There are 100s of other examples I can give to describe how bad the discrimination problems are. The problems are catastrophic on many levels and this is only one side of a major problem.

  These problems cannot be solved by humanity by yourselves.

  One of four major events need to take place to solve all these issues with the black race.

  1.Skin color changing – Over the past 100 years, many races have been involved with lightening and darkening their skin through various methods. As of today the technology hasn’t been perfected with lightening the skin. When the technology becomes better perfected in the next 20 years, more and more black minorities will collectively change their skin color in an attempt to increase their chances of being more successful in life and increase their chances of not being shot by police. Dna pigmentation modification in the womb will also be an option in 25 years. The down side is over a 500 year period dark skin black humans will become extinct like the Neanderthals. Most humans with the same color will drastically reduce racism and change the mindset of most people.


  2.Super natural event – Superflare, major earth quake or huge meteor strike will cause a global society reset. Billions will die and most racism will die as well. When a species is in survival mode racism is the last thing on people’s minds.

  3.A friendly alien encounter or alien attack – Racism throughout the planet will disappear overnight within all nationalities. A level 7 primitive species like yourselves will focus their new racism on the outsider alien strangers that look different than them. In your TV and movie series Star Trek, there was no racism in the future with humans. All nationalities were getting along and united.

  We will never interact directly with a level 7 primitive species. It would be equivalent to you walking to the middle of the dessert and trying to communicate with ants in an ant hole. The ants wouldn’t know how to react.


  4.We the Darclonians can fix all the racism on planet Earth overnight. There will be no more discrimination with the black race or any race. My species will be happy to help with this.

  I choose to answer your questions by explaining examples you weren’t aware of,’ she says.

  There is a long pause as Jaden digests all this confusing information.

  ‘Well, okay changing the subject here, I have a question, why did your Darclonian species kidnap me on Planet 455 in the Andromeda Galaxy?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘We borrowed you to study your body, mind and chemistry…’

  ‘More like torture and experiment,’ Jaden suggests.

  ‘We are making human bodies stronger. There is so much the human body is capable of, you can concur with this.’

  ‘I’m already strong enough; the Andromedians already made me stronger and very evolved. The rest of humans need to be left just how they are. We don’t need to be in a paradise state of mind while you Darclonians do God knows what with us. What is joining the pyramid about?’

  ‘The Andromedians are an ignorant race who doesn’t see the bigger picture. They think they are the police of the galaxies, always trying to help a species and do what they think is right. Not everyone believes their thinking is correct. Just because their technology is very superior and advanced over many other species, doesn’t mean they will stay superior for long. The pyramid is a D.E.K.’s weapon of mass destruction. You will learn about this in time.’

  ‘The Andromedians are more of a civilized species than you will ever be. I’m sure I will learn more about the D.E.K. weapon soon. Speaking of pyramids, why were you looking at the Egyptian pyramids being built in the Nanomole images?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘We wanted to know which alien species was here 12,000 years ago building these pyramids. We believe the direction the pyramids point means something. We believe they took some humans with them. There is a chance the Nanomoles crossed species and are active in other solar systems.’

  ‘What are you?’ Jaden asks.

  There is silence.

  ‘Why don’t you have a seat?’ She asks.

  ‘I’ll stand.’ He responds.

  An invisible force is behind Jaden’s legs and hits the joints behind his knees. He falls back and sits down on nothing. It feels solid and comfortable as if he is sitting on air.

  ‘I’m sure that’s better, since your species’ legs are made more for running and sitting.’

  ‘What am I sitting on?’

  ‘We call it AGM, artificial gravity matter. It involves creating solid invisible matter in midair.’

  ‘What am I? Why do I turn into a D.E.K.?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘You are the result of an experiment from over ten thousand years of research, the manipulation of dark energy, dark matter, exotic matter and other energies in a controlled stable environment. This technology was thought to be impossible to keep stable around a life force. However, anything mechanical or electrical malfunctions around the dark energy. It also slowly destroys organic tissue around the skin, this is why the skin needs to be constantly repaired around a D.E.K.. The dark energy knows to go around a metal object so it can be used as a weapon. A powerful hidden molecule in your brain controls the dark energy. Your species would define it as superstring twelve dimensions of matter or the god particle. It is hidden in your brain and encoded in with brain cells. You can’t see it, similar to us not always being able to see your encoded Nanoscanners.’


