Page 11 of Evreux

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  “Where am I?” Clair asked as she stood up to find herself in a desert made entirely of white sand , a black sun stood in the sky. “You are in my realm,” answered a man with an angel’s face , his red cloak hid a white armor with a red outlining. “Who are you?” Clair asked the strange man , but all he did was walk close to her. “Please sit “ the stranger told Clair as a chair appeared from behind her , and another behind him . Both seated face to face now , Clair couldn’t hope but to ask more questions , but to her astonishment the demon answered every single one of them without hesitation. “So you’re a guardian , what is your name then?” Clair asked the demon , it was a long minute before the stranger answered her. “My name is…..Zepar,” the demon unraveled with a sweet melancholic voice , “No! It can’t be! You can’t be my guardian!” Clair began to shout , standing up pointing her finger at the stranger who seemed without a care in the world. “You are a demon!” the words escaping her mouth as if not believing that she possessed another guardian within her and this one was Zepar the tyrant king that was killed decades ago. “You have nothing to fear princess for it was your own kin who made you this way. And now I’ll shall take over your body and rule the world once more!!” indicated Zepar his throat unleashed a horrid laughter , but to his amazement there came a shinning white light from above . The realm seemed to of had collided with another and a tear in the dark sky displayed a white light so powerful that Zepar had to shield his eyes with his hands. Seconds later a white lion appeared in front of Clair as if protecting her from the demon’s grasp , “Reinkur , you’re here,” Clair said relieved that her yang guardian had appeared. “I came as soon as I noticed you were in trouble my lady,” commented the lion, “Now hop on my back and let’s get out of this vile place.” Clair did as she was told , Zepar sat on his chair and just watched them fly off into the tear in the sky. “Run all you want , for once your next birthday comes I shall have the last laugh!” shouted Zepar into the sky. Clair had to close her eyes from the bright light ahead and couldn’t help but falling asleep on the lion's white fur.

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  The glistening sun in the sky, the scent of fresh April dew on the grass. A motorcycle’s humming disrupted the forest, it stopped in a clearing , the rider checking his safe-point for anything out of the ordinary. The darkly dressed rider uncovers his face to reveal his golden hair and grabbed a sack where white skin and slippers can be seen from the end , he gently takes off the sack from the woman and places her softly on the grass. On his way out of camp for food , Kiter hears Clair ask “Where am I?” her eyes burned by the sun's rays. “Hi, well this might be awkward but, I’m Kiter and I’m here to rescue you.”

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  “My lord. My deepest apologies , I’ve failed you when you most needed me. I shall endure any form of punishment you wish to bestow upon me,” his red eyes gleaming in the sunlight embracing the shameful defeat , his spiked hair looked like if it were always held in place for it did not move at all. The ringleader of the Dames was seating on his brown chair with its red cushions , the room was of a royal violet color with red curtains trying to conceal the room from light as best it could , but it was no use , there wasn’t a place in the world where one could hide from the sun’s golden light , it ate all the darkness. The Dames had always given of a demon like vibe to the people of Drash, as if their very existence was to unleash an evil without bounds on the world. Clair’s grandfather had been the ringleader now for mostly over twenty decades since he didn’t want to pass down the position to his son. The ringleader’s face was tan and that of a seventy year old for he was not entirely a Flux but one can only imagine what dark deeds he had done to have his life-force fueled to live as long as he had. He had a bald head and his fingers full of white gold rings which contained faces on them , one different from the other. “Don’t worry Arthas. No need for that, you are after all the strongest in my court and most youthful. How could I cripple thee in such a time?” indicated Thane , his tone full of anger, his tongue lashed out a few words from his demonic language , choosing his words wisely he began to speak once more, “Arthas, first in command of my court , take Leartes with you and bring back Clair. She must be retrieved before a month from today. Go now!”

  “Yes my lord as you wish,” responded Arthas as he dashed out of the room heading towards Leartes quarters on the first floor right under Clair’s room. Thane relaxed a bit and traced his skull with a boney finger , he moved towards the back of of his high-chair where a book-shelf was. The shelf contained nearly two dozen books on each of its rows, Thane stood in the middle and pressed a book in, the book’s golden spine seeped in and out came a number pad in which he dialed a code. Seconds after came a scanner with an audio box on top , after the scan was over he said into the audio-box, “Begin preparing the ritual regardless of our current situation.”

