Page 53 of One Size Fits All

  “Pleased to meet you, ma’am,” one of the men mumbled.

  “Oh now it’s ma’am, is it?” She walked into the group. Shoulders straight, head high. This was the Kat that Luke had often tangled with and this was the woman he couldn’t believe ever had a self-doubt. She was magnificent.

  Eric cleared his throat. “We didn’t mean nothin’.”

  “Shut it, Average.” She didn’t even look at him, her eyes were shooting daggers at Luke.

  “Yeah, Average,” another guy called, sniggering. Luke glanced over at Eric, his cheeks looked slightly pink. The name was going to stick to Eric and the man was going to hate it. He tried to tell him not to tangle with Kat.

  “Hi sweetheart,” Luke kept his voice even. It was important not to show fear or desire now. She would pounce all over either one. “Everything all right?”

  Her hands went from crossed in front of her chest to her hips. She looked even hotter. “There is a woman here to see you.” Her eyebrows raised.

  His mind went completely blank. What woman? “What?”

  “She’s got three boxers in her car with her.” Kat’s lips pressed together.

  “Yeah…right…Barb.” He gave her a weak smile. “She’s here to help with the puppies.”

  “She came with puppies?” one of the men, Rex, called with a guffaw.

  Kat’s eyes swung to him and she looked him up and down. Her mouth opened to say something but the man pulled his hat off.

  “Sorry ma’am,” he said as shifted his hat around his hands. Luke had to hide a smile. He knew Rex didn’t want to get slapped with a nickname.

  “I’ll walk you over and make the introductions,” he said to Kat. She turned in her cowboy boots and started walking back without him. The men all shifted around him. He knew why. She looked damned sexy walking away in those shorts. Her long legs ate up the dirt as her hips swayed with the movement.

  He started after her but not before he heard one of the men mumble, “Hot diggity, damn.”

  Another whispered, “She’s an angel and a devil.”

  “Luke’s gonna have his hands full.” Eric sounded hurt.

  “I wish I had my hands full…”

  “Enough,” he barked as broke into a trot to catch up to her.


  Kat took a few deep breaths. She was pissed. They were out there talking about her like a piece of meat and Luke hadn’t said anything. She should have known that is what he thought about her. This whole thing was a mistake.

  Barb was out of her car, and the dogs were racing around the yard. “Hi,” the other woman called.

  “Hello,” Kat smiled, some of her anger melting. A beautiful dog ran up to her, stubby tail wagging. “Can I pet?”

  “Of course. That’s my girl, Annie. She’s the best at herding cattle. Helped Luke out a couple of times.” Kat bent down and scratched the girl between the ears. She immediately licked Kat’s face.

  Luke came up next to her. “I see you met Annie,” Luke said bending down to pet the dog. His other hand came to Kat’s back. She straightened but the hand stayed. “Barb, this is my friend Kat. Kat, this is Barb.”

  “Nice to meet you, Kat.” The other woman gave her a smile.

  “You too. Thanks for coming.” Kat returned the smile.

  Luke dropped a kiss on her cheek. “I’ve got to make sure those hooligans in my barn aren’t causing any trouble. I’ll leave you ladies to talk dog. Barb, you want me to take your crew to the barn?”

  “That’d be nice, thanks Luke.” She turned to Kat. “I’m dying to meet this Lucy and her pups. How’d the whelping go?”

  “Good, I think. Lucy did all the work.”

  “That’s the way it should be.” Barb sucked in her breath as they approached the whelping box. “Oh, they’re amazing. They look pure bred and they look like specimens. See the shape of those heads, perfect domes.”

  “I wonder what happened to my Lucy?”

  “Well, she should have a chip or a tattoo in her leg, it will help identify her.” Barb gingerly climbed in the box. She lifted up Lucy’s leg. Kat peered in, there was the faintest tattoo etched into her skin. “I’ll see what I can find out.” Barb pulled out a little notepad and scratched the numbers down.

  “What can I do to help her with the pups?” Kat pet her sweet girl.

