Page 51 of One Size Fits All

  A fresh wave of giggles erupted from her as she stared at the beamed ceiling above. “I love your house,” she giggled out as she rolled towards him. “If it has a shower, I will probably declare it perfect.”

  He started convulsing hard again and they lay on their sides facing each other wracked with giggles. “I do indeed have a shower, but I don’t know why you would want one, I mean it’s just a little pee.” He grabbed his sides as more laughter erupted from his chest.

  “You’re awful you know that?” But it didn’t hold any of her usual rancor. In fact, it was hilarious.

  “Wait till you see me deliver a calf. I’m covered from head to toe in cow gunk.”

  “Giving birth is a beautiful thing,” she giggled wildly again. “How…how…how… dare you call it gunk,” she managed to push out between laughs.

  He gave another hiccupping laugh as he reached for her hand. “You’ve got me there.” Suddenly Kat became aware of how close together they were and how sexy his lips were curved into a smile. She refused to have their first kiss be while she was covered in dog pee. She turned her head away and sat up to look into the dog box. It was only after she looked in to see a third pup that she realized she was planning their first kiss. This was Luke, the guy she couldn’t stand.

  He sat up too but his hand brushed back her hair. “If you want to go now, I can stay with Lucy.”

  Shaking her head, she looked at him. “I’ll stay with her until she is done, but thank you.”

  “All right.” He leaned over and his lips brushed her forehead as he breathed out the words. “You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you need, Kat. Hang out with Lucy. The puppies can’t go to homes till the end of the summer and I am sure she could use some help with them. You can take some time to figure out what you want to do next.”

  Her forehead tingled where his lips had touched. “I’ll think about it, Luke. Thanks.” Her voice came out in a husky whisper. Had she really just said that? Was she actually contemplating spending an entire summer with Luke? She might even be excited about it. His eyes bore into her but she refused to look at him, instead keeping her eyes on the five puppies in the box with Lucy.

  She would be playing with fire if she stayed. Attraction was crackling between them and she shook her head. How had she not noticed this sooner? All the tension between them was sexual.

  “What are you thinking?” His hand brushed her hair again.

  “That I can’t believe I am actually considering this.” She still didn’t look at him. She pet another of the pups but didn’t pick it up.

  “Why not?”

  “We usually fight all the time,” she said as though it should be completely obvious.

  “Oh that.” He gave another chuckle. “Well, you are fiery—”

  “Me! You’re blaming me? You always bait me.” She turned to him then. His brown eyes were flecked with gold, black studded lashes framed them in the sexiest way possible.

  He sighed. “I bait you because it’s all I can do to get you to talk to me.”

  “What?” she asked incredulously. He was talking like he had always liked her. Which was crazy. The girl he dated would be absolutely perfect. Not like her.

  “I like seeing your chest heave.” He gave her a devilish grin.

  “Now I know you’re lying. There is no way you have wanted to date me all these years. You are gorgeous and I was too heavy—”

  “That is total bullshit. If anything, you’re too thin now. Don’t get me wrong, you look great, but I like you better when you’re a little curvier.”

  Kat looked at him like he was completely mental. There was no way he was telling the truth. Everyone thought she looked better now. And while she liked feeling attractive, the pressure to keep the weight off had been one more thing making her grumpy. What if she messed it up? “Now you’re just shoveling total cow shit my way.”

  One of his eyebrows quirked up, and a sexy curve pulled at his lips. “I have shoveled a lot of that, so I know it well. I can get you plenty of experience if you want it because you seem incapable of telling the difference between shit and the real deal.”

  Normally she bristled when he said stuff like this. She tried to bristle now. She rolled her eyes. “There you go again, insulting me.”

  “No, Kat, I was trying to compliment you and you were insulting me.” His words were accompanied with a meaningful stare.

