”

  “I think we should skip that and just go home.” She turned her head and looked up at him. “And get naked in our tub.”

  “We do love water.” His hand around her waist inched lower, his thumb teasing the area just under the waist of her shorts. “And being together.”

  “We can watch the bears later.”

  “I’m much rather watch you.”

  “Now I’m really getting hot.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll see you tomorrow, boys. My mate needs me more. It’s all about priorities. One day we’ll hopefully find females for and you’ll understand. They are everything.”

  About Laurann Dohner

  I’m a full-time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when you write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love to sit down at my computer desk, put on my headphones and listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

  Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by Laurann Dohner