Page 14 of Born of Betrayal

  Fain shifted the boy to his other hip. "It's a misunderstanding. Now what has you so upset?"

  War's lips quivered as tears welled in his eyes. He fisted his hands in Fain's braids for comfort. "It's Vega ... she done threw me out and locked the door. She said she don't want no man around her ever again and that so long as I have a penis, I can't come in anymore. I like my penis, Paka, but I love my sister. Do I really have to choose between them? I mean, I guess I'll choose my sister, but I'd really like to keep them both if I could."

  Fain let out a long sound of frustration. "Oh dear gods."

  War's hands tightened in Fain's hair. "Can I come live with you, Paka, if she don't let me back in?"

  "Don't worry, mi tana. I'll get you back in with her." Fain rubbed the boy's back as he glared at the three Andarions who were still glowering at him.

  Ignoring Talyn and Gavarian, he focused his attention on Galene. "Since I know nothing about being a pubescent girl, would you mind helping me find out what's going on with his sister?"

  That took some of the ire out of her gaze.

  "Excuse me?"

  "His sister just turned fifteen. Apparently something must have happened at school today. And since I'm male, I don't think she wants to see me, either. Never mind tell me what has her so upset as it's probably something to do with being a female. So please, can you help us figure out what's going on with her and why she wants to turn her little brother into a sister?"

  That took the anger out of all three of them as they exchanged curious frowns.

  "Okay," Galene said slowly. "Let me see this Vega."

  With a smug stare, Fain carried War and led the three of them down to The Tavali family quarters.

  When they reached the children's deck, Galene slowed down. "Is this an orphanage?"


  Galene glanced at Talyn, who looked as sheepish as she felt. "Sorry, Hauk," he said sincerely. "When I saw the report that you were paying for their place to live ... I leapt to a bad conclusion about you."

  Fain set War back on his feet and took his hand. "It's fine, but next time, ask." He knelt down in front of the boy. "War, this is Talyn and Gavarian. I'm going to take the commander and see what I can do to talk to Vega. Stay with them and we'll be back in a few minutes, okay?"

  His eyes widened before he whispered loudly, "Are they going to eat me?"

  Fain laughed. "No. You'll be safe. Promise." He held his pinkie out for the boy, who quickly locked and shook pinkies with him.

  He led Galene toward the back of the gated orphanage, to the small condo Vega and War shared.

  "Are they yours?"

  Fain gave her a droll stare. "No, Galene. Talyn is the only child I have. He's the only one I'll ever be able to have. I was sterilized before I married Omira because she couldn't stand the thought of carrying my baby. Vega and War were cargo on a ship I took five years ago. Their parents had been slaughtered and they were headed to Ladoria to be sold as slaves. Since they had no other family left to take care of them, I brought them here."

  "Why haven't you adopted them?"

  "How? I have no papers. I'm an Outcast and a slave, too. While I technically fly under my own Canting, Venik still owns me. He never filed the paperwork to free me. If anyone runs my DNA, I'm owned. So legally, I can't adopt."

  "What about Cairistiona?"

  He snorted. "She hasn't made a public announcement. Even if she does, I'm still legally Venik's bitch on most planets outside of the Andarion Empire. Changes nothing." He stopped at a door and knocked.

  "Go away, War!"

  Galene arched a brow at the high-pitched, hysterical tone.


  "Ah, gah! I'm going to kill that little tattle-butt! I mean it, Hauk! Go away! I don't want to talk to you or any man! Take your penis and go!"

  "Vega! Open the door and talk to me."

  "No! You suck! All men suck!"

  "I'm not a man. I'm just male."

  "You have a penis, too. You suck!"

  He sighed heavily. "Okay, I can't argue that. Will you talk to my friend Galene? She's female. She thinks I suck, too."

  Galene smiled at his words. "He's right, Vega. He is definitely a total male jerk."

  There was a slight rustling on the other side. After a few seconds, the door opened to show the tear-streaked face of an adorable young teen. With black hair and blue eyes, she passed a sullen glare to Fain before she stepped back to let Galene enter.

  When Fain started in, she slammed the door in his face.

  "I'm just going to stay out here, then," he said loudly. When they didn't respond, he sighed heavily.

