Page 48 of Queen

then said to Jass: "You should have a wife. You need a son."

  She had never harbored foolish dreams of any elevation of her status. She

  knew that she would never be more to Jass than what she was, his slave

  mistress, while another, white woman ruled in the big house, and she had

  been slightly surprised at Jass's constancy to her. Still, she loved him,

  and wanted as much of him as she could have, and tonight had been special

  to her. She had not wanted to hear of his proposal to Lizzie tonight, and

  now she wanted to hurt him in some way. Or if not him, then Lizzie, by

  default. An extraordinary burst of anger and pride and possession swelled

  through her. She had something that Lizzie could never have. She glared at


  "But I have the best of you," she said, fiercely.


  She was three years old, and small for her age, a tiny sparrow of a girl,

  prettily dressed in white muslin, scattering rose petals before her Massa

  and his bride, Miss Lizzie, as they walked away from the altar. She looked

  enchanting, and many of the female guests gathered on the lawn at The Forks

  of Cypress to watch the ceremony wished for a child as demure.

  She was shy, and she seldom smiled, but when she did her


  dark-brown eyes danced with happiness. She didn't smile very often because

  she didn't have a great deal to smile about. Other slave children teased her

  about her snow-white skin, and she never saw her pappy, who was away

  somewhere, miles away, and she was told that he would never come back to

  her. She loved her mammy very much, and her gran'pappy, who was called Cap'n

  Jack by everyone else. She loved the house in which she lived, a little

  shack tucked under some trees, away from the quarters where the other slaves

  lived. Her mammy worked very hard, weaving cloth for all the slaves on the

  plantation. Her gran'pappy didn't seem to work very much at all, but spent

  a lot of time with her, teaching her things about the world, and some funny

  lines on paper that he called the A B C. She liked it when her Massa came


  visit Mammy, because he'd sit her on his knee and tell her funny stories,

  and a few times he'd given her little presents, and she hugged him and told

  him she loved him, and would have liked him to visit more often. She wished

  she could lie in the bed with him, like Mammy did sometimes, and go to sleep

  in his arms, because she always felt safe and happy when he cuddled her.

  She didn't speak to him when she saw him outside the weaving house because

  he was the Massa and didn't want to be bothered with a little slave girt

  like her, Mammy said, and told her he would have her whipped if she was a

  naughty girl, so she kept her distance from him because she didn't want to

  be beaten.

  She would have liked to live in the big house. Her mammy took her to the

  kitchen of it sometimes, and that one room was bigger than the entire shack

  she called home. She liked it best there when she saw Miss Sally, who was

  quite old, and who always gave her candies or little presents, and told her

  stories. She didn't like it when there were other white people staying

  there-visitors, Mammy called them-because then she wasn't allowed to go

  near the big house, not even if there were little boy and girl visitors.

  She wasn't allowed to play with them because they were white and she was


  nigra, but she thought she didn't looked like a nigra, she looked just like

  the white children.

  Her name was Queen, and she was very proud of it-she thought it made her

  special-but her gran'pappy always called


  her Princess, which puzzled her. She'd never been to a party before, and

  this one was very special, her mammy had told her, and she had a very

  important job to do. She was scared when she saw how many people were

  there, and they were all very grandly dressed, but her gran'pappy said her

  dress was the prettiest. She'd rather have worn a dress like Miss

  Lizzie's, which was all frills and flounces in purest white, and she had

  a little crown on her head, and a long white train, made of the same

  material, or nearly, as Queen's dress. She'd seen some of the slaves

  sewing little glittery things on the train, and out here in the garden

  those glittery things caught the sun and sparkled, and made Miss Lizzie

  look just like a princess. She didn't like Miss Lizzie very much-she'd

  only seen her a few times, and she always looked very stem-but today she

  was smiling a lot, and Queen thought she must be happy.

