Page 52 of One Size Fits All

  Her head tilted back, rocking from side to side, and she moaned again. He could feel her vibrating. “Tell me you’re close,” he grated out into her ear.

  “I’m close, I’m so close. Don’t stop.” She rocked harder, her head thrashing.

  He took a deep breath. Count, you bastard. Do anything to keep from coming. He needed her to enjoy this as much as he did. Her breath was coming out in short gasps and as she squeezed him tight a high pitched moan erupted from her mouth.

  He couldn’t take it and with a loud grunt, he exploded inside of her.

  Her forehead dropped to his and one of his hands came up to capture her cheek and angle her lips to his. Carrying her to the bed, he pulled the covers back and then laid them both down, never breaking contact. Rolling to his side, he pulled her with him and then snuggled her close. She let out a sound close to a coo. It came from the back of her mouth, soft and slightly guttural. He went from completely satiated to hard again in an instant. “Kat.” He pressed his lips to hers, though this time it wasn’t in affection but need.

  Grinning underneath his lips, her arms, which had been wrapped limply around him, tightened. “You’re right. We really should make the most of tonight,” she purred.

  “And every night,” he responded, a little doubt niggling its way back in. He had to make sure she understood that this wasn’t a one night stand for him. While he didn’t want to put pressure on her he also didn’t want to let her slip through his fingers.

  “You don’t have to say that—” She pulled away.

  “Kat, I’m not just saying it.” He pulled her closer again, kissing down her neck. Now that they had satiated their initial need he could make love to her slowly and completely. Take his time and show her how much he cared for her.


  Kat sucked in her breath as his lips travelled down her neck. One night she could walk away from. At least she thought she could. But an entire summer of sharing his bed and she would be completely devastated when it ended. She had never been good at casual. The one time she had even tried had been an epic fail.

  His breath fanned across her collar bone, his lips skimming her chest. When he hit her nipple, his mouth hovered over it, tickling it with warm air. It grew instantly hard. He didn’t even have to touch her. This was bad. “Luke—” She meant to tell him to stop but instead she arched towards his lips until she all but thrust her nipple in his mouth.

  He obliged her by placing a soft kiss on the tip and then suckling a little harder, causing her to cry out and thread her fingers through his hair. He continued to trail kisses down her stomach, slowly and methodically until he hovered just above the juncture between her legs. It took everything she had not to push him down to satisfy the ache that was growing inside of her. But her hips were grinding and arching and he gave her a wicked grin before he lowered his head and ever so gently licked her folds.

  Kat shuddered and bucked underneath him as he increased the pressure. She had never in her life even come close to an orgasm like this, unless she counted the one she had five minutes ago. It was exhilarating and terrifying. After one night, Luke could crush her.

  It wasn’t that she hadn’t heard him. She just had a hard time actually believing that he had wanted her for years and that he had liked her when she carried a little more weight. She had always been curvy with a flat stomach but she was tall and boys sometimes teased her about being an Amazon. Luke was the type of guy who could have the most beautiful woman there was. He surely didn’t want an Amazon.

  He might share his bed with her for the summer. But then what? She was sure he expected her to return to Mass and he’d stay in Montana and their relationship would fizzle out. The question remained—was the pleasure now worth the pain she would surely experience later?

  “What are you thinking?” He had kissed his way back up her body and his tip was sliding inside of her again.

  Her body tensed up, clutching him. Dear God, I am going to have another orgasm. She gasped as he started moving inside of her. It didn’t matter if he hurt her at the end of the summer. She couldn’t give this up. “That we should have slept together years ago. “

  He laughed. “I couldn’t agree more. Now that I have finally gotten you in my bed, I don’t intend to let you out for a while. So don’t go thinking this is a one night thing.”

  She turned her face away. “It’s a summer thing then?”

  “What do you want it to be?” His voice was quiet and he stilled inside of her.

  “I…I…don’t know. But I don’t want to get hurt. The more we’re together, the harder it will be if…” She didn’t want to say the words.

