Page 12 of Savior

SHE DIDN’T EVEN LOOK AT ME AS I ENTERED THE CLASSROOM. Monica simply continued to focus on the work that lay before her as I passed by and took my seat behind her. How could I have blown it so badly? I thought as I sank into my seat.

  I couldn’t even remember what we had argued about. Probably something stupid, I thought with a sigh. I took solace in the fact that she at least didn't change her seat. Her presence in the desk just in front of me was enough to calm the rage that was still coursing through my veins as I entered the classroom.

  I was such an idiot to squander the opportunity to become friends with her. What was I thinking? Who wastes an opportunity to get close to the girl of their dreams? My self-pity party wasn’t helping my situation, so I decided to grab the proverbial bull by the horns.

  I ripped off a small sheet of paper and scribbled the words “I’m sorry” onto it. I made sure the teacher wasn’t looking and then folded the note and gently tossed it over Monica’s shoulder.

  Monica stared at the note for a bit before grabbing it and opening it. She scribbled something on the paper and dropped it to the floor behind her. I moved the paper closer to me with my right foot, then reached downward and picked it up.

  My heart sank as I saw that she had written the words “I bet you are” under my note. I knew that getting through to her wouldn’t be a walk in the park, but I didn’t plan on giving up so easily.

  I scribbled another note letting her know that I was going to take a restroom break. I asked her to take one as well shortly after I left so that we could talk.

  I waited outside the east wing rest rooms for what seemed like an eternity. It was actually only a minute or so, but it seemed like forever to me. My heart skipped a beat as she finally rounded the corner and headed toward me.

  “What do you want?” Monica asked impatiently as she stopped in front of me.

  “I wanted to apologize for the way that I acted.”

  “It’s too late for an apology,” she hissed and rolled her eyes.

  “Just give me a chance, Monica. I wasn’t myself that day.”

  She sighed without replying and looked at the floor.

  “I’m serious, Monica. I just get so nervous by simply being in the same room with you. You’re so perfect and I’m so stupid that I just assumed that you didn’t want to be seen with me. I know I made a gigantic mistake but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make up for it.”

  I was surprised when she finally looked into my eyes.

  “You’re right, you are stupid,” she said. “Stupid for thinking that I’m perfect.”

  “Just give me another chance. That’s all that I’m asking for,” I said, hoping that I didn’t sound too desperate.

  I released a sigh of relief as she finally smiled.

  “Well, I suppose everyone deserves a second chance. Even you,” she quipped. “My mom is cooking dinner again tonight. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like. I’m sure by then I will have thought of enough tasks for you to perform in order to make up for your indiscretions.”

  “Why do I have to perform tasks? Why can’t you just forgive me?” I jokingly demanded.

  “Whatever it takes, remember? Those were your words, not mine,” Monica winked at me as she turned and headed back to class.

  I was extremely excited and relieved to have gotten back within her good graces. Who would have known that being honest with her would actually work?

  I still couldn’t shake the feeling of unworthiness that festered in my stomach, but I couldn’t help but want to be around her. I kept thinking that it was all somehow going to reveal itself to be some kind of ploy to make me look silly in the end.

  How can she really be interested in me? I thought as I made my way back to class. People like me never get the girl. Everyone knows that girls are only crazy about guys that are not crazy about them. I couldn’t figure out why I should be the exception.

  Despite the vast discrepancy in terms of beauty, there was obviously something between us, and that was enough to keep me from giving up.

  I COULD TELL JASON WAS STILL SUSPICIOUS OF HOWIE and me at lunch but he wasn’t saying anything. Howie was a thousand times more perceptive than I was so, I was sure that he knew it too.

  “So what did you guys do after school yesterday?” Jason asked.

  “We hung out at the junkyard. Nothing special,” Howie said.

  “You guys still down to hang out at 3D after school today?” Jason asked. “I’ve been dying to try out the multiplayer on the projector.”

  “I actually have plans,” I said, bracing myself for the imminent backlash.

  “Plans? The Reaper has plans?!” Jason said, his eyes wide with excitement. “So who’s the unlucky lady, Adam?”

  “It’s just a study date. It’s nothing serious, okay?” I wasn’t sure why I lied.

  “Yeah, well, good luck with your nothing serious,” Jason smirked.

  “Did you get the watch?” Howie suddenly asked.

  Jason grabbed his backpack and withdrew a small black box.

  “Yup, I’ve got it right here.”

  “What is that for?” I asked.

  “It’s a state of the art running watch. It uses GPS to track your speed and distance as you run. Howie’s finally decided to get in shape, and he thought this could help.”

  “You’ve started a workout routine?” I asked.

  “Yes, very recently though. About a day or so ago.” Howie’s subtle wink let me know that the watch was actually for me.

  After the bell rang, Howie and I switched bags again. Howie had stuffed my backpack to full capacity with the extra lunches that he had accumulated by doing homework for our fellow classmates.

  We thought Jason wasn’t looking when Howie quickly shoved the running watch into my backpack as well. We were wrong.

A. King Bradley's Novels