Page 12 of Evreux

  body. “No! Stop it!” the voice of Clair came from behind the two warriors , she was crying , tears already streaming down her cheek , a sigh of relief engulfed Arthas , his wounds didn’t seem to bother him now. “I’m here to rescue you Clair , let me finish this lad of once and for all and I’ll take you back,” Arthas said but to his amazement Clair had taken Alet into her own arms and was guarding him , she directed an argument towards Arthas in a sobbing voice that not even the most vicious of animals could resist , it could be noted in that one moment Arthas’ awful actions towards a young boy “I’ll go with you , if you leave him alone!”

  * * * * * * *

  The candle lit temple flickered as if the flames were nearly about to die , Kiter entered the ruined temple and shouted a hello that was heard throughout the building , Alet’s report had told him that if he was to find the book he needed to find the Triads. The temple clearing was built from the same oak trees that surrounded it making it blend in a bit , the clearing in the center was a bridge over a little lake which contain a wild variety of fish , there was also a tall tree which had branches that covered most of the clearing . Kiter looked around but found no trace of the Triads , the monks who protected the forest seemed to be all gone , “Who are you?” a voice seemed to come from ahead of Kiter , but he couldn’t see in fact if it wasn’t for the bit of light the candles granted him , he would trip on every single pebble the ground contained, “I’m Kiter. I have a small request that I must ask of you.”

