Forbidden Love Can Kill You

  December 30th, 2017 (3:15pm):

  “Do not come to the office!”

  Laurel Quinn sent the text to her assistant Tony Vincetti and placed the phone next to her coffee machine. She took the warm coffee pot and poured some of the black coffee into a pink mug which had the Publicity! name on it. She placed the pot back on the coffee machine and picked the mug up by its handle.

  “My apologies-” Laurel said as she walked out of the waiting area and into her personal office to find Detective Oliver Morales seated on the same chair many of her clients sat in. The same chair where many of them poured out their souls to her, shed tears and hired her to take on scandals that weren’t ever made public. Scandals that were more than likely illegal.

  The handsome Detective stood up to his feet and Laurel internally rolled her eyes at how tall the man was to her. She smiled and handed him the mug. “-The only mug I could find was the one I normally give my clients as goody bags.” She said sincerely handing him the hot mug.

  Detective Morales smiled taking the pink mug from her. “It’s fine thank you. I can always give it away as a Christmas present-you know, after I wash it and everything.” He smiled nervously, he hoped Laurel didn’t take offense to the poorly told joke.

  She gave him a smile and walked over to her throne like chair and sat down slowly looking at the Detective. “So, you wanted to speak with me about David?”

  Detective Morales took a sip of the vanilla flavored black coffee and nodded his head sitting back down on the chair. Before he could speak he swallowed the sip of coffee and cleared his throat. “Yes. When was the last time you spoke to your husband?”

  “­Ex-husband.” The Crisis Manager corrected. The Detective apologized for the mistake and she thought long and hard about the question. It wasn’t to help her recollect her thoughts because the last time she spoke to him was on December 19th and that was the same day she had him murdered in the County Prison just a few minutes after.

  She made sure her body language told a story of how she was clueless about why the Detective was currently in her office, so she crossed her right leg over her left and leaned back against the chair. “The last time I spoke to him was December 29th of 2015 the day he filed for divorce. Also five days after my son died.”

  Detective Morales apologized hearing about the passing of Laurel’s son and he placed the mug down by his feet and sat up straight looking at the Auburn haired woman.

  Laurel could sense the pity looming in the air and she shook her head and quickly killed the silence before it could consume any of them. “May I ask what this is all about? Did he ask for me to come visit him again? If so, tell him what I said the first time he sent his dreadful sister here, I am not interested in seeing him again. We are over!”

  This was one of the parts Detective Morales hated about his job more than anything. Telling family members bad news was like taking his gun out and shooting them point blank in the face. It felt that way to him because he was coming into their lives while they went about their daily routine only to deliver devastating news destroying their lives forever.

  He placed his hands on his lap and gave her a solemn glance. “I’m sorry Ms. Quinn but…David’s dead.”

  Laurel let out a gasp and clenched her chest in pure shock. “”Wh-What? Are y-you sure?” She asked her voice cracking with emotions-a trick she picked up while helping her mother run lines many times in the past.

  The Detective nodded his head, “I’m afraid so. The prison guards believe he was attacked by another inmate-but I-“. He stopped speaking to recollect his thoughts, but Laurel sensed something more in his tone. She could hear the doubt he had about that assumption and it made her curious as to the thoughts currently running rapid in the Detective’s mind.

  “You don’t believe he was attacked by an inmate?” She asked softly and slowly pretending to be mourning and still processing the devastating news..

  “No I don’t and that’s why I’m here. Maybe you can help me.”

  In the back of Laurel’s mind she already had a Plan B just in case he stumbled upon anything that could trace the investigation back to her; but deep down she knew he wasn’t going to find anything incriminating since she covered her tracks oh so very well.

  “Me? How can I help? I mean I would love to, but I don’t know if I can be of any use.”

  “Do you know anyone by the name of Anna Paguines?”

  Laurel thought about the name and she gave him a nod remembering where she heard it before. “Yes. She-“. The Crisis Manager took a quick breath in and released it gathering her thoughts on the woman’s name. “She was David’s assistant. Why are you bringing her up now?”

  Once again Detective Morales was left to give another set of bad news that he really didn’t want to, but in order to help make sense of the murder he had to pull out everything from his bag of tricks.

  “Well, apparently she had been writing to David in prison. They had spoken about moving away to Canada and starting a new life down there upon his release. What’s really interesting is she was the only visitor he had that day and two minutes later after she signed out; they found his body.”