  “Think of yourself as the daddy. Your job is to feed the mommy, play with kids, and take them all to the doctor’s appointments. My son is a vet so he’s going to come later to give them all a check over.” She picked one up and gave a good look.

  “Once Lucy is recovered, we’ll start her on some simple herding tasks with the other dogs. See if she had any aptitude for it. But my guess is some of these pups will be highly trainable. And even as family pets you can sell them at two thousand a piece.”

  “What?” Kat looked at her. There were five of them. That was ten thousand dollars.

  “We don’t have papers on them so they can’t be show quality but people will still pay for pretty pets. I’ve got a back list of people waiting for boxers. I can get them good homes.” Barb picked another puppy up.

  “Thank you, Barb. I couldn’t even send Lucy away. I don’t know how I will send these puppies off.” She bit her lip.

  “Are you and Luke keeping any on the farm?”

  “Oh, I don’t know if Luke will keep any. I’m headed back to Massachusetts and I live, well lived, in an apartment. I don’t know that there will be room for a…” she stopped talking, her cheeks flushing.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume. It’s just that I’ve known Luke a while and I’ve never seen a woman around. And certainly not one that he kissed.” Barb picked up another pup.

  “Really? I heard the guys talking in the barn and I wouldn’t think Luke was serious at all.”

  “You heard Luke talking or the other guys?” Barb looked at her.

  “Well, the other guys, actually. But Luke didn’t stop them either.”

  “You’ve got me there, but I am telling you. I’ve never seen Luke put his arm around a woman or kiss her cheek. And he certainly hasn’t taken her and her pregnant dog in. If you ask me, that boy is smitten with you.”

  “Me? Luke is the best looking man I have ever met. How could he like me?” Kat eyes cast down to the floor.

  “You’re serious?” Barb raised her eyebrows. “Oh honey. If I could look like you for five minutes, the things I would do. Stop doubting and enjoy what you’ve got. You are one fine looking woman.”

  “You know, Barb. You might be my new best friend.”

  “Is it too soon to hug?” The other woman gave her a grin.

  “No way,” she leaned over wrapping her arms around her new friend.

  Barb spent the next forty five minutes explaining the finer points of boxer features and the developmental stages the pups would go through. It was so fascinating that Kat was completely engrossed. She was startled by a knock at the front door.

  “That’s probably my son Kurt although he’ll introduce himself as Dr. Simms.” Barb was petting another puppy.

  “Okay,” Kat said as she got up to get the door. She had managed to make it the entire morning without getting peed on. “Hello,” she chirped as she opened the door.

  “Ah, hi.” His eyes ran up and down her.

  “Are you Dr. Simms?” cocking her head to one side, she gave him a questioning look. He seemed to have forgotten he was the doctor.

  “Ah…yeah…. Call me Kurt, pleased to meet you. Do you— are you Luke’s friend?” He seemed to be tripped up and Kat had to hide a grin. He was a good looking man and successful too. If it wasn’t for Luke, he’d be just the type of guy she would date. But with Luke around, it was hard to think of anyone else.

  “Yes, Kat. It’s nice to meet you too. Though, technically, I’m Luke’s brother’s friend. Have you met Carl?” She stepped aside to let him in and he followed as they headed towards the whelping box.
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  “Sure, I’ve actually seen a few pictures of you. You were in Carl’s wedding.”

  “Best woman,” she grinned over her shoulder.

  “Cool.” He took a breath. “How’d you end up out here? Are you staying long?” Kat could feel the heat of his glance.

  “Not sure yet. Luke said I could stay for the summer which would be nice. I don’t really want to leave Lucy or the puppies. But…” She stopped for a second. “I don’t want to wear out my welcome either.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that.” He stopped as he saw his mother. Giving her a wave he bent down next to her and started examining Lucy and the puppies.

  Kat bent down next to them, petting Lucy’s head. “Everything looks great so far. These pups look like pure breeds.”

  “I took down Lucy’s numbers already.” Barb pointed towards the tattoo.

  “I’ll look her up in the database.” He set a puppy back down, who immediately began eating again.