  Queen was happy that day. As she walked along the red carpet, throwing

  out her rose petals, she heard lots of fine ladies say oooh and aaah, and

  laugh, and say how lovely she looked, and some of the men even clapped

  their hands, and no one had ever done that to her before.

  She got to the end of the carpet, and didn't know what to do. She saw

  Miss Sally standing there, dressed in black, looking very frightening;

  only she wasn't frightening at all, Queen knew that, and she ran to Miss

  Sally, and threw her arms about her, and asked her if she'd been a good


  "You were a very good girl," Sally told her. "Everyone loved you."

  Queen laughed. It had been easy really. She waved to her mammy, who was

  standing with Gran'pappy and some of the other slaves a long way away,

  watching. She wished her mammy had a nice dress, but she always wore that

  simple gray linen, and a shawl, and a scarf around her head. She was very

  beautiful, but you couldn't always tell, because of that ugly dress.

  Queen had to wear ugly clothes most of the time, but she loved pretty

  dresses, like the one she was wearing now.

  Miss Sally took her hand and asked her if she was hungry, because it was

  time to eat. Queen nodded, because she was very hungry. She'd been really

  excited that morning, and had been sick and cried a lot, until her mammy

  told her she wouldn't be able to go to the wedding if she didn't stop.



  she stopped. and went to the wedding, and now she was hungry.

  Miss Sally took her to the long tables set out in the garden, where all the

  food was. There was another woman with them, Miss Lizzie's mammy, who wore

  a lot of fussy clothes and jewels, and always had a couple of young men

  slaves near her. Her mammy told her this was Miss Becky, and although Queen

  had seen her lots of times-she came here often with her daughter-she'd

  never spoken to her. She was a little bit scared of her. Not really truly

  scared, just a little bit, and sometimes she thought Miss Becky was funny.

  When she saw the long tables covered with food she nearly cried again

  because she'd never seen so much food in all her life, and it all looked

  wonderful, and she couldn't decide what she wanted. But Miss Sally fixed


  special plate, just for her, and they all went to sit on garden chairs

  under the shade trees. Parties, Queen decided, were
things she wanted a

  whole lot more of.

  Mrs. Perkins thought it was a wonderful party too. More than anything, she

  was relieved that it had finally happened. Lizzie had held her to her

  promise, and it had been a long engagement. The trips to London and Paris

  had been fun, although Becky hadn't enjoyed Charleston very much, a

  hoity-toity place, she thought, and no one was very impressed with her

  fabulous new gowns and her entourage of slaves. "The greeneyed god," she

  said to Lizzie, but Lizzie had only smiled, and sometimes Becky couldn't

  resist the feeling that her daughter was laughing at her.

  She hadn't enjoyed their visits to their relations in Virginia and North

  Carolina at all. They'd made such a lot of fuss and bother about her

  retinue, which was so pretty-how did they expect two traveling women to

  manage without six nigras? Obviously none of them understood the importance

  of Lizzie's impending union, though she had told them about it incessantly,

  and she decided that most of her relatives were hicks at heart. Their

  touring had taken two years, and Becky was glad to come home to Alabama and

  plan the wedding in earnest. It took them a year to work out all the

  details, partly because Lizzie was still a little funny about that weaving



  Jass was so fond of, but that seemed to be calming down.

  She'd taken charge of every detail of the wedding ceremony and subsequent

  breakfast herself, and had a devil of a job persuading Mr. Perkins to

  open up the moneybags to pay for everything she'd ordered. Really, he

  could be such a tightwad at times, and she never understood why, because

  they were loaded. She'd expected at least a little moral support from

  him, but no one, not even William, seemed to appreciate how hard she'd

  worked to bring this whole thing together. She'd been physically ill the

  whole of last week and had to drag herself from her sickbed for fittings

  for the green grosgrain frock she was having made, and even the wretched

  dressmaker had argued with her, and told her off for putting on weight,

  and it all got so much she burst into tears, standing there in her bodice

  and camiknickers, which was very embarrassing.