  In a performance worthy of an Oscar, Laurel rose up from the chair clenching her stomach unable to digest the information she had just received. “Wait, wait. You think his assistant murdered him? I mean yeah she’s an imbecile who could never take messages correctly and she believed a fax machine was a computer; but do you honestly believe she could add murder onto her resume?”

  He rose up to his feet not wanting Laurel to look down at him while they spoke. His mother raised him to never be seated while a woman spoke to him. It was disrespectful and against their family name.

  “I don’t know to be honest. Right now this is just a mere thought as evidence is still being collected. Not to mention her whereabouts are currently unknown. Her roommate hasn’t spoken to her since the tenth of December.” He once again took another deep breath in and hated himself more than anything for asking; but the grieving ex-wife needed answers and more than anything so did he.

  “Can I ask where you were on the nineteenth of December around the hours of 12pm through 2pm?”

  Laurel nodded, “Sure of course. Well I had a consultation with a client which lasted from nine in the morning until noon. After that I met up with an old friend named Harleen who was in town visiting the Diamond Convention for brunch. That reunion lasted for four hours as we caught up on old times. I can call the restaurant and have them send you over the surveillance tapes if you’d like?”

  Detective Morales saw no positive connection between Laurel and the deceased other than the fact they used to be married. He normally wouldn’t jump to conclusions without evidence to back his claims but none of the letters mentioned Laurel or even the fact he was married. Any and every letter David received were from Anna as well many female suitors interested in his case and the reason he was facing charges. The tapes he saw during the day of the murder were conveniently erased which rose his suspicions more since Anna’s father was an IT for the Borger County Bank.

  The look of hurt and distress was clear on the Crisis Manager’s face as she tried to make sense of everything that was just told to her. At least that’s what the Detective thought by her solemn facial expressions and concerned look.

  “That won’t be necessary Ms. Quinn. I just wanted to clear up a few things before I proceed with this investigation.” He bent down and picked up the free mug he was given which still contained coffee and he took one more sip before swallowing it and extended his left hand toward her. “It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Quinn and my condolences for the loss of your ex-husband.”

  Laurel smiled sweetly and she took his hand in hers, shaking it slowly. “Thank you Detective. I mean sure he was a pain in the ass and as you can clearly see, a common thief, but I really did love him. He deserved better than her. Hell, he even deserved better than me.”
  The sound of Laurel’s voice was filled with regret and sorrow, two traits that Morales knew all too well of. He smiled widely revealing his pearly white teeth to her, “Please Ms. Quinn do not blame yourself. Fate is a funny thing. Whether you two were married still or not, it wouldn’t have mattered if he was meant to die today.”

  Sure, the Detective chose poorly phrased words to use and it probably wasn’t what Laurel wanted to hear; but he was right. Fate is funny and cruel and in Laurel’s world; Fate is a friend that doesn’t know when to behave.

  Detective Morales took his hand back and smiled at the Auburn haired woman and he made his way out of her office walking through the waiting area. Laurel was already playing the grieving role in such a beautiful manner that she needed to top her performance thus far, so she decided to follow him out.

  “One quick question Detective-“

  Her voice caused him to stop in his tracks and he turned around to look at her with a look of concern on his face.

  “How did you find me? “

  “You were listed as David’s I.C.E.” She let out a surprised gasp and shook her head as tears began to form in her eyes. He waited to see if Laurel had a follow up question and she didn’t. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that maybe hearing that bit of information was the closure she needed in order to mourn for her ex-husband. He smiled again and left the office as the alarm rang out again.

  Laurel watched as Detective Morales pulled open the stair case door located by the elevators outside in the hall. She waited until he went down the stairs causing the door to close and when it did, she wiped her fake tears and shook her head. “Great! Now there’s a Detective in the mix? I thought no one cared about the deaths at Berger County.” She muttered to herself in frustration.

  Then she remembered how President Elect Victor Reber made it one of his campaign promises to revitalize his hometown of Berger County-which was a little town not even map makers cared to acknowledge. It wouldn’t surprise her if he decided to give the County a makeover just in time for his inauguration next month. Just why now? Why during this time?! Laurel wasn’t worried about what Reber had in mind or what direction the case would take. One thing about Ms. Laurel Quinn is that she always thinks twenty eight feet ahead.

  The sound of Laurel’s phone ringing broke apart her thoughts and she quickly walked into her office and picked up the phone placing it on her left ear, “Quinn.” She answered.

  “H-Hello Ms. Quinn. This is Marcus Plyer from ‘Unity Film Studios’. I’m calling in regards to Paul Ianholder and Elena Dobrev.”

