Chapter 19

  “Excuse me ladies and gentleman, I have an announcement to make.” Pierce spoke loudly then waited while the talking died down before continuing, “I just wanted to let you all know that I have fallen madly in love with the most beautiful, charming lady in all of England and fortunately for me, I have asked her to become my wife to which she has agreed.”

  The cheers and hollers of excitement that went out couldn’t seem to block the sound of Hope’s heart beating in her ears. The flowery words of Pierce’s announcement confused her. She knew he was just trying to save face, to keep up appearances but his words cut straight to her heart. She desperately longed to hear him speak those words, but not in jest and it had only further hurt her to hear the words he spoke knowing they were a lie. He pulled her close as toasts were made on their behalf but she just stood stiffly at his side, hoping the attention would end so she could slip away and be by herself.

  Finally when she could take it no more, she grabbed Pierce’s jacket sleeve and whispered in his ear, “I’ve got to go. Please excuse me.”

  He turned worried eyes on her, “Is everything alright?”

  “Of course not, now please let me sneak off to the lady’s retiring room for a moment for some privacy.” He reluctantly let her go and watched as she half fled out of the room, amidst whispering and murmuring.

  As Hope fled, she was half-tempted to go to her room and leave the ball completely behind but she knew that would just cause a scene. Instead she went to the retiring room and prayed that it wouldn’t be overly crowded. She was surprised to notice only one other person in the room as she entered, until she realized that other person was Eliza. The woman sat perched on a pink velvet stool, her legs crossed daintily and a conniving smile on her face.

  She took one look at Hope’s tear streaked face and said in a sugary voice, “Oh child, whatever is the matter? Surely you aren’t upset that you are to marry the most eligible bachelor in all of London are you?”

  Hope just stared at her chewing on her bottom lip nervously. She didn’t trust the girl and hadn’t a clue what her motives were, “I just came for a bit of privacy, do you mind?” She walked past her and tried to make her way behind the dressing screens that had been set up for privacy.

  Eliza reached one hand out and grasped Hope’s arm sharply, pulling her to a halt, “No need to get snooty with me. If one of us should be upset, it is I. You have managed to steal the one thing I want and I fully intend to get him, regardless if he marries you or not.”

  “I didn’t steal anything, I didn’t even know anything about you until a few days ago. And I’m sure Pierce will do as he pleases, if you are who he wants then I’m sure he’ll find a way to have you.”

  “Enough!” Both girls looked up in shock to see an outraged Pierce filling the doorway.

  Eliza abruptly released Hope’s arm, “You can’t be in here, it’s highly inappropriate.”

  “I don’t give a fig about proprieties right now, all I care about is talking to Noelle, now kindly leave us. Now.”

  “Pierce you can’t mean that, what about us?”

  “There is no us, not now and not ever. If you don’t leave now I won’t hesitate to throw you out.”

  “But…” Pierce reached for her then as if he fully intended to go through with his threats. Eliza did the only smart thing she could do at that moment and made a hasty exit. As soon as she was gone and the door had shut firmly behind her, Pierce walked over and scooted a small dressing table in front of the door.

  “There, that should allow us a few moments of peace.” He walked over and reached for Hope but she recoiled.

  “Why are you here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “About what? About those lies you spouted off in front of half the ton? I’m sick of this farce, it keeps getting more and more ridiculous. You don’t realize that you’re toying with real people who have real emotions.”

  “I’m a real person with real emotions too, you do realize?”

  “Could’ve fooled me.” She snorted.

  He went and sat on the stool previously occupied by Eliza and took one of Noelle’s slender hands into his own, “Do you really believe me to be so uncaring?”

  She shrugged, “If you really cared about me you wouldn’t have said those things out there, they aren’t true and were hardly necessary.”

  Pierce pulled a reluctant Hope down into his lap and held her close. She eventually quit fighting and fitted her head into the crook of his neck where he felt wet tears trail down his throat only to disappear into the snowy folds of his cravat.

  “My little minx, are you truly so upset by what I said?” She nodded, causing her thick hair to rub up against his throat and chin in a tantalizing way as he inhaled her clean scent.

  “You didn’t have to lie, to say those things—besides, you never asked me to marry you, you won me remember?”

  “Is that what this is about? Do you want a real proposal?”

  “That’s hardly necessary, I’ve already been forced into the arrangement.”

  “Such loving words,” he chuckled. “Then tell me what bothered you so?”

  Was he dense? She looked up into his black eyes and said, “The part about falling in love with me,” she averted her eyes once more.

  He reached forward and lifted her chin with one long, brown finger so that she was gazing once more into his eyes, “Pray tell why that bothered you so, aren’t you in love with me?”

  She gasped. How did he know? Stammering she said, “I—I’m not sure—I.”

