Page 7 of Cathian

  Only the thought of seeing Nara again in four months had given him the ability to walk away from her. He’d even had York pack her a detailed travel plan for The Vorge, to make it easier for her to find him in case they missed their meeting.

  A meeting that wouldn’t happen. His father had made certain of that by picking these women.

  Pain burned hotter inside his chest. He’d never be able to see Nara again, forced to life-lock to whichever female he chose. She would get pregnant and birth his litter. He’d be stuck with one of these five for the rest of his life. It would be miserable, and he’d live with the knowledge that he had been happy once inside his cabin with a sexy, sweet human who had claimed his heart.

  “Ambassador,” Rex whispered. “They are waiting to be inspected. You don’t look well. You’re unusually pale, and you’re trembling. There’s no need for you to suffer any longer. It’s time to complete your heat cycle.”

  He ignored him.

  Rex touched his arm. “Cathian, I’ve known you since you were a boy. You’ve always been stubborn but it’s time to return to our planet and start breeding the next Vellar generation.”

  Cathian jerked away and opened his eyes.

  He wasn’t going to allow this to happen. Perhaps if he’d never met Nara, spent so much time getting to know her, he’d have accepted his fate. But now…

  “Take them all and return to my father. Tell him I refuse to allow him to manipulate me.”

  Rex’s eyes widened, and he gasped.

  “You heard me.”

  “You’re irrational. It’s the heat you’re suffering. You know your body can’t withstand not completing your cycle without grave or possible deadly consequences.”

  “I’ve been feed well. I’m strong. I won’t die.”

  “Your body will go into shock and you’ll get sick, if your heart can even withstand the agony. You’ll go insane at the very least, and attack a female member of your crew.”

  “That’s why I’m going to have Dovis and York chain me down in my cabin and drug me.”

  He spun away, moving toward the cargo doors. He’d rather risk his health and life than give up meeting Nara in four months. He also made a mental note to have the vessel’s automated medical android take samples of his sperm to test on Nara. That way, he’d know during his next heat cycle if it would act as an aphrodisiac for her or not.


  He ignored Rex’s shout, and almost reached the doors when something painful pierced his shoulder blade.

  He froze for a split second—and then twisted his head, reaching back. He yanked out the dart embedded into his skin, spun, and glared at his father’s assistant. The male held a weapon he must have hidden in the back of his uniform waistband.

  “What did you do?”

  Rex looked nervous. “Your father knows you well. I’m sorry. He suspected you might become angry and defiant. We took precautions.”

  “I’m going to kill you!” He took a step toward Rex, but suddenly his knees gave out beneath him and slammed into the metal plating of the floor. Spots appeared before his eyes and he fought to draw air. His heart raced.

  “I apologize, but this is for the best.” Rex stayed back, not drawing within arm’s reach. “It will knock you unconscious for a short period of time, and when you wake, you won’t be rational. You’ll only be able to listen to your body’s needs. I’ll chose the lightest-haired female for you. She’ll provide you many beautiful sons and daughters.”

  A roar filled his throat but only a whimper escaped his parted lips as he pitched forward. He didn’t even feel it when he crumped all the way onto the deck. He did hear Rex’s voice though.

  “Now to get him to his cabin. Vis, I pick you. Come with us.”

  Chapter Seven

  It surprised Nara to realize how far the shuttle had traveled from Cathian’s ship before she’d decided to do whatever it took to get back to him. He was definitely worth fighting for. She only hoped she’d reach him before he lost his mind and touched some female Tryleskian.

  Worry ate at her that he’d be mad, would flat-out refuse again to take her instead of risking her life, but she just wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’d have to physically pick her up and fly her to the station himself. Of course, him being in full heat would make him want to touch her. He couldn’t fly and do that at the same time.

  “You’re mine,” she swore aloud. “Not someone else’s. I won’t risk losing you…and I have a feeling you’ve got powerful sperm.”

