Gorky, Maxim, 628
Gourmont, Rémy de, 772
Grafton, Duke of (Augustus Henry Fitzroy), 594
Greece, ancient, 541, 543, 549, 579, 583, 602, 604, 799–807, 847
Green, Hetty, 565
Grillé, Joseph-François, 775
Gris, Juan, 544, 556, 562
Gropper, Willie, 842, 855
Guadalupe, Virgin of, 879–83, 896–97, 938, 946, 953, 955
Guanajuato, 947
Guerrero, Xavier, 990
Guffey, Joseph F., 904
Guggenheim, Daniel, 904
Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, 712–13, 1008, 1012
Gurdjieff, G. I., 618, 644, 647
Guzmán de Alfarache (Mateo Alemén), 956, 966
Gyroscope, 1008
Hale, Nathan, 689
Hall-Stevenson, John, 590
Hammett, Dashiell, 564, 570
Hardy, Thomas, 550, 595–606, 669, 1015; The Dynasts, 600; Jude the Obscure, 595, 604; The Mayor of Casterbridge, 598, 604; The Return of the Native, 598, 605–6
Harper’s Bazaar, 585
Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden (Daisy), 848, 862
Harte, Bret, 687
Hartley, Lodwick: This Is Lorence, 590–94
Harvard University (College), 525–26, 564, 672
Hattingberg, Magda von: Rilke and Benvenuta, 664–66
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 550, 703
Hays, Arthur Garfield, 859, 861
Hearn, Lafcadio, 974
Hearst, William Randolph, 1004
Héloïse, 1014
Hemingway, Ernest, 675–78, 688–89
Hemingway, Hadley, 676
Henderson, Leon, 833
Henderson, Myrlie Hamm, 834, 849–50
Henry, O. (William Sydney Porter), 697
Hergesheimer, Joseph, 688
Hibben, Paxton, 842, 848, 861
Hidalgo, Miguel, 946–50
Hill, Benjamín, 883–84
Himmler, Heinrich, 831
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 829
Hitler, Adolf, 831, 835n, 836, 847
Hogg, James Stephen, 739
Holbein, Hans, 995
Homer, 541, 628; Odyssey, 799–807
Hound and Horn, 1008
Huerta, Adolfo de la, 872, 874, 895, 903, 976
Huerta, Victoriano, 936
Huizinga, Johan: The Waning of the Middle Ages, 634
Humanism, 822–23
Hume, David, 594
Huxley, Aldous, 608
Hydrogen bomb, 828n
Indian Creek, Texas, 1007
Indians: American, 614–18; Mexican, 873, 879–80, 884–93, 895, 902, 906, 908–9, 917, 921, 923–24, 926, 928–30, 935, 944, 954, 963, 978–80, 982–83, 988–91, 996–99, 1011
Inquisition, 944, 954–57
Institute of International Education, 709
Ireland, 524, 590, 601
Irish, 689–90
Irving, Washington, 527, 689
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 779
Italy, 836, 852
Iturbide, Augustín, 957–60
Jackson, Gardner, 835
Jackson, Miss., 582
Jacob, Max, 569
Jalisco, 893
James, Alice, 531–32, 538
James, Edward, 845–46, 853
James, Henry, 523–40, 543, 550, 575, 611–12, 635, 677, 689, 699, 702–3, 719, 845, 1015; Roderick Hudson, 523; “The Turn of the Screw,” 621
James, Henry, Sr., 523, 525, 527–35, 537
James, Jesse, 689, 742
James, Mary Walsh, 528, 534, 537
James, William, 525–28, 532–33, 539
Japan, 899
Jefferson, Thomas, 836
Jesuits, 955
Jesus, 833, 953
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 687
Jews, 555, 559, 565, 579, 857, 990, 994
Jiménez, José Mariano, 947
Joan of Arc, 599, 833
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 736
Johnson, Samuel, 593, 612
Jolas, Eugene, 560, 672
Jolas, Maria, 672
Jones, Henry Arthur, 1015
Joyce, James, 550, 553, 560, 571, 575, 599, 611–12, 670–73, 677, 688–90; Dubliners, 544, 671, 1015; Ulysses, 549, 553, 674, 676
Juana Inés de la Cruz (Juana de Asbaje), 941–42
Juárez, Benito, 896, 923
Judaism, 847
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 558
Kentucky, 748
Khayyám, Omar, 769
Klee, Paul, 544
Kropotkin, Pyotr Alekseyevich, 865
Kunitz, Stanley, 1007
Kyle, Texas, 735–39
