‘I will do that,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Jesus is the son of God. Humans were worshiping your sun all these years thinking it was a powerful being. Man eventually started to change older ideas thousands of years ago and only top religious leaders were able to read and translate the Bible into what they wanted people to follow. This is a clear example of controlling a population. Humans are used to being controlled. There was no mention of fossils or dinosaurs anywhere in the bibles. I’ve witnessed the Nanomoles around 2 B.C. – 6 A.D., the only miracle was the new constellations of the Pisces Age beginning around 1 A.D. There was no miracle birth of any Jesus.’

  ‘Lies! Jesus was born 4 A.D. regardless of what you say, I have faith to keep me sane. The formation of this galaxy and universe could only be created by something as powerful as God. I know your species couldn’t make supernovas, galactic bulges and everything around us. I know there is a god out there watching over us,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes he is out there, he is in your imagination. I just want you to open your eyes and see things from another perspective. You can be the new leader and be your own god. You can be the new Jesus and 0 A.D. can start in two hours. You can be worshipped by billions of other species. You can create your own BIO-Sapien Universal King Marino Bible, full of facts and science that all species will follow…’

  ‘Are you seriously smoking something? Do you hear how crazy you sound?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘There is no mention of science, evolution or other planets in your bibles. A true book of a species is supposed to contain a combination of these things. Every carbon-based species evolves from something. If God did exist, there would be diagrams of entire galaxies in the Bible, coordinates to where heaven is and where hell is located. There would also be information of religions on other alien planets in your human bibles. One religion or faith would be the same in multiple solar systems and galaxies. A universal similarity in religions and bibles is something we have yet to see. There shouldn’t be hundreds of different bibles in your world and 270 major religions. One religion, one belief, one godly figure; this would prove that one universal god made rules for all alien species to follow. This has never been the case in my hundreds of thousands of years being around. Every religion is based around what the primitive species interprets. Do you really believe in a bible that was written around the time man thought the sun revolved around Earth and that the Earth was flat? These same people believed magma from the ground was punishment from hell. They also believed God lives on clouds and thunder and lightning comes down to the surface when he is angry. How can hell be in the ground? Nothing can survive more than a hundred miles below the ground. Nothing is down there. Hell was created to trick humans into being good, since they couldn’t self govern themselves.

  Humans are guided creatures from birth. Unlike other animals, humans need to be cared for and guided by their parents to survive. Religion also helps guide children as they grow up. Religion, family and parents works together to give values, something to fear and helps guide children to make better decisions into human adulthood. More and more humans can self-guide themselves past 18 years old and not need the religion guidance anymore. They would know what is right or wrong and don’t need a higher deity to fear. We call this a mental evolution of the mind in a primitive alien species like you. 80% of all humans are religious on Earth and suffer from mass delusion. That percentage is too high for an intelligent alien species to interact with you directly. It does make it very easy to manipulate a species that suffer from mass delusion. Until you reach your technological singularity, your species will remain at a level 7 primitive intelligence level.’


  Jaden takes a deep breath and responds, ‘I’m sure people during that time period used their imaginations and exaggerated more since they didn’t have answers to certain things. But that doesn’t mean everything was a lie. Our science evolved a lot over the past 400 years and we learned a lot since then. I know something is out there as a powerful godly being. Our primitive race needs religion in our lives. It keeps us good and gives us faith towards something. I’m sure faith is something you lost hundreds of thousands of years ago when you used to be more organic. Our Bible might be missing things, or inaccurate to a degree, but it keeps most of our species in line, keeps us good and gives us a reason to live. Reproducing gives us more reasons for living. I would rather stay a primitive thinking follower, than an evil dictating ruler. Maybe if your species had some religion, you wouldn’t be taking over human bodies and getting off on our emotions,’ Jaden says.