  ‘Why was I chosen to be a D.E.K.?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Who said you were a D.E.K.?’

  ‘What am I then?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘You should know.’

  ‘I don’t know. I guess if I was a superhero, I would be called Black hole Man,’ he chuckles, ‘Are you the DEP?’

  There is silence and thunder rumbles in the background.

  ‘Department of Environmental Protection?’ She asks.

  Jaden responds, ‘Your attempt at humor is horrible. I meant dark energy prince or princess. Also, why do I hear thunder in the background?’

  ‘I’ve seen two million movies you humans created. During a scene like this, you humans love to hear nice sound effects.’

  ‘You didn’t answer my other question.’

  ‘You are the dark energy prince and I’m the dark energy queen,’ she says.

  Thunder roars in the background and echoes around the area. Jaden feels the loud thunder throughout his body. Chills move up and down his back and body.

  ‘Yeah right, what are you people playing? Alien chess? Who is the king then?’ Jaden asks in a chuckling voice.

  ‘You will meet him in time.’

  ‘I’m not a dark energy prince or a dark energy knight. I’m a BIO-Sapien. I’m my own evolved person.’

  ‘Ha ha ha…’

  The laughing continues while echoing around the room. The laughing turns into a deeper sounding man’s laugh.

  ‘I don’t see what is so funny. You sound like an evil transsexual,’ Jaden snaps.

  ‘You simple minded human. You didn’t come up with that name on your own. That word was placed in your mind by us. That’s how you came up with the name. BIO-Sapien is what all humans will eventually evolve into. You are the first one of its kind. I sense you are still confused. To the Andromedians you are a BIO-Sapien, an alien of two worlds. To humans and us, you are a BIO-Sapien, an evolved Homo sapien that is three-quarters alien.’

  Jaden interrupts, ‘I’ve heard enough of this bullshit. Humans are going to stay Homo sapiens. I’m also no dark energy prince, my father was never a king and I didn’t sign up for your little chess game with your Sith king…’

  ‘He is happy you are a part of us now,’ she responds.

  Cold chills run all around Jaden’s body as his smile turns to a frown.

  ‘That is a lie! I didn’t join anything!’ Jaden says telepathically in a loud tone.

  ‘Then why are you here?’

sp; ‘I’m here for three things: For answers, to defend my planet and to stop you from implementing this silent attack on the human race.’

  ‘Stop us? In less than two hours, the bond between the Nanomole, bioparasites and human hosts will be permanent. Your friends’ plan to destroy this ship failed. I destroyed the bomb myself. Joining us will make the transition more pleasant and would be the most logical decision.’

  Jaden stands and walks closer to the DEQ, with a frustrated look on his face.

  ‘I will never join your evil, manipulating, mind controlling, savage, dark energy chess gang. I would rather die and implode your ship before I join you,’ Jaden says.

  ‘That is very brave of you. But at the same time it was very stupid. A primitive organic species like you humans all have a similar weakness in common, your emotions. Love is the greatest flaw in humans. We have other means of persuasion,’ she says while taking a few steps back. Small dust pixels form together in a wave from two directions. There is a low wind howling sound. The images form high definition images.

  Jaden sees vivid images of Amy pointing a gun with her right hand at Kim’s head. Kim has blood coming from her mouth and a gash on her left eyebrow. The angle of the video is coming from behind Amy’s left side. Jaden can see Kim with a painful look on her face. They are in the cafeteria in the Taipei 101 building. He sees Sabrina is unconscious on the floor behind Kim. A Coke machine refrigeration motor is quietly sounding in the background. A microbot is transmitting every sound in the large room, better than a professional microphone. Sounds and voices come from the 3D images.

  Amy speaks out loud, “Hey Jaden baby! Look at my arm! They gave me a new arm. I have a black female’s arm. I’m one-tenth black now, I’m catching up to you,” Amy says in a high on drugs voice.