  Besides dealing with Cathian’s reaction when she confronted him, it might be tough to get past his crew. She remembered the way to his cabin from where they’d boarded the transport, but his crew might try to stop her. A check of the flight logs revealed the autopilot would dock them in the same location.

  Marrow woke slowly. “What have you done? You’re stealing from the captain? I knew you were a criminal!” The woman struggled on the floor.

  “I’m not stealing. We’re returning to The Vorge. “

  “Why?” Marrow fought the strap binding her wrists behind her back and tried to get up from the floor. The space was too cramped, and she just ended up rolling from the door up against the bottom of the seats.

  “Cathian was afraid to finish his heat with me. I’m not going to let some cat woman from his planet have him. Did you know he has to marry her if she gets pregnant?”

  Marrow suddenly stopped struggling. “What?”

  “He asked for older women who can’t have babies, but I had a friend who was a late-in-life, whoops baby.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Her mother had hit menopause and didn’t have a period for over a year. Then she found out she was pregnant. It’s rare but it happens. What if the same thing happens to the woman he picks? It’s like a law to his people that if you knock someone up, then you’re stuck with them for life.”

  “Shit,” Marrow said.

  “I know. You already admitted you want him but…sorry, not happening. I’m too attached to him.”

  “It’s not that. Mated males from their planet always return home to live there. Their females are highly spoiled and enjoy being close to family. That’s why you won’t see many females at stations or on planets unless they’re on vacation. They don’t enjoy leaving their home world, and most just stubbornly refuse.

  “It means we’ll lose our captain, and the Tryleskians will send someone to replace him. I’ve been arrested for fighting a few times. The captain was willing to overlook it after I explained. I doubt others would even bother to ask my reasons. Cathian is easygoing but most Tryleskians are known to be strict.”

  Nara saw an opportunity. “You could help me get to him once we dock. I’ve been worried about the crew trying to stop me. Will you help?”

  “Never.” Marrow glared at her. “It doesn’t matter which woman he releases his seed into. You could get pregnant by him. He’d still give up his ambassador title and return to his planet. I’d have a new boss who would fire me and kick me off The Vorge.”

  “You’re forgetting that I’m not a Tryleskian. I don’t care where I live and I have no interest in moving to his planet. I just want to be with him.”

  Marrow frowned, studying her. “You’d allow him to remain captain?”

  “Yes. I just want him. I bought a shuttle and left Earth to live in space. Your vessel is much larger than what I’m used to. I’d be perfectly happy on The Vorge.”

  Long seconds ticked by. “Release me. I’ll help you get to the captain’s cabin and prevent any of the crew from stopping you.”

  Nara hesitated. “How do I know I can trust you? That you won’t just knock me out and I’ll wake up on the station?”

  “I need this job.” Marrow held her gaze. “I’m a Sarrin. Women on my planet are required to be submissive to all males. We’re treated like shit. I suffered countless beatings from my father for being too strong-willed before I ran away and escaped onto a transport leaving my
world. I am never going back. I plan to stay on The Vorge until I find a suitable mate—when I’m ready to take one. Not because I’m forced to.”

  Nara still wasn’t convinced.

  “I’m happy here. This is the first vessel I’ve ever worked where I’m treated as an equal. I never fear being attacked by my own crew, either. They give me respect. The captain sends York with me to pick up supplies to make sure no one messes with me. I’m protected. That’s priceless. Out here alone, women are targets for slavers.”

  That struck a nerve with Nara. “I know. I understand. I left Earth alone, and I’ve seen some really bad things.” She leaned over the seat and began to untie the belt holding Marrow’s wrists together. “Just don’t be a liar, Marrow. Cathian means everything to me.”

  The other woman rubbed her wrists when she was freed and stood. “We’ll only have a problem if you get pregnant and demand the captain returns to his planet to live. Then I will beat you.”

  “No worries. His planet doesn’t appeal to me.”

  “Now get out of my seat. I’m the pilot.”