  After a few minutes with no response, he turned and went to check on War. He found him and Talyn and Gavarian playing griball with several other boys.

  Smiling, he watched his two sons. It was the first time he'd seen Talyn let his staunch military persona down. Other than that brief glimpse in the transport when he'd texted with Felicia.

  Talyn smiled as he lifted War up to dunk the ball. War raised his arms in delighted triumph and sat back on Talyn's muscled shoulder. And when Gavarian picked the ball up and joined in, it reminded Fain of how he used to play with his brothers when they were kids.

  Gods, how he missed those days before Keris had gotten mixed up with his wife and drugs. Yeah, his older brother had always been a bit of an arrogant dick, but he had been a good playmate at one time.

  And Dancer ...

  Fain's first real memory was peering over the crib to see Dancer the day they'd brought him home. He'd been underweight and so tiny. Frail. Fain had held his hand out and Dancer had latched on with a powerful grip that hadn't seemed possible for such a delicate creature. They'd locked gazes and Dancer had squealed and kicked his legs as if to say, "Hey, drey! I've got you, and I'm never letting go." It was a silent pledge they'd made in that moment that the two of them had never broken. No matter what.

  And that was what he wished most he'd been able to give to Talyn. A little brother like Dancer. It was what everyone deserved.

  Talyn flipped War over his shoulder and caught him before he hit the ground. Laughing, War picked the ball up and tossed it to Gavarian before he wrapped his arms around Talyn's neck and hugged him.

  The expression on Talyn's face said the gesture startled him, but wasn't unwelcomed. Closing his eyes, he squeezed War and rocked him like a proud parent.

  Not wanting to disturb them, Fain started away. He'd only gone a step when War's voice stopped him.

  "Paka! You didn't tell me you were Talyn's paka, too."

  Shocked that Talyn had claimed him, he met his son's gaze. "Uh ... yeah."

  Talyn passed the ball to him. "You know how to play?"

  "Little bit."

  "Want to join us? Two on two?"

  "Sure. Who's on my team?"

  War slapped at Talyn's leg. "I'll take Talyn. Brothers gotta stick together."

  Talyn laughed. "Hear that, Vari? You're out in the cold."

  Gavarian made a sound of extreme aggravation as the other boys left the court. "Typical." He jerked his chin at Fain. "All right. Let's shame them, Hauk. Show them what we're made of."


  Galene pinned the braid against Vega's head. "You are very beautiful."

  The girl gave her a tenuous smile in the mirror. "You think Hauk's mad at me for what I said?"

  "Nah. I've said much worse to him and he's forgiven me for it."

  Vega laughed.

  "C'mon, let's go find our males." Galene led the girl out of her condo. She had no idea where to search, but Vega stepped past her and led the way to a small rec area where several kids were playing. It wasn't until they reached the griball court that she saw the boys locked in what appeared to be a death match.

  Vega paused to frown at them. "What are they doing?"

  Galene sighed at the fierce way they played. Luckily, Talyn was large enough that he was able to keep War sheltered so that Fain and Gavarian couldn't trample the much smalle
r human. Though it appeared at times, they were trying. "I believe they're actually playing."

  "They look like they're trying to kill each other."

  She couldn't argue that. But as she watched them, it drove home exactly what fate had deprived them all of. It was the first time she'd seen Fain and Talyn interact as something other than adversaries.

  Gone was any hostility. Other than that innate male competitive drive they all had. But it wasn't the same as what they normally had when they faced off. This was what it should have been.

  Playful and good-natured.

  It also showed her how much of his father's natural athleticism Talyn had inherited.

  And even though it wasn't in Fain's personality to lose, she saw him pull back so that Talyn, with War in his arms, could cut around him and allow War to score the final goal.

  "Wahoo!" War shouted. "We won!" He latched on to Talyn's neck and bounced in his arms.

  Laughing, Gavarian wiped at the sweat on his face. "No fair. Next time, I call Talyn."

  War's eyes widened as he saw his sister. He jumped from Talyn to run at her. "Vega! Did you see my goal!" Then he pulled up short and cupped himself. "Oh wait. I still have my penis." Biting his lip, he looked around nervously.