  He seemed to understand because his lips came down to hers and gave her a slow soft kiss, brushing the hair back from her face. “Kat, I promise you, I have no intention of hurting you. If anything, I bet you break my heart.”

  “What?” She stared at him incredulously.

  “You can stay here for a month, or a week, or a year. My home is your home.” His lips came down on hers again and he started moving inside her once more.

  Kat forgot to answer as he swept her up in passion once again.


  She woke to a black room. Not a smidge of light penetrated the darkness. She sat straight up trying to figure out where she was and what was happening.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you, I was checking on Lucy.” Luke’s voice permeated the fog surrounding her brain.

  “Is she all right?” She laid back down as the springs of the bed squeaked under his weight. He gathered her into his arms.

  “Doing great and so are the pups.”

  “Thank you for checking. I can’t believe I fell asleep.” She was thankful for the darkness, it hid her now red cheeks.

  His lips kissed the hollow of her neck as he gave a chuckle. “I’m sure you were worn out.”

  Her face flamed and she swatted at him but barely got his arm with her fingernail. “Do you have a night light or something, it is so dark in here. I need to see you so that I can hit you.”

  “Sure, I’ve got one in the bathroom.” He jumped up again and within ten seconds, a soft glow from the bathroom lit the room just enough for her to see him walk back in. He was naked still and broad, muscular shoulders were only emphasized by the dim light. He took her breath away.

  He climbed back into bed and his skin made contact with hers. She sucked in her breath, delicious sensations shot through her. He nibbled at her neck, “Tomorrow I’ll head to the drug store and get some protection but tonight it would be wise—”

  “Shit,” she twisted in bed. “We didn’t use anything!”

  He gathered her up close, his mouth coming to her ear. “It’s all right. We’ll figure it out.”

  “How can you be so calm?” Her own breath was coming in short gasps.

  “You’re not a woman I picked up in a bar. I’ve known you for ten years. You were in my brother’s wedding. If you’re pregnant, I’ll support you no matter what.” His hand started running up and down her back, lightly skimming over her skin. The words, combined with the touch, were the most comforting thing she had ever experienced.

  “No matter what? Are you sure? I’m almost thirty and after watching Lucy tonight, I don’t think an abortion is an option. But you have a choice too, you don’t have to—”

  His lips came down on hers in a fierce kiss. “I’m so glad to hear that. Let’s get some sleep. We’ll be more careful and if it happens, we’ll make a plan.”

  Kat closed her eyes. Tears were threatening to erupt. This moment was so gloriously perfect and she was completely afraid that it would evaporate at any second. That she didn’t deserve a man like Luke. She wrapped her arms around his neck; maybe if she held on tight enough, she could keep from losing him.

  The next morning she woke early to the distinct smell of bacon and coffee. She sat up and stretched, feeling more relaxed than she had in years. Luke popped his head in t
he doorway giving her a lopsided grin. “Just in time.”

  Her hands whipped down and snatched the covers up. She felt shy all over again. She wasn’t normally this sheepish, it was just that Luke was so gorgeous. “Hey,” was the only thing she could say, then even more color flooded her cheeks. So dumb, she thought to herself.

  He crossed the room and opened a drawer, pulling out a crisp white t-shirt. Moving back towards her, he extended his arm. “This way if the puppies pee on you, you won’t be getting more of your clothes dirty.”

  “Thanks,” she said reaching out her arm. She grabbed the shirt, but he didn’t let go. She cocked her head to the side, raising her eyebrows. He was teasing her and that made her feisty side come out. “Is there a price attached to borrowing a t-shirt? Why aren’t you letting go?”

  His grin broadened. “I like seeing you naked in my bed.” He leaned towards her but Kat turned her head away. She hadn’t brushed her teeth. He placed a small kiss on her collarbone sending shivers racing down her skin. His mouth skimmed up to her ear, fanning his soft breath up the column of her throat. Kat closed her eyes. Luke was turning her into a shivering mass of nerves. She was in danger of completely losing her mind. “It’s a warm morning. I couldn’t convince you to come down to breakfast in just my t-shirt could I?”