  Her mouth hung open. Damn. He was right. “I…I…didn’t mean… I’m not pretty enough—”

  He leaned over then and placed his lips on hers. His lips were incredibly soft and sensual and the gentle kiss absolutely curled her toes. “Sweetheart, you’re gorgeous. You always have been. The blond hair, blue eyes, and those lips that beg to be kissed. I tell you something else, women would kill to have curves like yours. If ever a woman has looked more like Marilyn Monroe, I haven’t met her. Every time you left Carl’s room in college, all the guys were panting like lap dogs. But you were so beautiful and, that tongue of yours could cut a man to pieces. They were too scared to ask you out.”

  Her hand came to his cheek and she ran her fingers over the stubble. It wasn’t the first time someone had told her that she used her words to push people away. Even Carl had been cautious around her lately. “Why do I do that? Cut men to pieces?” she leaned back on her elbows and he moved a little closer so their bodies were almost touching.

  “You’re tough. You don’t take shit from people. It’s why you can teach middle school. But don’t mistake guys’ motives. It’s not that they don’t think you’re hot. It’s that they’re too scared to ask you out.”

  “How come you didn’t say anything like this before?”

  “I’ve tried a couple of times but…”

  “I get pissed and tear you a new one?” she supplied.

  “Yep, that pretty much says it all.” He grinned. His hand skimmed her arm and goose bumps erupted across her skin. “I think Lucy is done with the birth. The puppies are all eating. Do you want to take that shower? I’ll go get your bag.”

  “Sure, that would be great. Although the second I pick up another puppy, is it just going to pee on me again?” She giggled, scrunching her face like she had smelled something terrible.

  But he didn’t laugh this time. His lips came down on hers again. The kiss lingered and tingling shot all through her. His hand came to her waist as his lips broke away and then he kissed her more deeply. With every touch, Kat wanted more. She tipped her head back further, starting to open her mouth, to meet his tongue but he pulled away and broke the kiss. His hand came up from her waist to stroke her cheek. “It’s part of being on a farm, but I hope you find it’s worth it.”

  A little disappointment snaked down her spine that he had ended the kiss. He was still so close and she wanted to raise her lips up to meet his again but before she could, he stood and then reached for her hands, to pull her up too.

  It was probably better that they stopped, she thought to herself. She took a deep breath. This night was completely out of control.

  She headed up the stairs finding a nice bath on her right. Fresh white tile covered the bottom half of the wall while a big claw foot tub stood proudly off to one side. She wondered if Luke had it redone. It was in perfect condition. She turned the shower on, but before she left, she was taking a bath in that tub.

  “What should I do with my clothes?” she called as she stripped off her t-shirt. The floor was so shiny and new, she didn’t want to get it dirty.

  Still holding her shirt, she carefully took off her pants so that they didn’t touch the floor.

  The door clicked open. “I’ll take them for you when you’re ready….” He stopped in the doorway. He was stone still except for his eyes, which were moving all over her.

  She clutched the clothes in front of her. “Your floors are so nice, I didn’t want to—” She stopped talking, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

  “The floor will wash but I??
?ll throw your stuff in the washer. Just hand them over.” He reached out his hand with a devilish glint to his eye.

  “I’ll pass them out the door in a second. Cover your eyes!” she demanded.

  He gave her one last meaningful look before he disappeared around the corner and stuck his hand through the open door. She tiptoed over to the hand and reached out to give him the clothes. He grabbed her wrist instead of the laundry giving her a gentle tug.

  “Ahhhh, stop that!” she shrieked.

  His thumb skimmed along the sensitive skin, stroking it. “I’m glad you like the bathroom reno. I’m going to work on the kitchen next, it just takes time.”

  She bit her lip, delighting in the sensations he was causing. She could only see his single hand through the door but it was large and strong. The kind that could make a woman weak in the knees. “I like the kitchen the way it is. This room is great but the rest of the house is super homey.”

  “I like you the way you are.” His husky voice made her vibrate.

  “Then why did you stop? I mean…” She halted, closing her eyes.