  “I’m going to check on my crew, make sure they’re not giving Luke a hard time. Be back in a few.” Barb stood and headed for the door.

  “You’ll have to decide if you want to dock their tails.” Kurt gave one of their tales the tiniest tug.

  “What do you mean? What is docking?” She gave him a skeptical look.

  “You’ve never had a boxer before, I take it, if you don’t know what docking is. What do you do back East?” Kurt asked, he leaned in as he picked another dog, his body subtly brushing hers. Kat pulled back just a touch. Did he mean to do that?

  “I’m a teacher.” She straightened further, adding a little more distance. He leaned closer again.

  “First dog?” He reached out and gave her hair a tiny tug like he had done with the dog’s tail.

  “It is,” Luke’s voice came from the doorway. He sounded irritated.

  Kat grimaced as she ducked her head. For some reason it was embarrassing to be caught this close to Kurt. “Kurt says the puppies all look healthy.” She looked at Luke, then. His expression was black.

  “Is that what Kurt says?” Luke sounded even more annoyed. Kat raised her eyebrows. Was he jealous? A little thrill snaked down her spine. It was actually nice to see him this way over her.

  “What are you guys up to tonight? I have to see some patients but we could all have dinner.” Kurt wasn’t looking at either of them. He had a stethoscope up to one of the pup’s chest.

  “Maybe another time,” Luke mumbled.

  Irritation replaced her pleasure. He could have asked her before he said no. She didn’t like him speaking for her. “Why not?” she scowled.

  He scowled back stepping closer to her. “It was going to be a surprise but I already made a reservation for us.”

  “Oh,” she and Kurt said the same word at the same time.

  “I should get headed. Patients. But I’ll talk to you later, Luke. Nice to meet you, Kat.” He gave a quick wave and made a hasty retreat out the door.

  “Why not?” The words worked around the sneer on his lips.

  “How was I supposed to know?” she huffed, never one to back down from a fight.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to spend the evening with just me?” He threw his hands up.

  “So you can test out my kitten claws. What did you tell all the guys in the barn?” She stepped up directly in front of him turning her face up to look him in the eye. It would work better if she were taller, she thought with an exasperated sigh.

  Despite her smaller stature, he paled slightly under his tan. “I didn’t say anything, Kat.”

  “You just laughed along as they made those kind of jokes about me.”

  “Shit, you’re right. I was going to give Eric the business and then he called you a goddess and couldn’t argue with that and then—”

  “He called me a goddess?” She softened a little, her shoulders relaxing.

  “Don’t even think about going out with him or I will wring his neck.” It was Luke’s turn to tense.

  “You’re jealous,” a smile curved her lips. He was the sexiest man ever, and he was jealous of her.

  The door banged open again and a flood of cowboys poured down the hall and into the kitchen. They yelled to one another, calling and whooping. Barb came up at the rear. She winked at Kat. “I’ll be back later in the week. I’d stay but the dogs can’t come in the house with the new pups.”

  “Thanks, Barb.” She gave the woman one last hug. Her visit had been so helpful in more ways than one.

  “We really appreciate it,” Luke tipped his hat.

  “You bet. Now go feed those hungry cowboys.” Barb headed back out the door.

  “Need some help with lunch?” She gave Luke a sidelong glance.

  “Love it.” He grinned at her, his hand coming to her waist. He bent down and whispered in her ear. “If they say anything else about you, I’ll knock ‘em into next week.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can take care of a few unruly cowboys. Just so long as you’re not saying anything.”

  “Sugar, I wouldn’t dare.” He winked at her and they headed for the kitchen, his arm still around her.

  Two hours later, Kat wondered if it had been a few ranch hands or a tornado that had torn through the kitchen. She had made enough food to feed and army. Even with the dishwasher running twice, she had done dishes for forty-five minutes.

  “Thanks for helping with this, Kat,” Luke grimaced as he glanced at the mess. “It is a big part of my day usually. I can afford to feed the boys but I can’t afford a cook to do it.”