  Nara moved out of the way to let the woman pilot the shuttle. Marrow didn’t change course, and Nara relaxed. “Thank you.”

  “I have my own selfish reasons to return you to the captain.”

  “Will security show up at the sleeve when we dock, since you’re not due back for a while?”

  “I’ll handle them. There are only nine crew members. They will stand down when I order them to. I’m trusted. And none of them want things to change.”

  “I just hope we get there in time.”

  “Hold on.”

  Nara was thrust back against her seat a split second later. She smiled. Of course the pilot would have the codes required to override the transport computer and fly faster than deemed safe.

  “Thank you.”

  “Stop saying that. It’s annoying. Don’t expect me to be your friend if you stay either. I don’t like girl discussions.”


  Time seemed to crawl but then Marrow slowed them and began docking procedures. The engines shut down, and Marrow unbuckled while Nara did the same. Their gazes met as they stood.

  “I go first. You stay behind me. We haven’t spoken about what to do with the Tryleskian female if she’s already inside the captain’s cabin. None of the crew would dare touch her. It’s a violation of our work contract to attack one in any way. We represent their planet.”

  “I’ll wing it.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’ll figure it out once we know what the situation is. Just get me to his cabin.”

  Marrow opened the door and strode through the sleeve, Nara on her heels.

  They didn’t make it more than ten feet inside before Dovis confronted them. He held a weapon.

  “What is going on?”

  “Stand down,” Marrow ordered him. “Trust me. She needs to get to the captain.”

  “No.” He snarled and came closer, glaring at Nara.

  Marrow grabbed his shirt and pressed against him. “We’ll lose Captain Vellar if he gets one of his kind pregnant. Nara is human. She promised to let him stay onboard. Can you say with certainty that his replacement will keep you on? Do you have a desire to go live on his planet in order to stay with him? What would you do? Perhaps take a job as an infant sitter for his children?”

  Dovis growled deeply, looking furious. “No to all.”

  “Then step aside and let us pass.”

  “She’s weak. I doubt she could carry his offspring.”

  “Exactly.” Marrow gave him a shove and snorted. “Even better. Can you say the same for a Tryleskian female?”

  Dovis shook his head but he holstered his weapon. “Cathian could kill her. Then he’d blame me. He’s fond of her.”

  Nara wanted to roll her eyes. “No need to sneer when you say that word. Geez. I don’t know why you dislike me so much, but just tell him I forced you.”

  “Is that a joke, human?” Dovis flashed fangs at Nara. “That’s an insult to me. You couldn’t make me do anything.”

  She held out her hand to him. “Give me your weapon. I won’t shoot you; I’ll say I stole it. I’m so pathetic you didn’t think I’d make a grab for it. Being shot would take you down, right?”

  “I would never give you a stunner.” He grabbed it and yanked it from the holster and, to her surprise, offered it to Marrow. “You shoot me.”

  Marrow hesitated.

  “Someone needs to stun me. And I don’t trust her.” He tossed his head in Nara’s direction. “Anything less than being knocked out would be unforgivable to Cathian.”

  Nara grabbed the weapon before he could react and shot him in the chest. “We don’t have time for this.”

  He staggered back, his eyes wide, and then fell over backward. His body made a loud thump when it hit the deck.

  She winced. That would leave some marks and bruises. He’d fallen like a brick.

  “He’s going to be very angry when he comes around,” Marrow whispered. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  Nara kept the stunner. “I might need this. Let’s go!”

  “Shit. I’m going to get fired.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  The quiet voice made both of them jump and turn.

  The three Pods had crept up behind them. One of them smiled.

  “The captain is inside his cabin. His mind is lost to need at the moment, but he’s fighting it. The female chained to his bed doesn’t smell right to him, but his pain is intense.” He looked at Nara. “I’m glad you returned. We’ll tell him we witnessed you stealing Dovis’s stunner. You did, after all.”

  “She did,” another one agreed. “Don’t shoot us. Go. Hurry.”

