Page 6 of Cathian

  She reached up and rubbed his arm. It still bothered her that he refused to allow her to finish his heat cycle. The idea of him fucking another woman had jealousy burning through her gut.

  Another thought struck, and she stilled her exploring of his skin.

  “You can only get a woman pregnant while you’re in heat?”


  “Could you get the woman who will take my place pregnant?”

  “I requested older females who are no longer able to conceive. If I were to impregnate one, I’d have to life-lock with her to ensure the future of our children. It’s our law.”

  Nara gaped at him.

  He nodded grimly. “I am hoping they managed to find females past breeding age.”

  Chapter Six

  A bell stirred Nara from a deep sleep. The mattress moved as Cathian rolled away from her. Cool air hit her warmed skin where he’d been, and she shivered, burrowing into a ball. She heard his clothes rustle, and then the door opened. Her head jerked up as she came fully awake.

  “They’re about to dock,” an unfamiliar female announced from the hallway. “I tried to contact you, but you didn’t pick up, Captain Vellar.”

  “I was sleeping.” He yawned, as if to prove his point. “I’ll shower and then welcome the arriving party.”

  “I’m ready to take away the sex worker.”

  Cathian’s entire body stilled and he snarled. “Don’t call Nara that. She’s much more.”

  Nara loved Cathian a little more for coming to her defense.

  “Chill out. You are very grumpy when you’re in heat. Your people brought five women with them, and they are eager for you to choose one. I’m not an expert on your heat, but I read up on it. You’re only supposed to be with one woman. Are you going to try two this time?”

  “Shut up, Marrow. You know my culture forbids that. It’s offensive.”

  “Then get her out of your bed and cabin. I’m ready to take her away. I’ll send in someone to change the bedding. Nothing pisses off women more than smelling the scent of another. I know you have a hyper-acute sense of smell, and so do your women.”

  Nara met Cathian’s glance when he turned his head. Regret and dread filled her. She wondered what his thoughts and feelings were, unable to tell since he masked his features.

  He addressed Marrow. “I’ll meet them in the cargo bay when they land. Don’t allow them onboard. Keep them contained there.”

  “Yes, Captain. What about the woman in your bed?”

  “We’ll shower, and she’ll be ready to go when I leave my cabin.”

  “I’ll just stand out here and wait then.” Marrow snorted. “I’ll hold up the wall.”

  “You do that.”

  The doors slid shut and he turned to face Nara. “It’s time.”

  Tears burned behind her eyes. She hesitated and then pushed the covers off, rising naked from his big bed. She wanted to offer to stay again, but the night before he’d been clear that he wouldn’t allow her to risk her life.

  “You’ll be safe with my crew, and they will take you to the nearest space port to find passage to retrieve your shuttle. I had Dovis issue you a card with many credits to make certain you have the ability to pay.”

  The sweet gesture made her love him even more. Be brave, she mentally ordered. Inside, she died a little, knowing that not only would she be leaving, but he’d completely forget her while he fucked some alien bitch, out of his mind from the heat.

  “Let’s shower.”

  She followed him quietly into the bathroom and they stepped into the large stall together. He waved on the water, which poured down to soak them. Hot tears spilled out and Nara turned her back to prevent him from seeing them.

  His hand startled her when he gripped her hip. She turned in his direction.

  Their gazes met, and then Cathian snarled, yanking her against his body.

  She clung to him, crying while he hugged her. She didn’t want to go. She really didn’t want someone else touching him. What if he got the woman pregnant? If that happened, in four months she’d be waiting to meet up with him, and he’d never show. Or worse, he’d introduce her to his life-lock.

  “Please let me stay,” she whispered.

  “Don’t ask that of me again,” he ordered softly.

  “I can’t help it!”

  He rubbed her back, keeping her tight against his chest. Water poured down their bodies. “Four months will pass quickly.”

  “What if you get her pregnant?”

