Page 20 of Lost Love

  I kissed her nose and held the door open for her. After putting the picnic basket into the backseat, I made my way to the driver’s side and hopped in. I was hoping like hell Cord would be gone by the time we got there.

  As we neared the picnic site my nerves started to rattle. I had no idea why I was so nervous. It wasn’t like I hadn’t just fucked her against the side of my truck.

  No, that was exactly it. I’d been acting like a horny damn teenager for the last few months. I needed to shower her with love and affection. I needed Paxton to know it wasn’t about the sex. Not that the sex wasn’t fucking fantastic, but it was also something so much deeper.

  Our love.

  Paxton gasped as we drove up to the elaborate setup I had planned and my brothers had executed.

  Holy shit. They didn’t do this all on their own, did they?

  The large blanket was laid out with a bunch of different sized pillows tossed on it. There was a bucket of ice sitting off to the side that should be holding the expensive-ass champagne in it. In the middle of the blanket was a bouquet of Paxton’s favorite flowers, peonies.

  Hung up a few feet in front of the blanket was a white sheet strung up by twine.

  “Steed!” Paxton gasped as she threw the door to the truck open and headed to our setup.

  I grinned when I saw the old, wooden box I had found in the barn; Paxton would love it. It held the brown bags filled with popcorn for the movie later.

  Paxton hands were over her mouth. Her eyes glistened as she took it all in.

  Her eyes captured mine. “You did this?”

  I took a quick look around. “Well, I planned it all out, spent an entire day drawing it to perfection so Trevor would get it right. Cord and Mitchell helped too.” Laughing, I shook my head. “They got it spot on.”

  She threw her body into mine. “It’s perfect! Amazing! Beautiful!”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make you happy, Paxton.”

  We stood there for a few minutes, simply holding each other. I was pretty sure Paxton was crying, but I knew they were happy tears. When she finally pulled back, our eyes locked. “You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met. This is so romantic, Steed.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows. “Wait until you see the movie I picked out.”

  She let out a chuckle. “Please tell me it’s not porn!”

  Laughing, I bent down and picked up the picnic basket I had set down earlier. “No! Well, unless Trevor switched out the movies which I could totally see him doing.”

  “So could I!” Paxton added with a shake of her head.

  “Let’s eat,” I said as I guided her onto the blanket. I set everything out for dinner, making a mental note to check the DVD as soon as I got a chance to sneak over there.

  Damn Trevor.

  The moment I saw the picnic area set up, my breath caught in my chest and a warmth spread through my body. Steed had remembered how much I loved picnics. My cheeks heated thinking back to past picnics…

  “Steed, this is all so amazing. I have to say though, with age comes better picnics!”

  He laughed while taking out the plastic plates and silverware. My heart was beating faster simply from watching him. I loved how he took so much care planning this day. From shopping at a store I had been longing to go to, to setting up the perfect picnic. Right down to the movie later.

  “Mom’s fried chicken. Your favorite.”

  As if on cue, my stomach growled, and we both let out a chuckle.

  “Fresh fruit. Yogurt dip, the kind Waylynn makes. I had to call her and ask for the recipe. Chloe helped make it last night for our ‘special date’ as she kept calling it.”

  I smiled as my chest fluttered. “She’s so precious, Steed. You’ve done an amazing job raising her so far.”

  He stopped what he was doing and focused on me. “She loves you, Paxton. When we were mixing up the dip last night, she told me her biggest hope was for you to be her mommy.”

  My vision started to blur as happiness coursed through my body. “What…what did you say to her?”

  “That I wanted that too. More than anything.”

  His words overwhelmed me with joy. I couldn’t help but grin like a silly fool. “I want that too. I love her also, Steed, as if she was my own daughter.”

  Steed wiped my tears away with his thumb. “Thank you for loving her, Pax. You’re an incredible woman, and I’m so thankful to know that you’re in Chloe’s life.”