Labor Party (Mexico), 908
Landowska, Wanda, 544
Langtry, Lily, 740–41
Larkin, Jim, 845
Laughlin, James, 565
Lawrence, D. H., 550, 599, 612, 614–34, 644–45, 665; Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 618–34; The Plumed Serpent, 614–18, 633; Sons and Lovers, 618
Lawrence, Frieda, 630
Lee, Robert E., 570
Leighton, George R., 1002, 1004
Lenin, V. I., 840–41, 847
León, Luis, 873
Leonardo da Vinci, 599
Lesage, Alain-René: Gil Blas, 966
Lester, Francis E., 768
Lewis, Sinclair, 689
Lewis, Wyndham, 557–58
L’Héritier, Charles-Louis, 776, 778–79
Liberals (Mexico), 946, 957
Library of Congress, 711
Lightning Conductor, 956
Lincoln, Abraham, 573, 737
Lincoln Brigade, 837
Lizardi, José Joaquín Fernández de, 943–73; El Periquillo Sarniento, 943, 945, 950, 956, 965–71
London, England, 527, 547–48, 593–94, 642, 708
Lost Generation, 561, 700
Louis XVIII, 779
Louis-Philippe, 779
Louisiana, 582, 743, 748, 750, 756–64, 781, 870, 1007
Louisiana Purchase, 757
Lucian, 599
Lumpkin, Grace, 842, 855
Lynd, Helen and Robert: Middleton, 998
MacLeish, Archibald, 623
Madero, Francisco, 869, 936, 980, 995
Madison, James, 757
Madrid, Spain, 1012
Mafia, 830
Malraux, André, 608
Manilla, Philippines, 970–71
Mansfield, Katherine, 542–43, 642–47
Manuscript, 585
March, Earl of (William Douglas), 594
Marcus Aurelius, 984
Marfa, Texas, 739–40
Marie Antoinette, 778
Marie of Thurn and Taxis, Princess, 667
Marlowe, Christopher, 1014
Marx, Karl, 873
Marxism, 842
Massachusetts, 830, 861
Mather, Cotton, 1008
Matisse, Henri, 692
Maurois, André, 644
Maximilian, Emperor, 914
Mayas, 821, 906, 998
McClure, S. S., 547
McClure’s Magazine, 547
Measure, 1008
Melville, Herman, 550, 689, 703; Moby-Dick, 611
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 777
Mérida, Carlos, 990
Merimée, Prosper, 549
Methodists, 737
Mexican Americans, 736–37, 870
Mexican Thinker, 948, 952–55
Mexico, 575, 614–17, 677, 708, 711–12, 715–16, 721–22, 781, 809, 811–19, 830, 836, 838, 841, 851–52, 856, 862, 864, 869–1004, 1008, 1010–12
Mexico City, Mexico, 817, 871–910, 1008, 1011, 1016
Michoacán, 998
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 842, 848, 861
Millet, Jean-François, 549
Milton, John, 583
Mississippi, 582, 743
Mississippi River, 743, 756–57
Modjeska, Helena, 1016
Modigliani, Amedeo, 544
Modotti, Tina, 987–88, 991, 1004
/> Moe, Henry Allen, 712
Monnier, Adrienne, 676
Monroe, Harriet, 577–78
Montaigne, Michel de, 599, 1014
Monteaguado, Matías, 957
Montezuma, 879
More, Thomas, 599
Morelos, José, 945, 953, 955
Morelos (state), 893, 906, 936–37
Morones, Luis, 908
Moscow, Russia, 837
Moscow trials, 833
Mussolini, Benito, 836, 847, 852
Murry, John Middleton, 643–46
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 829
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 711
National Review, 863
Nazism, 546, 832
Nebraska, 541
New Masses, 1008
New Orleans, La., 756–58, 870, 1008, 1015
New Voices 2, 714
New York City, 526–27, 529, 536, 540, 544, 548, 583, 651, 708, 715–16, 760, 781, 784, 830, 840–41, 870, 974, 986–87, 1008, 1015
New York Times, 660
New Zealand, 642
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 865–66
Norway, 820
Nuclear weapons, 824, 828–29
Oakland, Calif., 564, 570
Oaxaca, 955, 998
Obregón, Álvaro, 716, 871–78, 901–7, 981, 983, 1004
O’Connor, Flannery, 678–81
Odysseus, 799–807
Olaeta, Juan, 951–52
Olivet College, 698
Orage, A. R., 644, 646
Orozco, José Clemente, 990, 992
Paderewski, Ignacy, 741, 1016
