Page 22 of Measure for Measure

  251 requiring request

  252 plausible believable/ingratiating to the point to the letter 253 refer ... advantage ask for these advantageous conditions

  255 answer to convenience be opportune/suit your convenience

  256 course due course

  257 stead up carry out

  258 encounter meeting/ sexual interaction

  259 acknowledge reveals her recompense redress

  262 scaled weighed up frame prepare fit ready 263 carry manage

  264 doubleness twofold nature reproof blame

  266 image idea

  267 perfection completion

  268 holding up ability to maintain it

  271 moated grange farmhouse surrounded by a moat

  272 dispatch make arrangements

  278 brown ... bastard sweet Spanish wine (plays on the sense of "illegitimate mixed-race children") 279 stuff nonsense

  280 'Twas ... since the world is not as enjoyable since two usuries i.e. money lending and prostitution 281 merriest most enjoyable (prostitution)

  282 fox fox fur (with connotations of cunning)

  283 craft deceit

  284 stands ... facing trims the outside of the garment/puts itself on show to the world 286 brother father "friar" means "brother," so the duke is making fun of Elbow's terms of address 290 picklock device for picking locks (here, those of chastity belts) 291 sirrah sir (contemptuous)

  294 maw gullet/stomach

  297 array dress

  299 So stinkingly depending supported by such foulness mend reform your ways 300 sort way

  302 proofs evidence

  304 Correction punishment

  305 rude barbarous

  306 before go before

  308 he ... errand i.e. he would be better doing anything else than that 310 That if only

  311 Free ... free free from sin (as Angelo appears to be) and sin free from hypocrisy 312 come to resemble cord rope (Elbow imagines the noose being like the cord that friars wore around the waist) 313 cry call out for

  316 led in triumph paraded in disgrace (in ancient Rome, following a triumph in war, prisoners were led behind the chariots of the victors) 317 Pygmalion a sculptor and king of Cyprus, he fell in love with an ivory statue he had made of his ideal woman 318 putting ... clutched i.e. to be had for money clutched with a fist grasping money 320 Is't ... rain i.e. lost (referring either to the old way of life or to Pompey's reply) 321 Trot old hag, bawd way response/fashion

  322 sad ... words i.e. dejected trick manner 323 thus, and thus more and more/the same (nonsense)

  324 morsel mouthful, tidbit

  326 Troth in truth eaten ... beef exhausted her supply of prostitutes/eaten all the supplies of salt beef 327 tub sweating-tub used to treat venereal disease/pickling tub for curing beef 328 right of it the logical thing

  329 powdered salted/heavily made-up unshunned unavoidable 332 amiss wrong

  336 due penalty of antiquity of old

  337 bawd-born son of a bawd/born to be a bawd

  338 husband housekeeper

  341 wear fashion

  342 bondage imprisonment

  343 mettle spirit (plays on the idea of the metal chains used to fetter prisoners) 346 paint wear makeup

  349 abroad in the world

  352 kennel doghouse/gutter

  355 Other some others

  358 fantastical trick fanciful whim steal steal away 359 usurp the beggary take on a baseness

  360 puts transgression to't i.e. punishes wrongdoers

  362 lenity lenience

  363 crabbed severe/harsh

  364 general widespread

  365 sooth truth great kindred large family

  366 allied connected extirp eliminate

  367 put down stopped

  368 downright straightforward

  371 sea-maid mermaid

  372 stock-fishes dried cod (plays on sense of "impotent penis")

  373 makes water urinates

  374 motion generative sexless puppet infallible certain 375 pleasant humorous/facetious apace rapidly/idly

  377 codpiece cloth appendage worn by men at the front of the breeches (euphemism for "penis") 379 getting conception

  380 a of a feeling understanding

  381 sport i.e. sex service i.e. sexual business 383 detected for women accused of lechery

  387 beggar of fifty fifty-year-old beggar-woman

  388 use habit/sexual practice ducat gold coin clack-dish beggar's pot/vagina 389 crotchets fanciful notions

