Africa is the origins of all homosapiens. The black race has the longest history and suffered on many systematic and catastrophic levels over the past 500 years. First being stripped of their identity when brought over against their will as slaves to America and forced to become Christians…..’ Jaden interrupts.
‘What is this weird imagine appearing in front of me?’ Jaden asks.
‘These are 3D QR reference codes. Since most of my factual statements will be hard for you to believe, I’m backing them with weblinks from your internet. Stare at it and the webpage’s information will automatically go into your mind while I speak.’
She continues ‘….In America blacks suffered through thousands of rapes, beatings, hangings, killings, castration and used as property. The mental pain during this period was passed down for many generations.
The black race was considered 3/5th of a person until 1861, which gave a black person’s life value lower than a dog, to the average southern citizen during this time.
This mind set stayed in the subconscious of many white Americans until present day. This partly explains why so many unarmed black men today can be shot by police, handcuffed and left on the ground to bleed out to die like animals.
The Tuskegee experiment in 1932 black men were given syphilis by the government and studied like guinea pig animals. The experiment went on for 40 years. These men suffered and died horrible deaths. The government had a cure, but saw the black man’s life value on a level of an insect, so they didn’t care.
From the 1940s thru today, the US government offered a modified welfare to blacks in poor areas to continue to break down the black family. The goal was to offer incentives for black women to be out of wedlock mothers and discouraging them from marrying. The chances of the children becoming criminals increased and then more prisons were built.