  She raises her telepathic voice, ‘You have some audacity suggesting that! We have one belief system. Our thinking evolved into levels you would never comprehend. You can barely evolve to leave the pack of followers believing in religion this day. I’ve seen hundreds of events in your history for the past 12,000 years that religion and faith is useless to keep you good. I have two examples: during War World II, Germans killed millions of humans and your United States and other countries stood by. Most of your species don’t have any value on life. Many stood by and followed the next person or played ignorant. Germans created the largest genocide in your history. They were trying to take over the world. Runner-up, Ida Amin Dada killed over 700,000 in a massive genocide in Rwanda. Why didn’t religion or God intervene to help these people? Why wasn’t more done?’

  ‘I don’t know, I wasn’t there. Maybe Jesus and God were busy on another planet, saving a species from a bigger genocide at the time. Sometimes there are a few unstable, evil humans that are into massive killings and genocide. Maybe you Darclonians should have recruited Hitler and Dada to be on your team, instead of me. If there was oil in Germany and Africa back then, maybe more countries would have gotten involved and stopped all those senseless killings, especially the U.S.A.,’ Jaden says.

  ‘You want to know why so many died? Because there is no god. Everything happens just to happen. You happened Jaden and other multiverse Jadens just happened. God is a figment of your humans’ imaginations. Even if He did exist He would have billions of other things to do than to watch over your primitive, genocidal human race.’

  It is completely quiet around Jaden. He looks down at Earth through the see-through floor.

  Jaden responds to something she just said, ‘What did you mean by other multiverse Jadens happen?’

  ‘Doesn’t mean anything, just a universal calculations thing,’ she quickly changes the subject, ‘The Nazis remind me of an alien species called Railtorians. The Railtorians live in the Omega Centauri system, 23,000 light-years from here. They went from planet to planet killing weaker life forms that couldn’t defend themselves. Other advanced life-forms didn’t bother to intervene, until it was a threat to them, universal similarities.’

  Jaden takes a deep breath.

  She continues, ‘Your species say they care about life, but you slaughter innocent animal life every day for food. Your human teeth are shaped to eat vegetables and fruit. Animals eat other animals as part of a natural food chain. You humans are nothing more than animals...’

  ‘We humans are omnivores,’ Jaden says while interrupting her.

  She continues in a louder tone, ‘You humans claim you evolved and aren’t animals. Cattle, pigs, and fish are all life forms, but you kill and eat them every day. You break your own Bible’s rules, thou shall not kill. Killing the weaker and conquering is what your species is good at. This can be your purpose to be the new messiah of the Aquarius age for your people, but your mind Jaden can’t be on at the primitive thinking level. If you join us, I will allow half of your species’ bodies not to be taken over.’

  ‘I heard enough on your alien philosophy and finding loopholes in our beliefs. What exactly are you looking for with all these different alien species you are manipulating and taking over?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘We are here to help your species and other species from obliterating themselves.’

  ‘Bullshit!’ Jaden yell
s telepathically.

  ‘Your species is self-destructing themselves. A social transformation is needed. The United States political system is backwards and stuck in capitalism and a monetary-based economy. Many other big countries follow the same pattern. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. We analyzed hundreds of Nanomoles from politicians, CEOs of banks and world leaders over the past few days. Lies, deception, greed, interests, control, debt, profits and corporatocracy are the main words in every part of these people’s brains. We would end this corrupt system and create the perfect new world system of everyone being treated as equals.’

  ‘I don’t know what this have to do with anything.’

  ‘The point of what I was saying is that we treat our Darclonian citizens as equals and don’t have a capitalistic society. Sharing a human body will keep humans’ minds in a forever paradise state of mind,’ she says.

  ‘Why would you care about our political or capitalist system?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘A species should be treated as equals or they should be replaced. We are not here to kill your species, we are here to assist giving them what they need.’

  ‘Since you have all the answers, I want a detailed explanation to why is there so much discrimination against black people? Why are so many black men being shot by police? When will it end?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The history is important to understand why discrimination exists today. According to our Nanomoles, the first qualified human beings were the Homo Erectus dating back 2 million years ago and lived in Africa.