In 2015 alone 102 unarmed black men were killed by police in America, 5 times that of white males.



  A black man with his hands up and on video can still be shot by the fear in these police officer’s subconciousness.


  Analyzing this information brings me to the conclusion that black humans are guilty till proven innocent.

  According to your society a black man can be beat like an animal on video by police and the officers involved can still be found not guilty in the court of law.

  Years of built up injustice, anger, racial profiling, illegal searches, lack of opportunity, broken families, systematic discrimination, black on black violence and the mental pain passed down from the slavery days causes opportunity for rioting, destruction of property and violent protesting.

  These negative images and video of blacks rioting are posted all over the new media re-enforcing the discrimination in the minds of the rest of the world.

  Lack of opportunity is a big problem plaguing the black race. For years it’s been hard for blacks to find good jobs and good housing.

  The black race being first fired, last hired is a standard practice all across the world, except South Africa. Black men experience this the most.


  Many companies hire a small % of blacks to clear their “Affirmative action” requirements. Then the hiring managers discriminate on first and last black names on resumes and job applications.

  When a job applicant is looking for a job, a white male with a felony, is on the same level of a college educated black male with no criminal record.