  At last, it was all over. Her work, her life's work perhaps, was done.

  Lizzie was formally, officially wed, and was mistress of one of the

  richer estates in the South. Not quite as rich as it once was, Becky

  surmised, when old James was alive, but still rich enough. Jass seemed

  to have very little head for business matters, and left most things to

  Tom Kirkman, who was dear and hardworking but rather dull, with no great

  flair about him. And William had been a pig about Lizzie's dowry.

  Finally, it had all come together with scarcely a hitch, and when she saw

  Lizzie walking down the aisle toward Jass, and the minister joined them

  in indissoluble union, she felt as if a ton weight had been taken from

  her shoulders, and wept copiously. From sheer relief.

  She sat on a chair near Sally and that dear little girl, and tucked into

  a plate of fried chicken. She was very tired. Her shoulders sagged, she

  had a splitting headache, and she promised herself a week in bed to

  recuperate. Sally had been a dear friend throughout it all. and Becky

  felt she could be herself in her company. Not too much of herself, of

  course, because so many people were there, and obviously watching them,

  and envying her. She pulled herself together, and looked about for

  something to say.

  The little girl was eating her food quite daintily. Surprising, for a

  nigra child; obviously she'd been brought up well. Not surprising, when

  you considered who her father was.


  .11 must say, the child has lovely manners," she said to Sally.

  Sally was intrigued. Becky seemed to be going flump. She looked old and

  tired, and some steel seemed to be missing from her spine. Even her

  vowels were less extended than usual. And it was the first time she had

  ever mentioned Queen.

  "She's a darling," she said, hugging Queen to her. Often, Sally had to

  stop herself from becoming too fond of Queen. It would be different, she

  was sure, when Jass and Lizzie had children.

  "She'll make a splendid companion for any daughters Lizzie might have,"

  Mrs. Perkins continued, speaking behind her fan. "It's such a sensible

  arrangement, tho' it's taken Lizzie awhile to get used to the idea."

  She looked at Lizzie and Jass, who were surrounded by well-wishers. She's

  almost human today, Sally thought, as if she were falling apart now that

  it's all over, coming back down to earth.

  Mrs. Perkins sighed. "I don't know what I'd do without our nigra girls.

  Mr. Perkins--

  She snapped her fan shut, pointed it at her meek, tubby husband, who was

  worrying about business matters with some associates, then opened the fan

  and spoke behind it again.

  --can be a regular demon, you know." She rolled her eyes a very great

  deal, to indicate that her husband was a positive Casanova. Sally tried

  to hide her smile.

  The enormous, three-tiered cake was cut, and everyone cheered, and Queen

  ate three pieces; then she walked hand in hand with Sally as they

  wandered through the crowd talking to people.

  Lizzie had gone to the house to dress for going away, and Mr. Perkins

  collared Jass for a few words of advice, as was befitting.

  "I must say the place is looking splendid, Jass," he said, a little

  pompously, Jass thought. "Your father would be proud."

  Jass was in a good humor, and indulged his new father-inlaw.

  "We're doing well, I think," said Jass politely. "Not as well as we were,

  but the price of cotton will pick up."


  Mr. Perkins shook his head doubtfully. He didn't trust anything to do with


  "Putting something away for a rainy day, I hope?" He mopped his brow with

  his handkerchief. It was a sultry day. There was a storm coming. "There are

  a few storm clouds out there. "

  Jass knew he didn't mean the weather. He tried to be casual.

  "Nothing serious, surely?"

  Everything was serious to Mr. Perkins. He'd lost quite a lot of money on


  foolish transaction a few weeks ago, and with the cost of the wedding and

  Lizzie's dowry, he thought his world was collapsing. Although he was still

  rich, he was not as rich as he had been.

  "The abolitionists are getting quite strident," he fretted. "And this new

  Republican party may take up their cause."

