***…unknown…pattern analysis is continuing…Johnny, this may all be an archive of some type…a collective memory of the past***

  “I guess that’s possible.” He scanned around the long vista from the top of the small rise. In every direction, the view was the same: rippling fields of what looked like long-stalk plants but were in reality strings and knots of nanobotic mechanisms. A whole planet of bots. And he knew he had seen this before.

  “Doc, maybe this is what the Old Ones’ home world looked like. You have something in your core memory about this?”

  ***Affirmative, Johnny…best pattern match to the waves you see flowing through these fields comes from a core memory sector, address 10111122113. This is protected memory in my core. Controlled access. It’s deep and complicated to access, but there are records of patterns that match these waves very closely***

  “What the hell does that mean, Doc? Are you somehow related to these bot stalks? If this is a re-created memory, does that mean you have the same memory?”