  “Say it,” he growled, his voice low and husky.

  Figuring she had no choice she looked at him bravely and said, “I love you.” Hope was surprised at the relief that flooded through her to finally speak the truth. She knew she risked further heartache by her admission, but at least he knew how she truly felt. Every part of her being longed to cry out that she was madly, deeply in love with him and to have him reciprocate, though she knew the possibilities were remote.

  Without warning, Pierce pulled her in for a tender kiss then pulled back and whispered, “I love you too, I wasn’t lying out there. You have no idea how relieved I am to know you love me as well. I don’t know how you did it, minx, but you’ve completely stolen my heart.”

  Hope felt faint, she could hardly believe the words he was speaking were true. “But what about Eliza?”

  “What about her?”

  “I thought you were in love with her.”

  Pierce snarled and Hope would’ve laughed if the mood hadn’t been so serious between them, “Don’t ever speak such atrocious things. I thought I was once but now I realize what I felt for her was child’s play. What I feel for you is real, this is what love is supposed to feel like.”

  She snuggled into his chest, “Why didn’t you marry her?”

  He took a deep breath, “I almost did. I had planned on asking for her hand but luckily I found out her true motives before I was permanently stuck. I thought she was the most beautiful, kind, tender hearted…”

  Hope put up one hand to stop him, “That’s enough of you spouting off her many virtues.”

  He bent forward and placed a kiss on the palm of her outstretched hand causing her to shiver. “I said I thought that’s how she was, but I now know how disillusioned I was. Besides, I had yet to meet you—the real most beautiful, kind, tender hearted, genuine, stubborn, obstinate…”

  “Okay, that will be enough,” she laughed, “Please continue.”

  “Then don’t interrupt me. Now where was I? Oh yes, I thought that she was everything I could ever want until I overheard her talking to her friend one night about how she had me right where she wanted me, eating out of her hand. Apparently she was more in love with my money and title and the thought of one day being a duchess than she ever was with ‘obnoxious little Pierce’ as she put it.”

  “No! She said that? Right out in the open for anyone to hear?”

  “No, she had snuck off from
the ball and when I went looking for her I heard voices in the library and found her and Lady Heather discussing her victory in snagging the most wealthy bachelor in London. I was sick and heartbroken.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, it’s the best thing that could’ve happened. If I hadn’t been privy to that bit of information I would’ve asked her father for her hand and wed her in a heartbeat and later realized the miserable mistake I had made. No, it was better to find out then.”

  “What did you do? Did you confront her?”

  “No, I started lavishing every available lady of the ton with praise and attention except her. I earned quite the reputation as a rake and she became distraught by my behavior. She thought I was just sowing some wild oats and that once I got it out of my system I would come back and beg her to become my wife, but she was wrong. The more she tried to win back my affections the more jaded I became until one day I just up and left on a tour of the continent. I was gone for over a year and by the time I came back she was married to Lord Norton, a Baron with very little wealth and lots of gambling debt. I’m still not quite sure how that match was arranged, but I figure due justice was served and I was just glad to be rid of her. I suppose when her poor husband died she figured she could just waltz back into my life and we could pick up where we left off. She was surprised to find out I was betrothed and even more shocked to find out that I was actually in love with you. I think I fell in love with you that first time I saw you sprawled out on your father’s floor in your morning dress, your hair strewn wildly about you.”

  Hope blushed, “Oh, what I sight I must’ve been.”

  “Just so, I will never forget that sight for the rest of my life.” He reached for one of the loose curls framing her face and wrapped it around his palm, “And I can’t wait to see you like that again, soon, after we’re married. I want your hair down and loose all around me.”

  Hope blushed and reached up to kiss him sensuously, “Then your wish will be my command.”

  He groaned, “This is agony, you’re killing me.”

  “If you’re going to die, then I insist you take me with you.”

  “I wouldn’t dare leave you behind, you’re mine now…we belong together forever.” And he kissed her once more, a long lingering kiss that spoke more eloquently than any words of his deep love for her.

  When they eventually parted Hope said, “I think I’d rather stay here and live happily ever after. How soon can we be wed?”

  Pierce laughed, “Are you anxious to be my wife or for the marriage bed?”

  “Both,” she smiled up at him saucily.

  Pierce groaned, “I have half a mind to go purchase a special license tonight and marry you first thing in the morning. I’d do it too if I knew my mother wouldn’t kill me.”

  “Oh, we couldn’t have that. Now, enough talk of dying, just kiss me.” Pierce eagerly complied, drowning in the sweet depths of her mouth.

  For the first time since the charade started, Hope felt optimistic and believed that just maybe the hand of God had led her to this very fate, to Pierce, and she silently thanked providence for intervening in their behalf.

  Part 3

Ginny Hartman's Novels