  His entire body tensed. “Then I must do my duty to her and our children. I’d have no choice.”

  “You could let me―”

  “No. I could never live with myself if I hurt or killed you.”

  Anger rose, and she pushed away, glaring up at him. “It’s my life, my choice, and I’m willing to risk it!”

  “I’m not.”

  “How would you feel if you knew I was about to fuck some other guy?”

  He snarled, rage taking him over in a heartbeat. He fisted one of his hands and swung, punching the shower wall. The sudden show of violence startled her enough to jump and stare at his back, since he now faced away from her.

  “I’d kill him.”

  She was stunned at the amount of jealousy his snarled tone implied. “Wow. I didn’t expect such a strong reaction.”

  He spun to scowl at her and turned off the water. “I’m very possessive.”

  “So am I. Please don’t make me leave! It is killing me knowing you’re going to be with someone else.”

  “Damn it, Nara. We’ve been over this. You’re the one I want, but it’s too dangerous. No.”

  They stared at each other. Tears filled her eyes and she opened her mouth to argue with him again. He cut her off before she got a word out.

  “It’s too great a danger. I won’t remember what I do to you, will lose the ability to think at all while gripped by the end of my heat. I’m barely able to stay in control now.”

  “I get that. You just punched a wall. I’m grateful it wasn’t me.”

  “I would never hurt you. That’s why you must leave.”

  “You said you black out. I assume your body would just take over. I’m still willing to risk it.”

  He closed his beautiful eyes briefly, then opened them. “I go feral. I’m dangerous when it begins. I could accidentally kill you, Nara. I’m afraid it would hurt you enough that you’d put up a fight. I warned you that women have died that way. I will not risk your life, Nara. We’ll leave it to fate and hopefully, in four months, we’ll meet again.”

  “Damn it, Cathian! Say we do it your way? What if we meet up in four months and we don’t want to be apart again? You’ll go into heat in three years. Do you expect me to just step aside and let you fuck one of your women then too?”

  He stared into her eyes and a look of misery etched his handsome face. “I’m hoping there’s more available data by then. Maybe one of our males will spend his heat with a human and document it. We could also visit my planet to have them run tests on us. I refuse to allow you to be the first…like some test subject.”

  “I have feelings for you. Do you understand that?”

  “I won’t risk your life.”


  “I have feelings for you too, damn it!” He snarled, looking enraged. “But you are not staying. I won’t take the chance I might kill you. It’s time for you to leave.”

  She knew the subject had ended for him as he pulled away and stepped from the shower. Depression hit her hard as she turned off the water and dressed in clothing provided for her by the crew. Cathian had made up his mind and nothing would change it.

  She kept her dignity in place when he opened the door and allowed a crew member inside his cabin to strip his sheets and remove all traces of her. Marrow waited at the door to lead her away. She was a type of alien Nara couldn’t identify, but she looked buff for a woman. Her skin was a light brown and a soft layer of tiny hair, like fuzz, covered every
revealed inch of her body, including her face.

  “About time,” the woman muttered. “Let’s go to the shuttle.”

  Nara met Cathian’s intense gaze, but then he looked away, turned his back, and stormed out of his cabin. She watched him go and pain stabbed at her chest. He didn’t glance back once, disappearing around a curve and out of sight.

  “Follow me,” Marrow ordered gruffly. “You need to be long gone by the time he returns. He won’t be alone.”

  Ouch. Rub it in, why don’t you? Bitch. Nara glared at her.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Marrow sighed. “Our captain is hot. I’m feeling zero pity for you. He won’t touch any of the crew. I’ve tried more than once to get a ride on that fine piece of male specimen, and you got to spend almost a week getting licked by him. It’s time for you to get off our vessel. Move or I’ll drag you.”

  Nara fought tears. She didn’t want to leave. Marrow began walking in the opposite direction Cathian had gone. It was tempting to run after him and beg him to change his mind. He wouldn’t though. And it hurt. She forced her legs to move and followed the alien woman.