  Oh dear.

  My heart was hammering in my chest. A mixture of excitement, happiness, and fear swirled together. I longed for the day when Chloe called me something other than Paxton. Or when she came to me for advice. It also scared the crap out of me.

  Steed had made it very clear that Chloe’s mom was completely out of the picture. Would Chloe grow to resent me? Think I was the reason her mother gave her up?

  “Stop overthinking whatever it is you’re overthinking, Pax.”

  My head snapped up. “Huh?”

  Steed poured a glass of champagne and handed it to me.

  “You’re overthinking something. I can see it on your face.”

  I gave him a weak grin. “You don’t think Chloe will ever resent me, do you?”

  He pulled his head back in surprise. “What on earth for?”

  With a half shrug, I replied, “I don’t know. Maybe she’ll think I’m the reason her mother gave her up?”

  Steed reached for my hands. The way his thumb slid over the top of my hand made my skin feel on fire.

  “Paxton, Kim never wanted Chloe, and it wasn’t hard for Chloe to figure out her mother didn’t love her as much as I did. First, she wanted me because she knew my heart belonged to someone else. Then she wanted money. Chloe was an accident she never wanted, but used as a pawn in her twisted game. She’s not going to resent you because she never truly knew what a loving mother was. We weren’t ever a family. We were a nightmare. I’m so …”

  His voice cracked, and he had to clear it before going on. “I’m so glad Chloe is away from her.”

  “Me too,” I murmured.

  Steed shook his head and cleared his throat. “If I had only come back home sooner.”

  “No more what ifs. We have to both stop doing that. It’s the past, and we need to focus on the future.”

  He flashed me a brilliant grin that made me dizzy and had me forgetting what we were even talking about.

  Steed and I were soon lost in conversation as we ate the fried chicken and fruit. He talked about the ranch, I talked about the kids at school. We laughed about Trevor and discussed Corina. It felt as if there wasn’t a ten-year void at all. We fit into each other’s worlds so perfectly. It was fate.

  “Do you think I should invite Corina for Thanksgiving? I’m not sure if Tripp would mind or not,” I asked while I waited for Steed to take out what he said was the ultimate dessert.

  “I’m not really sure what is going on between her and Tripp. He likes her, but I think he likes her because he knows Mitchell likes her.”

  With a frown, I exhaled a frustrated breath. “I think Corina really likes Mitchell. I mean, she slept with him and Corina is not that kind of girl. At all.”

  Steed opened the container lids off of two pieces of apple pie.

  “Oh my goodness. Please tell me that’s your mom’s. Please.”

  Laughing, he nodded. “She made it just for you.”

  My mouth was watering as I stared down at the yummy pie. Steed handed me a fork, and we both dug in. I let out a moan as I took my first bite. “So good.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Stretching my legs out, I set my fork down. “But I’m stuffed and I want to save room for popcorn!”

  “We’re going to go for a ride next.”

  I lifted my brow. “Mr. Parker, please tell me you are talking about a ride in your truck.”

  He chuckled and looked at his watch. “No, our ride should be arriving here a
ny minute.”

  Now I was intrigued.

  “Back to Corina. I think you should invite her. I’d hate to think she was all alone on Thanksgiving and clearly Tripp isn’t going to invite her.”

  “I don’t want to cause problems between your brothers.”

  “Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. I was surprised Tripp missed the fact that the girl he is dating wasn’t leaving town. Regardless if it is casual dating or not.”

  “I don’t think they are serious,” I replied, feeling a heaviness in my heart. I really needed to sit and talk to my best friend.

  “Then invite her. Who gives a shit what’s going on between Tripp and Mitchell? Why should Corina be alone?”

  Hearing a whistle coming from behind us, I turned to see Trevor leading Lady and Allure. Focusing on Steed, I grinned as I chuckled. “That kind of riding!”

  He stood and winked as he helped me up. “Unless you’d rather do the other kind of riding your dirty mind was thinking of.”