  “We know why you are here Kiter . Xantu informed us many moons ago about you . But he did say , you had good intentions. What is it Kiter that is lurking in your heart? Tell me the truth and you shall be rewarded you have two tries,” the voice said , Kiter began to ask himself , what could this man know about him and how, “I just want to save a life , that’s all,” Kiter answered . An arrow went right towards him missing his head by a few inches “I said to tell me the truth . Next one , will not miss,” the voice indicated. Kiter sensing how grave his situation was , especially the way he couldn’t detect that arrow until it passed by him gulped and said “The truth sir . It is a bit complicated you see. But here it goes,” Kiter paused then said “Clair reminds me of Alexis . A woman I once fell in love with. For my own actions towards Ryu , Zepar’s last flux body , she left me for him and began to love him . Alexis , sir , then committed suicide once we managed to kill Zepar , thus ending the life of Ryu. And this , sir , is the real truth.” The voice didn’t reply and there came no more surprising arrows instead from ahead came a short bald man covered in ancient Triad robes an orange kimono with tiger paws on each side , his eyes didn’t display any emotion for the man was blind. Kiter looked at the man ,he was not old at all , just maybe a few years younger than Kiter but near his time. “Come and sit with me . I have a lot to tell you , before you can take the book and am afraid we don’t have much time,” the man said and Kiter followed his instructions walking into the monk’s chamber and closing the oak sliding door behind him , he sat on a brown pillow in front of the man. “My name is Orey , if you haven’t noticed am just about ten years younger than you Kiter , I grew up wanting to be an Elite . Unfortunately some events came to pass , that dream was shot down and I went against Zepar on my own thus losing my sight." "This book will show you how to capture , summon and relinquish any demons but first let me explain how we came to be who we are today , Xantu shared this with me. The corporation that changed mankind was actually an army based business , it was looking for things that would enhance a human’s abilities where the dagger and sphere came into play . The scientist who created the objects new of how dangerous it would be to pose them , those men where smart and split the most powerful of the two objects , the sphere , and hid it among themselves it wasn’t until when Caleb became part of the corporation that they decided to lock all the items in secret chambers sensing his dark intents." "Thane was at the time a colleague of Caleb’s and both men began to use their dark ways on the super human program which then lead to supersonic wave which changed man’s DNA with just a flick of a button . The two monsters didn’t stop there for Caleb then found this book and began sacrificing animals and combining the waves they had invented to enhance a soldier’s performance. Then , both men were resented by the corporation since they had the power to control the soldiers themselves and make them turn on nearly anyone. The corporation tried to shut down the two by surrounding their lab with very deadly explosives but the plan had an opposite effect , instead of making the lab cave in and exploding it ,the sonic waves where transmitted via satellite and the entire world got a high dosage of these demons and enhance performance so vast some even went crazy, It didn’t stop there for Caleb and Thane had opened a portal between different realms where the heart of men decided on its own which guardian they acquire . Caleb was the only one who got to leave his son with a binding that has since upset the balance of harmony which we had. Sorry now I must go and you must face your opponent,” Orey ended his conversation with Kiter , stood up and headed towards the other side of the room disappearing into the dark forest leaving the book on the ground, through the oak door slid the blade of a scimitar and Kiter waited for his opponent to come in. The man stood ready to fight in his scarlet armor pointing his spear with a sword tip towards Kiter’s face , “You must be the intruder who has caused us so much trouble. I’ll teach you not to mess with us . Bathin howl! “ Leartes said . The animals who lived near the temple all began to flee the grounds sensing a terrible feud about to take place , but to Kiter’s astonishment he didn’t hear anything at all , like if all the sound had left the world. “That’s the power of my Bathin , he drowns all sound,” said Leartes in Kiter’s mind . He began to freak out by such an attack and unleashed his second phase brightening up the room , his golden wings knocking out the sliding door behind them , “So wait , no cool theme song music in the back ground? That takes the point out of a fight scene,” Kiter informs Leartes and giggles a bit. Kiter clawed forward towards Leartes only to receive a hit from the spear to his left arm , it was powerful , it shattered some of Kiter’s armor on impact , Kiter knew now what he was dealing with and began to accelerate at hyper speed so his enemy wouldn’t get a hold of him . The gigantic Leartes unleashed his howl attack once more and took an edge out of Kiter’s speed , the blast seemed to have a slow down effect as well , Kiter noticed. Great . Guess I’ll have to try something else then Kiter thought to himself , “Solar-Eclipse” said Kiter from what it seemed like four different angles at once , his speed was back to its usual state ,if he stayed hovering a bit, Leartes effect seemed to only work on the ground or wherever he was standing . Leartes’ spear head stabbed at Kiter from behind doing the same thing once more to his other arm , Kiter jumped back astonished by how Leartes was able to get away from the four lasts so fast and launched another attack to blind him a bit. Leartes then twirled his spear and directed the attack upwards blowing off the roof of the room in which they were. Kiter seeing how his attack was easily deflected flew out of the temple and into the forest making Leartes trail behind. Finally reaching a place he felt was good to fight in spotting enough oaks around them he then tossed another attack but was held in place by the spears point , Kiter had to grab the spear with both hands and let go of a solar-eclipse to divert the assault. Leartes stood in front of Kiter looking at him trying to figure out why this man was still stronger than him , he felt he had to use his most powerful attack once and for all to end this fight or else, Bathin , the demon feeding on him would take over. “Hmm it still seems you are amazed by how vastly different in strength we are? O well you fools still don’t get that the longer you live the stronger you are?” Kiter shouted angrily with his arms shedding a bit a blood where Leartes had struck him , Leartes knew his enemy was getting irritated and said “ That’s it I’ve had it with you . Abyss beam!” Out of Leartes mouth came a black beam that stole the life out of anything that stood in its way , the trees began to wither at the sight a
nd the bushes instantly lost their leaves , the attack seemed to take its power from all living things. “Where ever there is darkness , light shall prevail. Solar-eclipse” said Kiter using his attack to divert Leartes’ and was able to get in back of him . Kiter whispered “Solar-burst” a gold beam burst through Leartes from behind engulfing his body with purity. Kiter stood there a bit longer looking at Leartes’ body examining his armor a bit and his spear , “Damn demons , they shouldn’t of had messed with that stuff,” said Kiter grabbing his communicator and began to call Alet , but to his surprise he received no answer . A cold sweat started to ascend Kiter’s neck as he started to imagine the horrors that might of happen to the kid , and all of which were his fault for believing that it was safer on the ship . “Darn it!” Kiter screamed to himself as he flew towards his vessel . As he arrived at the clearing where he had left them he saw how the oak trees were and the battle that had taken place , with a crazed eye he looked all over the clearing but didn’t find Alet or Clair , it was when he had nearly given up looking for Alet that he noticed the boy on the other side of a tree facing towards the temple , a bleeding back and his cloth all torn from the battle . “Alet!” Kiter screamed as he rushed towards the boy , he cursed himself for being so careless and flew into the ship looking for a medical kit .