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  The door slid open and in walked a troublesome Roy , for his old compatriot had turned against him, “You don’t have to worry about him , if its someone who keeps messing up in the futures I’ve seen , is Kiter. Sad it all ends the same for the poor guy,” Xantu interrupted Roy’s thoughts. Roy reached into his pocket and grabbed a hold of the small cube which contained enough solar energy to run half of the North American continent , he knew how it felt to hold such a powerful object but he didn‘t like power of that magnitude to be simple to obtain , if not for Xantu‘s action towards Zepar he would of destroyed the thing at first glance. “So? Are you going to tell me why you had me re-charge this?” Roy asks Xantu taking a seat in the apartment’s living room , the place was rather odd for it didn’t contain anything at all just furniture , his bedroom only contained a mattress flat on the floor , the only thing separating him from the cold hard white tiles. The apartment was in the center of Phoenix , Arizona , of course it was very far away from where Roy conducted his meetings and where Kiter was but Xantu enjoyed watching over the city of Phoenix as if expecting company . “You see , if this current path ends up like all the others . I only have a brief moment to decide where and when will I travel to stop it all from happening. Of course the only option now is to go back in time and nearly wipe out the corporation who granted us these powers. If that is our final resolute it’ll change the world we know once more as you may understand,” Xantu spoke moving over to the window to look down on the city, “Are you mad? To intercept that corporation will not only erase you from being who you are but it’ll send us back hundreds of years. Did you not study how that corporation developed the world’s economy and united all countries through its solar and electrical engineering,” announced Roy a bit ticked off. “Well you see , once you’ve traveled though time as much as I have you tend to leave behind all the big accomplishments civilization has made and only become concerned about vanquishing the evil at hand,” Xantu replied and glanced at Roy , he moved towards a seat near Roy and looked at him straight in the eyes and said “ I hope that your emotions don’t get in the way of our current goal . It’ll be most shameful to have to bring down or shackle someone of your knowledge and power.”

  “Don’t worry about me , I just hope that your predictions are well planned . My apprentice and I ,will personally take over the mission and see that everything you’ve said comes about and Zepar gets vanquished,” Roy said to Xantu and walked out of the apartment unable to take the tension between him and Xantu. Both Roy and Xantu had learned to compromise , since Xantu was the most radical of the two, but Roy felt at times as if he wasn’t doing enough , clearly this was why he had told his men to back down and took over the mission personally. Xantu on the other hand stayed in his apartment watching over the city trying to figure out what else could he predict before the day was over , of course he knew that Kiter had already grabbed Clair and fled but all he could do is have Roy and his apprentice wait for the right moment to strike and kill the girl. Xantu’s skin was a bit radiant but it never took aw
ay from his cold white eyes that engulfed everything , even his own reflection at times.

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  “So wait . You have me here hostage in a nightgown and you expect me not to be angry? Why can’t you give me your pants and shirt at least to cover myself up . Have you no respect for a lady,” shouted Clair to Kiter as she pointed a finger at him unveiling her bosom, Kiter turned red at the sight and looked away as best he could. “Well what do you say? I also don’t buy this ’I’m trying to save you bullshit’,” Clair once more announced to Kiter , the poor guy didn’t know what to do with himself anymore and Alet was running late on picking them up. Kiter neared his motorcycle and grabbed from his bag a second pair of trousers , a black shirt and tossed it over to Clair , which she grabbed and changed behind a tree as best she could. “I’m sorry , really. Our situation really isn’t the finest , but I do apologies for making a beautiful women such as yourself be treated in my current manner,” Kiter informed Clair speaking from the other end of the tree where she was changing , to his amazement , his cloth looked painted on Clair’s body and her figure could be seen from every angle as that of a fair maiden . Clair got a bit close to Kiter , looking into his eyes she spoke softly , understanding and a bit sympathetic towards her savior “Its ok , really . I’m sorry if I shouted I’ve been taught better.” The two locked eyes upon one another and their faces began to call upon one another’s lips , it could have been interpreted as love at first sight but to their inconvenience arrived Alet in the ship. “Damn little runt!” exclaimed Kiter only to be answered by Alet , “I heard that! Come on lets go I found out the location of that book of yours its only a flight away.” A hanger was dropped from the ship big enough to fit in the motorcycle and strong enough to carry Kiter and Clair as well. Once upon the ship Alet went to greet them and rudely commented “I see why you had droopy eyes when I showed you the painting,” and began to display a broad smile , which irritated Kiter a bit but the boy was right.