  Vega groaned and covered her face in embarrassment. "It's fine, Warwyk. Shush!"

  His excitement returned. "Did you see my goal?"

  "I saw. You did awesome."

  He ran back to get the ball while she approached Fain sheepishly.

  "You feeling better?" he asked in a concerned tone.

  She nodded. "I'm very sorry for how I acted."

  Hugging her, he passed a nervous glance to Galene. "No problem." Then he introduced her to Talyn and Gavarian.

  Her eyes bulged as they pulled their uniform jackets back on over their bared chests and fastened them. She murmured a pleasantry before she grabbed War's hand and all but dragged him toward their condo.

  Fain scowled at her actions.

  Galene laughed. "She's becoming a young woman."

  "Yeah, I know. I worry about her here by herself. I try to come down a couple of times a week to visit them. Make sure everything's okay and that no one's bothering them."

  "She told me. She also said that you've put the fear into a couple of boys she has a crush on."

  Fain grinned proudly. "Do what I can."

  Galene shook her head at him. "Well, that was what had her upset. One of them asked her to a dance and she didn't have a dress. She tried to earn the credit for it and it was stolen by an older boy."

  The humor faded from his eyes. "Who?"

  "It's fine. I'm taking care of it."

  "Who took her credits?"

  She placed her hand on Fain's arm. "I'm taking care of it, Fain. Just breathe." Kissing his cheek, she offered him a smile. "I need to get back to the command center. Try not to kill our son."

  Talyn snorted at her humor.

  As she started away, Fain stopped her. "You never answered me about dinner."

  "Tomorrow night. My place. I'll see you at six."

  Those words thrilled him, until he caught the glower on his son's face. "I take it you'll be there?"

  "Wouldn't miss it for anything."

  Fain silently groaned as Gavarian let out an evil laugh at Talyn's grim, promising smirk. Wonderful. "Looking forward to our quality time together."

  That seemed to relax the sternness from Talyn's face. "Why don't you grab the kids and we can get something to eat now? You can take something to Mum, while Vari and I feed them."

  "You trust me?"

  "More than The Tavali in the command center."

  "So I'm the lesser evil?"

  "For the moment." Talyn offered him a drink of his water. "Get the kids. Dinner's on me for being such a jackass."


  As Fain rounded up Vega and War, he realized that when they weren't on duty, Gavarian and Talyn were more akin to family than friends or coworkers. They actually argued like two brothers.

  "Do I have to separate you two?" Fain asked as they almost came to blows over the last piece of cake in the cafeteria-style restaurant.

  "Nah." Gavarian reached for a slice of pie. "Let fat ass have it. He has a female. If Felicia doesn't mind being crushed by his gargantuan weight, who am I to deprive him?"

  "At least I have a female."

  Screwing his face up, Gavarian silently mocked his words like an angry teen with his father.

  "Why aren't you married?" Fain followed Gavarian toward a table. Given his social standing and rank, it was unusual for an Andarion of Gavarian's age to be single.

  Sadness darkened his gaze. "My wife was killed in battle against The Tavali two years ago. My mother keeps nagging me to remarry. But I'm not ready."

  "I'm sorry."

  He shrugged as he found a vacant table for them and set his tray down. "You didn't know."

  An awful feeling went through Fain as he glanced to Talyn's leg. "It wasn't..."

  "No. Different fight. I was grounded by then. I tried to get her to ground out with me, but she didn't want a command position. She lived to fly."

  "Now he spends his time with the cheapest females he can find. Which is why I give him a hard time over it." Talyn set his tray down by Gavarian before he went to help Vega and War with their food.

  Gavarian nodded at Fain. "Yeah, I prefer no commitments. Those females don't want emotional ties any more than I do. We share an even exchange of goods ... if you know what I mean."

  As the kids returned with their trays, Talyn handed Fain a to-go box and drinks. "I'll make sure they both get back to their condo and are locked in."

  "Thank you." Fain ruffled War's hair. "You two need anything before I go?"

  "We're okay, Paka."

  He glanced over to Vega and arched a brow.

  She stood up to hug him. "Sorry about earlier."