  What?” She laid back down on the pillow, pulling the covers with her as she went. He followed, his lips placing a kiss on the sensitive skin behind her ear while his hand traced patterns on the skin of her chest.

  “I’ve been dreaming of those long legs for years, I’d love to see them at my breakfast table.” His hand slid under the covers, trailing just next to her breast and down her side, stopping at her waist. Her breath came in short gasps.

  Normally, she’d tell him to jump off a cliff but she wasn’t sure she could get the words out. “All right,” she said as his fingers grazed her hip.

  “That’s my girl.” He nipped at her earlobe and she gasped at the sensation. He straightened up. “I’ve got to go check the bacon. But, there’s a couple of empty drawers in that bureau if you want to unpack your stuff. And one of the sinks is empty underneath. Plenty of room for all your girl products.” With that, he turned and disappeared downstairs.

  Kat pulled the t-shirt over her head. What had just happened? Her last boyfriend had pitched a fit when she left a few things at his house. Like it was some symbol of permanence instead of just a convenience for her. Now here was Luke, super-hot, melt your bones Luke just offering her a place to stay for months, drawers in his room and a sink in his bathroom. Not just the guest bath but the master bath.

  Maybe it was because he knew she was leaving? She bit her lip as she brushed her hair. He said he’d wanted this for years. Did he really mean it? How could he want her?

  She checked her reflection, the t-shirt went to mid-thigh. It was about the same length as most of her nightgowns. She shrugged. Why not wear it to breakfast?

  Padding down the stairs, she stepped into the kitchen. It was even cuter by the light of day. The cabinets were old but Luke had scrubbed them clean. Fresh looking butcher block counters covered them and hard wood floors, gleamed in the morning light. “I just love your house. It feels like a home.”

  “And I love you in that t-shirt.” He grinned as he pulled her close, kissing her several times.” Kat sighed. Just hearing the words I love you, sent her pulse racing, even if he was only talking about the t-shirt. “Are you hungry?”

  “Famished, but I can’t eat bacon.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Are you Kosher?”

  “No, smart ass, I’m on a diet. Remember?”

  “To hell with your diet. I told you last night, I like you with a little more weight.” His hand slid down to cup her butt.

  She huffed an angry breath. “We have sex once—”

  “Twice, maybe three times,” he interjected.

  “And you’re already telling me what to eat. I don’t think so. You can go—” She stopped as she heard the front door open. She automatically slid behind Luke, not wanting to be seen by whoever was coming in.

  He glanced over his shoulder, giving her a wink. “It’s probably Eric, one of the hands. I’ll get rid of him.”

  “Hey man, whose car is in the drive?” Eric called from the hall.

  Kat peeked over Luke’s shoulder, her hands resting on his back. The other man was young and well-built with jeans and a cowboy hat. He didn’t hold a candle to Luke, but Kat was sure lots of ladies found him attractive. Luke’s muscles flexed under her hands as he crossed his arms. Excitement pulsed through her again but she gritted her teeth. Everything about him was so sexy.

  “I’ve told you a hundred times not to just come waltzing in here,” Luke barked at the other man.

  “Sorry about that, I haven’t paid it any mind because you usually live like a monk anyway. Hi there, mystery lady.” He grinned as he addressed her.

  “Get out!” Luke made a shooing motion and Lucy gave a bark.

  “Whose dog?” Eric peeked in the living room. Kat heard Lucy’s claws tap on the floor.

  “Lucy, it’s all right,” she called to the dog, stepping out from behind Luke.

  “Damn,” she heard Eric say. Her cheeks flamed. She forgot she was only in Luke’s t-shirt.

  “Out now, or you’re fired,” Luke growled, approaching the other man.

  “I’m going. Good bye, Sexy,” the other man called.