  “I find that statement coming from you rather funny.”

  Steed laughed and led us to the horses.

  “Didn’t even hear you pull up, Trev,” Steed said, reaching his hand out to shake his brother’s.

  “I’m stealthy like that,” he replied with a sweet smile. “I’ll meet you at sundown in the spot?”

  Running his hands over his horse, Steed responded with a nod then answered, “Yeah. That sounds good.”

  “The spot?” I asked with my head tilted.

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Paxton,” Trevor said. “My brother’s got everything well planned out.”

  “I see that,” I said with a huge grin. Steed helped me get up onto Allure. Even though I was capable of getting on a horse by myself, I liked having him help me. I’d missed that attention from a man.

  Trevor lifted his hand and called out over his shoulder, “You kids have fun! Remember, practice safe sex!”

  “Shut the hell up, Trevor. You asshole!” Steed shouted at his retreating brother.

  Some things never changed, especially the way the Parker brothers interacted with each other. One minute they would be the best of friends, the next they were telling each other to fuck off. I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle as I gave Allure a small squeeze to get her going.

  We rode next to each other in silence for the longest time. I loved being out on the ranch. I always had. The peacefulness was good for my soul. The sound of nature worked its way into my mind, relaxing me along with the easy stride Allure was keeping next to Lady.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  Steed’s warm voice penetrated my thoughts. I turned my head and we smiled at each other. “Just how peaceful it is out here. I love it so much.”

  “So do I.”

  “Did you enjoy living in Oregon?” I asked.

  With a harsh laugh, he shook his head. “Hated it. Every single minute. Had I not met Kim I’m positive I would have been back home sooner. Probably after school.”

  I nodded. The thought made me feel sick. Steed only went out with Kim because Joe’s mother spread false things about our relationship to Melanie. My body shook with anger.

  No. No looking back, Paxton. Only to the future.

  And what an amazing future it would be.

  My heart soared hearing Paxton say how much she loved the ranch. Spending the day with her like this was something I wanted to do more often. Having her near me made me happier. I always felt so light on my feet with her around me.

  “So, where are we going? This spot of yours?”

  Smiling, I replied, “It’s actually our spot. We’ve been there a number of times. We were just in my truck.”

  She gasped. “The lookout?”

  I nodded. “I thought we could watch the sunset.”

  Her eyes lit up, leaving me breathless. Paxton was never hard to please. She enjoyed the simplest of things and appreciated them. Unlike Kim. They were two complete opposites. Having Paxton in Chloe’s life was going to be so good for her.

  “I love that idea,” Paxton softly said.

  “We better pick it up some, or we’ll miss it.”

  We set off in a trot, heading toward the spot where I had originally given her the promise ring, which I noticed she had started wearing again.

  Sliding off my horse, I walked up to Paxton’s and helped her down. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we were soon lost in a kiss.

  My body warmed as I deepened our connection. My hand slid under her shirt to feel her warm skin against mine.

  When we both pulled back for air, I leaned my forehead against hers. “You make me feel so alive.”

  Her arms tightened around me. “I’m so glad you gave me a ride home that night.”

  Wrapping her tightly, I picked her up and held her for a few seconds. God, how I loved this woman. I set her down and brushed a stray hair away from her face.

  “Come on. Help with the blanket.”

  Her brows lifted. “Blanket?”

  I laced my fingers with hers and walked to the side of Lady where Trevor had packed what I asked him to.

  “And wine,” I added with a smirk.

  “Why, Mr. Parker, aren’t you the romantic one.”

  “Well, I figured wine, old blanket, sunset. I couldn’t ask for a better scene to make love to you.”

  Her lips parted before a slow smile slipped over her beautiful face. My heart hammered like it always did before I made love to her. The need to have her body against mine was growing by the second. My fingers ached to touch her and make her call out my name.

  “Steed,” she softly breathed.

