themselves as servants of God.

  This I do not debate, but of which God is the true question, for their varied opinions are odd.

  They pass on hate, ignorance and supremacy instead of love.

  To me, this is hardly representative of the one who dwells above.

  Once in a land there was a kingdom ruled actively by a king;

  But then the king suddenly left, leaving his servants in charge or so it would seem.

  Yet the servants had difficulty interpreting the writings He left,

  No one understood what he did mean.

  However as time passed, one servant thought he figured out the way,

  Indeed now the servant had something to say.

  So he rose to power mixing in his desires with the king's original writings.

  For example, the servant didn't forget to emphasize the importance of citizens tithing.

  But as years under the servant's rule carried on,

  It became apparent the original message and meanings of the King's writings,

  Were long gone.

  However all the while this servant said he was in the will of the king,

  But whether he truly believed it or just said it is a different song he sings.

  Yet to everyone's surprise the king did return one day,

  And all discovered the servant's rule was not the true way.

  The king angrily bellowed, "What have you done to my kingdom you poor man!

  You've completely eroded the years I took creating my great plan!

  You greatly misinterpreted my writings, and in turn who I am.

  Now the citizens of my kingdom think poorly of me,

  Because my message you didn't take the time to understand.

  For instead of teaching my rules and instructions, you threw them out!

  Then you forced your own opinions and ideologies on others in a continual spout.

  You claimed to have been anointed by me which is what gave you so much power,

  But I guarantee you I would not leave you in charge for even an hour.

  You may have fooled the others with your preaching and dedication appearing fervent.

  But not me, get away from my sight you despicable, poor and unfaithful servant!"

  Although simply a tale, this story rings true,

  For we can be lied to, yes even me and you.

  Perhaps not all pastors have God's calling,

  Indeed in death they may not be rising but instead falling.

  So let us not blindly follow some pastor's teaching,

  Indeed is there a prevalence of false preaching.

  The Straight and Narrow

  I'm certainly glad I've made the choice to be straight!

  Because sexual orientation is a choice right Sir?

  At least that's a point a point you seem to annunciate.

  Thank you for making God's priorities clear,

  I never realized how much the homosexuals he does fear.

  For according to your teachings God cares most of a person's sexual orientation,

  How they truly live their lives? He cares not about this information.

  In death perhaps we experience a final judgment.

  Which is where we join our character Adam,

  As he had a heart attack while working on his budget.

  Adam reaches the pearly gates and with barbed wire they are laced,

  Such a surprise puts a shock on Adam's face.

  He asks, "Excuse me Peter why can't I get into this heavenly place?"

  Peter responds, "Well give us your name and state your case."

  Adam says, "Well I'm Adam and I'm a good person who lived a good life."

  Peter responds, "Haha if I had a dollar for every time someone said that, am I right?

  So what did you do with your time on earth?"

  Adam says, "Well I was pretty good from my birth.

  I gave to the needy and poor,

  And not because I was trying to keep score.

  No matter how others would speak to me,

  I would make sure to treat others equally.

  I would not lie, cheat or steal,

  And I would actively listen and be sensitive to how one feels-"

  Peter stops him and says, "Well you see like a perfect fit!

  Ah yes I'm to ask were you married? Before I forget."

  Adam responds "Yes, my partner and I waited 10 years, but we finally tied the knot."

  Peter says, "Partner? Is that what they're calling wives now? Guess I forgot."

  Adam says, "Well no I married a man because I'm gay."

  Peter says, "GAY! But this you didn't say!"

  All the good you've done matters not, I can't let you in there's no way.

  So instead you'll be enjoying hellfire today."

  If God is so trivial as to put his whole concentration on homosexuality,

  Then it must be asked if he has any morality.

  But it is hard to understand God as you, Sir, have created a cloud,

  For between God and your teachings you are the most loud.

  Wrath from Above

  "And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll." (Revelation 22:9 NIV)

  Dr. Forshee, your sermons are certainly delightful.

  You certainly put on quite the show,

  But I wouldn't say they're very insightful.

  What you say makes me wonder in the end where you will go.

  We both have been warned of the dangers of taking away from God's word,

  But this does not matter to you.

  For your sermons continue to be absurd,

  And the words you say continue to be untrue.

  You put words and phrases in the bible that aren't there,

  You twist your opinions in sermons wrapping it in pages of the Bible.

  But through all of this you don't seem to care,

  Perhaps you think if you cry and yell enough on the stage you'll be considered reliable.

  You don't even teach what's in the Bible regardless of love,

  In time I suppose for this you will face the wrath from up above.

  The Continuing Commission

  I imagine Dr. Forshee this collection seems condemning to you.

  But I ask you, has anything I've said been untrue?

  Yes, this has mainly been opinion,

  But you must see, regarding the church, what you're helping condition.

  Because you can't keep your opinions to yourself,

  You're passing it to others. such as children, preventing them from thinking for themselves.

  There is a fine line between opinions and teaching the Bible

  And the consequences of your opinions you will be held liable

  Now I realize I am in no position to cast judgement, oh no.

  But I'm not the one in front of hundreds every Sunday putting on a show.

  You are not a God, simply a pastor at best,

  Not meant to cast judgment, preventing any rest.

  As humans it is not our place to spread ignorance, foster hate, or judge.

  Instead we are to care for, accept, and exude love.

  By saying what you do and the actions you take,

  Contributing to the negative stigma of Christianity you do participate.

  No wonder no one wants to be part of the Christian faith.

  And since the Church is a last resort for many,

  Not accepting and condemning some who come to you must count as sinning.

  Although I've asked before,

  I'll continue asking till my throat is sore.

  Please change your ways,

  Together we can make a new day.

  I ask you to truly act as a follower of God,

  Not as some bigoted, insecure, ignorant clod.

  You could show us the love of God you claim

  Then no longer shall we ask of what your character consists.

  You have so many opportunities to teach and love,

  In turn saving you from the wrath from above.

  Regardless of how you appear and the things you say,

  I wonder if you truly believe that your path is the true way.

  After all I do remember from one Sunday while you were preaching,

  You did say that twice you wanted to walk away from teaching.

  Well Dr. Forshee I've said all I've wanted to say,

  Know that you can always make a change on any day.

  As the Christians say God's forgiveness waits for us all,

  Picking one up when they may fall.

  So reach out and do your part to show and teach that God's love has no limit,

  In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.


  About the Author

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