  “What are you doing Amy? What did you do to your daughter?” Jaden asks aloud.

  ‘She can’t hear you. She can only hear what I tell her to do,’ she says.

  “I have your little Asian bitch in front of me, baby daddy. I can’t wait to put a bullet in her. This is a baby mama’s dream to do to the new girlfriend. I’m sure she will bleed sweet duck sauce that I would love to taste. Do as my Queen Mary wishes or both of them will get some hot lead in the head.”

  Jaden’s hands begin to tremble and he has butterflies in his chest.

  “What have you done to her? Why is she calling you Mary?” Jaden asks in a nervous voice.

  ‘We didn’t do much, she had a lot of evil and anger already in her. We removed some of her morals from the frontal lobe of her brain. She was ready to go and wanted her soul to be saved. Very easy to manipulate and to control. She thought she was in heaven and she saw God sitting in the middle. Jesus on the right hand side and I was on the left. She repented for all her sins. She saw my image as the Virgin Mary and was willing to do anything we said. She wanted her own island and mindless male stripper. The same things you dreamed of as a younger teenager and what most humans want. A paradise world with endless pleasure. The weak are the easiest and the first to join the winning team,’ DEQ says.

  ‘That doesn’t make any sense. Why would she repent and you allow her to sin more?’ he says.

  ‘Does that really matter? Catholics sin all the time and repent for their sins. She can repent again after she takes care of this business for me. She wants her own Garden of Eden. I can provide that. You can have your own galaxy of Eden if you join us.’

  ‘More like the garden of sin.’

  Kim’s screaming comes from the video images in front of Jaden. Amy continues to talk, “…I never did like you Asian people with your can’t see half open eyes. You know you people can’t see at night, but you try and drive anyway!” Amy yells while clicking the gun with an angry face and continues, “But I bet your chinky eyes see this loaded gun in your face.”

  “Screw you, you mutated alien sellout bitch. Why don’t you put down that gun, so I can kick your ass around this cafeteria!” Kim yells while spitting blood on the floor.

  Amy slowly lowers the gun and thinks about fighting Kim one on one. The DEQ tells Amy, ‘Do not engage Kim one on one, it never worked in the movies and it won’t work now. Keep the gun to her head and follow my orders.’

  Amy raises the gun again and smiles.

  ‘Are you going to join us Jaden? We can beam your daughter and girlfriend up here or you can join them in a few minutes.’

  A tear rolls down Jaden’s face. He stares at Kim through the images and places his hand to touch the wound on her face.

  Jaden gets very angry and his brain begins to quickly think of possible resolutions to this situation. He breathes very heavily and comes across an idea, but he’s not sure if it will work. He decides to go for it anyway. Jaden commands all the shield-generating Nanodrones to leave his body and to follow his last nanoscanner towards the cloud portal. The Nanodrones warn him of the risk of not having any shield protection for his body and the risk of them being very weak not near his body. They also tell him something local needs to host and control the rpm speed and direction. He commands them anyway and they leave his body like a swarm of invisible bees. A nearby alien statue evaporates into quadrillions of microbots and goes after the trillions of Nanodrones. The microbots are the size of Nanodrones and quickly chase after them. The microbots fires millions of microscopic green lasers towards the Nanodrones, slowly destroying them. The Nanodrones are defenseless against these molecules. They are only strong in number when they are rotating in harmony and being controlled.


  The dark energy returns around his arms and the swords go back into his hands.

  ‘Where do you think your defenseless Nanodrones are going? You can’t save everyone, not this time,’ she says.

  ‘You are sick and evil! If you harm one hair on her body I’ll, I’ll…’

  ‘You’ll what? What are you going to do? Implode my ship?’ She asks.

  ‘Yes, yes, that is exactly what I’ll do,’ he says nervously.

  The dark energy forms around his entire body as a fire spreading.

  ‘You have learned to control your dark energy very well,’ the DEQ says.

  ‘Remove the gun from my girlfriend’s head. Now!’ He yells.