  392 inward intimate friend

  393 withdrawing sudden departure

  397 greater ... subject majority of his subjects

  399 unweighing undiscriminating

  400 envy malice

  401 helmed steered

  402 warranted need justified necessity proclamation reputation 403 testimonied judged bringings-forth achievements 405 unskilfully without justification/ignorantly

  408 Love ... love if you loved him you would know him better, and if you knew him better you would love him more 413 make your answer justify your comments

  414 maintain defend

  421 unhurtful an opposite weak an adversary

  422 forswear deny again on another occasion

  426 filling ... tundish i.e. having sex tundish funnel with a long stem (i.e. penis) 427 ungenitured sexless/impotent agent deputy, substitute 428 unpeople depopulate continency sexual abstinence Sparrows ... lecherous sparrows were sacred to Venus and proverbially lascivious 430 dark deeds secret sexual acts darkly answered privately dealt with 432 untrussing undressing (specifically, untying hose from doublet)

  434 mutton on Fridays i.e. break the ecclesiastical laws that forbade the eating of meat on Fridays (mutton puns on the sense of "prostitute") 435 mouth with kiss brown bread coarse rye bread

  438 censure 'scape escape condemnation

  440 gall bile

  445 Double ... kind? (You have been) warned two or three times and still continue to do wrong?

  446 swear ... tyrant become so exasperated that it would become pitiless 450 information official legal complaint

  451 Keepdown the name may imply sexual appetite and "lying down"

  452 duke's time under the rule of the duke

  453 Philip and Jacob May 1, the day of Saint Philip and Saint James

  455 licence immorality/lechery

  458 brother colleague

  459 divines clergymen

  460 wrought ... pity acted with the same amount of pity I feel

  463 entertainment reception

  466 whence are you where are you from

  467 chance situation

  468 my time the time being

  469 See Holy See, Rome

  471 abroad out

  472 so ... it (goodness) is so sick with worldly ills that it can only cure itself by dying 473 in request (exists only when it is) in demand/fashionable

  474 aged consistent

  475 course course of action/mode of behavior

  476 societies associations between people

  477 security overconfidence (plays on sense of "financial pledge guaranteeing a loan") fellowships partnerships (plays on sense of "trading corporations") 481 strifes objectives/endeavors

  483 pleasure enjoyments

  486 events activities

  489 lent him visitation paid him a visit

  490 sinister measure unfair treatment

  492 determination resolution, decision framed to devised for 493 instruction prompting

  494 good leisure own time discredited shown to be false 501 You ... calling you have fulfilled your divine duties to both God and the prisoner 503 extremest ... modesty limits of my abilities

  505 indeed Justice Justice itself

  506 straitness severity

  511 sword of heaven emblem of religious/legal authority

  513 Pattern ... know be himself a model of virtue

  514 Grace to stand support himself with grace virtue go conduct himself with virtue 515 More ... w
eighing administering no more or less justice to himself than he would to others 520 weed weed out

  523 likeness ... crimes seemingly virtuous behavior founded on sin

  524 Making practice practice deception

  525 draw ... things pretend to catch big things, but with merely insubstantial means 527 Craft cunning, skill

  529 old betrothed ex-fiancee (Mariana) despised scorned 530 disguise deception th'disguised the disguised Mariana 531 Pay ... exacting repay with deception the wrongful demands (made on Isabella) 532 contracting marriage contract