  “Kat, we are going to do a lot more than a quickie on the living room floor. It’ll take some time to build.” His thumb moved faster, rubbing a circle on her wrist.

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “Why don’t you take that shower? I’m going to check on Lucy.” His thumb slipped off her skin and he grabbed her dirty clothes, thumping down the stairs.

  She sighed, leaning her face against the crisp tile. Kat, you’re losing it. Not only was she not protesting at his advances, but she had done that needy girl thing where she was all like, why’d you stop? Where was the Kat that flayed men alive? That Kat had ended up alone, a workaholic, and pushing even her best friends away. Maybe it was time to be a little more vulnerable.

  She stepped into the spray. The water washed not only the dog fluids away, but the grime from driving all day. She began lathering her hair and soaping up her body.

  Ten minutes later, she emerged a new person. She wrapped up in a fresh towel from Luke’s linen closet and glanced around. She had only just realized that he hadn’t brought her suitcase up. Opening the door, she peeked down the hall but it wasn’t there either. “Sorry,” she called. “But do you know where my suitcase went? I don’t see it.”

  “Yeah, I got a little distracted by a girl in her underwear and I accidentally carried it back downstairs. I didn’t want to interrupt your…” He came to the bottom of the stairs, holding the suitcase. His eyes travelled up from her bare feet to her wet hair, with only a towel covering her. “Shit, Kat. You’re making this really hard.”

  “What?” She smiled innocently. She should take some time and think this through. But at that moment, she didn’t want to. She had been trying to think through everything. Maybe it would be better to just jump and see where she landed.

  “Are you wearing anything under that towel?” His eyes were smoldering as he looked at her, his voice husky.

  Kat gave him a sexy glance. She knew Luke wouldn’t want anything serious, not from her. He’d probably marry a supermodel. Not a girl who used to be chubby, no matter what he said. But she wanted to enjoy this now. It had been a long time and he was the most attractive man she had ever met. “Not a thing,” she replied. “Want to bring me that suitcase?”

  He took the stairs two at a time and was next to her in an instant. He dropped the suitcase at her feet and then bent slightly to wrap his arms under her rear. The second her feet came off the floor, she grabbed him around the neck. She yelped playfully but his mouth swallowed the sound as his lips met hers.

  This kiss didn’t tease, it ignited. His lips slanted hers open, and their tongues touched. Winding her fingers into his hair, she pulled him closer, as her tongue met his every thrust. He began carrying her down the hall.

  “Kat, I wanted to go slow,” he managed to say between kisses.

  “I don’t,” she said raising her head. “It’s been so long and I don’t want to think.”

  “Maybe, this isn’t a good—” He started to set her down but she wrapped her legs around him.

  “We’ll figure everything else out tomorrow. Let’s just be together tonight,” she pleaded, her lips meeting his again. His arms felt so strong wrapped around her, his broad shoulders could carry the weight of the world. She didn’t want to let them go.

  “Kat,” he groaned but he didn’t move away either. The towel was coming loose and she rubbed herself against his body, feeling his hard cock pressing against his pants. It was practically begging to be released. One of her hands unwound from his hair, and she reached between them to press her palm against his shaft. “It’s been a long time for me too and if you keep doing that….” He was gritting his teeth as he spoke.

  Kat pulled away for a second. Was that why he wanted to be with her now? There wasn’t anyone else around? She closed her eyes. Don’t think about anything now. Just feel. His lips touched hers again, but they were softer, less demanding. It was as if he could sense that she had grown insecure and he was soothing her. “I can’t believe you’re worried about going slow. We’ve known each other for ten years.”

  “And you hated me for nine years, three hundred sixty four days.” He grinned against her lips.

  “I didn’t hate you, I thought you were teasing me most of the time and I don’t like being teased.”

  “Note to self,” he said softly, his tongue teasing her mouth back open. “Promise me you won’t regret this tomorrow.”