  ‘…but not well enough.’

  She points her long arm towards Jaden’s direction. He struggles to hold on to the dark energy around his body. It briefly leaves his body and comes back. There is a struggle as he grunts and the energy slowly plays tug-of-war. The dark energy comes off completely around his body and stretches outwards into a dark blur. His body lifts three feet into the air and his arms stretch outward straight. He suddenly feels a solid, semi-visible force behind him, in the shape of a huge religious cross. The cross glows with some light particles inside of it. The dark energy sits three feet around his body and levitates. He drops the swords on the ground. Jaden grunts to bring the energy back towards his body and it slowly does. He can’t move as she holds a powerful line of matter at his body. He grunts and groans from the pain and continues to fight her. His skin melts away and has wounds all around his body. The powerful force is causing him to bleed through his pores. Blood is all over his face in the dimly lit area.

  ‘This is what your imaginary Jesus felt like stuck on a cross. You can die and sacrifice yourself for all humans if you choose. You can also have a front row seat while we kill everyone you care about one by one,’ she says.

  The defenseless Nanodrones are quickly dying as they try to outrun the powerful microbots. The nanoscanner is carrying as many Nanodrones as it can. They travel through Virtualatrix rooms and through different portals. The ship’s energy shields form in different areas around the ship trying to block them off.

  ‘Did you think you could actually implode my ship or overpower me?’ She asks while chuckling. She continues, ‘You are nowhere as powerful as me.’

  Jaden’s body trembles as he tries to pull the energy back towards him. He wants to figh
t her with all his might. Images of Kim suffering give him more strength.

  ‘I also still have access to the god particle in your brain,’ she laughs while thunder is in the background.

  ‘How does this feel?’ She asks.

  ‘It feels like I’m taking a shit on your face,’ he groans.

  His body feels as if it is being crushed by gravitational forces. Blood is dripping behind his body and his eyes are glowing red. He looks at the transparent 3D screen and sees Kim’s face bleeding and squinting in pain. He sees her in inverted colors.

  The nanoscanner and the much depleted Nanodrones reach the cloud portal area. The nanoscanner changes form and overrides the cloud portal controls. The remaining Nanodrones enter the cloud portal and disappear. The last nanoscanner is destroyed when it reveals itself and the cloud portal closes.

  The gun is cocked at Kim’s head. Her voice echoes towards Jaden, “Don’t give in to what they want Jaden. Don’t worry about me, worry about saving Earth. I love you.”

  “Shut up bitch!” Amy yells while smacking Kim in the mouth with her left hand.

  ‘I think some incentive is needed,’ the DEQ says.

  Kim’s face turns backwards from the blow and she puts her hand over her mouth.

  Kim hears a gunshot and is hit in the upper right shoulder. She screams in pain as she falls backwards to the floor. The hot bullet penetrates and exits her body. Jaden jumps when he hears the gunshot echoing around him.

  “No! Kim!” Jaden yells and sobs.

  ‘She’s been shot in the same place you were shot at the beginning of your great adventure. So you are familiar with the pain she is feeling now. What is it going to be Jaden my prince? The next bullet goes in her head.’

  ‘I’ll kill you!’ Jaden yells while struggling on the virtual cross. A tear rolls down his face and he feels responsible for getting her caught up in this.

  ‘Yes. Try to kill me,’ The DEQ says.

  Jaden looks the DEQ directly in her dark face and red eyes with so much anger. The dark energy is still floating a few feet around him. He is furious and his heart begins to beat very fast. He breathes heavily and his veins bulge up and down his arms. His muscles bulge all around his body. The rage takes over his mind. He moves his arms closer to his body as he grunts. He yells aloud in great pain and his mind is overloading.

  ‘Anger is good. Increase your hate and anger. Increase your strength. Take control of your destiny. Murder is good,’ the DEQ says in an evil voice.

  The dark energy slowly comes back towards his body. His body floats to the ground and the dark energy rotates around him. The DEQ tries harder to fight Jaden. Jaden’s eyes turn a brighter red and small, dark flames slowly move down from Jaden’s head. The powerful energy forms an event horizon around his body. The images of Kim turn red and distort. The swords on the floor near him go towards his body and disintegrate into molecules. He continues to yell muffled with his hands up in the air.