  "No problem." Fain leaned down to hug her. She kissed his cheek before she pulled away.

  "Goodnight, Paka."

  "'Night. Be kind to Talyn and Gavarian. Don't make them crazy."

  Fain left them, but paused at the exit to look back and watch as they joked and ate together. A strange warmth spread through him at the sight. Gods, how he hated the years he'd missed with Talyn and Galene as a family.

  Sick to his stomach over it, he headed back to the command center where Galene was taking a status report from the Andarion prime commander for the day. She was impressive in her role of elite military ruler. Unlike his mother, Galene wasn't condescending or belittling with her leadership. She held an inner calm that allowed her to listen and take charge with a bold confidence that was contagious. She was absolutely inspiring. How he envied her that ability.

  Personally, he was an asshole. He rubbed everyone the wrong way and reveled in that ability most of the time.

  As she finished her call, she turned toward him with an arched brow. "Something wrong?"

  He smiled. "Just in awe of your military skills. You remind me a lot of Hermione Dane."

  "Ryn's mother?"

  Nodding, Fain closed the distance between them. "And yes, it's a big compliment from me." He held the box out toward her. "I brought you some dinner."

  "Oh!" She sucked her breath in and bit her lip in the sexiest move he'd ever seen. "Thank you! I'm actually starving."

  So was he, and it wasn't for food. Damn, it annoyed him how she could reduce him back to the days of insecure teenage stupidity with nothing more than one simple coy look. It wasn't fair that she had so much power over him and he didn't appear to have any effect on her at all.

  She took her food to eat at the small desk where she could monitor the station and communications.

  "Mind if I join you?"

  Returning to her seat, Galene scowled at his question as she unpacked her food. "I assumed you would."

  He sat down beside her and fumbled in his own box.

  A light, adorable smile played at the edges of her lips.

t?" he asked, dreaded its meaning.

  "Talyn must have picked this out."

  "How do you know?"

  "It's disgustingly healthy. He still eats like he's training for the Ring. Even Felicia complains that he's permanently damaged his taste buds from it."

  Laughing, Fain held his food out toward her. "Want to trade?"

  She peered at it suspiciously at first, then nodded eagerly. "I forgot what a gourmet you were. You still cook?"

  "Not as much as I did. It's hard to come by and keep spices in space. And you can forget baking on a cargo carrier."

  She shared a bite of her food with him. "I'm sorry."

  "For what?"

  "That you can't do something I know gives you pleasure." She twirled her fork in the noodles and took a bite.

  Fain sat quietly as painful emotions choked him. No one had ever known him better than Galene.

  Not even Dancer.

  Because she had never judged or mocked his dreams, he'd shared things with her that he would have died before he told anyone else. And it made him remember the things she used to do when she was young. The way she lived so voraciously, as if trying to suck the very marrow from the bones of life.

  "You still talk to your sisters?"

  Sadness darkened her eyes. "No. My family cut all ties with me when I left home."

  He winced.

  She covered his hand with hers. "Don't. I made that choice. I could have given up Talyn and they would have moved forward with another contract."

  "Why didn't you?"

  Galene debated on how to answer his question. In the end, she spoke the honest truth. "He was your son. And mine. Yes, my life would have been easier. But no life is without hardship and tragedy. If I had to have such misery in mine, I'd have rather had it with my baby beside me than to have been left wondering where he was. How he was doing. If I'd ever see him again. And yes, he has every bad habit of yours. I swear to the gods. It's as if they cloned you when he was born."

  "He must have made you crazy, then. All my mother ever did was bitch about what a burden I was to her and her sanity."

  Galene fell silent as she caught the pain underlying his teasing words and she remembered some of his mother's harsher criticisms. "Actually, they're some of my favorite parts of your son. He's very thoughtful and kind. Sweet even." She inclined her head at his food. "Notice how well balanced your icky meal is."

  He laughed. "It is, indeed."

  She fed him another bite of her much tastier spicy noodle dish. Then she tsked as he made a mess of it and she was forced to wipe his chin with her napkin. But her smile faded as she caught sight of one of the scars in his hairline from the brain surgery where Venik had either implanted his kill switch or the neurobinders for his ship.