  “I’m going to pilot you to the Tabus station. Ever been there before?”


  “Great. Then I don’t have to talk you through the best places to stay and how to get a shuttle to wherever it is you want to go next. York told me to do that.”

  “Who’s York?”

  “The only Parri on this vessel.”

  “I don’t know my alien races.”

  “He’s huge and blue.”

  “I glimpsed him once but that was it. He delivered food to the door.”

  “He’s a pain in my ass today, but he’s a great fuck. Now he doesn’t turn down crew members.”

  Nara let that slide, grateful Cathian hadn’t ever bedded the woman. She followed the taller female through the corridors until they came to a docking sleeve. The doors were open. The shuttle waiting for them was tiny, with just two seats. They weren’t even side by side, but one in front of the other. Marrow pointed to the one in the back.

  “There’s credits and a change of clothing inside the bag on the floor.” She jerked her thumb. “Sit, and we’ll be at the station within a few hours. I’m a great pilot. Don’t look so frightened. You aren’t going to puke, are you?” Marrow curled her lip. “Please don’t. I’ll be annoyed. I’d have to clean it up.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “You’re pale, and you look ill.”

  “It’s stress,” she admitted.

  “These small transport shuttles are safe. I fly them all the time to pick up supplies with York.” Marrow dropped into the front seat. “Strap in tight. The compartment might be cramped but we’ve got powerful engines and thrusters. I don’t want you getting hurt by being stupid.”

  Nara put on the belts to secure her body to the seat and winced when they jettisoned from the larger ship. It wasn’t the violent motion, but more from the turmoil she felt inside.

  Right now, Cathian is meeting those women. Picking one. Damn. It made pain stab her chest and jealousy became a literal burning sensation inside. I don’t need him. I don’t. My life was fine without him.

  She tried to remember that. First, she needed to get to her shuttle before it was sold, hope that Derrick had escaped, and that he showed up with the part. They’d be able to take off from Frodder Planet, and Belinda would hook them up with their next job. Derrick will have learned his lesson, and they’d never find themselves dead in space again to be arrested when they had a less-than-legal shipment. Nara rubbed her fingers on her pants and chewed on her bottom lip.

  Yeah, always worrying about whether I’ll be arrested or killed if a trade goes wrong. I could end up stranded in space again. On another auction block, or worse, that killer planet where the prisoners would eat me.

  She pushed those thoughts back. She had a good life she’d worked hard for. She’d be fine.

  Lonely, sleeping on a narrow bunk while dwelling on how much I miss Cathian. Remembering the time we spent together.

  She closed her eyes and his image instantly surfaced. His laugh would haunt her, the memory of his warm body curled around hers, and that sexy, deep voice of his.

  There was more she’d miss. He had a quick sense of humor but an intensity that was just as appealing. He was the kind of man a woman could happily spend her life with. He wouldn’t cheat on her if they life-locked. She’d be the other part of his soul, his other half. She yearned for that. He’d make life interesting. Every three years, he’d go into heat and nearly lick her to death.

  The memories she’d made with him flashed through her thoughts.

  She tried to focus on the idea of being pregnant with three to five babies as a reason to be glad she was leaving him behind. But instead of feeling relieved, she reached down and touched her stomach.

  Who was she kidding? She’d love to carry as many little Cathian babies as possible.

  She loved him.

  It hit her like a sledge hammer. She couldn’t lose him, no matter what it took. He might knock up that woman sharing his heat.

  It wasn’t happening. If any woman was going to carry his litter, it would be her.

  “Turn the shuttle around. We need to go back.”

  Marrow twisted her head to gawk at her over the pilot seat. “What?”

  “Turn us around. I’m going back to Cathian.”

  Marrow shook her head and faced forward. “No, you’re not. Captain doesn’t want you. You’re just a sex worker. The money is in the bag at your feet. Services paid. I’m taking you to the Tabus station; and that’s the only place you’re going.”

