Page 13 of Evreux

  The minotaur’s attacked seemed to be able to crush boulders, but Danler was not fooling around anymore he immediately surrounded himself with lightning bolts making the clouds above him swirl. The minotaur seeing such concentration and momentum charged once more but his attack this time was deflected by the bolts of lightning surrounding Danler now, but he kept at it and on his third try he saw a crack in the shield but moments later Danler himself broke out fully recovered and charged. Danler looked at the minotaur, such a pitiful fool, “Heavens from above grant me your might. Thunderstorm!” The clouds over the two men began to make a crackling noise and then a massive bolt of thunder came crashing down on the minotaur but he used his charge ability to escape the attack once and then twice, Danler sensing how much power he was losing knew that the only way he could actually hit him was to cripple him, so it was on the second bolt that he appeared in back of the minotaur striking his ankles with his fearsome hammer. The third and last massive thunder bolt came and the minotaur laid in place kneeling unable to move, Danler watched the black armor disappearing and so did those red glowing eyes.

  * * * * * * *

  “Hey stop right there!” the inner guards of the mansion screamed to Roy and Kiter but to their astonishment they were powerless against these two. The two men moved quickly through the manor, without hesitating, they had to stop the ritual and kill Thane. A sight of relief engulfed each of them once they finally grabbed a guard that told them how to get into the manor’s basement. It didn’t take them very long to get to the basement, in fact all that separated them was a door , “I want you to stop the ritual and maybe save Clair if you can,” Roy said to Kiter and then voiced “I’ll take care of Thane,” Kiter’s replied with a nod and looked straight at Roy’s eyes and said “Good luck to us brother , I guess that’s what I’ve gotten to look at you as . This isn’t the first time we fight to maintain world peace. But let’s make it the last,” and with that said both men opened the room to find thirteen men in black robes and only one standing away from the circle where Clair was inside. Clair was on top of a table with only a white shroud, she was sleeping peacefully, the men surrounding her just standing there, the ritual was over and were waiting for the Dark King to regain conciseness inside this new body.“You swine!” Yelled Kiter rushing towards the acolytes killing each and everyone with a quick claw through their ribs. Roy stood at the door looking for a fast way to get out of the place if need be , but the roof was two stories high on top of them and the walls seemed to be built of a strong material to keep the sound in and most of all hold attacks. The few candles that were lit inside the room gave it a dark tone , and it wasn’t for seconds after that Thane took of his hood revealing his gruesome face , “You are too late gentlemen!” he told Kiter and Roy. Roy charged the old man but it seemed that under his thin shrouded body was a silver armor in which his body was incased, he only managed to take of the old man’s shroud and there it was in one hand a silver gauntlet and in the other a gold one. Thane seemed to be composed of two guardians it appeared for the rest of his armor was silver and gold, “This is the power of the demons young man. I haven’t had a chance to use this Armorth before, but thanks to you I’ll get to test my power,” Thane roared and his wicked laughter soon was heard throughout the entire room. Kiter lay in front of Clair, running his hand through her face admiring such beauty, but most of all he couldn’t help it but blame himself he had failed Alet and now Clair, tears of sorrow began to run down his cheek. Kiter began to sob now feeling a defeat like no other, now all he had to do was wait and attempt to use the book on Zepar so that Clair would return to her body. Roy began to fight with Thane both men didn’t know where to start each could sense the others vast power, but only one knew that his power was artificial and that he had to hurry up before the demons he’d bind to took over his body. “You think I don’t know that? I know how you demon binders work, your power runs on time!” Roy answered breaking the momentum building between the two and Thane’s surprised face answered Roy’s thoughts. “I guess that the rumors I’ve heard about you are true. You do study an enemy down to its roots,” Thane said releasing a smirk and attacked Roy head on. The two men grabbed each other’s hand and tried to twist one another’s arm but it was no use they were equally powered, Roy new that he couldn’t lose to this demon binder so he began to use his actual attacks on Thane. “Rise Leviathan,” Roy states and the huge dragon appears in a mist cloud and attacks Thane like a snake, the attack seemed to of had been a direct hit but once the mist began to clear Thane was wrapped in a black cocoon. Thane rushed Roy on the spot and was able to knock the wind out of him in a single punch, he stood in back of a kneeling Roy and said “My power can be limited; I might not have your special abilities. Who needs it when you have power?” Roy felt terror building inside his stomach , the thought of his Leviathan losing was unremarkable really ,he had to go all out of he even wanted to defeat Thane and most of all he couldn’t be scared of dying.


