Page 23 of Measure for Measure

  166 pretty fine/clever

  171 fain to forswear eager to deny

  172 medlar type of fruit/whore (slang term for the vagina)

  173 fairer more (falsely) attractive, entertaining

  177 burr prickly seed-head that sticks easily to clothing

  1 disvouched contradicted

  2 uneven erratic

  3 wisdom ... tainted wits are not infected

  4 redeliver hand back, restore (legal term)

  9 exhibit their petitions utter their complaints/requests

  10 dispatch swift settlement

  11 devices plots, contrivances

  13 betimes early

  15 sort and suit social rank and personal retinue

  18 unshapes confounds, deforms unpregnant unreceptive, unprepared 19 dull sluggish, unresponsive

  20 eminent body respected public figure

  21 it i.e. extramarital sex But were it not tender vulnerable, raw, pitiable 22 proclaim publicly complain of maiden loss loss of virginity 23 tongue reproach, denounce dares her no frightens her not to 24 bears ... bulk carries such weighty credibility

  26 confounds the breather discredits the person who utters the complaint 27 riotous unrestrained sense passion/awareness (of Angelo's actions) 29 By as a result of

  1 me for me

  3 keep your instruction stick to your task

  4 hold you ever stand firm special drift particular aim 5 blench swerve

  6 cause doth minister circumstances require

  9 trumpets trumpeters

  11 speeded done swiftly, accomplished

  14 gentle honorable

  1 indirectly dishonestly

  2 him Angelo so in that manner (truthfully)

  4 He i.e. the duke/friar

  6 peradventure by any chance

  8 physic medicine

  9 bitter ... end unpleasant to taste but good for the health

  10 would wish

  12 stand place to stand

  13 vantage on advantageous position (from which to intercept)

  16 hent arrived, taken up positions at near upon shortly

  1 cousin a friendly form of address

  7 yield ... thanks thank you publicly

  8 Forerunning more requital preceding further gratitude/reward 9 bonds obligations

  11 wards ... bosom secret confines of my heart 12 characters letters

  13 forted fortified tooth i.e. ravages 14 razure obliteration

  15 subject duke's citizens

  16 fain gladly

  17 Favours high regard keep within live inside (my heart) 21 Vail your regard cast your gaze downward

  22 fain much more willingly

  29 Reveal explain

  34 wring bring about

  36 suitor petitioner, supplicant

  37 Cut off (whose life was) cut short

  39 strange oddly (Isabella shifts the sense to "unprecedentedly") 41 forsworn perjured, false

  47 truer more certain

  50 To ... reck'ning to the end of time/no matter how far we examine the matter 52 in ... sense from a diseased mind

  53 conjure entreat

  54 comfort godly realm/source of divine comfort 55 with that opinion in the belief that

  56 touched tainted/affected Make ... unlike do not assume it is impossible because it seems unlikely 58 caitiff wretch ground face of the earth 59 shy cautious, reserved grave wise, dignified, revered absolute perfect, complete 61 dressings finery, official robes caracts badges (of office) forms formal procedures 64 more name a greater vocabulary/more terms

  67 frame of sense lucidity, rational structure 68 dependency ... thing coherent relationship of ideas 71 Harp dwell banish ... inequality assume I am mad because I am socially inferior or because my words contradict Angelo's reputation 74 hide ... true (let the truth) eclipse the falsehood that merely seems plausible/(let your reason) ignore the falsehood that seems to be true 78 act legal act prohibiting premarital sex/deed 80 probation ... sisterhood i.e. a novice 82 As then at that time

  90 wished was I asked

  93 business for yourself matter concerning yourself 94 perfect fully prepared/accurate

  95 warrant assure (the duke shifts the sense to "document authorizing arrest") 97 somewhat some part

  102 pernicious destructive

  105 to the matter relevant

  106 Mended set right

  107 to ... by leaving out unnecessary details 108 persuaded entreated, urged

  109 refelled refused

  113 concupiscible hotly desirous

  114 debatement argument, deliberation

  115 remorse pity confutes overcomes 116 the ... betimes early the next morning

  117 surfeiting being overindulged

  119 likely probable (ironic)

  120 that ... true i.e. as then the duke might believe her 121 fond foolish

  123 suborned bribed to make false accusations 124 practice conspiracy

  125 imports no reason makes no sense

  126 pursue ... himself seek to punish a crime he had also committed 128 weighed judged

  129 cut him off had him executed set you on put you up to this 133 ministers angels

  135 Unfold reveal

  136 countenance social standing/outward show 140 blasting destructive, withering

  141 practice plot

  143 Lodowick the duke's assumed name as a friar 144 ghostly holy (plays on the sense of "insubstantial") 146 lay not a clergyman

  148 retirement absence had swinged would have beaten 149 This' this is

  153 saucy insolent

  154 scurvy contemptible

  157 abused deceived

  159 touch or soil moral blemish/sexual stain 160 ungot not yet conceived

  164 temporary meddler one who interferes in secular matters 167 vouches testifies, asserts misreport slander 168 most villainously he did, and most villainously too 171 strange unknown/severe mere sole/personal 176 probation proof make ... clear make absolutely clear 177 convented summoned to appear

  178 justify exonerate

  179 vulgarly publicly

  180 to her eyes to her face

  184 vanity futile actions/foolishness

  199 punk prostitute

  201 cause ... himself reason to speak/charge of his own to defend himself against 206 known had sex with

  209 For ... too if it kept you quiet I wish you were also drunk 215 charges accuses, indicts with at 216 depose testify

  217 th'effect the manifestations/fulfillment 218 Charges she more is she accusing other men 221 just exactly