  “Why must we wait? Can’t we just go and attack the place?” said a soft voice a town away from Drash . “Well Danler you see , we’re suppose to wait for Kiter to fail at one point and infiltrate the estate and stop Zepar from being resurrected,” Roy told his apprentice , Danler , who was Seritu’s son . Danler was about forty years old but compared to Roy , he was just a boy , he resembled his father except for his orange hair and the way he choose to wear an earring . Danler was Roy’s shoulder length and always seemed to have a careless expression on his face opposed to his in a rush attitude. “Come on me and Agon can tear the place apart!” Danler shouted towards Roy and everyone in the bar looked at the two with a weird eye . Both men were dressed about the same except Roy had refurbished his elite jacket for some reason he still kept the thing and made one for Danler , they were to wait a week or so before they could make a proper assault on the Dames , Roy was always patient although he felt a bit at edge form his last encounter with Xantu , how could someone want to destroy something to such a length. Roy did agree with some of Xantu’s methods but still felt a bit scared about being a normal human being and especially losing his Leviathan.

  * * * * * * *

  “Where am I?” Alet asked in a life-less voice , his body had taken a lot of damage and he was in the ship’s infirmary station hooked up to some iron lung machines that was keeping him alive for now. The bed’s cold color sheets crept inside him , he looked around but only was able to find where the tubes stuck inside his arms where coming from , apparently Kiter had acted before he could die and injected morphine into Alet’s veins. “Hey you're up!” Kiter let out a sigh of relief since he was taking care of Alet day and night for the past three days now. “Don’t move around so much , we still gotta get ya to a doctor to completely close that hole in you . I bet it's going to leave a mark that the babes will go crazy for” Kiter said to Alet in a cheerful manner trying to hide all the guilt he felt for leaving him with such a tough task, Kiter laid the events of that day over and over in his mind and it could be seen in his eyes for he wasn’t sure of his next moves , all of a sudden it felt as if the world he carried around him had taken a taint of grey . Kiter didn’t forgave himself one bit for his mistake and his pride was hurt deep inside , his next move was to sit along the bed of Alet promise him that and even more , to himself, it would never happen again , in which Alet responded with a careful “I know , but it's not entirely your fault Kite . Someone had to stay and I rather have the book than nothing,” Kiter pat the lad on the head realizing he had done what he promised himself ages ago to never do , to have feelings for those around him. Kiter had live lonely just using Alet to get him around and even if he tried to stay away from the kid, he couldn’t help it but get close to him, they had built a father, son bound in just one year. Kiter then stood up and told Alet, “Listen I’m sorry but once I drop you off at the hospital. I have to go and find Clair if it isn’t too late. We still might have a chance to save her.” “But Kiter...” Alet immediately said but was shushed seconds after. Kiter felt the center of his world shift just a bit, he felt as if the task still at hand was like Xantu said, a failure. He wanted to try , but what could he do if the ship would take another week to get back to Drash due to the blown engines Arthas had given them and the town was too far away for him to fly to.

  * * * * * * *

  “Unhand me already. I think I can walk into my own mansion on my own,” erupted Clair since Arthas still kept her tied inside the ship , its black metal made it even look more fearsome , all the birds wouldn’t dare to even cross it or fly next to it . “Fine,” replied Arthas and let Clair out of her shackles , he looked at her in the eyes for a moment wondering if everything she had told him was true, it couldn’t be Arthas told himself , the voice inside his head kept telling him Thane would never do anything like that. Clair was walking into the mansion when the guards posted at the entrance quickly ceased her and wrapped a bag over her head, “Hey what! What’s the meaning of this?” Arthas demanded to know but to his surprise Thane himself was already in back of him, this time he was in a black robe nearly covering his entire body, “It’s ok Arthas . I’ll take it from here. She just has to be punished a bit, by the way am sorry about your comrade Leartes,” Arthas was told by Thane. Thane said in a thorny tone, “Take her to the dungeon. Strip her of all her possessions and just give her food until the time is right,” with that said, everything Clair had told Arthas became true and he didn’t know who to trust anymore, Thane the father figure and the one who gave him what he wanted more than anything in life, power or the intruder who was trying to save Clair. Arthas’ pride was crushed like a twig standing under a boulder, the vast hole of defeat was back once more but this time from his own side, it was despicable.

