The Venomous Trinity

  Copyright 2015 Adriel Vigo

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  Table of Contents











  In the Christian bible Matthew 28:19 is the verse many Christians refer to as, "The Great Commission". It reads, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Many Christians take this verse to heart, going out into the world and teaching many the love and power of God. However whether this is truly done is left up to question. In numerous instances many Christians simply seem to be providing their own beliefs, opinions and ideologies instead of God's original message. This is where the "Venomous Trinity" arises: ignorance, fostering of hate, and casting of judgement. Of course not all Christians are guilty of such a crime; but enough participate in it to warrant a stand against it. Although I do mention one pastor by name continually, he is not the only man in the wrong. He is only one of many, so this collection speaks to all leaders preaching a false and twisted Christianity. The worst part about leaders who choose to encourage this trinity is that they pass it on to the next generation. Unfortunately their twisted beliefs will not die out with them but continue on. The importance of speaking out against this venomous trinity cannot be overstressed. The future does lie with children and the coming generations. So instead of allowing them to be taught the Venomous Trinity; let us teach them one of love, caring and tolerance instead.

  The Great Commission

  Go ye therefore and teach all the nations

  But as to what is taught, is left up to the latest Christian sensation.

  Well Dr. Forshee here we are again once more,

  I hope you realize that what you're doing we can no longer ignore.

  For the stances and actions you take are hardly just,

  Leaving me to wonder how in you, people still place trust.

  Truly I thought your kind had come to an end.

  The ignorant, backwards, bible thumpers whose stances will never bend.

  But no you are proof that they are alive and well,

  And so too is the ignorant and twisted version of Christianity you try to sell.

  Although yes I do have a problem with your beliefs,

  My main issue is how you constantly spread and impose it to others as some great chief.

  For instead of teaching as Jesus did, that love and compassion is for us all,

  You make it seem selective,

  Only for those following your teaching at whose mercy they must fall.

  Worry not, this collection won't just be aimed at you,

  But also at those who teach as you do.

  Whose teachings have caused a cancer to Christianity of which it is yet to be in remission.

  But myself and others shall stand up to combat it, for it's our own Great Commission.

  The Scholar’s Reflection

  "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

  (Proverbs 22:6 NIV)

  The children are our future it has been said,

  If this is the case we must ensure they are anything but brain dead.

  So the importance of a good teacher cannot be overstressed,

  For the impact they have on a child can ruin one, or make one truly blessed.

  Teachers help mold and shape children into the adults they will soon become,

  These adults in turn shape the world based on information from teachers they learned from.

  A teacher can be anyone from a parent to a friend to a professor to a pastor,

  For to children adults know all, and every adult at their own subject is master.

  Children are mirrors, reflecting what they are taught and what they learned,

  Which is why it is so important that the position of teacher is not given freely,

  But instead earned.

  Finally here the first day of school arrives!

  Students find their classes through excited eyes.

  For learning is a gift, a power, and key to unlocking success,

  So this first day, all parents ensure their children are finely dressed.

  The teacher arrives and so begins class.

  He says, "Good morning class, I'll be your kindergarten instructor for the next year,

  Even though it's the first day, we'll have a lesson so get out your listening ears."

  And in innocent excitement some children grab their ears and smile.

  For these children have fresh minds ready to soak up knowledge and go the extra mile.

  Although just the first day, it progresses like a well-oiled machine free of rust,

  And in the teacher have the children already placed their trust.

  For this instructor is an adult, and more so a teacher, a scholar is what he is!

  Everything he says must be true! So they listen with rapt attention like all kids.

  He says, "In our next lesson we'll be talking about the color of the sky.

  Why what a coincidence it's the same color as my tie!

  That's right children the sky's color is called green!

  Yes green, sound it out. Look at you all catching on, you're so very keen!

  Seeing you all caught on quickly, let's move on.

  Now, pay attention I don't want you mentally gone.

  I saw you all used your legs to walk into this class,

  This is wrong; but today I'll give you a free pass.

  See, the correct way to move about is to sit down and push yourself with your arms.

  Watch carefully, for walking with your legs can bring about great harm.

  We have time for one final lesson today.

  Even though class is almost over listen carefully to what I have to say.

  What are you afraid of children? The Dark? Understandably so,

  It makes it hard to find your parents, toys or look to see where you will go.

  So what I'm going to teach you is how to interact with others,

  See that child over there with the different eyes, lips and skin of a darker color?

  Since you're scared of the dark, why not be scared of him?

  In fact ostracize, dislike and to him and his kind always condemn.

  Well we're out of time, class dismissed!"

  And so the lessons carried on,

  No one told the scholar or children they were wrong.

  So soon teachings of the scholar and the children spread like fire.

  Engulfing the world where believing in these teachings was required.

  And so the point was made clear that day

  Whether history, science or truth it's all arbitrary.

  For it only exists based on what the next generation chooses to believe or say.

  So it is of the utmost importance to ensure teachers are rightfully given their position,

  Including pastors.

  We don't want to end up not following this and regretting it after.

  A Prophetic Vision

  Adding to Dr. Forshee's extensive repertoire,

  Is his ability to see very far.

  I don
't mean physically with his eyes ,

  But to see the future and speak to it, certainly not in lies.

  "Should the Supreme Court grant constitutional rights to same-sex marriages, I believe our nation will suffer the punitive judgment of God."

  Oh my that sounds like a very bad time!

  But why would this happen, have we even committed a crime?

  For is God really so offended and angered by a homosexual life?

  Or rather is it traditionalists afraid to think of their sex and happiness filling them with strife.

  What the problem seems to be,

  Are traditionalists losing the power and control they've worked so hard to keep.

  "I am so concerned for our nation; we are a country drifting far from our Judeo-Christian ethics and values."

  But this implies our country had these at some time,

  Yet finding evidence of this takes longer than to ferment a wine.

  Our country was not founded on Christianity sorry to say,

  They were secular in many ways.

  Benjamin Franklin had many secrets such as 10 bodies buried under his home,

  And a child out of wedlock being born.

  Also Thomas Jefferson had little trouble keeping his bed warm.

  In fact most of the founding fathers were deists,

  Sorry Sir but they wouldn't like your Jesus.

  Plus America was one of the last countries to make slavery illegal,

  And let's not forget how the blood of Native Americans,

  Paved the way for a country so regal.

  And "Under God" wasn't originally part of our national pledge,

  It was added later, perhaps under McCarthy,

  To show we're not part of a Communist knife edge.

  Thank you for your concern for our country it has been noted.

  But your 'concern' seems as a gun that's loaded,

  Not exactly for the country do you care.

  But rather for the slipping traditionalist power, leaving you gasping for air.

  A Servant of the Most High

  Many pastors like to think