  Everything around Jaden begins to bend around him. The sounds of Kim crying on the video screen sound as if he is underwater. The gravity forces shift and he slowly walks towards the DEQ. The gravity is slowly pulling things towards Jaden. The DEQ’s eyes turn brighter red and she points her second arm and hand at Jaden to increase her strength. Jaden feels her energy overpowering him. He grunts and continues taking steps towards her in an attempt to tackle her, like he did with the D.E.K. on Earth. Her strength overpowers him and his event horizon slowly fades away. He takes a step towards her and the dark flames sizzle out. Jaden bends on his knees and continues to crawl towards her as he fights her powerful line of matter forces.

  On Earth, Kim moans in pain and begins to cry. Ten percent of the shield-producing Nanodrones made it through the cloud portal and to Earth. They are traveling together at high speed from the south side of Taiwan. The Nanodrones in Kim’s body are sending out an emergency code beacon for the other Nanodrones. They quickly make it to Kim’s wounded body. She is holding her wounded right shoulder while keeping pressure on it to slow the bleeding. The Nanodrones need a high-speed calculating host to control the rpm and shield angles. They try to contact AI for help, but his communications with them is still offline.

  “Get off the floor!” Amy yells

  Kim groans and moans in pain.

  “Get up! Don’t make me pimp slap you with my Ike Turner brown skin hand!” Amy yells.

  The video images disappear from in front of Jaden. The dark energy slowly comes off his body inch by inch. Jaden can’t pull the dark energy back towards his body as he continues to grunt. His muscles are showing and the gravity forces pound on the front of his body. His other functioning Nanodrones warn him about overloading his brain. The dark energy disappears into thin air as Jaden collapses to the floor. She lowers her hands and both of Jaden’s hands are on the see-through floor. He lays flat on his face and stomach. His skin is slowly repairing itself as his eyes get watery and his skinless nose fills up with mucus. He stares at Earth through the floor and takes deep breaths.

  Her shadow hands make a clapping sound, ‘I’m impressed, my BIO-Sapien. I’ve never seen such control of dark energy from a carbon-based being before. The emotions of love can make you stronger than ever thought possible. Very interesting concept, love can be a weakness and a powerful force.’

  Kim’s images appear over his body and he hears her crying in pain around him. He is helpless to help her and tears roll from his blue eyes and onto the clear floor his face is hugging. The liquid tears make shadowy Earth look bigger in certain spots from his eyes. His body shakes from the overstraining. He gazes down at Earth through the floor with a determined look on his face. Jaden feels and thinks the impossible. He feels as if he can control the shield generating Nanodrones around Kim’s body from where he is. Jaden’s body suddenly lifts into the air, arms spread out and legs together. His body drags across the floor to about ten feet in front of the video image area. The DEQ put his body against the virtual cross again.

  ‘You can see better from here,’ the DEQ says.

  Sabrina wakes up from the loud sound of the gunshot and slowly stands up. She looks around and rubs her head.

  “Mommy, what are you doing?” She asks while standing up.

  “I’m not your mommy anymore. You were a mistake born from my vagina out of wedlock. You robbed me of going to college and enjoying my twenties. I broke the rules of God and sinned the rest of my life. You are the demon child, along with this demon bitch and Jaden. When I’m finished here, I’m going after the priest who told me it was immoral to get an abortion. I met God, Mary and Jesus, we had a nice long talk. I know exactly what I’m doing,” Amy says.

  “Mom, you are insane. How could you say I wasn’t wanted? You were never in heaven. This doesn’t sound like you. What have they done to you?” Sabrina asks while tears roll down her cheeks.

  “Shut up and sit down, you little mistake. Pull up your sinful mini skirt!” Amy yells.

  “That isn’t a nice thing to say to your daughter,” Kim says while standing up holding her shoulder and looking Amy in the eyes.

