***Interesting theory, Johnny…but this is supposition only. Cannot provide data to support this theory***
“What about these patterns?” He watched the stalks waving and pitching back and forth, as though a wind were blowing across the field. But his suit sensors detected no wind, or any atmosphere either, for that matter. The sky above the field was an opaque salmon hue, no clouds, no visible signs of anything, almost like a thin fog. Yet he could see, if that was the proper term, for hundreds of meters in every direction….a nearly infinite featureless plain of endlessly waving and swaying cornstalks, a prairie view like something from Nebraska or Iowa back home.
***…am attempting to run correlations on these wave patterns, Johnny…it’s possible that this is in fact a simulation…or some kind of re-created structure…a spherical structure almost like a small world…calculating radius at better than twenty-thousand kilometers based on visual angle to the nearest horizon line…***
“You mean like a planet…or a moon of some type?”
***Unknown at this time…if this is a re-creation of something, pattern analysis shows best match with data deeply embedded in my core memory…coded into my primary referential memory…Johnny, this pattern we see may be a re-creation or simulation of the original home world of the Old Ones***
Winger reached the small rise and climbed to the top. “What? This could be the Old Ones’ home? How is that possible?”