  2 forsworn perjured, false

  3 the ... day like the dawn

  9 stilled quieted brawling clamorous

  10 cry you mercy beg your pardon

  13 My ... woe my music does not mean I am merry but it soothed my grief 14 charm magical ability

  17 Much upon at about this

  20 constantly entirely

  21 forbearance patience/absence

  22 anon immediately afterward/in a while

  24 well met perfect timing well come welcome

  26 circummured walled around

  28 planched made of planks

  29 makes his opening opens

  30 command unlock

  33 Heavy dark/ sleepy

  34 on your knowledge with the information you have

  35 due careful/adequate wary cautious

  37 action ... precept verbal directions

  39 tokens signals

  40 'greed agreed her observance particulars she must adhere to 41 repair visit

  42 possessed informed most longest

  45 stays upon attends persuasion belief

  47 borne up sustained, managed

  52 like same

  54 have found it have experience of it

  57 attend your leisure wait for you until you are ready

  60 place status, position false treacherous

  61 stuck fixed report rumor

  62 quests ... doings inquiries into your business

  63 escapes outbursts

  64 father ... dream source of their delusion

  65 rack torment/distort fancies imaginations

  69 It ... too I not only agree to it, but beg you to do it

  71 Little ... say say little

  76 pre-contract betrothal, a binding contract

  78 Sith since title claim

  79 flourish adorn, render attractive

  80 Our ... sow we have yet to reap the harvest for we have not sown the seed tithe a tenth of the crop, due to the Church (some editors emend to "tilth," plowed field) 3 head master (the sense then shifts to pun on "maidenhead"--i.e. virginity) 5 leave ... snatches leave out your quibbles

  7 common public

  9 redeem release gyves shackles, ankle fetters

  10 deliverance release

  11 unpitied relentless, merciless

  12 time ... mind for longer than I can remember

  15 Abhorson a conflation of "abhor" and "whoreson" (son of a whore), with connotations of "abortion" (i.e. monstrosity) 18 meet fitting compound ... year agree on an annual sum 19 abide remain

  20 plead his estimation argue he is superior to the job

  23 mystery craft, profession

  24 weigh equally are worth the same

  26 favour permission (sense then shifts to "face")

  27 hanging look downcast expression/the look of a hangman or of someone destined for hanging 28 mystery Pompey responds to the sense of "art, skill"

  30 Painting art/cosmetics

  37 true honest

  39 big large/valuable

  40 little small/worthless

  43 penitent repentant he ... forgiveness the executioner would ask the condemned person for forgiveness 50 turn purpose/hanging yare quick, ready

  51 good turn favor/skillful execution (perhaps, given Pompey is a bawd, with play on the sexual sense) 54 though even if

  58 guiltless labour innocent toil

  59 starkly stiffly traveller's laborer's ("travailer's") 61 do good on improve

  69 curfew in London, the curfew bell was rung at dusk in the winter and 9 p.m. in the summer to call all persons in until dawn the next day 76 paralleled reflected/modeled on

  77 Even exactly stroke and line linear course/written authority 80 qualify moderate/control mealed stained

  81 corrects punishes

  82 this i.e. his virtuous nature

  83 gentle honorable seldom when it is seldom that

  84 steeled hardened

  85 spirit's i.e. the messenger

  86 unsisting unyielding postern back or side gate

  88 He ... up he (the officer) has arisen to attend the call 89 countermand reprieve

  94 Happily perhaps

  96 example precedent

  97 siege seat

  107 purchased ... in bought by the same sin as Angelo has committed

  109 Hence ... authority sin grows rapidly when it is supported by (borne in) those in power 111 extended stretched/widened

  112 fault's love love of the sin friended befriended, assisted 114 belike perhaps remiss negligent, careless

  115 unwonted unusual putting-on prompting

  120 satisfaction assurance

  121 duly dutifully/fully

  122 a thought the knowledge

  123 deliver communicate

  124 answer be accountable your peril risk of punishment 125 What who

  128 nine years old for the last nine years

  132 wrought obtained

  133 fact crime

  134 undoubtful absolute

  138 touched affected (by the thought of his impending execution)

  139 apprehends conceives of/fears dreadfully fearfully 141 insensible ... mortal unmoved by death and yet irredeemably condemned to die 143 wants lacks/needs advice guidance/spiritual counsel 144 evermore ... prison always had the freedom to go anywhere within the prison 148 seeming supposed

  152 beguiles deceives boldness ... cunning confidence of my skill 153 lay ... hazard put myself at risk

  156 manifested effect visible way

  157 present immediate

  158 courtesy service

  161 limited specified

  163 make ... Claudio's i.e. be subject to the death penalty

  164 cross thwart, obstruct

  165 warrant guarantee (your safety)

  168 discover the favour recognize the face

  171 tie knot/tie together (to control any straggly hair)

  172 bared shaved, trimmed

  173 course practice fall ... this happens to you as a result of this 180 avouch confirms