  “We have the rest of the crew distracted. Your path is clear,” the third one informed her.

  Nara turned and bolted towards Cathian’s cabin. She reached it, panting, and tried to get in. The door refused to open.


  “I’ve got this.”

  The deep voice startled her. She twisted, raising the weapon.

  The huge alien behind her grinned, showing off two large fangs. He reminded her of a vampire on massive steroids that had been dipped in blue paint. His black hair was a stark contrast to the lightness of his body color.

  “Don’t shoot, little human. I have access to the door lock. I brought you food, remember? Do you want in?”


  “I’m York. You’re Nara. The Pods picked up your thoughts when you came into their weird head range they have. It was before you docked. They knew I’d help, since I like to break rules. Stand aside and let me get the door open. Those assholes from his planet drugged Cathian with something to escalate his heat, or some such shit. The Pods alerted us as it was happening, but we arrived too late to do anything about it. Captain was mindless, snarling, and he couldn’t give us orders. That shaft-head Rex said he’d die if we didn’t let him chain the woman inside and let the captain at her.”

  Nara kept the stunner trained on him but gave him room to reach the panel. “Please open it.”

  He gave a sharp nod but gave her a wide berth. “Once it’s open, shoot me. Then I can say I was forced too.” He chuckled. “And I could use a nap. But let me lie down first.” He reached up and tapped a device on his ear. “Marrow says there’s a huge lump forming on the back of Dovis’s head. He really is going to be pissed at you when he wakes.”

  The door opened, and York backed away fast, dropped into a crouch, and then rolled onto his side on the floor. “Shoot!” He actually sounded excited.

  She fired the stunner, nailing him in the hip. He jerked once but then slumped.

  Nara rushed inside the cabin before the doors could auto seal. They did so immediately once she was clear of them. The interior was much dimmer than normal, and it took a few blinks of her eyes to adjust, enabling her to see.

scene inside stunned her.

  A big-boned, cat-looking female had been bound naked against the side of the bed, her arms outstretched toward two posts, her knees spread and secured to the bolted legs of the bed. She hissed at Nara from her position.

  “Who are you?” The woman sounded and looked pissed.

  A deep growl answered, making Nara jerk her head to the corner of the room at the other side of the bed.

  An equally naked Cathian crouched there, his beautiful gaze fixed on Nara. He had a purely animalistic appearance—but the truly terrifying part was that she didn’t see any recognition in his eyes as he glowered at her.

  She hesitated a second before pointing the stunner at the woman, still hissing and snarling at her.

  She fired, hitting her in the ass. The woman slumped against the bed.

  “I hope that wasn’t against the law. Ignorance is bliss, right?” Her gaze locked on Cathian. “Hi, sexy. I’m back. Did you miss me? I missed you.”

  His nostrils flared as he sniffed, and he growled low. It was a dangerous sound. His body tensed, and he suddenly dropped forward on his hands and knees.

  She glanced at the weapon in her hand but then tossed it away, reaching for her clothes instead, wanting to get them off.

  Cathian slowly crawled toward her on all fours. He looked more cat than man at that moment. It was still sexy as hell. She inched to the side, heading toward the bathroom. They needed privacy. She didn’t want that cat woman waking up and yelling at her for shooting her in the ass, or worse, interrupting them.

  “Easy, baby. Don’t leap at me and take me down like a deer, okay? That’s what cats do, right? Let’s go somewhere we can lock in together in case your unwanted guest gets free.”

  Cathian sniffed at her again, and this time a loud purr came from him. She smiled as she threw off her shirt, the toed off her shoes as she kept moving. He followed her through the bathroom door, where she shoved down her pants and underwear. He growled.

  “Close and lock the door.”

  He didn’t move, watching her.

  “Okay.” She wasn’t going to try to get past him to do it herself. His body looked tense and he was breathing hard. He really did look like he was about to lunge at her. He still didn’t appear to really know who she was. He wasn’t speaking, either. “The bed is taken. This will have to do.”