  Amy puts the gun in her left hand while continuing to point it. She swings and smacks Kim with her right hand. Kim’s face turns sideways.

  “That hand hurt more right? That was a pimp slap hand,” Amy whispers.

  Kim replies, “How would you know what a pimp slap felt like? That’s all you got? Miss saved again, pimp slapping, psycho baby mama. Why don’t you put down that gun and fight like a woman.”

  “I’m not falling for that one,” Amy says while aiming the gun at her head again.

  “I’ll kick your ass with my wounded shoulder!” Kim yells.

  “I see a vision of your boyfriend Jaden nailed to a cross in heaven. There are clouds all around him and he is begging God now for forgiveness. They are going to make an example out of him. I’m doing the Virgin Mary’s bidding,” Amy says.

  “You are beyond mental. I don’
t think the best doctors on Earth can cure your diseased brain,” Kim says.

  ‘What is it going to be, Jaden my son. Are you going to join your new family or are you going to let your girlfriend and daughter die?’ She asks.

  ‘What do you want me to do?’ Jaden says while moaning.

  ‘You can start off by giving us some of your Nanodrones in your body. Reprogram them for us. They can be very useful,’ she says.

  ‘I knew it was never about me. I knew you were after something else besides me. My Nanodrones cannot be reprogrammed, they only work with my body’s DNA. So you are wasting your time in that department. Let my family go, they have nothing to do with your experiment for Earth,’ Jaden says while staring at the video.

  ‘I will be the judge of that.’

  Jaden still can’t understand how he is able to control the Nanodrones on Earth from the mother ship. When he looks at the 3D image, he feels them near Kim. The Nanodrones in Jaden’s body don’t have an explanation for this impossible long distance control. Jaden knows he can’t create a full shield around Kim’s body with only ten percent of the required shield Nanodrones. The shield generating Nanodrones go around the tip of the gun. Jaden thinks to himself that he will only be able to stop one bullet with the amount of energy the Nanodrones have left. He realizes there would be sixteen bullets left in the Glock. He thinks of other possible solutions as high-speed calculus calculations go through his mind. The Glock 9mm is pointed four feet from Kim’s forehead. Sabrina walks in front of the gun.

  “Don’t kill her mom, don’t do this!” Sabrina yells.

  “Get out of the way, you robot lovin’ whore!” Amy yells while smacking Sabrina with her left hand.

  Kim attempts to move to check on Sabrina.

  “Don’t move I said!” Amy yells.

  ‘Staring at your girlfriend and daughter on the virtual screen isn’t going to help them. You joining us and giving us some of your advanced Nanodrones will. I’m going to count to five and then you can watch her die and then your daughter. Then you will die,’ DEQ says.

  ‘You can’t kill me, you need me,’ Jaden says.

  ‘We will see about that, one…’ DEQ says.

  Amy repeats the countdown as the DEQ counts.

  ‘Don’t do this,’ Jaden pleads while concentrating on the area between the gun and Kim’s face.

  Amy has a smile on her face as she hears and repeats the countdown. The gun trembles in her hand. Kim closes her eyes and thinks about Jaden and entering the afterlife if she dies. She thinks about his past and the newly installed memories of his past.


  “I think I’m going to have an orgasm after I pull this trigger. I never did you like you Asian people. Never studying for test in high school, but getting A’s all the time. I don’t even think you Asian people are human, who gets A’s in advanced calculus?” Kim asks with a smile on her face.


  “Mommy, no!” Sabrina shouts while holding her red face on the floor.

  “I love you Jaden!” Kim yells while squinting her eyes.


  “Okay, I will. I’ll join you, I’ll give you the Nanodrones,” Jaden pleads.

  ‘..too late. Five.’

  ‘No!’ Jaden yells.