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  Arthas was red with shame , the look in Thane’s eyes still vivid in his mind. He couldn’t help but to wonder how did he let his best friend Clair get kidnapped , he began to swear on how much he’ll get that intruder back . Once he approached Leartes’ room he knocked on the door once and almost instantly the man appeared , he wore black armor like Arthas , his gleaming purple hair was at shoulder’s length . Leartes was six feet tall and six years older than Arthas , he seemed prepare to go on whatever trip for he had on the doorway a pack , Learters’ eyes were the color of sapphire. Arthas noticed the look on Leartes eyes ,seconds after he saw the scimitar on Leartes’ side the hilt had a strange face on it as to resemble a demon , Arthas saw in those cold sapphire eyes understandment and how his close allied new of the defeat . “So , where should we go ?” asked Leartes looking down upon Arthas , not a trace of any emotion on his face , his posture firm. “Well..” Arthas responded , biting back the shame , “We have to track down Clair and bring her back. That’s about it.” “Very well . I take it that it’ll take a bit of time before THEY can scry on her location,” responded Leartes indicating that THEY , Thane’s dark arts members could track Clair. It was an odd ritual in which the dark arts members sacrificed an eagle to find people all over the world, of course they couldn’t rely on their guardians power since they had offer them to a darker being , but their dark books showed other means. The mansion was dead, all around not a sound was made , not even the lose board creaked nor did a single door be slammed. The place would hold banquets every year celebrating birthdays and so forth but nature seemed to resent it for not even the tiniest shrub flourished more than a hundred feet near the grounds. The fiendish humming commenced once more deep inside the mansion’s basement.


  The screen once more projected several images and data . Alet had done his research well like always , the DEMON BOOK OF LIGHT was back in Japan , he carefully weaved a timeline back to when the book was first created several years before the drastic human evolution. Kiter wondered if those scientist knew about it and could it have been used to create the objects. No one really had much data on the corporation that changed the face of the world , it was odd and for a century or more , Roy was the only one who seemed to know the most facts. Kiter couldn’t help but to ask , “Can you see if it ever crossed paths with Caleb Palace?” seconds after Ryu’s father came on the screen , he appeared human like a family man . Short black hair and dark brown eyes his glasses were circular , Caleb had a soft smile and a book on his side . The books spine was black with velvet letters , making it look like the twin of the image they saw of the DEMON BOOK OF LIGHT . It all clicked inside Kiter’s head , how could he of had not researched his history all the way back to the founders of the guardians. Caleb was said to be a demonologist who worked for a corporation , along with three scientists who also had to do with dark creatures. Kiter took a step back his eyes twitched , Clair asked “Are you ok.”