  224 abuse deception

  229 fast belocked locked firmly

  230 match assignation

  231 supply satisfy garden-house summer house 232 In ... person disguised as Isabella

  240 proportions dowry

  241 composition the agreed amount in chief principally 242 For that because disvalued In levity discredited on grounds of (sexual) immorality 254 confixed fixed firmly

  256 smile i.e. regard such accusations as foolish/amusing 257 scope full extent

  258 touched affected/hurt

  259 informal demented

  260 mightier member more powerful person

  261 way opportunity, scope

  266 Compact in collusion

  267 swear down invoke particular individual 269 sealed in approbation confirmed and approved 270 pains efforts

  279 well-warranted eminently approved of

  280 forth fully, to the end

  282 chastisement form of punishment

  283 stir not you do not move

  284 determined made a judgment on

  285 throughly thoroughly

  292 Cucullus ... monachum "a hood does not make a monk" (Latin) 292 enforce ... him lay your charges against him notable notorious 298 handle deal with (Lucio then plays on the sense of "fondle") 300 Say you? What did you say?

  301 privately alone/in her private parts

  302 perchance ... ashamed perhaps she will be too ashamed to admit her de
ceit/be made love to in public 303 go ... her question her in a cryptic or cunning manner (perhaps with unwitting play on "have sex with her in the dark/sinfully") 304 light bright/promiscuous

  311 Mum (I shall be) silent

  315 How? What?

  316 Respect let respect be shown/I am respectful 317 honoured ... throne respected, if not for anything else, for the fact that he is the king of hell 319 in us is represented by us

  320 Look make sure

  323 Good ... redress! Farewell to any hope of justice!

  325 retort reject manifest evidently truthful 329 unreverend disrespectful/ irreligious unhallowed unholy 331 mouth language

  332 proper ear own hearing

  333 glance move rapidly/turn

  334 tax charge, blame

  335 th'rack torture instrument that stretched the limbs touse pull violently 338 hot rash, hasty

  339 stretch upon the rack

  341 here provincial of this province (hence not subject to its laws) 344 stew cauldron/brothel

  345 countenanced endorsed (by those in authority) 346 forfeits ... shop Elizabethan barbers displayed lists of penalties for misbehavior in their shops 347 in ... mark in jest as a serious warning 351 goodman form of address to one below the rank of gentleman baldpate monks were required to shave parts of their heads 357 notedly particularly

  358 fleshmonger fornicator/pimp

  361 make ... report attribute those remarks to me 366 close compromise/conclude

  370 bolts leg-irons, fetters

  371 giglots harlots

  372 confederate companion accomplice (Friar Peter) 378 sheep-biting whoremongering/thieving (said of a dog that would attack sheep) hanged the fate of dogs caught attacking sheep an hour in an hour/for an hour or so 380 mad'st created

  381 bail free gentle three i.e. Isabella, Mariana, and Friar Peter 386 place i.e. the position where Angelo is presiding 388 or either

  389 do thee office be of service to you

  391 hold ... out give in (to the truth)

  392 dread revered

  394 undiscernible undetected

  396 passes actions/trespasses

  397 session trial

  399 sequent subsequent

  405 Do ... office undertake the task consummate being completed 408 at ... it at the fact that he behaved like this than at the extraordinary nature of the situation 411 Advertising attentive holy devoted 412 changing ... habit having changed my feelings with my appearance 413 Attorneyed serving as your agent

  415 vassal servant, subject pained put to effort 418 free generous

  420 obscured disguised

  422 rash remonstrance sudden revelation

  423 so be lost i.e. executed kind fond, sisterly 424 celerity speed

  426 brained destroyed, dashed the brains from 429 So thus

  432 salt lecherous

  434 adjudged condemned

  436 promise-breach Thereon dependent i.e. the breaking of the promise to save Claudio, made in return for Isabella giving up her chastity

  439 proper own

  441 still always

  442 quit repay measure retribution/ judgment/due proportion 444 though ... vantage even were you to deny it you would not benefit 445 very block same executioner's block

  449 mock deceive/tantalize/taunt

  452 else ... you otherwise accusations regarding your sexual relations with him 454 For as for

  456 instate endow widow you withal grant you a widow's settlement with them 460 definitive determined

  462 lose your labour waste your efforts

  467 Against all sense totally unreasonably importune entreat 468 of this fact for this crime

  469 paved bed grave covered with a stone slab 475 most most part

  484 but only

  487 His ... intent despite his bad intentions he did not fulfill them 489 subjects actual things/people subject to the ruling power 492 unprofitable pointless/unsuccessful

  502 knew it not was not sure

  503 advice consideration

  506 reserved preserved

  512 still always

  513 blood sexual desire

  514 tempered self-controlled

  515 procure bring about

  523 apprehends comprehends

  524 squar'st measures/shapes

  525 quit acquit, pardon

  528 muffled concealed (with a hood or clothing) 537 quickening fresh animation

  538 quits repays/leaves

  539 Look make sure her ... yours her worth is equal to yours/let your worth be deserving of hers 540 apt remission ready forgiveness

  541 in place present

  543 luxury lust

  545 extol praise

  546 trick custom/whim/prank/foolishness

  558 cuckold man with an unfaithful wife

  560 therewithal in addition

  561 Remit pardon forfeits punishments 562 pleasure herein executed wishes fulfilled 563 pressing to death one who refused to plead guilty or innocent was pressed with heavy weights until he pleaded or died (plays on the sense of "death by sexual exertion") 566 restore make amends to (by marriage)

  568 confessed her been her confessor

  570 behind to come gratulate pleasing/expressive of thanks 576 motion ... good proposal that greatly concerns your benefit 579 bring accompany

  580 yet behind still to be revealed meet fitting



  William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

  (Series: # )




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