  “Oh yes, the actors from that zombie show.”

  “Mhmm. I-I know we have a meeting set up with you for next week but is it possible you can come down here we are having an emergency and-“

  Laurel squinted as she heard various screams and shouts from the other line of the phone. It sounded like a man and woman arguing with each other and even throwing glass. “Is everything okay Marcus?”

  “Y-yes it’s just—okay no. Right now I’m here with Paul and Elena at the Sovereign Hotel for the Comic Convention and they are literally yelling and fighting. They’re tearing the VIP room of the lobby up and I’m scared the hotel might kick us out. We have a panel at six tonight and if these two don’t stop now the two leads of ‘Zombify’ will kill each other!”

  “Okay, stay put I’ll be right over.” Laurel hung up the phone and grabbed her black trench coat and purse. Sure Laurel just wanted to spend the rest of the day at home resting, but this new client wasn’t going to rest soundly if the two leads of TV’s number one hit show murder each other. Besides this would definitely serve as a way to relax Laurel’s mind from the visit Detective Oliver Morales just paid her.

  She closed the door to her personal office and she walked through the waiting area exiting Publicity! and closing the office door behind her. The door systematically locked as she made her way toward the staircase door already figuring out ways to solve the Elena and Paul problem.

  Thirty Minutes Later:

  Laurel stepped into the lobby of the Sovereign Hotel and looked around at the pandemonium. Filling the lobby were people of all ages, shapes and sizes dressed like superheroes, wizards, princesses, kings, queens and even a tornado covered with toy sharks. It didn’t take a genius to know these people were staying in San New to attend the Comic Book Convention which was taking place all throughout the week in the city. Laurel admired how accepting the cosplay community was when it came to the many people who dressed as their favorite characters never mind their shapes, sizes or gender. It warmed her heart-no matter how many people say she doesn’t have one.

  She made her way through a royal family consisting of an eight year old dressed as a Princess, the parents were dressed like a king and queen and their son no older than two years old was dressed like a pirate. He had on a pirate hat, a white cotton shirt with ruffles and a fake mustache drawn with lip liner just above his lips.

  Laurel smiled at the little pirate whom reminded her so much of her son Elijah Zachary Quinn, he would’ve been two years old this past Christmas Eve.

  She bypassed the ‘Royal Family’ and approached the concierge desk to find that the hotel employee was dressed like the superhero Captain Canary. He had a stuffed black bird on his head and wore a blue and red suit made entirely out of cotton and not spandex.

  “Hello and welcome to the Sovereign Hotel!” He greeted with a huge smile. “Are you checking in or out?”

  Laurel smiled warmly at the superhero, “Neither. I received a call from Marcus Plyer and he is in need of my assistance.”

  The concierge knew exactly why the Auburn haired woman was there and the last thing he needed was some of the guests overhearing how happy he was the woman showed up. He nodded his head, he leaned over to her and lowered his voice as if he was seconds away from telling her a very interesting and confidential secret. “There is a black door next to the elevators that lead to the VIP room. The code is ‘21667’.”

  Laurel was shocked a concierge would give away something as private as the security password for a door that’s meant to be locked for safety reasons.

  She gave him a wink and walked away from the concierge desk making her way through the crowds of colorful characters, creatures and ghouls. The black door wasn’t as far as she thought.

  The Crisis Manager approached the door and secretly pushed in the code on the number lock pad when she heard the lock make a ‘Click’ sound. She pushed open the door and came across Marcus Plyer with his face in his hands shaking his head seated in a corner as Elena and Paul shouted at each other not making any sense.

  Laurel quickly stepped in and closed the door behind her. The large room had two hot tubs, three gumball machines, a sushi bar, a bar and a pool table smack in the middle.

  Standing on one side of the bar was twenty seven year old Paul Ianholder. He had a face that was unforgettable. Not only was he handsome with aquamarine eyes, a smooth clean shaven face and a jawline that could cut a block of mozzarella cheese-if that made sense-; but he looked just like his famous father the former President of the United States George Ianholder. It was eerie but at the same time Laurel could imagine how hard it was for him to be unrecognized on the streets.

  Standing a few feet away from him was his beautiful costar Elena Dobrev. Her should length black hair was in a sleek ponytail, she had on an interesting choice of clothing which consisted of a white robe with the monogram of the hotel.