  I handed her the wine and pointed to her side saddle. “Glasses are in yours. Will you grab them, and I’ll lay out the blanket?”

  She nodded and did as I asked.

  Finding the perfect spot would be key. We were at one of the highest points on the ranch. It over looked the Frio river below and the vast hill country. It was one of my favorite spots on the ranch. Paxton and I used to come here often. I couldn’t count on my hands how many times I made love to her in the back of my truck at this location. Under the stars, under the sun, in the rain. The memories coursed through my mind, making my body heat.

  After laying out the blanket, I motioned for her to sit. When her hand touched mine I felt her love zip through my body.

  “This is all so wonderful. I’ve had such an amazing day today.”

  A warmth filled my chest. “So have I.”

  Pulling her over to me, she sat between my legs, her head resting on my chest as we looked out over the hill country. A warm contentment settled in my chest. This woman was my life. Everything I ever wanted or needed was in my arms, and I had no intentions of ever letting her go.

  “This has always been one of my favorite spots,” she said while her hands moved lazily over my legs, and she melted into my body.

  “Mine too.”

  She tilted her head and looked up at me. Her eyes danced with joy. “I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Thank you.”

  Heat raced through my veins as my body ached to be closer to her. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how happy you make me, Pax.”

  Her skin flushed, and her smile left me dizzy and breathless.

  I guided her gently down on the blanket, our gaze never breaking. Slowly moving my hands down her jeans, I pulled her boots off one at a time. The way she was staring had my heart racing.

  “When we were apart, Pax, I felt so lost. Every little thing I saw reminded me of you. Not a day went by when I didn’t think about you. The only thing that kept me going was Chloe.”

  Paxton’s hand came up to the side of my face. Her eyes were a window into my own soul. I knew she had felt the same way.

  “I will never be lost again because when I’m with you…” I paused as I pulled her jeans and panties down and off her legs. I licked my lips as I ran my fingers along her soft beautiful skin. Her body trembled, and I c
ouldn’t help my smile. I spoke again after getting my emotions in check. “When I’m with you, I feel whole. And so utterly happy I want to shout it from the highest place I can find.”

  She smiled as she reached for my T-shirt and pulled it over my head. I followed her lead, pulling her up and removing her shirt. My fingers traced along her bra and her body erupted in goosebumps. I slid my hand behind her and unclasped her bra in one quick movement.

  “You’re a little too good at that Mr. Parker,” she said with a stern look.

  “Well you see, I had this hot girlfriend in high school, and I used to take her bra off all the time. She had the most perfect set of tits that I needed them in my hands all the time. Practice made perfect, I guess.”

  She playfully pushed me away with a totally fake stern look. I stood and kicked off my boots and took off my own jeans. Her brows lifted and her lips pressed tightly together as I stood before her naked.

  “You better hope your daddy doesn’t come driving up.”

  Lowering my body, I pulled her to me, causing her to let out a small scream. “I paid Trevor hefty to not let anyone near until the sun dips below those hills.”

  “Is that so? What were you planning on doing up here with me?” she asked. Her nose scrunching up in the most adorable way.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Paxton? I’m going to make love to my girl as the sun sets.”

  Her smile faded and her eyes glistened. “That’s the same thing you said to me the first time we were up here.”

  Running my nose over her jaw line, I lifted my head and kissed her forehead. “I know. I remember.”

  Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her body. I could feel the heat between her legs as she drew me close.

  “Baby, I need to get a condom,” I spoke against her lips.

  She nodded, letting go of me. Turning, I grabbed my jeans and fished one out my wallet—only one left, but that was all I needed.

  I tore it open, quickly covered my dick, and moved back over her. I teased her entrance with my tip while pressing my lips to hers.

  Paxton wrapped her arms around me, pulling me to her. The kiss deepened, and I pushed a little further in before pulling back out. I reached my hand down and slipped two fingers inside.