  * * * * * * *

  Xantu stared once more to the city beneath him, it looked so peaceful. “It’s almost time for me to get going. Time hhhmmm what a pretty little word to describe something that has been going on forever,” Xantu grabbed his coat and tossed over his shoulder while he pocketed the object Roy had given him , “What is one to do when he has nothing but time , especially when he can fast forward or rewind.”


  “Hey stop right there” the mansion’s guard’s yelled only to be hit by a blue claw from Roy. One could be aware of Roy’s attitude towards the mission, he was already in his final form, Danler took note of this and he carried Agon’s hammer in between his hands , his silver plated helm and armor made him look like a titan . Danler twisted his hammer and slammed it on the heads of the incoming guards, he told Roy “Yo! Let’s get moving in before we’re too late. I think the ceremony will be done at the bottom of the mansion.” “Yeah I know. These fools don’t know what they are protecting!” Roy exclaimed back towards Danler as a figured soared through the sky towards them. “Hey! Glad you can make it!” Roy shouted to Kiter as he approached, grabbing a guard by the back and slicing him. “O shut up. You knew all this was going to happen, you could have had at least send your apprentice to help Alet,” responded Kiter full of sorrow sensing that Alet’s life might be at an end. The three united and began to break through the mansion’s door only to be interrupted by a black plated armor man , he was standing in between them and the entrance , the guy in his hand had a two hander axe, a bulls face plate with horns he wore, his eyes glowed red. “You guys go along. I’ll stay here at the petting zoo for a bit,” Danler said to Roy and Kiter and charged the man with his hammer it wasn’t until moments after that he said “Lighting bolt” and a massive white lighting shoot out towards the man making him fly off towards the inside of the mansion . Kiter and Roy sensing the g
ravity of the situation ran past the minotaur as fast as they could. It wasn’t until Kiter and Roy where out of range that the man picked himself up , he then glared at Danler and said “You fool , you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into!” Danler’s hammer clashed with the minotaur’s axe and both were sent back , after three times of the same thing happening the minotaur said “Minotaur stomp” and stomped the floor making a crack in the earth heading towards Danler . Danler threw another bolt of lightning at the earthquake in front of him and quickly flew to one side of the steps, “I see you’re not going to make this easy,” Danler mentioned to a smirking minotaur. Danler tried to gain a bit of speed so that the beast trailing behind him wouldn’t expect his next attack but, both men were equal in speed he had no other choice but to use the environment around him to make a plan that would work, the minotaur charged him at full speed inches away from him he directed another lightning bolt towards him but couldn’t help but to get caught up in the pushback of his own attack. Danler was tiered; his muscles began to ach from swinging his hammer, only a thought rang in his mind, hey if my father knew about this he would be dishonored that his own kin lost in such a way. The minotaur said a few words at Danler his nostrils flaring feeling the pressure of the battle as well, “Ha! Didn’t I told you . I’ll have fun now when I get to rip your limbs apart and use you as a sacrifice for my demon.” The minotaur’s voice crept inside Danler he looked into his glowing red eyes and imagined a black abyss , the thought of being killed here in this place made him doubt himself . Danler had to do it , he felt compelled to using his powerful attacks at the beginning but it was time , Roy had always warned him that he shouldn’t ever hold back in deadly combat and here he was he holding back this entire time only using about a third of his power. “All right, you want me? Come and get me!” Danler shouted his eyes now displayed his anger , he regretted not treating this fight seriously and it made him think they would lose the battle because of him , he couldn’t go back home with that shame burning deep within him , what would he tell his own father , Danler thought to himself. The minotaur rushed towards him and said “Charge!” thus disappearing form view and reappeared a few inches behind Danler nearly thrashing him, the axe’s blade lade on his hands and held it in front of him.

Andy Quesada's Novels