Pagany, 1008
Pani, Alberto, 895, 903, 1003
Paris, France, 527, 543–44, 549, 553, 556, 559, 563, 567, 572, 593, 607, 671–77, 685n, 687, 694, 698, 721, 775–77, 779, 781, 825, 866, 1008–9, 1011–13, 1016
Partisan Review, 702
Pascal, Blaise, 826
Pater, Walter, 549
Patriotism, 823
Pavlova, Anna, 544
Peace, 821–22
Pennsylvania, 721, 781, 1011
Percy, Thomas: Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 1014
Persia, ancient, 771
Pettus, Daisy Caden: The Rosalie Evans Letters from Mexico, 980–85
Philip VII, 946
Picabia, Francis, 568–69
Picasso, Pablo, 558–59, 562, 568–69, 572
Pitt, William, 590
Plan of Iguala, 957–58
Plato, 827
Poe, Edgar Allan, 527, 689, 1015
Poetry, 577–78
Poetry Center (92nd Street Y), 652
Poland, 836
Pope, Alexander, 1014
Popocatepetl, 809
Porter, Asbury (grandfather), 745–46, 749
Porter, Catherine Ann (grandmother), 726, 728–29, 732, 735, 737, 739–40, 745, 747–50
Porter, Harrison Boone (father), 723, 729, 734, 737–38, 745, 747, 750, 869
Porter, Katherine Anne (originally Callie Russell Porter): The Days Before, 515; “Flowering Judas,” 716–17; Flowering Judas and Other Stories, 717, 1008; “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” 715; Many Redeemers (unfinished novel), 1008; “María Concepción,” 715; “Noon Wine,” 718–34
Porter, Mary Alice (Jones) (mother), 723
Poulenc, Francis, 544
Pound, Ezra, 575–81, 1013; Pavannes and Divisions, 575
Presbyterians, 737
Pressly, Eugene, 1009, 1013
Priestly, Herbert I.: Some Mexican Problems, 977–80
Protestants, 523, 723, 725, 736–37, 893
Proust, Marcel, 550, 662; Remembrance of Things Past, 553
Puebla, 896, 983, 998
Puritans, 523
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 549
Quakers, 815
Quetzalcoatl, 614, 617–18
Rabelais, François, 1014; Gargantua, 811
Racine, Jean, 690–91
Radcliffe College, 564
Raleigh, Walter, 610
Raoul, Sire de Coucy, 767
Ravel, Maurice, 549
Ray, Man, 563
Red Cloud, Neb., 541
Redfield, Robert: Tepoztlán, 998
Redouté, Antoine-Ferdinand, 776
Redouté, Pierre-Joseph, 775–80
Rehan, Ada, 1016
Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, 549
Revue des Deux Mondes, 524, 528
Reynolds, Joshua, 593
Richard I (Lion Heart), 767
Richardson, Samuel: Clarissa, 564, 566
Ridge, Lola, 842, 855, 862
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 664–68; “Epitaph,” 765
Rivera, Diego, 990–96, 998; Portrait of Mexico, 994–96
Rocky Mountain News, 1010
Rolland, Romaine, 909
Rome, ancient, 541, 543, 583, 766, 818
Rome, Italy, 721
Rood, John, 585
Rorty, James, 842
Rose, Francis, 559, 569–70
Rossetti, Christina: “Goblin Market,” 551
ROSTA news agency, 841–42
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 616, 945; Émile, 955
Roxburgh, Earl of (John Ker), 594
Ruskin, John, 610
Russell, Francis, 863–64
Russia, 710, 895, 989. See also Soviet Union
Russian Revolution, 895
Russians, 689, 710
Sacco, Dante, 834, 863
Sacco, Nicola, 830–35, 839–40, 842, 844, 847–65
Sacco, Rosa, 850–52
Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee, 835, 839
Sáenz, Moisés, 1011; Some Mexican Problems, 877–80
St. Francisville, La., 756–64
San Antonio, Texas, 740–41, 869–70, 1014–15
Sánchez, Lupe, 899
Santa Ana, Antonio López de, 960–62
Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 781–86
Sardou, Victorien, 1015
Saturday Evening Post, 571
Saturday Review, 585
Schiller, Friedrich von, 1015
Schorer, Mark, 624, 632–33
Schubert, Franz, 549
Scott, Natalie, 1011
Scott, Winfield, 527
Scribner’s, 1008