  Kat shuddered. His meaning seemed clear to her. This was a one time thing and she wasn’t supposed to get mad about it. She’d take it. One night with this hunk of a man was better than nothing at all. “Promise.”

  He started moving towards the bedroom again and she started undoing the buttons of his flannel shirt. She wanted to touch his warm skin and she was dying to see him naked. She had seen him a few times without a shirt and he had looked like a god then and that was before he had become a rancher.

  He flicked on a soft lamp and it illuminated a large four post bed. Every piece of furniture he had was fucking perfect. It was like it begged her to curl up and stay. “Do you mind the light?” he whispered in her ear, tickling the sensitive skin.

  “That depends, you can leave it on if you’re taking your clothes off.” A laugh rumbled from his chest.

  “You got it.” He set her down and she grabbed up the towel, sitting on the bed. A blush climbed up her cheeks. She knew he was going to be perfect but what would he think about her? He finished unbuttoning his shirt and stripped it off his shoulders. His cowboy boots came next and then he grabbed for the buckle of his belt. In one flick, it was undone and the pants hit the floor.

  In her wildest dreams she had never pictured a man looking that good.


  Luke looked at her, clutching the towel. He was seeing Kat clearly for the first time. She used that damn sharp tongue of hers to hide her insecurities. How had he not seen it before? He had stripped a lot of that away tonight but what he didn’t know was would sleeping together make their relationship better or worse.

  It was a relationship. Or it was going to be. Kat was absolutely, stunningly, gorgeous. No, she didn’t have a scrawny boy body. He had never understood why men liked that. She was all tiny waist and luscious curves with jeans barely hanging on to those hips.

  God, the first time he’d met her, blond hair hanging down her back, big blue eyes sparkling up at him, he’d been entranced. But Carl had wrapped his arm around her neck and given her a big kiss on the cheek. He had never been jealous of his brother until that moment.

  She was right, he was often a jerk to her. But he died with wanting a little every time he saw her. He couldn’t do anything else other than push her away to protect himself. By the time he realized she and Carl would only ever be friends, it had been too late. She bristled every time she saw him.

  Until today. Until she had shown up sc
ared and worried and uncertain about her dog and, frankly, her future. Today was the day he had broken through. What he didn’t know was if it was better to seal the deal while he finally had her open or if he should foster their relationship more first.

  He reached out and gently pulled the towel away from her clinging hands. She tried to cover herself, another blush rising in her cheeks. Dammit, she was breathtaking. “Kat,” he said as he leaned over to grab her hand. “You’re stunning sweetheart, I mean really…” words seemed to fail him as she rose from the bed. Her breasts were still large but everything else was slim and trim. His hand skimmed down her side to her hip and then gently wrapped around her buttocks to pull her close. As their skin touched, all the blood rushed to his already bulging cock. Her hands wrapped around his neck and she pressed closer.

  He was going to lose it. Her lips were so soft pressed to his and her skin was like melting butter against him. “Kat, I can’t wait. I need—” He hitched her up again and, in response, she wrapped her legs around him, his head pressed against her soft folds.

  She moaned at the contact and his vision blurred; it was that erotic. She was wet and ready and with the slightest nudge he slid deep inside her.

  They groaned together, a guttural sound, his arms wrapping tighter around her. He lifted her up and she slid back down his length, her muscles pulling at his member. “Oh Kat, I….” His lips found hers again and their tongues mingled. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to hold on to what little control he still had, the slow pace only making it more sensual.

  She was going to be an amazing horse rider because she grasped him with her legs and pushed back off and then allowed her weight to slide back down him.

  She moved faster and both his hands were on her ass, helping her with the motion. He tried to remember if he had ever done it standing up like this but he couldn’t remember a single sexual encounter prior to this one, it erased the memory of every woman before her. “Kat,” he heaved her name out. He was on the edge and trying desperately to hold on. He had wanted this for so long and it was even better than he had imagined.