  Everything happens in slow motion as Amy pulls the trigger. Sabrina slowly covers her eyes with her hands. The high power bullet leaves the chamber towards Kim’s forehead at 1500 feet per second. The bullet reaches the outside skin of her head and begins to turn sharply to the left. The hot bullet burns the skin on her forehead as it moves across towards Kim’s right. The bullet continues to curve ripping through her hair, nipping the top of her right ear and moving around the back of her head. Her body reacts to the burning pain as the muscles in her face slowly react. The bullet continues to curve around the left side of her head while burning more skin and cutting through her hair. It comes around the left side of her head and returns around towards the front of her head. The bullet, still moving at high speed, changes direction and returns from where it was fired from at an elevated 1°. The shell from the bullet is still spinning in the air. The bullet covered in burned skin and hair, continues towards Amy’s head. The bullet hits Amy straight in the head and brain fragments splatter. Blood pours from her head as she falls backwards with her eyes looking in shock. The shell hits the ground the same time Amy does. The gun falls out of her hand and spins across the floor covered in splattered blood. Sabrina’s hands just reached her eyes and she quickly removes them.

  Kim opens her eyes in disbelief as some of her hair lands on the floor around her. Her clothes and body have blood on it. She kneels in shock from the loud sound of the gun. She is still trying to realize that she isn’t dead. She touches her head to see if there is a bullet hole there. Sabrina quickly runs over to Kim and embraces her.

  “Are you okay, Sabrina?” Kim asks in a nervous voice.

  “Yes, I’ll be okay. Are you okay? Look at your face and shoulder,” Sabrina says while crying and trembling.

  “I’ll live,” Kim says while crying.

  Amy lays on the floor motionless with her eyes still open. Kim continues to lose blood from her shoulder wound. She increases the pressure on her shoulder. Sabrina and Kim burst into hysterical crying, while holding each other. The still quickly spinning shield generating Nanodrones go into Kim’s head with the others.

  ‘Shit, I can’t believe I did that at only 900 rpm,’ Jaden thinks to himself.

  ‘I don’t know what you just did or how you did it, but I’m getting very angry. You are going to die and my DHW soldiers are going to finish both of them off.’

  Jaden has a smile on his face, as his body is still levitating with his arms stretched out on the now semi-visible stake. He has blood coming from his arms, face and body. His Nanodrones are slowly repairing layers of skin around his body.

  ‘You need me, you can’t kill me,’ he snaps with blood coming from his mouth.

  ‘I don’t need you! I need you to die!’ She screams in a screeching voice.

  Hundreds of purple matter balls about an inch in circumference quickly leave the DEQ’s body and bombard Jaden’s body like ping pong balls. They penetrate his body instantly creating holes all around his body.

  ‘Say hello to your God for me!’ She yells.

  His muscles, tissues, blood vessels, heart, lungs, and bone structures rip apart. Jaden’s body goes into shock as blood pours out in all directions. The blood floats upwards around his body as if he is in zero gravity. He screams at the top of his lungs as the energy balls come out the other side. The balls return through his body, severing his jugular vein, spinal cord in three spots, and the bottom of his heart. His left leg is severed from his body and two holes form through his skull and brain. Fragments of his brain and skull float a few inches in front of him. His eyes close as the purple matter balls exit back through his body and return to the DEQ. Jaden’s heart stops beating and he takes his last breath.

  His lifeless body falls to the see-through floor. The blood and body debris that was floating around his body lands all around him. The Nanodrones try to seal the massive wounds around his body. Jaden lies dead on the floor with his own blood covering him. He has clear holes in the left and right side of his brain. His left leg up to his thigh falls on the floor next to him. The Nanodrones in his left leg seals up the wound.


  ‘We will deal with purging his body of every nanodrone later. But first, we need to increase the Nanomole signal to Earth. Then we need to find his daughter and girlfriend. I want them alive, so I can experiment on them personally. The full Earth attack is still going to happen in ninety minutes. I need to communicate with my king,’ the DEQ says to her microbots and nearby bioparasite officers. Her shadow body disappears into thin air. Jaden lays motionless.

  The Dark Energy Queen deserves her own super evil sandwich at Action Burger. 2 chopped h
ot dogs, green peppers, grilled onions, Action Sauce, double bacon, mac & cheese soft and crunchy.


  Best monster burger in the world. As seen on several food network shows.

  Only at Action Burger.

  Chapter 25: Heroes Don’t Die