  Kat straightened. “Good bye, Barely Average.”

  He burst out laughing, “Feisty, too. I like that.”

  The front door opened and then closed, sparing Kat from answering the other cowboy but she rounded on Luke. “Wear my t-shirt.” She raised her eyebrows, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Parade around my house half naked. You might have mentioned that cowboys would be traipsing in and out.” Lucy reached her side and she bent down to give the mama some good pets. “Does Lucy need to eat?”

  “No, I fed her already. And I’m sorry about Eric. He’s a great hand but a total ass.”

  “It’s no big deal.” She followed Lucy back to the whelping box. The puppies were a wriggling mass of cuteness. She picked two up, snuggling them in her neck.

  “No, it is. I want you to feel comfortable here and that guy walking in—” He waved at the door.

  Kat was the ass, she knew it. She was giving him a hard time, as usual, when he had nothing but the best of intentions. “I’m sorry. I always lead with the tongue lashing instead of trying to understand. Are you sure you like me?” She stepped up to him still holding the puppies.

  He gave her a soft look, gently petting one of the puppies at her neck. Then he dropped a kiss on her lips. “Beautiful woman, in my t-shirt, holding puppies. There is only one answer here. Yes, I like you.”

  She sighed. She could stay like this forever. Tucked up against Luke, puppies in hand, with a comfy farmhouse as the backdrop. Before she could stop herself the words slipped out of her mouth, “I love it here.”

  “Oh sweetheart.” He pulled her closer. “Stay.”


  Luke raked a hand through his hair. He had to pull himself together or he was going to mess this up. It was a fine line. He wanted her to know it wasn’t just a fling without putting too much pressure on her and scaring her away.

  He had dated a couple of other women since meeting Kat, but he found himself comparing them to her. They weren’t sassy like Kat, or as pretty, or as tall, or as curvy. They didn’t drive him crazy with their mouth or with their hips. Maybe three years ago, he’d stopped trying to replace her. He’d either win her over or he’d meet a woman that made him forget her. Neither had happened so he’d just stayed single.

  But now was his chance, if he just didn’t mess it up. It was mostly going well. She had revealed her insecurities about her weight and her looks. How was that even possible? He wasn’t blowing smoke. She was stunningly beautiful and her curves were not fat, they were amazing. Why would
she want to be a stick? She was the ideal that women should be seeking.

  He would like to wrap her up and tell her over and over how perfect she was but that led him to his second objective, not scaring her off. So he was trying to walk a fine line. And last night only made him more convinced that she was the girl for him. It had been like magic.

  He hit the barn and started tossing bales of hay up into the loft. Some good solid labor always cleared his head and showed him the best path. Some of the men joined him, Eric brought up the rear. “Holy shit, boys. You’ve got to see the sweet treat Boss has got stored up in his house. I mean, damn. I’ve seen some lookers but, wow, she takes the cake. I’ve got to hand it to you, you were holding out for a goddess.”

  Luke had been about to pummel the man but he paused, Eric wasn’t wrong. Kat was a goddess. “Eric, I will tell you straight. Just like a god, Kat will mess you up if you tangle with her.”

  “I did happen to notice the sharp tongue. She called me average. I mean, a woman would be lucky to land me. There’s a bunch that are trying. And she called me average…. Average! It would have been better if she said I was dead ugly because that, I could write off, you know?”

  “A Kat with claws, huh?” Tom joked.

  “Is there a kitten underneath?” another called. Someone whistled.

  “Why don’t you step on over here and find out,” her voice purred with a false calm.

  Oh shit. When had she come outside and how had he not seen her coming? He lifted his head and his eyes locked with hers. He sucked in his breath. She was in a white tank top with a pair of short jean shorts and the new pair of cowboy boots he’d left for her. Her golden blond tresses were trailing over one shoulder, but her eyes were spitting mad.

  “Everybody, this is Kat. Kat this is everybody.” His eyes roamed all over her. He needed to get to the drugstore quick.