  Nara’s eyebrows arched. “I can’t talk you out of it?”

  “No. The captain doesn’t want you anymore.”

  Nara swiftly unbuckled her belt and stood, tightly wrapping her arm around the pilot’s neck.

  Marrow gasped, but with her belt on as she fought to pry Nara’s arm loose, it kept her from doing little more than jerking in her seat until she lost consciousness from lack of air.

  Marrow weighed a ton. Nara had to struggle to lift her out of the pilot’s chair, and then just dumped her on the narrow strip of floor to the side of the seats. She grabbed the bag, removed the strap from it, and used it to firmly tie Marrow’s hands behind her back.

  She dropped into the pilot’s seat and softly cursed. It wasn’t a model she’d ever learned to fly. Her shuttle was much bigger. “How hard can it be?”

  Minutes later, she’d turned the shuttle around and was flying back toward the blip on the scanner that acted as a homing device for the transport.

  “I’m coming, Cathian.”

  * * * * *

  Cathian didn’t hide his frustration and anger from Rex. “I specifically requested older females who are past fertile age!”

  “I apologize, Ambassador. Your father personally picked all five of these women.” Rex smiled and leaned in, softening his voice. “He wants you to retire from this post. Your brother Dax has requested to take over your current work for our planet.”

  He gritted his teeth. His father had pressured him before to return to Tryleskian, mentioning he had one of his brothers in mind to fill his position. Cathian had adamantly refused. He loved being an ambassador and traveling. His crew had become a secondary family he enjoyed spending time with. Dovis and York, his best friends, would hate living on Tryleskian. They might even refuse to return with him.

  His younger brother Dax could find something else to do if he wanted off their planet. He wasn’t getting his job.

  “Your father believes you are at an age where you should be life-locked and breeding. You can’t blame him. I believe you are his favorite. Cavas has refused to leave his military service. Crath hasn’t returned home from his cultural research or contacted your parents in months. It’s understandable that one of you three should be responsible and do your duty. You are the firstborn in your litter, and the oldest of all the children. It’s time for you
to settle down and breed a new generation for your family.”

  “My father is punishing me for my littermates defying him? No. I refuse to allow it. You can inform my parents that Crath is fine. I spoke to him weeks ago. And I don’t blame Cavas for sticking with his military service. He loves to fight.”

  Rex stepped next to him and motioned toward the women staring at them from across the cargo hold. “Inspect them. They are waiting.”

  Cathian grimaced as he looked toward the five young Tryleskians waiting for his attention. He knew the reason for their eager expressions wasn’t due to being off the planet and on The Vorge. They were imagining landing his fortune and status if he got one of them pregnant.

  It would be his parents all over again. He’d be miserable.

  His father would only send women who were fertile, who had mothers and probably older sisters who’d conceived during the heat.

  The urge to flee hit hard. As if his father’s assistant could read his thoughts, Rex spoke.

  “They were medically scanned before we left our planet, and they come from between the fourth and sixth litters of their parents. Notice the one on the far left has exceptionally wide hips? The women in her line are known to carry at least four to five infants at a time. And the one with the lightest hair, every woman for five generations has conceived during heat without fail. She is a guaranteed success.”

  Cathian closed his eyes, feeling sick to his stomach. A throbbing sensation inside his chest came next. Nara filled his thoughts as the memories they’d made together replayed in his mind. Her smile, her laugh, her gaze locked with his. The way her fingertips lightly stroked his body and how good she felt in his arms. The memories haunted him. The sound of her voice was something he already missed, despite sending her away little over an hour ago.

  He’d gone to the bridge before venturing to the cargo hold to face Rex and the women, to speak with Dovis and track Nara’s transport.

  And to stall. He admitted being guilty of that. The thought of touching anyone but Nara didn’t appeal to him. He’d hoped to waste time until the progression of his heat gave him no choice.