  Laurel found it interesting that these two were arguing as if their lives depended on it, if an outsider walked in they would assume these two were rehearsing a scene for their show ‘Zombify’. A show where they play the roles of ‘Ian’ and ‘Nina’ a couple who were about to get married when a zombie apocalypse broke out causing everyone in the world to become the undead. Laurel honestly had no idea how the show was still on air after all these years because it was boring, dense and the writing seemed like it was fan fiction d
one by a high school freshman; rather than a professional and seasoned screenplay writer.

  Laurel walked over to Marcus cursing the fact no one could hear her heels tapping on the ground, mainly because every inch of the floor was covered with black wall to wall carpeting.

  She approached Marcus and tapped him on his shoulder causing him to flinch. He realized it was only Laurel and let out a sigh of relief. “Shit Laurel! Were you trying to give me a heart attack?” The thirty three year old Producer asked clenching his chest as his heartbeat was racing.

  “If I wanted to do that I would strip naked.” She replied back. Turning around she looked at the couple as they continued to yell each other.

  “What the hell is going on between them?”

  Marcus let out a sigh of frustration and shrugged his slender shoulders. “I have no damn clue. This started when Paul walked out of his hotel room and he banged into a group of screaming fan girls. Apparently Paul never brought up Elena’s name to let the girls know she was also in the hotel, they only wanted to see him to take selfies and get autographs.”

  Laurel lowered her eyebrows. “A jealous costar? This show has been on for more than a decade, I’m sure there’s a lot more going on than meets the eye.”

  Marcus let out a huge yawn clearly he was tired and bored. “That or she’s on her period.”

  “Yes, because us women are only emotional when Aunt Flo decides to come to town. Not because you men are pain in the asses.” Laurel stated insulted at his claims.

  She noticed a bottle of champagne by his feet and she couldn’t refrain from smirking at it. “Is that yours?”

  Marcus looked down at what Laurel was referring to and he gave her a nod leaning back on the chair. “Yep. The hotel gave it to us as a gratitude for rooming here.”

  Laurel bent down and picked up the bottle noticing it was tightly closed. She admired the beautiful pink bottle covered with faux jewels as if it was a Magical Elixir taken out of a fantasy game. She turned the bottle over to read its label. “Hmm Cherry-Lemon? I didn’t think they made these.”

  Marcus nodded his head clearly not interested by the conversation she was having concerning the free champagne bottle.

  Without warning Laurel threw the champagne against the wall of the VIP room causing everyone to flinch as the bottle shattered into pieces. Both actors stopped yelling and they looked at Laurel in shock as Marcus rose to his feet quickly.

  “What the hell is your problem? I’m not going to pay for that!” Marcus stated referring to the bottle and stain on the carpet.

  Laurel rolled her eyes ignoring the producer’s words and she placed her purse on the nearest empty chair next to her.

  “My name is Laurel Quinn and I am a Crisis Manager.” She addressed both actors who didn’t know what to do but remain silent out of fear and confusion. “I am here today because your Producer Marcus, told me all about how you two have been bickering offset.”

  Laurel untied her black trench coat taking another deep breath to continue speaking. “Now, we have less than four hours to get to the bottom of whatever situation is currently happening between the two of you.”

  She took off her coat and placed it on top of the seat which had her purse on it and she sat down on the empty chair next to it as both actors didn’t know what to do next or let alone how to react.

  “Okay!” She clapped her hands together and smiled. “So which one of you wants to speak first?”

  The actors exchanged glances with one another. They were unsure if Laurel was being serious or if this was one of her crazy outbursts or a trap. Marcus cleared his throat impatiently waiting for someone to start speaking because he had other things to do, none of which involved him babysitting two of the highest paid stars on television.

  Finally Elena broke the silence and started speaking, “Mister Bright Eyes over here decided to share a room with Caroline Graham who plays his onscreen lover instead of rooming with me.”

  Paul interrupted her sob story with an outburst, “The writers don’t know we’re dating!!!”

  There was a gasp in the room and it came from Marcus who was baffled by the announcement. “Are you freaking kidding me?! You two are banging? That’s against the studio’s policy.”

  Laurel rolled her eyes and turned to Marcus. “The fact you had no idea your stars were dating off screen explains how you lack in the focus department.”

  Elena turned to Paul “Whose fault is that?! I said since day one we should be out. We should tell them but no!-”

  “Here we go again!” Paul snickered shaking his head in frustration as Elena continued to blame him.

  As Elena and Paul started to argue all over again raising their voices Laurel took out her cellphone from her purse and started to record the argument on her MeTube account.

  Marcus saw what she was doing and he stepped over to her. “What the hell are you doing?!”