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  It had taken the dark art’s members a bit over a week and three days to finally be able to spot the intruder’s vessel in the forest of Kashima Jingo , Japan . Leartes had gone after the intruder into a shrine three miles away . It became clear to Arthas that he was being expected for a mere child was standing waiting on something on the vessel’s drawbridge , he was completely wide open for any attacks. He scurried around the oak trees as much as he could to grab a close look of the lad , his mane was violet and eyes red as blood . Arthas felt like he was being made fun of since Leartes was sent to take on Arthas’ previous opponent ,which he did failed to defeat , was Thane worrying about his lack of completion , it was the only objective he failed to complete . Arthas asked himself what was he to do against a strong opponent especially one who produces light and can obliterate Arthas only on his first phase . He wasn’t going to take this mere child lightly , that was one thing he learned from the intruder , to never underestimate someone until you know the full extent of they’re power. Arthas stepped forward , the boy remained calm , Arthas’ black armor glistened in the moonlight and it clanked as he walked forward . “So you’re Arthas ?” Alet asked , Arthas shocked at the lad’s knowledge he nodded and replied “ And who might you be?” “I’m Alet . Am here to inform you that Clair doesn’t want to go back with you .” Arthas looked at Alet furious thinking what had they done to her to make her make such a rash decision , that could be his opponent’s power , the child could mind control people . Alet began to walk forward towards Arthas and then said out-loud , his voice a bit skeptical since he wasn’t used to combat unless it was training with Kiter , “Oda Nobunaga” a man in black plated armor appeared next to Alet , his sword was a light shade of purple on the sharp side , his hair was held back in a bun , his Japanese features stood out among all things , the hilt of the sword was wrapped in a purple velvet fabric . “Shall we merge my lord?” asked Oda to Alet to receive a brief response in which the samurai disappeared and Alet became incased in his black armor with purple dragons outlined on the breast plate , he now had Oda’s sword and most important of all his face plate resembled that of a dragon’s . Arthas took a step back and did the same , he too summoned his guardian Eligos . Without saying further instructions Arthas was wrapped in a black armor with jagged wings sticking out form his back , a black plated helm only displaying his face and on his hand stood a spear with a jagged sword tip and the hilt had a sharp end , as if to stab anyone from behind instantly. It was remarkable the way Arthas resembled a black night in the dark glooming forest ,he didn’t need to actually speak out loud, it seemed he could connect with his guardian by just thoughts. Arthas was on a much higher level than Alet and it could be seen by the way he simply twirled his spear in the air at a hypersonic pace , it made the hairs in the back of Alet’s neck nearly stand on end , especially when Arthas’ cold thirsty power began to reach towards him. Alet appeared in back of Arthas and tried to stab him from behind but missed and his sword
was deflected by Arthas’ hilt , he then sprang back and the out of his sword came a purple liquid which he tossed at Arthas, who then twirled his spear rapidly once more and the liquid became vaporized into the air , it was then sucked in by the trees and bushes near them. The tall looming oak became sort of pale , its trunk was caving in and the entire tree was losing its leaves , Arthas released a smirk as to be amazed by such a trick , he looked towards Alet only to find the sword drenched in the purple ooze , “Nice attack, but unless you have something stronger , you won’t defeat me,” shouted Arthas to his enemy , his voice full of contentment and arrogance. “Well if you like that attack you will mostly like my next one . Scatter dragons!” Alet announced ,the two became wrapped in a purple fog which then became solid as if in a different dimension .Arthas looked around and he could not see the vessel anymore nor any of the trees . Arthas blinked, from behind him came Alet’s sword scrapping his armor a bit then once more disappeared into the purple fog ,Arthas stood on his guard has best he could , he then tried to break the fog with his power but it was no use. A purple being stood in front of him in mid air , its sword pointed at Arthas’ heart , once more he blinked and he didn’t see Alet anymore , the fog was seeping into his mind clouding his every thought , crap he thought to himself , he can’t let a messily attack like this get the best of him. “Got ya!” said Alet from above Arthas stabbing his left arm from a top of him and once more disappearing into the fog , he then once more came back from behind and did the same to his other arm and his right leg. Arthas was in shock by all this , he couldn’t move an inch of his body anymore , was the purple liquid in his veins , he asked himself . Alet appeared once more in front of Arthas at spears length and said “Am sorry but , the power of Oda Nobunaga is to fill his opponent’s mind with dread and with his sword paralyze the wounds he makes. Now for the final attack. You should of had listened to me !” Alet began to glow once more his dragon face plate seemed to come out on its own and charge Arthas with Alet trailing behind the dragon and his sword aiming towards his opponent’s heart. Arthas’ eyes stored terror , horror , how could he lose , no he wouldn’t let this boy kill him no , once the dragon’s head and Alet’s sword was within reach he sprang to the side and said “Eligos meteor!” The sky became black , Alet’s sword stabbed only a rib and was thrown back by Arthas’ vast power , black rocks of meteors began to fall on the ground , Alet rushed to put distance in between himself and Arthas but was too late as a meteor crashed near him distracting his gaze and out from behind came Arthas with his spear’s jagged end stabbing Alet in the back. “You will not make a fool of me! Eligos howl!” Arthas said , form his sword’s tip came a screech that no bird nor animal could stand and blasted through the poor boy‘s

Andy Quesada's Novels