Seabrook, William, 570
Second American Caravan, 1008
Sergeev-Tzensky, Sergey: “Living Water,” 696n
Sévigné, Marie de, 1014
Shakespear, Olivia, 624
Shakespeare, William, 549, 583, 628, 692, 709, 1014–15; The Merry Wives of Windsor, 992; The Taming of the Shrew, 1016
Shakespeare and Company bookshop, 673–77
Shaw, George Bernard, 909
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 549, 564
Siqueiros, David, 990
Sitwell, Edith, 635–41; The Canticle of the Rose, 635, 637–41, 774
Sitwell, Osbert, 637
Smart, Christopher, 639
Smollett, Tobias, 1014
Socialism, 893, 896, 906, 937
Sonora, 903, 962
Sophocles, 577, 628
South Braintree, Mass., 830, 832
Southern Review, 585
Soviet Union, 570, 710, 833, 836–38, 840–42, 855, 894, 989, 993
Spain, 562, 570, 708, 721, 756–57, 817, 836–37, 839, 875, 893, 943–46, 948, 954, 957–59, 962, 965, 976–77, 993, 1002
Spratling, William, 1011
Stalin, Joseph, 833, 847
Starr, Belle, 742
State Department, U.S., 1012
Steffens, Lincoln, 838
Stein, Gertrude, 553–74; The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 571; Brewsie and Willie, 562; Everybody’s Autobiography, 558; The Making of Americans, 553–57; Tender Buttons, 543–44; Three Lives, 553; Useful Knowledge, 556–58
Stein, Leo, 559, 564, 566–68
Stein, Michael, 566
Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath, 628
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 576; The Red and the Black, 687
Sterne, Laurence, 590–94, 6
11; The Sentimental Journey, 590; Tristram Shandy, 590–92, 594, 1014
Stieglitz, Alfred, 562
Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 537
Stravinsky, Igor, 544, 549
Styron, William, 700
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 530–31, 638
Swift, Jonathan, 612, 627, 638; Gulliver’s Travels, 1014
Switzerland, 721, 725, 781
Syndicate of Painters and Sculptors, 988, 990–91
Tannenbaum, Frank, 837
Taxco, Mexico, 945, 998, 1011
Temple, Minnie, 538
Tennessee, 743
Teotihuacán, 909, 998
Teresa of Ávila, 570
Texas, 543–44, 721–22, 724, 735–45, 748, 781, 869–70, 937, 1007, 1013
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 529–30, 564; Vanity Fair, 686
Thayer, Webster, 831
Thomas, Caitlin, 659; Leftover Life to Kill, 653–57
Thomas, Dylan, 651–60; “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” 659–60
Thompson, Waddy, 878
Thomson, Virgil, 569
Toklas, Alice B., 559, 568, 571
Tolstoy, Leo, 549–50, 583, 628, 669, 689, 909; Anna Karenina, 686, 1014
Toluca, Mexico, 951
Totonac Indians, 926
Toynbee, Arnold, 827
transition, 1008
Treviño, Jacinto B., 899
Trojan War, 799
Truman, Harry S, 736
Turgenev, Ivan, 550; Torrents of Spring, 1015
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 687, 689, 1014
University of Mexico, 944, 988
Valéry, Paul, 665
Vandoyer, Jean-Louis, 775
Vanegas, Xavier, 946–52, 957
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 830–35, 839–40, 842, 844, 847–65
Vanzetti, Luigia, 851–52, 863
Vasconcelos, José, 903, 909; Aspects of Modern Civilization, 977–80
Veracruz, 898, 928, 965
Vermont, 782
Victoria, Guadalupe, 963
Villa, Pancho, 937
Villarreal, Antonio, 903
Virginia, 541, 748, 772, 781, 1011
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 599, 853, 945; Candide, 1014; Philosophical Dictionary, 1014
Wagner, Richard, 549
Wales, 652, 658
Washington, D.C., 710
Washington, George, 761
Washington Post, 736
Watkins, Vernon, 657–60
Webster, Daniel, 527
Wells, Catherine, 648–49
Wells, H. G., 648–50
Welton, Hattie, 814, 816