  "Well, that's the North." Jass shrugged it aside. "And in any case, the end

  of slavery wouldn't be the end of the world. "

  "It would be the end of the South." Mr. Perkins was shocked by the heresy.

  "Not if we diversify," Jass said blithely.

  Mr. Perkins smiled. He loved winning arguments, and he remembered that Jass

  used to make a lot of speeches about diversification
when he was a young

  man. Hadn't put one of those ideas into effect, of course.

  "I don't see you doing that," he said slyly.

  In that instant, Jass could have killed him, because he too remembered his

  own ideas. And he had tried, but perhaps not hard enough. He often talked

  to Tom about planting something other than cotton, but neither of them

  could think what. Cotton was not as profitable as it had once been, but

  nothing was more profitable than cotton. And the price would surely rise.

  Luckily, Tom and Elizabeth joined them at that moment, with Hugh and Sam,

  who was an owlish and serious young man. Sam was going to Harvard next

  week, to study medicine, and had come to congratulate Jass ' and say

  good-bye. Jass knew Sam was going to college, but was surprised. Was he

  really old enough? Had so many years gone by?

  When the time came for Jass and Lizzie to leave, they climbed into the

  carriage, and all the guests gathered round to


  say good-bye. They cheered and waved and threw confetti and sang songs as

  the happy couple rode down the drive.

  Then a man Queen didn't know grabbed her and lifted her high in the air.

  "My," he said. "Aren't you the prettiest little thing."

  He looked at some people he seemed to know, and called out to them, very


  "Whose little girl are you?"

  Everyone around Queen suddenly seemed to be very angry, but Queen didn't

  think she'd done anything wrong. Miss Sally moved quickly to her and

  sounded cross.

  "You must be very tired, Queen; you need a nap," she said sharply. Her

  mammy came rushing up and grabbed her, and her gran'pappy.

  "I'll see to her, Miss Sally," she said, and carried Queen away. Queen

  could see that the man who had picked her up was talking to someone else,

  and then he shouted something out, and he sounded cross too.

  "How could I tell?" she heard him say. "She looks white as cotton. How was

  I supposed to know she's a nigra?"

  Her mammy started walking faster when she heard that, pushing her way

  through the crowd, and there was a crack of thunder. It frightened Queen,

  and she began to cry.

  It rained for days. The river flooded, and the roads were impassable. Lizzie

  and Jass had to spend the first few nights of their honeymoon at the hotel

  in Florence rather than traveling to Charleston to get the ship to Europe.

  Usually, the slaves didn't mind heavy rain. It meant that no work could be

  done in the fields, and the lenient overseer, Mitchell, gave them the days

  off. This time it was different.

  Mitchell gathered them together inside the barn on the second day of the

  rain. A young white man was standing beside him.

  "You can't go into the fields today," Mitchell told them. "So we'll use the

  time to fix things up around here."

  He turned to the young man standing beside him.

  "An' this here's Mr. Henderson," he told the slaves. "He's gonna be helpin'

  me from now on. You mind him, y'hear? Same as you mind me."


  The slaves eyed Henderson warily. They were all used to Mitchell, had the

  measure of him, but they knew he was getting old, and they weren't sure

  about this new assistant overseer. They didn't like change because usually

  it wasn't for the better. They stood in the leaky barn until someone told

  them what to do.

  Henderson was anxious to please.

  "The barns need work," he said to Mitchell, who looked at the leaking roof

  and nodded. His arthritis was bothering him badly, and he was content to

  leave the day to Henderson, who wouldn't be able to do too much damage.

  "If'n you like," he said. "Hit ain't the weather for it."

  He limped away. "Damn rain," he said, to no one in particular. "Plays merry

  hell with the harvest."

  Henderson waited till Mitchell was out of the bam; then he turned to the


  "I want a work gang up on the roof to fix the leaks, a dozen men," he

  ordered sharply.

  The slaves waited. No one wanted to be up on the roof in this weather.