  182 resemblance possibility

  183 coat friar's habit

  184 attempt persuade

  185 hand signature/handwriting

  186 character handwriting

  187 signet seal of authority strange unfamiliar

  193 tenor substance

  194 nothing ... writ none of the above

  195 unfolding star i.e. Morning Star, when the shepherd releases his sheep from the fold 199 present shrift immediate confession better place i.e. heaven Yet still 200 this i.e. the letter absolutely resolve you explain everything to you 1 acquainted known house of profession i.e. the brothel 4 Rash impetuous, capricious commodity supply brown paper coarse, poor-quality wrapping paper 5 old stale ninescore ... money which he believed to be worth PS197; only making PS3.33 in actual cash, he is now in prison for debt 7 old women proverbially fond of ginger

  8 Caper leaping or skipping while dancing suit lawsuit (sense then shifts to "clothing") Three-pile luxuriously thick material, usually velvet 9 mercer a dealer in fabrics

  10 peaches impeaches, denounces

  11 Dizzy silly, vacuous Deep-vow perhaps a lover who falls passionately, but frequently, in love Copperspur perhaps a man who has spurs made of copper in the hope they may pass for gold 12 Starve-lackey mean person who starves his servants rapier fencing was done with a rapier (sword) and dagger 13 Drop-heir perhaps someone who kills heirs, or marries them o
nly to drop them; or "dropsied" (i.e. pretentious); or one with "hair" that is dropping out, a symptom of syphilis lusty Pudding perhaps a rich, fat heir (a pudding was a sausage) 14 Forthright moving forward, charging tilter jouster brave splendidly dressed Shoe-tie elaborate shoe-lace or bow 15 Half-can ... Pots probably refers to a drunken brawl in which Half-can, someone "half-cut" (drunk), or someone who drank smaller measures of liquor, stabbed Pots (named after a drinking vessel) 16 doers ... trade frequenters of brothels (to "do" meant to have sex with) "for ... sake" "meat for the Lord's sake" was the frequent cry of prisoners asking for food 19 rise awake/ascend the scaffold

  22 pox plague

  25 to as to

  31 straw floors of prisons were strewn with straw

  36 clap into get on with

  39 fitted in a suitable condition

  41 betimes early

  43 ghostly father holy confessor

  50 billets wooden sticks

  56 hear you listen

  58 ward cell thence from there

  59 gravel stony

  62 unmeet unfit

  63 transport him i.e. put him to death

  67 Ragozine possibly a native of Ragusa, a successful Adriatic port, now Dubrovnik 68 years age head hair

  69 omit disregard

  70 reprobate villain

  71 visage head/face

  73 accident event

  74 Dispatch it carry it out

  75 Prefixed determined

  77 rude vulgar, uncivilized

  80 continue keep alive

  84 holds cells

  85 journal greeting daily appearance

  86 yonder generation those outside of the prison

  87 manifested apparent

  88 free dependant willing servant/entirely under your protection

  93 injunctions commands bound required

  95 consecrated fount holy spring

  96 league three miles below outside

  97 cold gradation calm advancement well-balanced form careful observance of the proper procedures 101 commune discuss

  108 of out of

  118 close controlled, silent

  124 Forbear it restrain yourself

  126 verity truth

  128 confessor either Friar Thomas (mentioned in Act 1) or Friar Peter 129 instance information

  132 pace control, maneuver

  133 good path right direction

  134 bosom on dearest wish inflicted on

  135 Grace by virtue heart heart's content

  142 perfect him withal tell him about

  143 to ... of face to face with

  144 home and home thoroughly

  145 combined bound

  146 Wend you direct yourself, go

  147 waters i.e. tears

  149 pervert turn aside

  153 fain obliged

  154 bran coarse brown bread for my head for fear of losing my head 155 fruitful fulfilling (with sexual connotations) set me to't set me to work sexually/provide the strength for sex 157 fantastical whimsical, capricious dark corners i.e. secretive/given to lurking in dark corners (plays on the sense of "vaginas") 159 beholding beholden, indebted

  160 he ... them he is nothing like you say/his reputation does not depend on you 162 woodman hunter (of women)