  Clair’s eyes began to open, it wasn’t her, it was Zepar and he was resurrected and wanted revenge more than ever on those who vanquished him years ago and what a treat it was he thought to himself to have those same men in the room in which he was reborn in. Zepar began to change Clair’s body in seconds and best of all his armor began to incase the once woman body. Kiter stepped back from the table where Zepar was getting ready and directed a solar burst towards the demon to stop him , Zepar deflected the attack and appeared in back of Kiter, his cold voice making Kiter’s hairs stand on ends , “How nice . You came to welcome me.”

  * * * * * * *

  Thane felt time passing by too fast for his own accord and his moves began to get sloppy since his only goal was to obtain a quick victory. Roy’s blows began to come crashing in on Thane he unleashed a Leviathan garrote crushing the old man’s lungs and ribs , Thane instantly shocked the attack of and managed once more to put a dent in Roy’s armor . Roy and Thane stood on each side of the room looking at one another, it was when Roy decided to finish it and Thane’s eyes approved of it. “Tidal Wave!” screamed Roy a huge water like beam went racing towards Thane but he countered with his own black force , Roy and Thane were equally matched , the two beams didn’t move, instead the two attacks kept crashing into one another and neither of the two seemed to let go. Moments later Arthas appeared behind Roy and whispered in his ear “I’ll grab him. Please do not feel remorse for me,” and with that said Arthas did as he told Roy, it was their only opportunity but Roy did feel sorrow for the poor man who was sacrificing himself , “Now do it!” Thane shot Arthas from behind using every ounce of power in his body to cripple Thane. Roy’s tidal wave attack came towards the two with a vast speed obliterating the two men on the spot making a huge hole in the wall, Roy had done it , he had defeated Thane with the help of Arthas. Now for Zepar , Roy thought to himself but was too weak from his last attack and quickly collapse on the spot.

  * * * * * * *

  Zepar’s spear pierced Kiter like a fork running though a worm. It was over, Kiter felt it in the back of his mind, he had failed everyone and most of all Xantu’s fears seemed to become true. Death grabbed Kiter, he was going into the abyss, Danler’s face appeared in the door way, his face red with anguish a sight of terror in his eyes. Danler voiced “Get up the two of you please!” but neither Roy nor Kiter could make a move, Roy being drained and Kiter suffering a life threatening wound. Zepar had ran his spear through Kiter’s ribs then, he stopped to look into his victims eyes, “I’m going to be the last thing you see in this earth!” said Zepar. Kiter’s vision became foggy and everything around him began to lose color and fade away, he had died trying to save the image of the woman he once loved and for not listening to the words of the wise he had failed. Failure the word sounding deep inside of him and he laid there on the floor still and his eyes lifeless

  * * * * * * *

  “Where am I?” he asked , as the white lights in front of
him seemed to grow dimmer , he had died moments ago , was this where all dead Flux go after death Kiter thought to himself. “Hello Kiter , be careful once you stand,” Xantu instructed , they were inside the apartment that Xantu used to watch over the city of Phoenix. “Was it all a dream?” Kiter asked his kiddy voice settling back in , he looked in a mirror his reflection was that of a fifteen year old nothing like the man he saw in his dreams. Kiter felt weird , he didn’t remember the day , all he could actually remember about this current time that he had lived in this city all his life and his dieing mother was taking the groceries inside the house when this man hovering over him abducted him. “So you are Xantu? Was that a dream! Tell me!!” Kiter demanded to know; beads of sweat rolled down his face .Xantu went to the window, took a breath and said, “Listen now, young one. As you know am from the far future, the dream which you had is very true and am here to change everything for the best. Now I brought you something that you must use. You have to go to Florida and find Ryu Palace. Vanquish Zepar now before he is awaken,” with that said Xantu disappeared, but before he could vanish into thin air he pointed at his desk where a book, its spine was familiar to Kiter then once more it all clicked inside his mind and every moment of the dream came into view, and with his last breath Xantu said, “The future of the world is in your hands now.”

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