  “Maybe I can help this summer while I stay. You know in exchange for room and board. I could help take care of the chickens and cleaning around the house, cooking, help tend the little garden you’ve got. I’ve got some money saved too to help with the rent since I don’t have to pay for a place.”

  His lips captured hers. “I don’t need any money from you but cooking and cleaning would make my life easier. Thank you, Kat.” He kissed her a few more times and Kate felt her desire rising. After last night, she should be satiated for months but she wanted more of him.

  “I’m going to go finish outside so that I can get back in.”

  “About dinner tonight, I know you said you made plans but we won’t be gone for too long will we? It’s not that I don’t appreciate it but Lucy…” She glanced over at the whelping box.

  “No, we won’t be gone too long.” He leaned over and gave her one more long lingering kiss and then he was out the door.

  Kat sighed as she finished the dishes. She could get used to this. Luke’s house felt like a home. From the cozy couches to squawking chickens, it was a place that a person could settle in. She had been unsure of her job, her apartment. Most of her closest friends had gotten married in the last few years and started families. They still loved her, and she them, but they were busy. She had been restless lately. The sort of restless that a body gets when it is waiting for something to happen. Now, that was all gone. It started with Lucy. But now with Luke, it was like her world had fallen into place.

  She closed her eyes and said a prayer that Luke wasn’t blowing smoke. After one night, she never wanted to leave. What was she going to feel like after an entire summer?

  She fed Lucy a snack and then took her outside for a few minutes to relieve herself then brought her back into the pups. Giving them all a pet, she headed back out to collect eggs and water the garden. She put the dishes away and sat down to read.

  “I’m back!” Luke called from the door.

  “Already?” she laughed and jumped back out of the chair.

  “The guys can finish up. It’s going to take us a little over an hour to head back into town so Eric will do some puppy sitting.”

  “Do you want to take my car?” She headed to grab her purse.

  “No, we’ll take my Jeep. It’ll go much faster on the road into the ranch. At some point, we should trade in your car for an SUV. It’ll be better for the road
and for Lucy.”

  Kat paused. She didn’t want to read into that statement too much but it made her stomach flutter. Taking a deep breath, she gave a non-committal answer. “I can survive for two months with my car while I’m in Montana.”

  “Right, true. Let’s go so we can get back.” He put his arm around her and led her out to his Jeep. Kat climbed in. She had to be honest, the Jeep was fun. As he headed down the road, a cloud of dust spilled out behind him and Kat let out laugh like she hadn’t in a long time. It was exhilarating.

  His hand came to her thigh, resting against her warm skin. Her hand came down on top of his. It was heaven to have this casual contact. He tossed her a smile. It was no time at all before they hit the main road and sped into town.

  Kat had to admit, this was his home and he was acting like he was serious about her. They held hands in the store. He had his arm around her as they picked up dinner from a little Italian place. He smiled at her and whispered in her ear. Several women gave them long looks but he only had eyes for her.

  She bit her lip, grabbing his hand. It would be easy to get used to this. He ran into the drugstore and came back out grinning like an idiot. She grinned back, excitement filling her as the evening approached.

  Just as he climbed in the car, his phone rang. A small frown creased his brow. “Hey,” he said answering quickly.

  The frown lines on his face deepened as the call continued. “I see,” he said after several moments. “I’ll tell her.” Then he hung up the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, realizing she had been holding her breath.

  “They found Lucy’s owner. Or rather, the owner’s son.” Luke tossed the car in reverse and sped out of the parking lot.

  Kat wasn’t sure what she expected but that news hit her like a truck. Lucy had become part of her heart. What would it mean to have to give her and the puppies back to someone else? It made her ache to think of it.

  The Jeep picked up speed. “Lucy was named Maggie, apparently, and she is of excellent stock. The mother bred her several times. I’m sure you don’t know this but if the father is award winning, people actually pay to have their female paired with him. The woman died a few months ago, just after a breeding, and Maggie escaped the house when the coroner came. They’ve been looking everywhere for her. The son doesn’t want Maggie back but she is a top notch dog and these pups will be sought after. Her value and the value of the pups is part of the estate.”