  Before Laurel could respond to the stupid question, the door to the back of the VIP room flung open and the actors stopped arguing as they heard screams and cries from their fans. Laurel turned off the MeTube app on her phone and placed it back in her purse.

  Marcus confronted her as both the actors stopped arguing and greeted each of their fans with a smile, erasing all the anger on their faces and in their voices, as they made sure they posed for selfies and signed autographs.

  “Are you stupid?” Marcus asked the question causing Laurel to smirk. “You just outed a couple that could lose their jobs or be sued. They signed a contract which prohibited them from dating within the cast and you threw all that out!”

  Laurel slung her trench coat over her right arm and grabbed her purse. “Marcus, the fact you’re insinuating that I’m stupid would insult me if you qualified to do so. Your actors are in love, if they weren’t they wouldn’t be fighting so hard. Right now the public knows they’re dating so deal with it. The fans love them together and quite frankly if the studio wants them fired because of love, tell them be prepared for a war; and I always win.”

  She gave him a wink and walked away causing him to run his fingers through his hair watching as Laurel pushed open the VIP door and left the room.

  Marcus faced his actors and he couldn’t believe how happy the fans were to finally learn their two favorite characters and actors on the show were finally going public with their relationship.

  Maybe Laurel was right. Love is a confusing thing, one minute the person you hate is the same person you end up loving and that one person you love is the same person you end up hating yet still loving them. Either way, Marcus was prepared for whatever disaster was coming his way. In Hollywood, costars dating is like playing Russian roulette. It just takes one trigger to end everything in the blink of an eye.

  1781 Goofer Road @ ‘KNBZ Radio Station’ (9:17pm):

  Jordan Monroe walked out of the lobby of the KNBZ Radio Station. It was San New’s number one station for all emerging artists. It was where Elizabeth Glitters first debuted as well as Damian Marx. It had been twenty seven days since Jordan’s number one client and the top selling Pop Singer of all time Damian Marx was killed. The authorities ruled the young ‘Prince of Pop’s death a suicide due to a note found in his right pocket that mentioned how much stress he was under and he needed to find his escape; unfortunately that escape was only possible through death.

  Many of Jordan’s colleagues paid their respects to the man who had been managing Damian for three years, but the silver haired male knew the truth behind the death and it wasn’t suicide. It was the work of his “lover” model Lola Ferrari.

  Jordan had set them up as a couple just to gain publicity for both parties involved and it worked for the most part. They both received various endorsement deals for Valentine’s Day products as well as condom commercials and the best part of the scheme was the name ‘DALA’, which was the ship name the fans gave them.

  But that was in the past and just like the world, Jordan had to move on with his life. He
couldn’t blame himself any longer nor could he sit at home and mourn.

  He had a meeting at the Radio Station about a new artist he found named Vicki Bubbles. She was an eighteen year old Indie Punk Rocker who had marketing potential. While the meeting lasted for more than three hours, he was more than confident that the Deejays were going to give his artist some airtime.

  Jordan spotted his black SUV parked across the street by the curb of a foreclosed comic book store. He sighed in relief at the sight of the car still parked where he left it because throughout the meeting he was pretty sure someone was going to steal it. Not because it was a 2018 model, black with chrome rims, 100% leather interior with heated seats, television screens behind each seat and even a mini refrigerator; but because the neighborhood was shady and anyone he had encountered in the neighborhood were crack heads and drug dealers.

  He ran across the street to his car and opened the driver’s door quickly popping in. Closing the door after he sat down, he took out his cellphone and read a text from his secretary Linda, who was eagerly waiting for him at his house in Gladen Falls; a city just outside of San New where all the rich and famous live happily in solitude and seclusion. Very much like the Hamptons, except it’s never a dull moment. He smirked to himself as Linda sent a picture of her wearing a very revealing black latex two piece bikini.

  “Damn girl! You are sooo going to get it tonight.” He placed the phone on the cellphone dock, placed the key into the ignition and turned it to start his car.

  “I should stop off at the market and buy some rubbers. Something tells me it’s going to be a very long New Year’s Eve and-“


  Without warning the black SUV exploded causing pieces of the car to rain down unto some parts of Goofer Road. Smoke, chaos, fear and tragedy filled the streets as people from local establishments came out to see what the ruckus was about. None of them knew what happened, what caused the car to explode but they all prayed that no one was inside. Little did they know, all of their hopes and prayers were a waste of time because inside of the car was someone who died a tragic death, that he never saw coming.

